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We report the preparation of copper antimony sulfide (CuSbS2) thin films by heating Sb2S3/Cu multilayer in vacuum. Sb2S3 thin film was prepared from a chemical bath containing SbCl3 and Na2S2O3 salts at room temperature (27 °C) on well cleaned glass substrates. A copper thin film was deposited on Sb2S3 film by thermal evaporation and Sb2S3/Cu layers were subjected to annealing at different conditions. Structure, morphology, optical and electrical properties of the thin films formed by varying Cu layer thickness and heating conditions were analyzed using different characterization techniques. XRD analysis showed that the thin films formed at 300 and 380 °C consist of CuSbS2 with chalcostibite structure. These thin films showed p-type conductivity and the conductivity value increased with increase in copper content. The optical band gap of CuSbS2 was evaluated as nearly 1.5 eV.  相似文献   

CuInS2 thin films were deposited by single source vacuum thermal evaporation method on substrates submitted to longitudinal thermal gradient. Some of these films were annealed in sulfur atmosphere and converted into CuInS2 homogenous layers. Both of the as-deposited and sulfurated films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, optical transmission and reflection measurements. The optical band gap of films after sulfurization was 1.50 eV which is near the optimum value for photovoltaic energy conversion.  相似文献   

Thin films of (Sb2Te3)70 (Bi2Te3)30 were prepared by thermal evaporation. The composition of the film was confirmed by energy dispersive analysis (EDAX). X-ray diffraction studies showed that the film was polycrystalline with grain size of 4.39 Å and with a preferred orientation in the (0 1 5) directions. Al/((Sb2Te3)70 (Bi2Te3)30)/Al (MSM) thin film capacitors are formed and its AC and dielectric studies were carried out using a digital LCR metre at various frequencies (12 Hz–100 kHz) and temperatures (303–483 K). The dielectric constant for a film of thickness 3000 Å was found to be 86 for 1 kHz at room temperature. The temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC) and temperature coefficient of permittivity (TCP) were estimated as 684 and 1409 ppm/K for 10 kHz at 303 K, respectively. The activation energy was estimated as 1.190 eV for frequency of 100 kHz at 303 K. The AC conductivity of the films was found to be a hopping mechanism.  相似文献   

Solar cells of CuInS2/In2S3/ZnO type are studied as a function of the In2S3 buffer deposition conditions. In2S3 is deposited from an aqueous solution containing thioacetamide (TA), as sulfur precursor and In3+. In parallel, variable amounts of In2O3 are deposited that have an important influence on the buffer layer behavior. Starting from deposition conditions determined in a preliminary study, a set of parameters is chosen to be most determining for the buffer layer behavior, namely the solution temperature, the concentration of thioacetamide [TA], and the buffer thickness. The solar cell results are discussed in relation with these parameters. Higher efficiency is attained with buffer deposited at high temperature (70 °C) and [TA] (0.3 M). These conditions are characterized by short induction time, high deposition rate and low In2O3 content in the buffer. On the other hand, the film deposited at lower temperature has higher In2O3 content, and gives solar cell efficiency sharply decreasing with buffer thickness. This buffer type may attain higher conversion efficiencies if deposited on full covering very thin film.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline Bi2Se3–Sb2Se3 multilayer thin films were deposited by simple and less investigated successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method onto glass- and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)-coated glass substrate from aqueous solution. Characterizations such as XRD, surface morphology and optical absorption have been carried out for Bi2Se3–Sb2Se3 thin films onto glass substrates. The films deposited onto FTO-coated glass substrates were used to study photoelectrochemical behaviour in 0.1 M (NaOH–Na2S–S) electrolyte and results are reported.  相似文献   

β-In2S3 films were grown on glass as well as on quartz substrates by rapid heating of metallic indium films in H2S atmosphere. The effect of sulfurization temperature and time on the growth, structural, electrical and photoelectrical properties of β-In2S3 films has been investigated. Highly oriented single-phase β-In2S3 films were grown by the sulfurization technique. The morphology and composition of films have been characterized. The optical band gap of β-In2S3 is found to vary from 1.9 to 2.5 eV when the sulfurization temperature is varied from 300 to 600 °C or by increasing the sulfurization time. The electrical properties of the thin films have also been studied; they have n-type electrical conductivity. The photoelectrical properties of the β-In2S3 films are also found to depend on the sulfurizing temperature. A high photoresponse is obtained for films prepared at a sulfurizing temperature of 600 °C. β-In2S3 can be used as an alternative to toxic CdS as a window layer in photovoltaic technology.  相似文献   

