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1A method, relying on ion chromatography, for the determination of nitrate in beer, has been collaboratively tested by members of the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the Brewery Convention of Japan (BCOJ). Precision values were judged to be acceptable. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values were 1.5, 0.96, 5.1, and 9.3, 10.4, 13.5 respectively for corresponding mean levels of 6.5, 26.2 and 52.8 mg/litre. However, r95 and R95 values of 1.5 and 2.3 respectively were obtained for an aqueous solution of nitrate ions at a mean level of 20.7 mg/litre. The determination of nitrate is recommended for use and inclusion in Analytica-EBC, as an additional analyte in the International Method which relies on ion chromatography for estimating chloride, sulphate and phosphate.  相似文献   

The determination of the total soluble nitrogen content of malt and beer, by the Dumas procedure, has jointly been collaboratively tested by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing (IOB) and the European Brewery Convention (EBC). Five samples of beer (range 362 to 1159 mg/l) and five samples of malt (range EBC 0.598 to 0.798 %m/m (dry basis) and IOB 0.534 to 0.706 %m/m (dry basis)) were distributed to eighteen participating laboratories for analysis. Precision values were judged to be independent of the mean soluble nitrogen content for malt by both IOB and EBC methodologies. Values for r95 and R95 were 0.047 and 0.136%m/m for EBC laboratory wort and 0.039 and 0.144 %m/m for IOB laboratory wort respectively. Precision values for beer were judged to be dependent upon the mean nitrogen content (m) in the case of r95 and independent of the mean nitrogen content in the case of R95. Values for r95 and R95 were 0.074m and 120 mg/l respectively.  相似文献   

A method relying on ion chromatography, with suppressed ion detection, for the determination of anions in beer, has been collaboratively tested by members of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, the European Brewery Convention and the Brewery Convention of Japan. Precision values obtained for the determination of chloride, sulphate and phosphate in beer were judged to be acceptable. Repeatability (r98) and reproducibility (R98) values for chloride were 5.7, 12.6, 12.5 and 15.0, 38.4, 36.8 respectively at corresponding mean levels of 68.7, 218.6 and 322.5 mg/litre. r98 and R98 values for sulphate were 7.5, 6.2, 7.6 and 44.8, 54.0, 46.5 respectively at corresponding mean levels of 101.4, 205.1 and 122.6 mg/litre. r98 and R99 values for phosphate were 14.1, 11.9, 24.9 and 78.7, 53.8, 84.0 at corresponding mean levels of 411.5, 224.1 and 397.5 mg/litre. Whilst the r98 value for nitrate was acceptable, the value for R98 was unsatisfactory. The ion chromatographic method for determining chloride, sulphate and phosphate in beer is recommended for use and inclusion in Analytica -EBC as an International Method.  相似文献   

The Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee has organised two collaborative trials for the analysis of alcohol using the ServoChem Automatic Beer Analyser (SCABA). The mean repeatability (r95) values for the two trials were 0.051% and 0.034% V/V respectively. The value for the second trial could however be judged to be dependent on concentration (m) at 0.008m% V/V. The Reproducibility (R95) values of both trials were judged to be dependent on concentration at 0.027m% V/V and 0.025m% V/V respectively. The combined data for the two trials gave r95 = 0.044% V/V and R95 = 0.026m% V/V.  相似文献   

A procedure relying on high performance liquid chromatography for the estimation of iso-alpha-acids in beer has been collaboratively tested by the IOB Analysis Committee. In addition the trial samples were analysed by the IOB Recommended Method for the measurement of bitterness (BU). It was judged that the results obtained by the HPLC method were not sufficiently precise to permit adoption as a Recommended Method. However, since the method has the advantage of measuring bitterness in terms of iso-alpha-acids, it is suggested as an alternative to that of the Recommended Method. The iso-alpha-acids are absorbed from beer on to a C18 Bond Elut column and then selectively desorbed prior to isocratic analysis by HPLC using an eluting solvent of methanol/water/phosphoric acid/tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and a C18 radialpak cartridge. For both methods the repeatability values (r95) were not dependent upon mean concentration (m) whereas the reproducibility values (R95) were dependent upon concentration. The values of (r53) and (R95) obtained were 2.11 and (1.38 + 0.134 m) over the concentration range 13.8 to 34.0 mg/litre for the HPLC procedure and 1.20 and (0.76 + 0.122 m) over the concentration range 15.4 to 38.6 BU for the Recommended Method.  相似文献   

The Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee has collaboratively tested four methods for the determination of sulphur dioxide in beer over the range 1 to 40 mg/litre. The p-rosaniline method (r95 = 0.51 + 0.10 m. R95 = 0.63 + 0.26 m) was found to have the best precision and is recommended as an alternative to the Monier Williams method (r95 = 0.43 + 0.15 m, R95 = 1.86 + 0.27 m) where high precision at low sulphur dioxide levels is required. The dithiobisnitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) method and the IOB rapid distillation method showed considerably worse precisions.  相似文献   

The Analysis Committee has collaboratively tested local routine headspace gas chromatographic methods for the determination of the lower boiling point volatile compounds in beer. The repeatability values (r95) were dependent upon mean concentration (m) for acetaldehyde and alcohols but not for esters, whilst reproducibility values (R95) were dependent upon concentration in all cases. The range of values of m and the estimates of r95 and R95 (mg/litre) for each compound were, respectively: acetaldehyde (5–8, 0.21m, 0.60m); propanol (9–23, 0.25m, 2.5+0.57m); isobutanol (5–22, 0.56+0.085m, 1.7+0.15m); methylbutanols (45–105, 0.14m, 0.22m); ethyl acetate (10–54, 3.1, 2.1+0.29m); isoamyl acetate (0.8–4.7, 0.36, 0.20+0.58m); and ethyl hexanoate (0.13–0.36, 0.073, 0.10+0.91m). No advantage was gained by diluting beer samples containing 9% V/V ethanol to 4% ethanol (used for the calibration mixtures) prior to analysis, but use of a standard method of sample preparation decreased most of the R95 values. No recommendation is made in this interim report.  相似文献   

A method relying on headspace sampling and gas chromatography for the determination of the lower boiling point volatile compounds (fusel oils) in beer, has been approved by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing (IOB), for inclusion in Recommended Methods of Analysis. In view of the large values obtained for precision in terms of repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) and the differences in gas chromatographic equipment used by individual brewing laboratories, the method is considered not to be ideal, but is given as a guideline only. The IOB Analysis Committee has recommended a method relying on gas chromatography and flame photometric detection for the determination of dimethyl sulphide in beer. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values of 3.3 μg/litre and 3.66+0.168 m μg/litre (where m is concentration), respectively, were obtained over the range 20–50 μg/litre. Methods currently used in brewing laboratories, for the measurement of vicinal diketones, are being surveyed with a view to obtaining a suitable method for collaborative testing by the Analysis Committee.  相似文献   

The Analysis Committee has collaboratively tested both routine headspace gas chromatographic methods and a standardised method for the determination of dimethyl sulphide in beer using the flame photometric and flame ionisation detectors available in the participating laboratories. The mean repeatability value (r95) was 7.8 μg/litre for the concentration range 12–65 μg/litre, and the reproducibility value (R95) showed the relationship R95 = 18.1 + 0.452m μg/litre to the concentration (m). No differences in precision were attributed either to the methods or the types of detectors used.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of dimethyl sulphide in beer by headspace gas chromatography has been collaboratively tested within ten laboratories of one brewing group at 3 levels from 19.8 to 52.4 μg/litre. The repeatability values (r35 were found to be independent of concentration, but a strong linear relationship was found between the mean values (m) and the reproducibility value (R35). The precision data can be summarised as r35 = 3.3 μg/litre, R35 = 3.66 + 0.168 μg/litre .  相似文献   

The method of the International Organization for Standardization, (ISO 712–1985) for the determination of moisture in cereals and cereal products, has been tested by members of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention on samples of barley. The method, which relies on loss in mass on drying at 130–133°C for 2 h, is recommended for use as a replacement for the current method, based on loss in mass on drying at 105–107°C for 3 h. It was judged that precision values were independent of concentration over the range 11 to 13% m/m. Repeatability (r95) and Reproducibility R95) values of 0.13 and 0.55 respectively were obtained over this range. At a mean level of 21.7% m/m, the r95 and R95 values were 0.27 and 2.6 respectively. This was probably due to errors associated with the double drying technique which is necessary for samples at this moisture content.  相似文献   

A simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of nitrogen in unhopped wort has been tested by the EBC Analysis Committee and accepted for inclusion in Analytica-EBC. The spectrophotometric method is intended as a quick method for routine quality control. It is emphasized that the procedure has to be followed in detail and that the precautions stated under Notes on Procedure are most important. The average precision values obtained for the range 600 to 850 mg/litre were r95=30 and R95 = 104.  相似文献   

