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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of emulsifiers, waxes, fat concentration, and processing conditions on the application of wax oleogel to replace solid fat content and create optimal fat structure in ice cream. Ice creams with 10% or 15% fat were formulated with rice bran wax (RBW), candelilla wax (CDW), or carnauba wax (CBW) oleogels, containing 10% wax and 90% high‐oleic sunflower oil. The ice creams were produced using batch or continuous freezing processes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cryo‐scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the microstructure of ice cream and the ultrastructure of oleogel droplets in ice cream mixes. Among the wax oleogels, RBW oleogel had the ability to form and sustain structure in 15% fat ice creams when glycerol monooleate (GMO) was used as the emulsifier. TEM images revealed that the high degree of fat structuring observed in GMO samples was associated with the RBW crystal morphology within the fat droplet, which was characterized by the growth of crystals at the outer edge of the droplet. Continuous freezing improved fat structuring compared to batch freezing. RBW oleogels established better structure compared to CDW or CBW oleogels. These results demonstrate that RBW oleogel has the potential to develop fat structure in ice cream in the presence of GMO and sufficiently high concentrations of oleogel.  相似文献   

为了研究麦芽糊精替代脂肪对冰淇淋浆料流变学特性的影响,研究了麦芽糊精替代0%、25%、50%、75%脂肪的冰淇淋浆料的流动性、稠度和分子网络结构破坏、恢复等情况。结果表明,各替代率的浆料均属于假塑性流体,具有触变性,随脂肪替代率增大,浆料假塑性增强,稠度降低,流动性增大,屈服应力减小,浆料结构更容易被破坏。替代增强了浆料剪切结构恢复能力和热稳定性。0%、25%替代率浆料的G’、G″均明显大于50%、75%替代率,25%脂肪替代几乎不影响浆料G’,此外,替代增强了浆料G″对频率的依赖性,随频率增大显著上升。   相似文献   

冰淇淋生产中的油脂   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了油脂在冰淇淋中的作用和冰淇淋生产中常用的油脂及其代用品。详细论述了稀奶油及奶油的组成成分、规格与理化性质;扼要介绍了食用硬化油、人造奶油、起酥油、椰子油、棕榈仁油及棕榈油.以及碳水化合物类脂肪代用品和脂肪酸酯代脂品。  相似文献   

Fining of wine with agents containing cow's milk or hen's egg white is a common and traditional procedure. In light of increasing food allergies all over the world, the presence of fining residues has been subject of intense debate. Switzerland does not make exception, and since 2009 the Federal Department of Home Affairs has modified its food regulations stating that the labels must show if traces of fining agents are present. Nevertheless, the application of this regulation is not based on an official analytical method. In this study we show that immunoblotting is an efficient technique to detect and quantify ovalbumin and casein residues in bottled wine. We showed that final filtration is an essential step to remove finings in red wine, and that overfining of white wine may result in fining residues in finished products. Finally, for the first time in Switzerland, 22 samples were taken by food safety inspectors and officially analyzed for the regional food control authority of the Canton of Vaud. These samples were allergen free, but a larger study is currently planned in collaboration with other regional authorities of Switzerland to complete these results and make a complete picture of the Swiss wine production.  相似文献   

脂肪替代品可以替代传统冰淇淋中的脂肪,减少热量,有利于消费者的身体健康。文章综述近年来国内外学者对于脂肪替代品在冰淇淋中的应用研究成果,对其研究方法和结果进行分析、总结,并对脂肪替代品存在的问题和发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

油炸食品含油率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油炸食品是一种传统方便食品,由于其特殊风味倍受人们喜爱,而含油率已被认定为影响其安全性重要因素。该文探讨油炸食品含油机理,分析原料性质对含油率影响,并提出降低含油率措施及其检测技术。  相似文献   

目的建立软冰淇淋粉中脂肪测定的不确定度评定方法,为简化评定方法和提高检测质量提供依据。方法分析碱水解法测定软冰淇淋粉中脂肪的不确定度的分量及其来源,并通过计算各分量的不确定度得出检测结果的合成标准不确定度。结果由不确定度的评定可知,对实验结果最主要的影响因素是称量各分量,其次为实验重复性,鼓风干燥箱温度变化对实验结果影响最小。本实验测得软冰淇淋粉中脂肪含量为(10.5±0.2)g/100 g(置信概率P=95%,包含因子k=2)。结论实验时要提高称量各分量的准确性,应在合适的操作环境使用称量天平,选择合适的精度和量程并且校准合格,尽量减少由这些因素导致的不确定度。  相似文献   

The influence of calcium fortification by the addition of calcium chloride on quality parameters of ice cream based on physical properties was investigated, as was the effect of κ-carrageenan at modifying the effects of this calcium fortification. Four ice cream mixes of conventional composition, with added κ-carrageenan (0 or 0.025%) and added calcium chloride (0 or 4.4 g L−1 = 40 mM of added Ca2+), were prepared. Modulated temperature-differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of calcium chloride on the nucleation temperature, enthalpy of melting, and freezing point depression. The protein composition of 15.4% (wt/wt) reconstituted skim milk powder solutions with or without 4.4 g L−1 added CaCl2 and in the supernatant after ultracentrifugation was determined. Fat particle size distributions in ice cream were characterized by light scattering. Ice crystal sizes before and after temperature cycling were determined by cold-stage light microscopy. The results demonstrated that the addition of calcium chloride led to a substantial increase in ice crystal sizes and in fat partial coalescence, which were exacerbated by the addition of κ-carrageenan. These results can be explained by the interaction between Ca2+ ions and casein micelles, rather than any effects on freezing point depression. The calcium ions led to a more compact micelle, less serum β-casein, and high fat destabilization, all of which would be expected to reduce macromolecular structure and volume occupancy in the unfrozen phase, which led to increased rates of ice recrystallization.  相似文献   

