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The maximum spoutable bed height of systems of fine glass spheres spouted with water is studied in a flat based, semi-circular column of 80 mm diameter using glass spheres of diameters 0.300, 0.377, and 0.450 mm. A new correlation is proposed to predict the maximum spoutable bed height in water spouted fine particle systems. The same correlation is suggested for use with air spouted fine particles larger than 0.5 mm. It is concluded that in fine particle systems the jet penetration is significantly lower than that in coarse particle systems. The influence of the column diameter on the maximum spoutable bed height is also decreased significantly compared to coarse particle systems. Data reported in the literature for other water spouted fine particle systems agree with the correlation proposed in this work.  相似文献   

New expressions for the maximum spoutable height and spout pressure drop ratio are developed for fine particles spouted in water. The maximum spoutable height in both water and air systems is found to be dependent upon two dimensionless parameters, β and ALim. For fine particles spouted with water, the dimensionless pressure drop ratio depends only upon the voidage, ? at the bottom of the spout.  相似文献   

The flow in the annulus of a water spouted bed of glass particles (275 to 774 μm) was studied experimentally in a cylindrical half-column 50.8 mm in diameter. An axisymmetric model, which assumes Darcy flow in the annulus and uses the experimental spout pressure distribution, predicts the flow and pressure fields in the annulus. The substantial differences between this flowfield and that for coarse particle beds that are observed are caused by differences in the normalized interfacial pressure profile. The model predicts that both the fluid velocity and the normalized fluid velocity at the top of the annulus decrease as the particle size and bed height are reduced. Particles are observed to enter the spout primarily near the spout inlet in agreement with predictions of the axial spout voidage distribution. The residence time distribution of the fluid in the annulus is relatively broad and the measured residence times are about 25% higher than those calculated.  相似文献   

A model for predicting the ratio of the maximum spoutable bed height in a spout-fluid bed to the maximum spoutable bed height in a spouted bed is presented and experimentally verified. The model is a further extension of the basic Mamuro and Hattori force balance model. The ratio HmSF/Hm is found to be a function of the external annular fluid flowrate and a parameter C, which is the ratio of fluid velocity at the top of the annulus to that at minimum fluidization. C = 0.935 gives a best fit of our data.  相似文献   

双喷嘴矩形喷动床流动性能实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张少峰  王淑华  赵剑波 《化学工程》2006,34(11):33-35,39
在120 mm×240 mm的双喷嘴矩形不锈钢床内,对新型双喷嘴矩形导流管喷动床的最小喷动速度和喷动高度进行了研究,考察了喷动气速、粒径、静床层高度、导流管直径、导流管安装位置对最小喷动速度和喷动高度的影响。结果表明:最小喷动速度随颗粒直径、导流管直径、导喷距的增大而增大,随静床层高度的增大而减小;喷动高度随喷动气速的增大而增大,随导流管直径的增大而减小,受静床层高度和导喷距的影响不大,并得出了最小喷动速度的关联式。  相似文献   

Minimum spouting velocity data are reported for seven mixtures of polystyrene, spouted with air in three rectangular spouted beds of square cross sectional areas, using nozzles of five sizes. Correlations for minimum spouting velocity in cylindrical columns were investigated for this geometry. A new dimensionless correlation for predicting the minimum spouting velocity is developed.  相似文献   

Two dimensional Darcy and Ergun models are used to describe the hydrodynamics within the annulus of a spouted bed equipped with a draft tube. Experimental pressure and stream function data for water spouting are shown to be in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Verification of a general spout-annulus interfacial boundary condition is also established and it is shown that the entry region below the draft tube functions as a classical spouted bed. In addition, an experimental procedure for determining the location of the spout-annulus interface is presented. Fluid residence time distributions are calculated for a few cases of practical interest.  相似文献   

In a liquid-solid spouted bed system containing coarse and fine particles, the entrainment and elutriation of the separated fines were investigated with reference to variations in the pressure drop through the bed. The effect of operating parameters on the velocity corresponding to the beginning of entrainment of fines (Ube) was examined and a dimensionless correlation was proposed. The effect of operating parameters on the elutriation rate coefficient of fines at liquid velocities larger than their terminal settling velocity (Ul) also was studied. An empirical equation was proposed for a column height above TDH, the height of freeboard at which the elutriation rate becomes constant. It was recognized that the elutriation phenomenon was closely related to the length of the stratified particle transport bed when the ascending velocity of the elutriable particles at the top of bed becomes constant.  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional model is developed to describe the fluid and particle dynamic behaviour of spouted beds. The position of the spout-annulus interface is determined by a variational analysis. Two-fluid equations are used to represent gas and solids motions in the spout while the vector Ergun equation and soil mechanics equations are employed to describe, respectively, gas and solids behaviour in the annulus. Using numerical finite difference methods, the set of governing equations is solved subject to carefully chosen boundary conditions. The model predictions of key hydrodynamic characteristics are in reasonable agreement with available measured data selected from the literature to represent a wide range of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

通过对循环喷动流化床顶部封闭空间气体射流及气固运动的理论分析 ,得出了循环喷动流化床中颗粒出循环管后抛射高度的计算方法 ,所得计算结果与实测结果误差小于 8% ,为循环喷动流化床的设计提供理论依据  相似文献   

Existing correlations for predicting minimum spouting velocity in conical spouted beds have been found to give poor agreement with available literature data. A new correlation has been developed based on literature data to give much better prediction of the minimum spouting velocity for both small and pilot-scale conical-spouted beds.  相似文献   

