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本文通过对欧盟农药残留监控的法律法规、组织机构、监控计划、监控报告和应用等方面详细介绍了欧盟农药残留监控体系的整体情况,并针对我国农药残留监控体系的现状进行分析比对,提出完善我国农药监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

报告了我国农药使用情况,农药在肉食品中的残留情况和这些被农药污染的肉食品给人类健康,出口贸易所带来的危害,最后对如何监控肉类食品中的农药残留问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是世界上农业最发达的国家之一,生产的农产品80%以上出口。出于对出口肉类中农药残留的考虑,澳大利亚政府在20世纪60年代初开展了国家残留监控计划(national residue survey,NRS)。此后,NRS扩展到对其他动物、粮食、园艺产品及水产品中的农药和兽药残留以及其他污染物检测,并逐步形成了以联邦政府、州政府、民间协会和市场四位一体、互为补充的监控体系。NRS作为澳大利亚食品农产品风险管理系统的重要组成部分,一方面可以帮助识别农兽药使用中潜在的问题;另一方面也为建立良好农业规范和强化出口农产品质量管理打下了基础。本文详细介绍了NRS的法律背景、监控组成、具体动植物监控计划、监控体系特点等内容,旨在帮助我国政府部门和企业了解澳大利亚的残留监控体系和制度。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国龙眼的主要生产地区和商业进出口贸易状况以及龙眼农药最大残留限量相关规定,研究了影响茂名市龙眼质量以及安全的主要因素,并提出提高茂名市龙眼质量水平的措施,以此为龙眼安全种植提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

为保证加拿大的食品安全,加拿大政府建立了完善的食品监管体系。作为监控体系的重要表现形式,加拿大政府制定并实施涵盖内容广泛、形式多样的食品安全监控计划,这些计划的主要构成是食品抽样和检测行动(sampling and testing activities),该行动分为监控抽样、基于风险的抽样、定向抽样、合规检测、目标调查和法律抽样,以监控食品中的病原微生物、化学残留及污染物,其中涉及化学残留控制计划的行动涵盖了除"基于风险的抽样"之外的其他5个种类。本文选取了2种典型的控制计划:全面系统的国家残留监控计划(national chemical residue monitoring program,NCRMP)和灵活针对性强的目标调查,详细介绍了NCRMP的法律背景、统计学依据、抽样化合物确定模型、抽样结果报告、结果应用等内容,并简要介绍了目标调查;最后分析了加拿大监控体系的特点。旨在帮助我国政府部门和企业了解加拿大的化学残留监控体系和制度。  相似文献   

销售蔬菜中农药残留分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解沈阳市蔬菜农药残留情况,随机采集43种蔬菜,共1180份样品,采用快速检测法和气相色谱法进行检测.43种蔬菜中,检测出农药残留超标的蔬菜有:茄子、芹菜、小白菜、菠菜和油麦菜,主要的残留农药是氧化乐果、磷胺、水胺硫磷、对硫磷、甲拌磷、三唑磷;蔬菜的农药残留受季节影响明显,冬季蔬菜农药残留最为严重;根据蔬菜种类比较发现,叶菜类蔬菜的农药残留问题明显大于果菜类和根茎类蔬菜.  相似文献   

农业部新闻办公室4月11日发布了2007年第一次农产品质量安全监测信息。监测结果显示,蔬菜农药残留监测合格率为92.8%,瘦肉精污染监测合格率为98.8%。  相似文献   

随着我国农产品贸易的快速发展,人民群众的物质生活得到了极大的丰富。在农产品贸易发展过程中,大量的农药残留不仅会导致农产品质量不符合要求,还会对人体造成损伤,所以必须要积极加强食品农药残留检测。本文通过对当前食品农药残留检测技术进行分析,为今后农药残留检测技术的发展提供重要的建议。  相似文献   

食品中的农药残留及一些对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述了农药的使用以及对人类生存的重要性 ,过多过滥的使用 ,对食品及经济的危害。指出了食品中的农药残留日益成为人们对食品安全性关注中的重要问题。介绍了国内食品中农药残留的状况及目前一些相应的对策 ,美国对食品中农药残留问题的一些管理办法。概述了国内外食品中农残分析的现状和进展  相似文献   

