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利用热重考察了不同升温速率下木质素的热解特性,结合红外光谱对木质素热解的不同阶段生成的半焦的表征结果,分析了木质素在慢速升温条件下的热裂解机理,表明:木质素的热解是一个旧键断裂挥发、新键重组的过程。热解过程随着反应时间的推移依次分为水分挥发、支链断裂重组或挥发和芳环缩聚成碳3个阶段。采用Flynn-Wall-Ozawa方法,根据不同升温速率下测得的失重速率变化求算后两个阶段的活化能,结果分别为64 kJ·mol-1和132 kJ·mol-1,进一步证明了木质素热解的分段特征,并表明芳环缩聚成碳所需活化能远大于与苯环相连的支链断裂所需的能量。 相似文献
对比分析了3批聚合度为1000的聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂的热稳定性、相对分子质量及其分布、偏二氯乙烯链节含量、分子链双键的相对含量及重金属离子含量.结果发现,热稳定性差的树脂双键相对含量较高,重金属离子相对含量明显高出正常批次料;同时还检测出了偏二氯乙烯链节.研究认为,引起配混料和医用粒料颜色发暗、雾度升高、制品黄色指数高的主要原因首先是树脂重金属离子含量高,对树脂老化起到了催化作用;其次是原料单体中的杂质参与了聚合,形成了分子链缺陷,导致热稳定性下降. 相似文献
Chao-Hsiung Wu Ching-Yuan Chang Jyh-Ping Lin 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1997,68(1):65-74
The pyrolysis kinetics of a mixture of the four principal papers (uncoated and coated printing/writing papers, newsprint, and tissue paper) in municipal solid waste (MSW) was investigated with a thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) reaction system. The experiments were carried out in a nitrogen environment over the temperature range of 450 to 900 K at various constant heating rates of 1, 2, and 5 K min−1. The results indicated that there were two principal reactions in the TGA curves as distinguished by the two significant and distinct mass changes over the experimental conditions. The pyrolysis of a paper mixture can be adequately described by a two reaction model. The effect of interaction between the components of a paper mixture on the pyrolysis rate was insignificant. The results for the pyrolysis rates of paper mixtures with slow heating rates can be represented by the weighting sum of the corresponding pyrolysis rates of the components of papers in MSW. The experimental results were satisfactorily fitted by the proposed chemical reaction kinetic equations and able to provide useful data for the design of a pyrolytic processing system for the waste papers in MSW. © 1997 SCI. 相似文献
三月桂酸单丁基锡对PVC热稳定性的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用刚果红试纸测试含有三月桂酸单丁基锡和二月桂酸二丁基锡的PVC的静态热稳定性和脱HCl温度。研究发现:采用三月桂酸单丁基锡,PVC的初期热稳定性优于二月桂酸二丁基锡,而长期热稳定性略差于二月桂酸二丁基锡;采用三月桂酸单丁基锡,PVC的脱HCl温度与含有二月桂酸二丁基锡的大致一样。用Brabender流变仪测试含有三月桂酸单丁基锡和二月桂酸二丁基锡的PVC的润滑性和动态热稳定性,根据流变仪扭矩的大小进行分析可知,三月桂酸单丁基锡的润滑性低于二月桂酸二丁基锡;采用三月桂酸单丁基锡后,PVC的动态热稳定性劣于二月桂酸二丁基锡。 相似文献
综述了我国PVC抗冲改性剂的发展状况,主要介绍了ACR、CPE、MBS、ABS、EVA及EPR的生产、市场需求及研究进展。 相似文献
叙述了聚氯乙烯用外润滑剂高分子复合酯的中试合成工艺, 讨论了影响中试产品质量的因素, 并对其应用性能作了简要介绍。 相似文献
