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The somatotropic axis [including growth hormone (GH), GH receptor, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I] is uncoupled in high-producing cows in early lactation so that the liver fails to respond to GH and produces less IGF-I. This uncoupling was implicated in the process of nutrient partitioning, enabling high milk production. Different genetic selection goals may affect functional components of the somatotropic axis. Thus, the somatotropic axis was examined in diverse genetic strains of dairy cows [North American Holstein 1990 (NA90), New Zealand Holstein-Friesian 1990 (NZ90), and New Zealand Holstein-Friesian 1970 (NZ70)] that were managed similarly within a pasture-based system but were offered feed allowances commensurate with their genetic ability to produce milk. The NA90 cows produced more milk (26.2 ± 0.3, 24.1 ± 0.3, and 20.1 ± 0.4 kg/d, for NA90, NZ90, and NZ70, respectively), but had lower milk fat percentages (4.28 ± 0.03, 4.69 ± 0.03, and 4.58 ± 0.04 kg/d for NA90, NZ90, and NZ70, respectively) compared with both NZ strains. Milk protein percentages (3.38 ± 0.02, 3.52 ± 0.02, and 3.29 ± 0.03 kg/d for NA90, NZ90, and NZ70, respectively) were greater for NZ90 cows. During early lactation (wk 2 to 6), the total net energy produced in milk was greater in NA90 compared with NZ90 or NZ70 cows, but total net energy in milk after wk 6 was equivalent for NA90 and NZ90 cows. The greater milk production in early lactation in NA90 cows was associated with lower body condition scores (BCS; 1 to 10 scale; 4.0 ± 0.1) elevated blood GH concentrations (1.6 ± 0.1 ng/mL), and low blood IGF-I concentrations (14.8 ± 1.1 ng/mL), indicating an uncoupled somatotropic axis. In comparison, the NZ70 cows retained a coupled somatotropic axis during early lactation, maintaining greater BCS (4.6 ± 0.1), lower blood GH (0.7 ± 0.1 ng/mL), and greater blood IGF-I (21.9 ± 1.2 ng/mL). The degree of uncoupling in NZ90 cows was intermediate between the other 2 strains. Additional feed allowance failed to change blood IGF-I concentrations in NA90 cows but increased IGF-I concentrations in NZ90 cows (20.9 ± 1.4 and 13.2 ± 1.4 ng/mL for the high and low feed allowance, respectively). Furthermore, additional feed allowance in NZ90 cows lessened BCS loss in early lactation, but did not affect BCS loss in NA90 cows. Functional components of the somatotropic axis differed for the respective strains and were consistent with strain differences in milk production, BCS, and feed allowance.  相似文献   

With the introduction of a protein milk payment system in New Zealand in 1988, there was an influx of North American (NA) Holstein-Friesian (HF) genetics into New Zealand (NZ) dairy herds, leading to an increase in the average percentage of NA genetics in NZ HF cows—from 2% in 1980 to 38% in 1999. Of interest has been the effect this change has had on farm profitability and on the management required for these animals, as well as the phenotypic changes that have occurred within the national herd under the breeding programs operated in NZ from 1970 to 1990. The objective of this study was to quantify differences in body dimensions, body weights, and puberty-related parameters among 3 strains of HF, representing animals of NZ origin representative of the genetics present in 1970 and 1990 and of NA origin with 1990s genetics. A total of 172 animals born in 1999 were compared. The strains were 1) NZ70, a strain of NZ Friesian (average 7% NA genetics) equivalent to high-genetic-merit (high Breeding Worth) cows farmed in the 1970s; 2) NZ90, a strain of HF of NZ origin (average 24% NA genetics) typical of the animals present in the 1990s; and 3) NA90, a strain of HF of NA origin (average of 91% NA genetics) typical of animals present in the 1990s. The differences in BW among all strains were significant at 6 and 12 mo of age. At 15 and 24 mo, the 2 NZ strains were significantly lighter than the NA90 animals. At 24 mo of age (i.e., prior to first calving), the NA90 strain animals (BW = 515 kg) were 22 and 34 kg heavier than the NZ90 and NZ70 strains. The body length of the NA90 strain was greater than either of the 2 NZ strains; the differences among the NA90 strain and the 2 NZ strains varied from 2 to 6 cm, with the differences generally being greater at older ages. The trend in heart girth difference among strains was similar to that observed for body length. The wither height of the NA90 animals was greater than that of the NZ strains by 1 to 7 cm, although there was no significant difference between the NA90 and NZ90 strains at birth. At puberty the NA90 heifers were 20 d older and 20 kg heavier than the NZ90 heifers, which in turn were 25 kg and 25 d older than the NZ70 heifers. The NA90 strain had a heavier mature body weight, and their older age at puberty suggested either that they mature later or that, under pastoral conditions, their growth rate is limited by their inability to consume sufficient metabolizable energy as grazed pasture, with a consequent delay in puberty. Results from this study will be useful in revising target BW in growing heifers of different germplasm.  相似文献   

