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This paper presents application of fuzzy logic controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage device, SMES to damp the frequency oscillations of interconnected two-area power systems due to load excursions. The system frequency oscillations appear due to load disturbance. To stabilize the system frequency oscillations, the active power can be controlled via superconducting magnetic energy storage device, SMES. The error in the area control and its rate of change is used as controller input signals to the proposed fuzzy logic controller. In order to judge the effect of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled SMES, a comparative study is made between its effect and the effect of the conventional proportional plus integral (PI) controlled SMES. The studied system consists of two-area (thermal–thermal) power system each one equipped with SMES unit. The time simulation results indicate the superiority of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled SMES over the conventional PI SMES in damping the system oscillations and reach quickly to zero frequency deviation. The system is modeled and solved by using MATLAB software.  相似文献   

The purpose of large-scale power system interconnection is to achieve extremely economical and reliable power generation and transmission. It has established the present power systems of high quality. On the other hand, in the large power systems with complex configuration, an undamped power swing with low frequency caused by the synchronous power between interconnected systems tends to occur as well as an undamped power swing caused by the synchronous power of specific generators. Several coordinated stabilizing control schemes for the power systems by sets of power system stabilizers (PSSs) have been investigated so far. PSS is very effective for the stabilization of power swing among a few specific generators because the function of PSS is achieved by the voltage control using the generator field winding circuit. However, it seems that PSSs do not have sufficient ability to stabilize the power swings between interconnected systems. In this paper, the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) which is significantly effective for the power swings between interconnected systems is introduced and a coordinated power system stabilizing control by SMES and PSSs is proposed. The advantages of the proposed control scheme are: 1) high efficiency of the controller by the distribution of functions; 2) independency of the control design for PSS and SMES; and 3) robustness of the controller, and so on.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for diagnosis of power systems is proposed. Basic experiments for measurement of damping coefficient of power systems by use of SMES are carried out in an experimental system with a small generator, artificial transmission lines, and a small SMES. The SMES produces small power disturbances in the power system without affecting its operating conditions. The small power oscillations in the power system due to continuous power disturbances generated by SMES are observed. The relations among the damping coefficient, the power disturbances, and the power change of SMES are discussed for a one-machine infinite-bus system. The damping coefficients of the power system are obtained by investigating the oscillations due to the sinusoidal power changes of the SMES. The possibility of estimation of the steady-state power system stability by monitoring the damping coefficients of an operating power system by the use of SMES can be shown experimentally. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 119(3): 40–48, 1997  相似文献   

With the recent increase in demand, power systems have become large and complex and generation plants are located far from the load center. As a result, power system instability has become more serious. On the other hand, the active and reactive powers am controlled rapidly and flexibly by the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system. This paper proposes a practical method to suppress power oscillation in a multimachine power system by using SMES wherein its active power is controlled by the signal derived from a bus frequency deviation. This controlled scheme is conducted easily only by detecting the frequency deviation on the site. The proposed method is examined on a 4-machine miniature power system connecting a I-MJ SMES as well as another digital simulation using the same model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to discuss the concept of back‐to‐back interconnection systems with energy storage, especially with a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) incorporated into a back‐to‐back DC link. In this case, each converter of the back‐to‐back system is used as a power conditioning system for the SMES coils. Since the AC–DC converter can be designed independently of the frequency of the power system, a two‐way switch is connected to the AC side of each converter. This two‐way switch can select the interconnected power systems. By using the two‐way switches, this system can provide the stored energy in the SMES system to each interconnected power system through two AC–DC converters. For instance, lower‐cost power of each power network can be stored through two converters during the off‐peak hours and made available for dispatch to each power network during periods of demand peak. Then this system increases the reliability of electric power networks and enables the economical operations depending on the power demand. This paper describes the unique operations of the back‐to‐back interconnection with SMES and discuses the optimal SMES configuration for a 300‐MW‐class back‐to‐back interconnection. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 164(2): 37–43, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20482  相似文献   

建立含超导磁储能装置(SMES)的单机无穷大系统的Phillips-Heffron模型,导出含SMES电力系统总的电磁转矩表达式,从理论上分析SMES对增强系统阻尼的作用.并设计了SMES非线性比例积分微分控制器,数字仿真结果验证了SMES阻尼系统功率振荡的特性,同时表明该控制器具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy logic-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for the enhancement of transient stability in a multi-machine power system. The control scheme of SMES is based on a pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source converter (VSC) and a two-quadrant DC–DC chopper using gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristor. Total kinetic energy deviation (TKED) of the synchronous generators is used as the fuzzy input for SMES control. Communication delays introduced in online calculation of the TKED are considered for the actual analysis of transient stability. Global positioning system (GPS) is proposed for the practical implementation of the calculation of the TKED. Simulation results of balanced fault at different points in a multi-machine power system show that the proposed fuzzy logic-controlled SMES is an effective device for transient stability enhancement of multi-machine power system. Moreover, the transient stability performance is effected by the communication delay.  相似文献   