研究了pH、电解质、非电解质和表面活性剂时卵清蛋白/卡拉胶凝胶强度和弹性的影响.结果表明,pH在卵清蛋白等电点附近时,卵清蛋白/卡拉胶凝胶强度和弹性最好;低浓度的电解质和非电解质时卵清蛋白/卡拉胶凝胶强度和弹性有一定改善;表面活性剂对卵清蛋白/卡拉胶凝胶强度和弹性无改善.  相似文献   

结冷胶的特性及其在冰淇淋生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了结冷胶的结构和特性,结冷胶水溶液在0.01%~0.04%的范围内呈假塑性流体特性,在005%时即可形成凝胶,与其它食品胶复合可应用于冰淇淋生产中。  相似文献   

不同酶处理对鸡蛋清中卵白蛋白致敏性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取了木瓜蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶、风味蛋白酶和动物蛋白水解酶,并利用单因素实验,以水解度为指标,确定各种蛋白酶对蛋清蛋白最佳的酶解工艺参数。在此基础上,对蛋清蛋白进行水解,通过SDS-PAGE和间接竞争ELISA检测各蛋白酶蛋清水解液,比较各蛋白酶对蛋清中卵白蛋白抗原性降低效果。SDS-PAGE结果显示木瓜蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和动物水解蛋白酶对卵白蛋白的降解效果较明显,胰蛋白酶和风味蛋白酶的降解效果不明显;间接竞争ELISA检测结果表明,木瓜蛋白酶和中性蛋白酶对卵白蛋白抗原性的降低作用更有效,分别达到了57.8%和49.6%,其他几种酶都在30%左右。因此可以选用木瓜蛋白酶和中性蛋白酶对研究开发脱敏鸡蛋食品做进一步研究。   相似文献   

对目前国际冰淇淋市场颇为流行的新型配料作了相关阐述,对国内冰淇淋生产企业新产品开发有所启发.  相似文献   

小麦麸脂肪替代品对低脂冰淇淋品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了小麦麸脂肪替代品(WBFS)部分和全部替代冰淇淋中的脂肪对冰淇淋品质的影响。结果表明:WBFS可以提高冰淇淋浆料的黏度,改善冰淇淋的膨胀率;全部脂肪被替代的冰淇淋(FFS)在抗融性、感官评定和质构方面表现出与常规冰淇淋(RF)相似或者略优的品质,而部分脂肪被替代的冰淇淋(MFS)却表现出较差的抗融性和差异明显的感官和质构特性。  相似文献   

简要介绍了金银花的保健作用,得出了金银花汁的最佳浸泡温度(85℃)和最佳浸泡时间(10min)。并对金银花保健冰淇淋的操作要点和生产工艺进行了研究。研制出一种品质好、口感佳的金银花保健冰淇淋。  相似文献   

冰淇淋质量稳定控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内冰淇淋行业发展迅速,市场前景广阔,但必须在现有基础上提高冰淇淋质量,才能确保行业的健康发展。本就冰淇淋质量稳定控制技术进行了论述,对冰淇淋生产具有指导意义。  相似文献   

采用75~85℃的热磨法粗磨豆浆30 min,再经胶体磨循环处理20次,使冰淇淋浆料粒径在100μm左右,口感细腻,同时有效去除豆腥味。通过测定浆料粘度、冰淇淋膨胀率、融化率和硬度以及产品的感官品质等指标,考察了不同全大豆替代比对冰淇淋品质的影响。结果表明,当全大豆替代奶粉的比例达到30%时,可使棕榈油添加量由全奶粉对照组的8%降至4%~6%,冰淇淋的膨胀率和融化率分别为60.58%和48.40%,与全奶粉冰淇淋相比,膨胀率变化不显著(60.37%),但抗融性得到显著改善(65.76%)。此外,双蛋白冰淇淋的粘度和硬度均大于全奶粉冰淇淋,分别为400 m Pa·s和2 440.76 g,组织状态更紧密,冰晶较少,且豆香与奶香相辅相成,是一款品质优良、营养均衡、成本低廉的全新产品。  相似文献   

本文介绍了优良品质的冰淇淋必备的条件、冰淇淋品质的缺陷及分析产生的原因,为使品质优良必须经常检查原材料以及对制造过程进行严格的控制。  相似文献   

The development of structure in ice cream, characterized by its smooth texture and resistance to collapse during melting, depends, in part, on the presence of solid fat during the whipping and freezing steps. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential application of 10% rice bran wax (RBW) oleogel, comprised 90% high‐oleic sunflower oil and 10% RBW, to replace solid fat in ice cream. A commercial blend of 80% saturated mono‐ and diglycerides and 20% polysorbate 80 was used as the emulsifier. Standard ice cream measurements, cryo‐scanning electron microscopy (cryo‐SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to evaluate the formation of structure in ice cream. RBW oleogel produced higher levels of overrun when compared to a liquid oil ice cream sample, creating a lighter sample with good texture and appearance. However, those results were not associated with higher meltdown resistance. Microscopy revealed larger aggregation of RBW oleogel fat droplets at the air cell interface and distortion of the shape of air cells and fat droplets. Although the RBW oleogel did not develop sufficient structure in ice cream to maintain shape during meltdown when a mono‐ and diglycerides and polysorbate 80 blend was used as the emulsifier, micro‐ and ultrastructure investigations suggested that RBW oleogel did induce formation of a fat globule network in ice cream, suggesting that further optimization could lead to an alternative to saturated fat sources for ice cream applications.  相似文献   

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