The vector form of the Ergun equation was used to numerically predict gas phase streamlines, residence time distributions, chemical conversions and pressure drops in the annulus of a side-outlet spouted bed with an internal draft tube. By varying the position of the side-outlet, it was demonstrated that there exists an optimum location for this outlet at which conversion is a maximum and which shows a greatly improved gas phase residence time distribution in the annulus compared with a conventional spouted bed unit.  相似文献   

The spouting characteristics with ambient air of cylindrical wood pellets, 6.5 mm in diameter and 11.1 ± 4.1 mm long, were investigated using a transparent 152.4‐mm diameter semi‐circular cone‐based cylindrical column. Despite the previously unexplored shape of the pellets in the spouted bed mode, the measured minimum spouting velocities at different bed heights, the maximum spoutable bed height and the mean spout diameter above the conical base were all well represented by equations from the literature developed mainly for more rounded particles. Pellet attrition was found to be severe, so that the possible torrefaction of the pellets by the spouting technique without sacrifice of their integrity appears to be unlikely. © 2012 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

以欧拉多项流模型为基础,对底角锥度为60°、床直径为0.44 m的喷动床内气固两相流的动力学特性进行了模拟研究,并对不同气速下喷泉高度、颗粒体积分数、颗粒速率的变化进行分析,结果发现喷泉高度与进口气速在u/ums=1.2~1.8范围内具有良好的线性关系,拟合度可达到0.9997。固体颗粒体积分数在轴心区域较高,随着径向距离的增加逐渐下降,且随高度的增加呈现先减小后增大的趋势;颗粒体积分数受速率的影响较大,随着喷动速率的增大,颗粒体积分数趋于减小,但减小幅度不同。颗粒速度在喷泉核心区随床层高度增大而减小。同一床层高度上的颗粒速度随气速的增加而增大,但增大值不同。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic measurements were obtained in a flat-based half-cylindrical column of diameter 0.91 m and inlet orifice diameters of 76 to 114 mm. Beds of 3.5 to 6.7 mm diameter particles with static depths of 0.53 to 1.83 m were spouted with air. In agreement with measurements by earlier workers in smaller columns, it was found necessary to operate with inlet orifice diameters less than about 30 times the mean particle diameter in order to be able to achieve stable spouting. Correlations for minimum spouting velocity developed on small vessels generally gave poor predictions for the large diameter vessel employed in this work and failed to predict the observed dependence of Ums on the static bed height. Substantial dead regions where particles were stagnant were observed in the lower outer portion of the vessel. Other aspects of behaviour studied, including spout diameters and shapes, fountain heights, pressure profiles and gas velocities in the annulus, were qualitatively similar to those in smaller columns, although equations developed for the smaller vessels did not always provide accurate predictions.  相似文献   

A novel annular spouted bed consisting of two homocentric upright cylinders with different diameters was developed. The nozzles and V-shaped deflectors were located in the bottom of annular space between the inner and outer cylinders. The effects of hold-up, bed material, total flowrate and nozzle structure on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the novel annular spouted bed were investigated. The results show that there exist three different zones for the particle flow in the annular spouted bed: the moving packed zone, the dense-phase spouted fluidizing zone and the dilute-phase zone. With the increase of hold-ups, the height of the dense-phase spouted fluidizing zone tends to increase in the annular spouted bed, while the moving packed zone is only limited within the V-shaped deflectors. The maximum spoutable amount for high air flowrate is larger than that for low air flowrate. Both the spoutable bed height and the local mean relative pressure for high air flowrate are higher than those for low air flowrate at the same hold-ups of particles. The nozzle structure also has important effects on the spoutable bed height and the local relative pressure in the annular spouted bed.  相似文献   

A cylindrical gas-liquid-solid spouted bed, driven exclusively by gas flow, has been developed with a high potential for use in biochemical processes, such as a biological wastewater treatment. A plexiglass column with a 152 mm inner diameter was used in combination with a 53 mm inner diameter plexiglass draft tube. Three particle types were studied with densities ranging from 1044 kg/m3-1485 kg/m3 and average particle sizes ranging from 0.7-2.5 mm. Four flow regimes were observed when increasing the gas velocity, including fixed bed, semispouted bed, full spouted bed, and internal circulating fluidized bed. The transition gas velocities between those regimes were experimentally measured and termed as minimum spouting velocity, full spouting velocity, and minimum circulating velocity, respectively. A measurement of the downward particle flux in the annulus was used to identify the minimum spouting velocity, while the particle velocity and dense phase retraction in the annulus were monitored for the full spouting and minimum circulating velocities. All regime transition velocities increased with more dense particles and longer draft tubes. The minimum spouting velocity and full spouting velocity were not affected when varying the nozzle-tube gap, while the minimum circulating velocity increased with longer nozzle-tube gaps. Experiments without a draft tube were carried, though the spouting stability was significantly reduced without the draft tube.  相似文献   

Solid particles flow in a conical spouted bed is characterized by radioactive particle tracking. The influence of operating conditions on key parameters of this flow is evaluated and discussed: the morphology of the solid bed is not strongly influenced by the forces exerted by the gas on the solid particles, but rather by geometrical considerations; the particles spend approximately 8% of their time in the spout in all experiments; it is the force exerted on the solid particles by the gas that directly controls the volumetric flow rate between adjacent regions, and not the amount of particles in the bed; as U/Ums increases, the volume of solid particles in the annulus decreases, the volume of solid particles in the fountain increases and the volume of solid particles in the spout remains constant. Correlations to predict key flow parameters as functions of operating conditions are also established and discussed. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 26–37, 2016  相似文献   

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