超导储能改善并网风电场稳定性的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
建立了风电机组和超导储能(SMES)装置的数学模型以研究SMES对并网风电场运行稳定性的改善.针对风电系统中经常出现的联络线短路故障和风电场的风速扰动,提出利用SMES安装点的电压偏差作为SMES有功控制器的控制信号的策略.对实例系统进行的仿真计算结果表明,SMES采用该控制策略,不仅可以在网络故障后有效地提高风电场的稳定性,而且能够在快速的风速扰动下平滑风电场的功率输出,降低风电场对电网的冲击.  相似文献   

在500 kVA超导储能系统研制中,为了选择合适的功率变换电路拓扑,使系统具有更高的电压等级和灵活性,比较了近年来国内外采用的几种电压型换流器。针对超导储能特点及其在电力系统中承担电能质量调节的要求,分析了传统2电平桥式换流电路、中点钳位型多电平换流电路以及级联型多电平换流电路的性能。分析结果表明,对于大功率超导储能装置,级联型多电平换流电路在电压等级、控制精度及结构灵活等方面均优于另外2种换流器拓扑,采用级联型换流器的超导储能系统实现了模块化构造,可以实现系统冗余及容错运行。仿真结果证实模块化超导储能系统能够在较低工作频率下精确控制电压质量。  相似文献   

To scale up the capacity of an SMES for a practical application, it is necessary to adopt a high-voltage system, a large current system or a modular system. The first system is difficult because of the very low withstanding voltage of a superconducting coil and the second also involves difficulties such as multiple connections of many convertors on the dc side and large current conductors in the superconducting coil. The third system, composed of several modules with small-scale convertor units and element coils, might be a solution of the above difficulties. In this modular system, the module coils have magnetic linkage with one another. In this paper, the influence of magnetic linkage between coils of a modular SMES is investigated by computer simulation. The magnetic linkage varies with the number of modules and the type of connection of the coils. By the effect of this magnetic linkage, each module's coil current is different at the same power. The current and energy transfer characteristics are determined for discharge from one or more of 6 modules, consisting of 18 coils. The discussion deals with the case in which there is an unused module when quenching occurs. The transfer with the same current in all modules is shown by control of convertor power of the current feedback. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn. 118 (4): 1–9, 1997  相似文献   

基于线性化等面积法则和小干扰分析方法,提出储能系统抑制电力系统低频振荡的原理和方法.通过对装有储能系统的单机无穷大系统进行理论分析和仿真测试,结果表明储能阻尼控制能够提供系统阻尼,且控制储能系统和电力系统之间的有功功率交换获得阻尼的效果比控制无功功率交换获得阻尼的效果要好的多.  相似文献   

根据超导储能装置(SMES)的工作原理,结合其结构特点与电路拓扑的发展趋势,建立了电压源型SMES相量模型。该模型将SMES等效为三相可控电流源,实现有功电流和无功电流独立控制,模拟SMES的功率响应特性,在功能上实现了对系统功率需求的准确跟踪,快速补偿系统的不平衡功率。最后,通过一个算例验证了SMES抑制单机无穷大系统功率振荡的效果,仿真结果表明该电压源型SMES可有效抑制系统的功率振荡,并使系统迅速恢复稳定运行状态,从而大大提高了系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

Electric power demand has increased rapidly and this is expected to continue. Undamped power swings with low frequency tend to occur in large power systems with complex configuration. Therefore, several stabilizing control schemes, e.g., a power system stabilizer (PSS), have already been investigated. On the other hand, superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is expected to be an effective apparatus in power systems since any SMES located in power systems is capable of leveling load demand, compensating for load changes, maintaining bus voltages and stabilizing power swings. The effectiveness of each function, however, depends upon the location of the SMES in the power system because output power from the SMES is distributed according to the impedance ratio of the transmission line at the SMES location. Therefore, it is difficult for SMES to serve two different purposes simultaneously. This paper proposes a combination of SMES with a high-speed phase shifter (HSPS). The HSPS, which consists of a phase shift transformer and a set of power converters, is capable of controlling the power flow of the transmission line by adjusting the phase angle of a phase shift transformer. Therefore, it is expected that the combination of SMES and HSPS can realize a highly effective controller independent of its location. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed apparatus located far from a generator in a long distance bulk power transmission system is capable of stabilizing the power swing as effectively as the SMES located at a generator terminal. In addition, the effectiveness of both load change compensation and power system stabilization is confirmed numerically.  相似文献   

