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提出一种通过小型化而制作出的具有新型结构的微带分支线定向耦合器,其中小型化运用了将传统的传输线等效为传输线两端接终端开路线达到缩短目的,得到的主线与分支线之间的终端开路线可继而等效为传输线两边接短截线形式以避免终端开路线的重叠,从而最终得到一种新的结构。与传统耦合器相比面积缩小了64%。通过理论计算得到的频率特性与ADS仿真得到的频率特性基本一致,从而验证了可行性。  相似文献   

分析理论上的3dB微带双分支线定向耦合的S参量特性。在此基础上,用接开路线的方法对标准3dB微带双分支线定向耦合器小型化,用奇偶模分析方法分析理论S参量特性,应用微带电路仿真软件ADS进行仿真,比较理论分析计算绘制的S参量特性曲线与仿真获得的S参量特性曲线,设计出小型化的微波频域3dB微带双分支线定向耦合器。  相似文献   

提出了小型化微带双分支定向耦合器的设计方案,通过对双分支微带线进行结构等效,解决了传统微带双分支定向耦合器尺寸较大的问题。应用HFSS软件对结构进行了优化仿真设计,并制作和测量了一款工作在L波段用于海事卫星通信的微带耦合器样件。该耦合器样件比传统双分支定向耦合器面积缩小了51%,实测结果与仿真结果吻合较好,验证了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

郭丽  焦永昌  卢亮  王磊 《微波学报》2017,33(2):60-63
设计了一款新型的小型化双频分支线耦合器。通过在端口处加载一段扩展的传输线实现分支线耦合器的双频工作。使用微带过渡结构连接不同介质层中的两个微带线电路以降低耦合器的尺寸。利用传输线理论将传统的λ/4 传输线等效为T 型传输线结构,并将端口处的扩展部分进行折叠处理,达到进一步缩减器件尺寸的目的。本文设计了一个工作频率在0. 97/1. 8GHz 的双频分支线耦合器,并进行实物加工,仿真结果性能良好,实测与仿真数据非常吻合。  相似文献   

为解决弱耦合时微带平行耦合线定向耦合器方向性低的问题,提出了适用于大功率场合的小型化高方向性微带双定向耦合器。基于传统四分之一波长平行耦合三线微带双定向耦合器结构,采用扇形微带电容加载可明显减小耦合器尺寸并增大隔离度,通过耦合边缘引入锯齿结构进一步提高了方向性。负载电阻采用扇形微带短截线接地设计,避免电气化过孔,使得加工更加简单。设计了一个中心频率为915 MHz、耦合度为20 dB 的微带双定向耦合器,利用HFSS 仿真软件对耦合器结构进行优化设计,并做了实物加工和测试。实测结果表明,在中心频率处耦合度为20.2 dB,方向性达到32.1 dB;在0.74~1.35 GHz 频带内,输入匹配良好,耦合度波动小于0.5 dB,方向性高于20 dB。  相似文献   

文中设计了一种小型化的具有高方向性的多节微带线定向耦合器.通过将耦合微带线分段处理,得到由一节1/4波长段和两节1/8波长段组合的多段耦合器.非均匀介质微带耦合线中奇偶模相速度的差异导致微带定向耦合器的方向性较差.文中通过在耦合器馈线拐角处采用1/4圆弧提高了方向性.通过优化仿真设计实现了10 GHz耦合器,耦合度为2...  相似文献   

文中设计了一种小型化的具有高方向性的多节微带线定向耦合器。通过将耦合微带线分段处理,得到由一节1/4波长段和两节1/8波长段组合的多段耦合器。非均匀介质微带耦合线中奇偶模相速度的差异导致微带定向耦合器的方向性较差。文中通过在耦合器馈线拐角处采用1/4圆弧提高了方向性。通过优化仿真设计实现了10 GHz耦合器,耦合度为25 dB,并且从6~14 GHz的方向性优于30 dB。与传统的并联耦合线耦合器相比,文中所提出的耦合器具有更小尺寸和更加出色的方向性,且实测和模拟仿真基本一致。  相似文献   

介绍了一种L频段行波馈电网络的组成,着重叙述馈电网络中关键部件定向耦合器的设计和实现.对其中低耦合度、高隔离度的小型化高性能定向耦合器进行了理论分析计算,运用失配设计的方法,实现弱耦合高隔离,并通过EDA软件仿真和优化给出了这种定向耦合器的实物尺寸,得出实际测试结果.实测值:插损小于0.2 dB,频带内耦合度28.8±0.5 dB,定向度大于22 dB.运用该失配设计法对传统设计法改进,实测定向度比改进前大10 dB,显著降低了系统对T/R组件的某些指标要求,使系统的设计和实现更简单可靠.  相似文献   

本文先介绍了分支线正交定向耦合器的概念与工作原理;然后根据该原理在ADS2009软件下设计仿真了工作在Ka波段的微带线定向耦合器,并对Ka波段的耦合器模型进行了改良,使之实际面积缩小的同时能达到原有的性能。  相似文献   