实验室的农药残留检测用标准物质对实验室农产品的农药残留检测工作具有重大的意义。农药残留检测用标准物质大部分为剧毒化学品,管理不当有可能会引发公共安全事故,所以建立健全剧毒化学品管理制度,加强宣贯培训,才能有效地指导实验室使用人员规范使用剧毒化学品,确保农药残留检测用标准物质的规范管理,保证安全生产和实验室检验检测工作的顺利进行。本文主要阐述了农药残留实验室的标准物质从采购、验收与入库、储存、领用、期间核查、废弃处置等环节的管理要点,以及国家对剧毒化学品管理的相关规定,以通过标准物质的规范化、法制化、科学化管理,来保证农药残留标准物质的正确使用、质量控制与溯源,确保实验室标准物质的安全管理。  相似文献   

The objective of the Danish pesticide monitoring programme for fruit and vegetables was to check for compliance with the maximum residue levels in foods and to monitor the residue levels to assess the pesticide exposure of the Danish population. Sampling plans were designed based on previous findings and on food consumption data. Approximately 60% of the samples were selected on the basis of positive findings in samples from the previous 5 years. The remaining samples reflected the pattern of food consumption in Denmark. In addition, a rolling programme is maintained for commodities with a low consumption and no detected residues. Within each commodity, the sampling was random. Samples (n = 4150) of mainly fresh, conventionally grown fruit and vegetables were taken throughout the chain of suppliers including foodprocessing companies. Of the samples, 3% were frozen products and 2% were organically grown. Of the samples, 35% were of Danish origin, with 65% originating from other countries. Three accredited laboratories performed analyses of the samples using capillary gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and spectrophotometric methods. Results were registered online into a central database. Residues were found in 54% of the samples of fruit but only in 13% of the vegetables. Residues above the MRL were found in 4% of all samples of fruit and in 1% of vegetables.  相似文献   

To check compliance with the maximum residue levels in foods and to monitor the residue levels to enable an evaluation of the exposure of the Danish population to pesticides, a monitoring programme for pesticides residues in fruit and vegetables was performed. Sampling plans were designed based on previous findings and on consumption data. Samples (n = 4404) of mainly fresh conventionally and organically grown fruit and vegetables were collected at wholesalers and importers and at food processing companies. Of the samples, 3% were frozen products and 5% organically grown. Of the samples, 34% were of Danish origin, with 66% from other countries. Two accredited laboratories performed analyses of the samples using capillary gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and a spectrophotometric method. Reporting levels were set at the lowest calibration level or at the limit of determination. Residues were found in 60% of the samples of fruit but in only 18% of the vegetable samples. Residues above the maximum residue levels were found in 6% of all samples of fruit and in 2% of the vegetable samples.  相似文献   

臭氧在果蔬保鲜和农残降解上的应用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
臭氧是一种强氧化剂,它可以杀灭果蔬上的微生物,去除果蔬释放的乙烯,抑制果蔬的呼吸作用,延长果蔬的保鲜期。臭氧还可以降解果蔬上的农药残留。尽管可能会对某些果蔬的品质造成损伤,但具有高活性、高渗透性和无毒降解产物的特点的臭氧在果蔬采后处理上有着巨大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

生物传感器在农药残留分析中的研究现状及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乌日娜  李建科 《食品与机械》2005,21(2):54-56,76
综述了几类生物传感器包括酶传感器、微生物传感器、免疫传感器在农药残留分析中的应用进展,并探讨了其发展趋势.  相似文献   

The method used to take samples for residues testing in Sweden involves taking three subsamples of 1-2kg. These are split in two for laboratory analyses. Where required one of these laboratory samples can be used to determine the variability between individual units. Details of the variation in residues in individual units of a number of commodities are presented. The highest variability factors, around 600, expressed as the quotient of the maximum and the minimum residue, were found for methamidophos in peppers and monocrotophos in grapes.  相似文献   