It has been clarified that a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is very effective for power system stabilization. The control methods proposed for power system stabilization by SMES are the pole assignment, the optimal control, and so on, each of which, however, has its drawbacks. This paper is concerned with the power system stabilization by neural network control of the active power of SMES. First, the optimal stabilizing control of the SMES power for the model power system is calculated for various power system operating conditions and fault conditions. Then these optimal controls are used as training data for the neural network. The neural network used is a multilayer type with a feedback from the output layer to the input layer. The trained neural network is examined by untrained operating conditions and faults.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed model for simulation of a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) system. SMES technology has the potential to bring real power storage characteristic to the utility transmission and distribution systems. The principle of SMES system operation is reviewed in this paper. To understand transient and dynamic performance of a SMES system, a detailed SMES system benchmark model is given with extensive simulation results. This system is demonstrated using an electromagnetic transient program-PSCAD/EMTDC.  相似文献   

超导储能装置用于改善暂态电压稳定性的研究   总被引:26,自引:14,他引:26  
建立了超导储能装置(SMES)在暂态电压稳定性分析中的简化数学模型.SMES经双桥系统的电流源型换流电路与电力系统相连.研究了具有快速响应特性的SMES在提高电力系统暂态电压稳定性方面的作用和其无功控制策略,以及采用不等触发角控制时的控制原则.在Matlab平台上编制了暂态仿真程序,对典型3机10母线系统进行了仿真计算.仿真结果表明,超导储能装置安装在动态负荷处,采用无功-电压控制方式能够有效地提高系统的暂态电压稳定性.  相似文献   

It has been clarified that a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is very effective for power system stabilization. The control methods proposed for power system stabilization by SMES include the pole assignment, the optimum control, and so on, each of which, however, has its drawbacks. The application of fuzzy control is considered to overcome these drawbacks. This paper considers the power system stabilization by fuzzy control of the active and reactive power of SMES. First, the adequate fuzzy control rules of an SMES for the model power system is derived. Then, to alleviate the dependence of the fuzzy control on the operating condition and the fault, a method is proposed which adjusts the fuzzy parameter according to the operating condition and the fault using a neural network. The validity of the proposed method is examined by computer simulations.  相似文献   

在基于超导电感-电容混合储能脉冲电源中,两个储能电感比值较大时转换电容的容量要求也较大,降低了超导储能的体积优势。针对这一问题,本文分析了转换电容对单模块电路工作特性的影响,提出了多模块超导电感-电容混合储能脉冲电源电路共用一个转换电容支路的设计思路,并以三模块为例对同时放电和延时放电模式进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明:多模块超导电感-电容混合储能脉冲电源电路可以共用一个转换电容支路,两种放电模式对负载电流脉冲都进行了改进,但同时放电模式进一步降低了超导储能的优势,而延时放电模式可大幅提高超导储能的优势。  相似文献   

微网中太阳能等一次能源发电易受自然条件因素的影响,导致输出功率很不稳定,针对上述问题,对储能系统作为微电网主要电源的主从控制策略进行了研究。以发展技术成熟的蓄电池为储能元件,主控储能装置采用恒压恒频控制算法,检测电网电压波动快速补偿有功无功功率;次控储能装置采用恒功率控制算法,维持最大功率的输出。搭建了微电网仿真模型,模拟微电网并网和孤岛运行模式转换的过程,仿真结果验证了该控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

张刚  雷勇  李永凯  周威 《电力建设》2020,41(11):78-86
储能系统作为微电网中不可或缺的重要组成部分,对保证微电网的稳定运行和提高微电网电能质量具有重要作用。提出一种基于线性自抗扰控制(linear active disturbance rejection control,LADRC)的超导磁储能系统(superconducting magnetic storage system,SMES)储能变流器控制策略,利用LADRC能够估计并补偿系统扰动,可有效改善储能系统输出电能质量和提高系统鲁棒性。通过对LADRC和比例积分(proportional integral,PI)控制系统进行频率响应特性分析可知,一阶LADRC的反馈补偿器可以等效为一个PI控制器串联一个一阶低通滤波器,能有效抑制系统高频噪声;同时使用根轨迹法分析了LADRC控制系统的稳定性和鲁棒性。MATLAB仿真结果表明,基于LADRC的SMES储能变流器控制策略具有响应速度快、控制精度高、抗扰能力强等优点,其控制效果和鲁棒性均优于传统PI控制器。  相似文献   

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