A simple close-spaced vapour transport (CSVT) system has been designed and fabricated. Copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2) thin films of wide range of thickness (4000–60000 Å) have been prepared using the fabricated CSVT system at source temperatures 713, 758 and 843 K. A detailed study on the deposition temperature has been made and the temperature profile along with the reaction kinetics is reported. The composition of the chemical constituents of the films has been determined by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The structural characterization of the as-deposited CuInSe2 films of various thicknesses has been carried out by X-ray diffraction method. The diffractogram revealed that the CuInSe2 films are polycrystalline in nature with chalcopyrite structure. The structural parameters such as lattice constants, axial ratio, tetragonal distortion, crystallite size, dislocation density and strain have been evaluated and the results are discussed. The surface morphology of the as-deposited CuInSe2 thin films has been studied using scanning electron microscope. The transmittance characteristics of the CuInSe2 films have been studied using double beam spectrophotometer in the wavelength range 4000–15000 Å and the optical constants n and k are evaluated. The absorption coefficient has been found to be very high and is of the order of 105–106 m−1. CuInSe2 films are found to have a direct allowed transition and the optical band gap is found to be in the range 0.85–1.05 eV.  相似文献   

The optical properties and surface morphology of sol-gel spin coated WO3 and WO3-SiO2 composite films annealed at 250 and are investigated. For the purpose of extracting the optical parameters of the films, a novel form for the dielectric function is introduced, consisting of two Tauc-Lorentz oscillators and an Urbach tail component, which is suited for amorphous multi-transition materials with substantial subgap absorption. The evolution of the refractive indices, transmittances, and band gaps with doping is marked by sizable shifts at 2.0-2.5% SiO2 doping for the films, and 4.0-4.5% doping for the films. In addition, pronounced changes in the surface roughness of the films occur at these doping values.  相似文献   

Photosensitive WS2 thin films are obtained by annealing in presence of a crystallization promoter like Ni or Co. Conventional optical and electrical measurements (conductivity, Hall effect, photoconductivity) are completed by various local probe investigations like scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM). This thorough study clarifies the respective role of the crystallites and the grain boundaries in the macroscopic measurements and gives information on the properties and on the photovoltaic prospect of the films. The optical properties of the thin films are comparable to those of WS2 single crystals, with absorption excitonic peaks of same intensity at 1.94 and 2.36 eV. The films show a p-type behavior with a carrier concentration of p1023 m−3 and a Hall mobility of μH10×10−4 m2 V−1 s−1 at room temperature. The Hall mobility is thermally activated with an activation energy of 60–90 meV. The photoconductivity spectra show the first indirect transition at 1.35 eV and a decrease of the quantum efficiency at the excitonic-transitions energies. The transport in the film plane is mainly governed by the potential barriers at the grain boundaries. Using a conducting AFM, the crystallite edges are shown to be degenerate semiconductors, while STM current–voltage (I–V) spectroscopy indicates that the flat WS2 crystallites have a low density of surface states on the basal planes. Submicron solid-state junctions are fabricated on the film by depositing gold electrodes on single WS2 crystallites (with an electrode surface of 0.2 μm2). Under illumination the p-WS2/Au micro-junctions show open circuit-voltages of up to 520 mV. The collection of photo-generated carriers is limited by recombination at the grain boundaries.  相似文献   

Copper indium sulfide (CuInS2)/In2S3 solar cells were fabricated using spray pyrolysis method and high short circuit current density and moderate open circuit voltage were obtained by adjusting the condition of deposition and thickness of both the layers. Consequently, a relatively high efficiency of 9.5% (active area) was obtained without any anti-reflection coating. The cell structure was ITO/CuInS2/In2S3/Ag. We avoided the usual cyanide etching and CdS buffer layer, both toxic, for the fabrication of the cell.  相似文献   