伴随着水果、蔬菜等农产品的规模化种植,不同种类农药被过量的用于产品增收和病虫害防治,进而导致农药残留超标一直成为是我国农产品质量安全问题的核心, 。为确保消费者舌尖上的安全,, “十三五”期间我国对农残农药残留检测标准不断进行了更新更迭。本文为此对比了不同时期农药残留检测标准的差别,从各检测标准农药残留在前处理过程中采用的的方法净化方式、应对基质效应的手段和判断假阳性结果的改进与以及选用的仪器设备在定量模式、检测限选用和维护成本等两方面出发, 结合我国现行食品安全抽查细则中的规定, ,系统梳理了各农药残留检测标准方法在前处理和仪器设备使用两方面的先进性与局限适用性,, 便于食品检测机构在农残农药残留检测样品测试及监管部门制定抽检方案上采用正确的农药残留检测方法标准, ,确保出具检测报告的合规性以及下达检测结论的符合性。  相似文献   

The observed phenomenon of variability of residues in individual fruit and vegetables has a number of implications for risk assessment. The main implication is that the possibility of acute toxic effects in humans has to be considered, where items are commonly consumed unprocessed, are commonly consumed at a single sitting and the pesticide involved has substantial acute toxicity. The main groups of pesticides of concern are the anticholinesterase organophosphates and carbamates. The problem partly arises from the fact that, with some older pesticides, studies of the type most appropriate for setting acute reference doses (ARfDs) have not been carried out. As a result ARfDs are based on studies of length that is greater than ideal. While there is little evidence from the scientific or medical literature that food-borne pesticide poisoning is occurring on any major scale, the symptomatology of such poisoning would be non-specific and the pattern in the population, sporadic. Hence it is likely that pesticide-related illness, through food, would be missed. It is concluded that risk assessments should be improved, using refined safety factors, more appropriate studies and better intake data. The reasons for the variability could be sought and remedied or the application conditions of the pesticide modified.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides are highly lipophilic and stable resulting both in their persistence in the environment and their tendency to pass up the food chain. Residues of these compounds are detectable in breastmilk and have been monitored since the 1950s. Samples can be collected using non-invasive techniques and the results are frequently used to assess degradation in the environment as well as risks to recipient infants. As a food, breastmilk is unique. It is manufactured entirely for an individual consumer with some of its constituents driven by its recipient. It can form the sole source of nutrition for a considerable period of an infant's life. Standard calculations of exposure to residues rely on consumption of 750-850ml breastmilk day-1 containing 3.5% fat for a 5-kg infant. The fat content of breastmilk, however, is highly variable, which means that that using fixed breastmilk volumes and fat can lead to an imprecise calculation of individual risk. The fat concentration of breastmilk changes throughout a single feed, between feeds and as lactation progresses. This variation therefore raises the methodological problem of how to secure a representative sample of breastmilk. Furthermore, maternal factors such as age and parity also affect concentrations because of the persistence of organochlorine pesticide residues in maternal fat stores. It is therefore critical that samples are collected in a systematic manner taking account of these variables, particularly if the results not only are to be used for risk assessment, but also in comparing changes in environmental concentrations. Reviews of the literature have shown that these variables have often been disregarded in drawing up sampling strategies and methodologies are poorly reported in publications. The paper discusses the literature currently available on monitoring organochlorine pesticide residues in breastmilk and presents an overview of some of the factors that need to be taken into account when collecting samples and assessing infant exposure.  相似文献   

Risk assessment for pesticide residues in food has previously concentrated on chronic intake, probably with the assumption that if the chronic intake is acceptable, acute intake will also be acceptable. Data generation is expensive so we should extract, where possible, information useful for acute intake estimation from supervised residue trials. Residues in individual units of fruit or vegetables are more variable than the residues in composite samples and the distribution in individual units is probably best approximated by a lognormal distribution, but further evidence is needed. Theory provides a method for calculating the variability of replicate composite samples and applying it to individual units. The expected residue in the 95th or 99th percentile single fruits may then be calculated. An example for folpet residues in apples showed that the 95th and 99th percentile apples would contain 1.8 x and 2.3 x the residue in the composite sample, respectively. For abamectin in apples the 95th and 99th percentile factors were 6.7 and 15, respectively. The 95th and 99th percentile factors for azinphos-methyl in apples, based on single apple analysis, were 1.7 and 2.1, respectively.  相似文献   

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