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Utilization of the Tocopherol pattern for Recognition of Fat and Oil Adulterations The determination of the tocopherols is one of the possibilities for purity control because many oils and fats have a characteristic natural tocopherol-content with a typical tocopherolpattern. It is shown, that there are some problems in the determination by HPLC (preparing of the samples, identification). A classification of the oils and fats is given, which demonstrates not only the possibilities but also the limits for purity control.  相似文献   

Analysis for the Assessment of the Potenzial Hazards of Chemical Processing Plant “Hazard analysis” based on many years of practical experience accrued by safety engineers at the former Hoechst corporation is an excellent tool for assessing potential dangers emanating in particular from chemical processing plants. The assessment of plant failures by this procedure permits a relating weighting of their safety engineering relevance. Existing resources for implementing measures which may prove necessary can thus be efficiently applied to risk reduction.  相似文献   

Use of expert systems in catalyst development. Present-day catalyst development is still based largely on empirical knowledge; in very few cases is it possible to design a catalyst solely on the basis of theoretical concepts. Expert systems, which make empirical knowledge available together with theory and in appropriate combinations should be utilizable for catalyst development. The article describes the present state of the art and indicates possible applications with the aid of an already developed prototype. The system suggests catalytically active components for hydrogenation of carbon monoxide to (1) methane, (2) C2+ hydrocarbons, as well as (3) methanol and (4) C2+ oxo products, and makes suggestions for choice of reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Application of Ethoxyquin for the Quality Preservation of Plant Products The use of the antioxidant ethoxyquin in plant products leads to ethoxyquin residues and many degradation and reaction products. The compound M1, probably a primary reaction product, was identified as 1,1′,2,2′-tetrahydro-2,2,2′,2′,4,4′-hexamethyl-6,6′-diethoxy-1,8′-biquinoline by means of UV, IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopy and by mass spectrometry. Two other degradation products were found to be oligomeric or polymeric compounds which, beside the ethoxyquin monomer, also contained structural elements formed by oxidative ring cleavage of the heterocycle. The predominating reaction, however, is the covalent binding of ethoxyquin to lignin. Regarding the mechanism of action of ethoxyquin, these studies have shown that ethoxyquin acts not only as a radical scavenger, but that it also binds oxygen by varying reactions.  相似文献   

Use of the UNIFAC method for the calculation of extraction parameters . In the design of an extraction process not only is a knowledge of the process engineering dependent parameters necessary but also a clear definition of the solvent to be employed and of the necessary processing data. Important quantities include the solubility behaviour of the co-existing phases and the selectivity of the solvent for the component to be extracted. As an incremental method embodying a large number of parameters, the UNIFAC method provides a means of calculating liquid/liquid phase equilibria and partition coefficients in multicomponent systems, even without a knowledge of the experimental data. In this paper the degree of accuracy of the UNIFAC calculation method is demonstrated using ternary water/n-alcohol systems as examples.  相似文献   

The chemical investigation of the network structure of crosslinked polymers requires the defined splitting of the polymer chains by inequivocal reactions. From nature and amount of the reaction products conclusions can be drawn on the network structure. The present possibilities and limits of the chemical analysis of crosslinked polymers are discussed on some examples of crosslinking polyreactions and subsequent crosslinking of macromolecules.  相似文献   

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