Microcrystals of In2S3 were formed on sintered In2O3 pellets by sulfurizing in H2S atmosphere. The flat band potential of compound In2S3|In2O3 electrodes was evaluated as −1.0 V vs Ag|AgCl in 1 M KOH, 1 M Na2S, 10−2 M S. Significantly enhanced photocurrent was observed on compound In2S3|In2O3 electrodes with a lower degree of sulfurization to that of compound In2S3|In2O3 electrodes with higher degree of sulfurization. Photocurrent generation of compound In2S3|In2O3 electrodes was explained from the viewpoint of semiconductor sensitization.  相似文献   

Sintered Bi2O3 pellets exhibited insulating properties at room temperature. Partial reduction of sintered Bi2O3 pellets increased the conductivity. Reduced Bi2O3 pellets exhibited n-type semiconductor properties. Microcrystals of Bi2S3 were formed on sintered Bi2O3 pellets by sulfurizing them in H2S atmosphere. The direct band-gap and indirect band-gap of Bi2S3 were evaluated as 1.2 and 0.4 eV, respectively. A high incident photon to current conversion efficiency in the near IR region was observed on Bi2S3|Bi2O3 electrodes. Photocurrent generation of Bi2S3|Bi2O3 electrodes was explained from the viewpoint of semiconductor sensitization. The flat band potential of Bi2S3 was evaluated as −1.1 V vs. Ag|AgCl in aqueous polysulfide redox electrolyte (1 M OH, 1 M S2−, 10−2 M S).  相似文献   

Low-temperature (180–240 °C) synthesis of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) by surfactant-free solvothermal route is investigated. Titanium iso-propoxide is used as the precursor and toluene as the solvent. Different precursors to solvent weight ratios have been used for the synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles. For the weight ratios 15/100, 25/100 and 35/100 the X-ray diffractograms show the formation of nanocrystalline TiO2. The X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies shows that the product has anatase crystal structure (for temperatures <200 °C) with average particle size below 15 nm. The films deposited by spray deposition method using these nanoparticles show the crystalline and porous nature of the films. The present method of deposition also avoids the post-treatment (sintering) of the films. The nanoparticles thus prepared and the films can be used for gas sensing and biological applications and also as photo-electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 thin films were prepared on soda-lime glass substrates using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) with various process parameters such as laser energy, repetition rate and substrate temperature. It was confirmed that there existed a limited laser energy, i.e. less than 300 mJ, to get phase pure CIGS thin films at room temperature. Particularly, even at room temperature, distinct crystalline CIGS phase was observed in the films. Crystallinity of the films improved with increasing substrate temperature as evidenced by the decrease of FWHM from 0.65° to 0.54°. Slightly Cu-rich surface with Cu2−xSe phase was confirmed to exist by Raman spectra, depending on substrate temperature. Improved electrical properties, i.e., carrier concentration of ∼1018 cm−3 and resistivity of 10−1 Ω cm at higher substrate temperature for the optimal CIGS films are assumed to be induced by the potential contributions from highly crystallized thin films, existence of Cu2−xSe phase and diffusion of Na from substrates to films.  相似文献   

Electrochromic WO3 thin films active in the IR region   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Herein, we investigate the electrochromic performances in the infrared (IR) region, in particular in the midwavelength (MW, 3–5 μm) and long wavelength (LW, 8–12 μm) bands, of WO3 thin films grown by RF-sputtering and pulsed laser deposition. For an optimized voltage window, 200 nm room temperature thin films are the most efficient in the MW band, with the highest contrast in reflection, namely 35%, whereas thicker films, typically 500 nm, are required in the LW band. At 400 °C films show contrasts in reflection lower than 10%, surprisingly associated with a reasonable insertion amount of 0.20. Indeed, no straight correlation between the electrochemical and the optical properties in the IR region was established.  相似文献   