A method employing gas chromatography for the determination of ethanol in beer has been collaboratively tested by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing. It was judged that precision values were independent of concentration over the range 0.93 to 6.05% V/V ethanol. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values of 0.061 and 0.136 respectively, were obtained over this range. At a mean level of 9.17% V/V, the r95 and R95 values were 0.154 and 0.284 respectively. This was probably due to dilution errors as the sample had to be diluted to bring it within the linear range of the method. A comparison of the precision values given by the gas chromatographic method, with those obtained in 1991/1992 by 8 laboratories in a major brewing company using 12 sample pairs, for the IOB Recommended Distillation Method, revealed that there is no significant difference between the precision data for the two methods.  相似文献   

A procedure relying on high performance liquid chromatography for the estimation of α-acids and β-acids in hop extracts has been collaboratively tested by members of a Sub-Committee of the Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee and is recommended for use. No significant differences were found between precision values obtained using peak height and peak area measurements. For α-acids, the mean repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values were 1-3 and 2-4% m/m respectively over the range 41–62% m/m. For β-acids they were 0-9 and 2-0% m/m respectively over the range 11 to 35% m/m. The precision values were judged to be independent of concentration.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing torrefied products for analysis has been examined and the effects of this procedure on the determination of laboratory extract and colour have been collaboratively tested by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing. White malts of DP levels 50° and 100° IOB were used as the sources of enzymes in the mixed mash procedure. With these malts r95 and R95 values for extract of the torrefied products ranged from 1.7 to 10.2 and 12.4 to 21.9 resp. on mean extracts ranging from 244 to 270 litre °/kg. The r95 and R95 values for colour ranged from 1.6 to 2.3 and 2.2 to 3.8 resp. on mean colours ranging from 2.7 to 3.5 EBC units.  相似文献   

A method employing a density meter for the determination of specific gravity (SG) has been tested for the determination of the gravity (G) of beer, aqueous sugar solutions and aqueous ethanol solutions by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing. The term “gravity”, used throughout this report is defined by the equation G = SG × 1000. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values were calculated over the range 994.6 to 1124.2 gravity. For beer, it was judged that precision values were independent of the gravity of the sample. Values for r95 and R95 were 0.1 and 0.9, respectively, for instruments with a 5 figure display and 0.08 and 0.32, respectively, for instruments with a 6 figure display, over the range 999.1 to 1017.0 gravity. For solutions of ethanol in water, precision was also independent of the gravity of the sample. Values for r95 and R95 were 0.1 and 0.3, respectively, for instruments with a 5 figure display and 0.05 and 0.19, respectively, for instruments with a 6 figure display, over the range 994.6 to 999.1 gravity. For aqueous sugar solutions the values of r95 and R95 increased with increasing gravity. At 1049.3 gravity, values for r95 and R95 were 0.1 and 0.8, respectively, for instruments with a 5 figure display and 0.07 and 0.35, respectively, for instruments with a 6 figure display. At 1124.2 gravity values for r95 and R95 were 0.2 and 1.4, respectively, for instruments with a 5 figure display and 0.16 and 1.35, respectively, for instruments with a 6 figure display.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of aluminum in beer, has been collaboratively tested. The method tested relies on atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a graphite furnace. Five pairs of beers, with concentrations ranging from 96 to 1000 μg/litre, were analysed by eleven laboratories. The repeatability (r95) values ranged from 10 to 69 μg/l, and the reproducibility (R95) values ranged from 70 to 465 μg/l,. A second collaborative trial with a slightly different method protocol gave no improvement. Due to the high reproducibility values the method was not adopted for inclusion in Analytica-EBC.  相似文献   

The Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention has recommended that the Hot Water Extract procedure for malt, which relies on a coarse grind and single temperature mash (65°C), is included in Analytica-EBC, as an additional method to that of the EBC Extract procedure. The Committee accepted the precision values obtained by the Institute of Brewing on the 1984 Check Malt. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values in litre degrees/kg were 2.14 and 3.48 respectively, for mean value of 295.3 at a Miag 0.7 mm setting, and 1.93 and 2.90 respectively, for a mean value of 298.2 at a Miag 0.2 mm setting.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of pH in wort and beer has been tested for precision by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing . Over the pH range 3.94 to 5.04 it was judged that precision values were independent of the pH value of the sample. Values for r95 and R95 were 0.025 and 0.129 respectively .  相似文献   

The international method for the determination of the soluble iron content of filter aids has been collaboratively tested by members of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention to obtain repeatability (r98) and reproducibility (R98) values. It was Judged that precision values were dependent on the quantity of the soluble iron content of the filter aids over the range 32 to 220 mg/kg. Repeatability (r98) value of 0.050 m and reproducibility value (R98) of 0.255 m were obtained over this range.  相似文献   

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