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) is a widely-used material in various fields with excellent properties. However, CPVC waste is one of the most intractable solids to dispose of. With the development of pyrolysis technology, some advantages have been exhibited, for example, it is flexible to convert solid waste into clean products by pyrolysis, which can be used as energy. Therefore, pyrolysis is considered as an effective method to dispose of solid waste. Especially, kinetic parameters are significant for pyrolysis, which contributes to reactor design and waste management. To better apply the kinetic parameters of CPVC to dispose of waste, thermogravimetric experiments were conducted to obtain the kinetic parameters and establish the reaction mechanism. The Tang, distributed activation energy model, and Advanced Vyazovkin methods were used to calculate the activation energy, and the reaction order was obtained by the Coats-Redfern method. The results showed that the reaction consisted of two stages, and the average activation energy of the corresponding stage was 153.27 and 290.55 kJ/mol, respectively. However, the abovementioned parameters by traditional methods were not enough to characterize the whole pyrolysis behaviors, then the obtained kinetic parameters were further optimized and extra parameters were computed by the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. 相似文献
稀土稳定剂在PVC中的应用性能 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了一种新型稳定剂即稀土稳定剂在聚氯乙烯(PVC)加工中的应用特点,研究表明,该稀土稳定剂具有优异的热稳定性,独特的促进加工熔融,偶联增容及内增韧作用,良好的透明性、初期有色性及估异的耐候性能,高效,无毒,无味、无放射性,可完全取代铅、镉、钡等金属盐类稳定剂。 相似文献
聚氯乙烯(PVC)全球三大通用树脂之一,广泛应用于国名经济诸多重要领域。但是,因结构的不稳定性,其热加工成型温度远高于其热老化脱氯化氢温度,严重制约其可加工性和应用性能,因此,在其加工过程中必须加入适量的高效热稳定剂以提高其热稳定性。水滑石类(LDHs)热稳定剂作为一种二维阴离子型层状化合物,作为一类新型高效环保型热稳定剂已引起国内外科研界和产业界的广泛关注,有望逐步替代传统有毒有害如铅盐等热稳定剂。本文简要从水滑石热稳定作用机理、主体和客体层板组成及其在PVC复合材料中分散性等方面综述了国内外研究进展,以期有助于对类水滑石热稳定剂结构的可调变性和性能提升的了解。 相似文献
综述了流-固-化-热耦合的聚氯乙烯的化学性质,论述其在井壁稳定性以及其他相关方面的应用。在充分考虑聚氯乙烯流动对耦合作用影响的基础上,利用不可逆的流-固-化-热藕合作用以及聚氯乙烯进行井壁稳定力学模型的应用研究。通过分析其应用关系,并结合耦合过程中聚氯乙烯的性质,列举了流-固-化-热耦合下的聚氯乙烯应用实例。 相似文献
研究了CPVC/PVC/ACR三元共混材料的物理力学性能。结果表明,共混材料的维卡软化温度和拉伸屈服强度随CPVC用量的增加而增加;当ACR用量为6-8份时,可明显改善共混材料的抗冲性能。 相似文献
以以乙酸酐、氧化铋和油酸为原料,通过两步反应合成油酸铋(BO),并将其作为热稳定剂添加到聚氯乙烯(PVC)试片中,以提高其热稳定性。油酸铋的组成与结构通过傅里叶红外光谱(FITR)、质谱(MS)、元素分析(EA)及EDTA络合滴定法表征;通过热老化烘箱法、刚果红测试、电导率测试、热重分析(TGA)以及流变曲线法研究了油酸铋提高PVC热稳定性的作用机理。结果表明:当油酸铋的添加量为w(油酸铋)=2.60%, PVC试片的初期白度可维持60 min,刚果红测试的静态热稳定时间达39.5 min,明显提高了PVC的热稳定性,油酸铋可以作为一种液体热稳定剂使用。应用制酸力测试与络合机理的分析,认为油酸铋改善PVC的热稳定性,主要是通过油酸根取代不稳定氯原子来实现的。 相似文献