ZnIn2S4/CdIn2S4 composite photocatalysts (x = 0–1) were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal route. Compositions of ZnIn2S4/CdIn2S4 composite photocatalysts were optimized according to the photocatalytic H2 evolution rate. XRD patterns indicate the as-prepared samples are mixtures of hexagonal and cubic structures. FESEM and TEM images show that the as-prepared samples are composed of flower-like microspheres with wide distribution of diameter. There is obviously distinguishing distribution of Zn, Cd elements among the composite architectures. UV–vis absorption spectra of different compositions exhibit that absorption edges of ZnIn2S4/CdIn2S4 composites slightly move towards longer wavelengths with the increment of CdIn2S4 component. A typical time course of photocatalytic H2 evolution from an aqueous Na2SO3 and Na2S solution over unloaded and PdS-loaded ZnIn2S4/CdIn2S4 composite photocatalyst is carried out. The initial activity for H2 evolution over 0.75 wt% PdS-loaded sample is up to 780 μmol h−1. And the activity of unloaded sample also reaches 490 μmol h−1 with consistent stability.  相似文献   

Functional carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were incorporated into Ti-doped Fe2O3 thin films by a facile, one-step co-electrodeposition method. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, UV–visible absorption, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The introduction of CNTs results in a better absorption in visible region and greatly enhances the photoelectrochemical properties of the Ti–Fe2O3 films. The improved photoelectrochemical properties of the CNTs and Ti co-doped Fe2O3 films are due to the charge equilibration which interplays between the Ti–Fe2O3 and CNTs. The effect of CNTs to mediate fast charge transfer and to retard charge recombination rate in the composites is also demonstrated by kinetics analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The influence of different groups-modified CNTs and different content of CNTs was also studied. The highest photocurrent is 4.5 mA/cm2 at 1.23 V (vs. RHE) obtained by incorporating 0.10 mg/mL amino-group modified CNTs in the Ti–Fe2O3 film. The amino-functionalized CNTs doped film exhibits the highest photoelectric response compared with those doped by the pristine and acid-treated CNTs under the same conditions, which can be ascribed to the better hydrophilicity and dispersibility of the amino-functionalized CNTs.  相似文献   

Single phase CuGaS2 thin film with a highest diffraction peak of (1 1 2) at a diffraction angle (2θ) of 28.8° was made at a substrate temperature of 70°C, an annealing temperature of 350°C and an annealing time of 60 min. Second highest (2 0 4) peak was shown at diffraction angle of (2θ) 49.1°. Lattice constant of a and c of that CuGaS2 thin film was 5.37 and 10.54 Å, respectively. The greatest grain size of the thin film was about 1 μm. The (1 1 2) peak of single phase of CuGaS2 thin film at an annealing temperature of 350°C with excess S supply appeared at a little higher about 10% than that of no excess S supply. The resistivity, mobility and hole density at room temperature of p-type CuGaS2 thin film was 1.4 Ω cm, 15 cm2/V s and 2.9×1017 cm−3, respectively. It was known that carrier concentration had considerable effect than mobility on a variety of resistivity of the fabricated CuGaS2 thin film, and the polycrystalline CuGaS2 thin films were made at these conditions were all p-type.  相似文献   

Copper indium selenide thin films were prepared through a novel and an eco-friendly selenisation process. In this method, selenium film required for selenisation was prepared using chemical bath deposition technique, at room temperature. Thus, totally avoided usage of highly toxic H2Se or selenium vapour. Here, the process involved annealing the Stacked layer, Se/In/Cu in which Cu and In were deposited using vacuum evaporation technique. Investigations on the solid-state reaction between the layers were done by analysing structural and optical properties of films formed at different annealing temperatures. Optimum annealing condition for the formation of copper indium selenide thin film was found to be 673 K for 1 h in high vacuum. Compositional dependence of the growth process was also studied using various Cu/In ratios. Optical band gap was decreased with increase in Cu/In ratio. Carrier concentration and hence conductivity were found to be increased with increase in Cu/In ratio. The films obtained were p-type and highly Cu-rich films were degenerate.  相似文献   

CuInSe2 and CuIn3Se5 thin films have been deposited using sodium compounds such as Na2Se and Na2S onto Corning 7059 glass substrates by the two-stage co-evaporation method. Enhanced grain growth and preferred (1 1 2) grain orientation as well as a decrease in resistivity with respect to undoped films were observed with sodium incorporation. A clear correlation between the photoluminescence spectra and the resistivity of the films was found by comparing the properties of films with and without Na incorporation. These observations suggest that compensation is reduced due to the suppression of donor-type defects by the presence of Na.  相似文献   

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