定向耦合器作为一种重要的微波元件在微波电路与微波集成电路中有着广泛的应用。在传统的微带线定向耦合器设计中,奇偶模之间不同的相位速度导致了较低的隔离度。目前提高方向性的手段大多采用电容加载或者再注入的补偿手段,其实现方式均属于对相位速度的补偿。介绍了一种采用对称的电感加载结构进行相位速度补偿的微带线定向耦合器,为了提高微带定向耦合器的方向性,通过对微带线定向耦合器的4个端口进行感性加载,实现了微带定向耦合器窄带的低损耗和高方向性的电气指标,通过实物制作与测试,证明了方法可以实现。  相似文献   

The design and measured performances of a broadband branch-line coupler are presented. The broadband coupler was designed by using a four-section branch line topology with a structure of the defected ground. Such a structure can make the impedance of the microstrip line much larger than that without defected structure, even using a normal PCB process. More than 231 Omega was easily achieved by such a defected structure. The measured performance of the broadband coupler agrees well with the results from simulation  相似文献   

In this article, short-circuit anti-coupled lines structure is applied to design a miniaturised microstrip branch-line hybrid coupler. The proposed structures can achieve both a significant reduction of size and harmonic suppression. As the short-circuit anti-coupled lines structure is constructed entirely from microstrip lines, the couplers can be easily fabricated using conventional printed-circuit board process. The performance of the proposed couplers is as good as that of the conventional structures and deep harmonic suppression in addition. The design and simulation have been performed using full-wave analysis based on ADS Momentum.  相似文献   

采用1/4波长微带贴片以缩小天线面积,利用商业软件Ansoft HFSS10.0进行设计仿真和优化,成功研制了一款可用于UHF频段(915MHz)RFID读写器的小型化微带天线。经过实际测试,天线在工作频段内性能优良,驻波比FSWR〈2时阻抗带宽达到30MHz。贴片天线的尺寸与性能完全满足手持RFID阅读器的需求。  相似文献   

We introduce a branch-line coupler using discontinuous microstrip lines whose size is significantly reduced relative to the standard design. We manipulate the reactive characteristics of discontinuities in its microstrip lines to achieve a physical size reduction of almost 60% with comparable performance.  相似文献   

基于In GaP/GaAs HBT工艺设计了一款工作在1. 8 GHz的三级Doherty功率放大器,第一、二级为驱动级,第三级为Doherty放大器。通过分析Doherty结构,在原有基础上重新设计Doherty电路,使用LC元件替代微带线,减小功率分配网络与合路匹配网络的面积,进而缩小整体电路的面积。将输入、输出匹配网络及功分、合路部分集成至基板上,整体封装尺寸5 mm×5 mm。测试结果表明,芯片输入、输出回波损耗优于-15 d B,放大器整体增益优于33 d B,3 d B压缩点输出功率35 d Bm,其中第三级Doherty放大器峰值功率附加效率(PAE) 47. 9%,8 d B回退点的功率附加效率32. 7%。  相似文献   

In this article, two compact structures of the branch-line hybrid coupler (BLC) which can suppress upper order harmonics of the conventional BLC are proposed. By replacing the microstrip transmission lines at any electrical length of the conventional BLC with their equivalent new T-type transmission lines, two compact BLCs that can suppress upper order harmonics are achieved. Design equations of the proposed T-type line are achieved by ABCD matrices. To validate the design concept, first, a compact BLC which utilises a proposed T-type line in each of its branch is designed and fabricated to suppress the second to the eighth harmonics. Furthermore, the first BLC is analysed by even- and odd-mode analyses and the scattering parameter matrix of the first BLC is calculated at the first to eighth harmonics. There is an excellent agreement between simulated and measured results. Then, a compact BLC which uses two proposed T-type lines in each of its branch is designed at 1?GHz to suppress the second to the fifth harmonics and the second to sixth harmonics, simultaneously. The first- and second-proposed structures are 50% and 46% of the conventional BLC, respectively, while maintaining the characteristics of the conventional BLC at the fundamental frequency.  相似文献   

提出了一种用于1/8监测网络的微带线定向耦合器,该微带线定向耦合器结构在传统的微带线定向耦合器两端加入补偿电容,具有高定向性,给出了物理模型,对该结构进行了理论分析,并设计制作和测量了该种耦合器。测量结果表明,该定向耦合器的耦合度为26dB,工作频带为1.2~1.4GHz,隔离度超过-53dB,性能指标明显优于传统结构的微带线定向耦合器。同时减小了微带线定向耦合器的尺寸。  相似文献   

This paper presents a miniaturized microstrip branch-line coupler with good harmonic suppression performance. The proposed coupler consists of four branch-line sections, each of which is loaded by open-circuit stubs both at the center and the two ends. This type of loading can realize size reduction and harmonic suppression. As an example, a proposed branch-line coupler operating at 1.0 GHz is designed, fabricated and measured. The results show that the proposed branch-line coupler occupies 67% size of a conventional one and has better than 20 dB suppression from 1.9 to 5.8 GHz. Furthermore, the high slop of the transition band ensures good selectivity of the coupler.  相似文献   

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