Data from 113 lactations across 76 cows between the years 2002 to 2004 were used to determine the effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cow and concentrate supplementation on milk production, body weight (BW), and body condition score (BCS; 1 to 5 scale) lactation profiles. New Zealand (NZ) and North American (NA) HF cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 levels of concentrate supplementation [0, 3, or 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow per d] on a basal pasture diet. The Wilmink exponential model was fitted within lactation (YDIM = a + b e(−0.05 × DIM) + c × DIM). The median variation explained by the function for milk yield was 86%, between 62 and 69% for milk composition, and 80 and 70% for BW and BCS, respectively. North American cows and cows supplemented with concentrates had greater peak and 270-d milk yield. Concentrate supplementation tended to accelerate the rate of incline to peak milk yield, but persistency of lactation was not affected by either strain of HF or concentrate supplementation. No significant strain by diet interaction was found for parameters reported. New Zealand cows reached nadir BCS 14 d earlier and lost less BW (22 kg) postcalving than NA cows. Concentrate supplementation reduced the postpartum interval to nadir BW and BCS, and incrementally increased nadir BCS. New Zealand cows gained significantly more BCS (i.e., 0.9 × 10−3 units/d more) postnadir than NA cows, and the rate of BCS replenishment increased linearly with concentrate supplementation from 0.5 × 10−3 at 0 kg of DM/d to 0.8 × 10−3 and 1.6 × 10−3 units/d at 3 and 6 kg of DM/d concentrates, respectively. Although there was no significant strain by diet interaction for parameters reported, there was a tendency for a strain by diet interaction in 270-d BCS, suggesting that the effect of concentrate supplementation on BCS gain was, at least partly, strain dependent.  相似文献   

Poor reproductive performance limits cow longevity in seasonal, pasture-based dairy systems. Few differences in ovarian dynamics have been reported in different strains of Holstein-Friesian cows, implying that the uterine environment may be a key component determining reproductive success. To test the hypothesis that the uterine environment differs among genetic strains of the Holstein-Friesian cow, endometrial fatty acids (FA) were analyzed from New Zealand (NZ), and North American (NA) Holstein-Friesian cows. The effect of reproductive status was also investigated, with cows from both Holstein-Friesian strains slaughtered on either d 17 of the estrous cycle (termed cyclic) or d 17 of pregnancy (after embryo transfer; termed pregnant). Endometrial tissues were collected from 22 cows (NZ pregnant, n = 6; NZ cyclic, n = 4; NA pregnant, n = 6; NA cyclic, n = 6), and FA composition was analyzed. Daily plasma progesterone concentrations, milk production, milk FA composition, body weight, and body condition score were determined. Milk yield (4% fat-corrected milk) was similar for the NZ (28.5 kg/d) and NA (29.3 kg/d; SE 2.07 kg/d) cows, but NZ cows had a greater mean milk fat percentage. Mean plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly greater in NZ cows. Plasma progesterone concentrations were similar in the pregnant and cyclic groups. Mean length of the trophoblast recovered from the pregnant cows (NZ: 20.8 ± 2.84 cm; NA: 27.9 ± 10.23 cm) was not affected by genetic strain. Endometrial tissues from NZ cows contained greater concentrations of C17:0, C20:3n-3, and total polyunsaturated FA. The endometria from pregnant cows contained greater concentrations of C17:0, C20:2, and C20:3n-6, and less C20:1, C20:2, C20:5n-3. The observed changes in endometrial FA between Holstein-Friesian cows of different genetic origins or reproductive states may reflect differences in endometrial function and may affect reproductive function.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to compare the productive and reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian (CH HF), Fleckvieh (CH FV), and Brown Swiss (CH BS) cows of Swiss origin with New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (NZ HF) cows in pasture-based compact-calving systems; NZ HF cows were chosen as the reference population for such grazing systems. The second objective was to analyze the relationships within and between breeds regarding reproductive performance, milk yield, and body condition score (BCS) dynamics. On 15 commercial Swiss farms, NZ HF cows were paired with Swiss cows over 3 yr. Overall, the study involved 259 complete lactations from 134 cows: 131 from 58 NZ HF, 40 from 24 CH HF, 43 from 27 CH FV, and 45 from 25 CH BS cows. All production parameters were affected by cow breed. Milk and energy-corrected milk yield over 270 d of lactation differed by 1,000 kg between the 2 extreme groups; CH HF having the highest yield and CH BS the lowest. The NZ HF cows had the greatest milk fat and protein concentrations over the lactation and exhibited the highest lactation persistency. Body weight differed by 90 kg between extreme groups; NZ HF and CH BS being the lightest and CH HF and CH FV the heaviest. As a result, the 2 HF strains achieved the highest milk production efficiency (270-d energy-corrected milk/body weight0.75). Although less efficient at milk production, CH FV had a high 21-d submission rate (86%) and a high conception rate within 2 inseminations (89%), achieving high pregnancy rates within the first 3 and 6 wk of the breeding period (65 and 81%, respectively). Conversely, poorer reproductive performance was recorded for CH HF cows, with NZ HF and CH BS being intermediate. Both BCS at nadir and at 100 d postpartum had a positive effect on the 6-wk pregnancy rate, even when breed was included in the model. The BCS at 100 d of lactation also positively affected first service conception rate. In conclusion, despite their high milk production efficiency, even in low-input systems, CH HF were not suited to pasture-based seasonal-calving production systems due to poor reproductive performance. On the contrary, CH FV fulfilled the compact-calving reproduction objectives and deserve further consideration in seasonal calving systems, despite their lower milk production potential.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the physiological response to an intravenous glucose challenge would be affected by genetic strain or concentrate supplementation in grazing Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation. North American (NA; n = 30) or New Zealand (NZ; n = 30) cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 feeding treatments. All cows were offered a generous pasture allowance, and 4 of the 6 groups received either 3 or 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow per day of concentrates. During wk 5 of lactation, all cows underwent an intravenous glucose challenge. Cows of NA origin produced more milk than NZ cows, but there was no significant strain effect on milk fat or protein yield. Milk yield and the yield of individual components increased with increasing level of concentrate eaten, but there were no significant strain × diet interactions. During wk 1 to 6, mean body weight and body condition score decreased in all treatments. Average body weight was greater in NA cows, but body condition score was greater for NZ cows. There was no strain or diet effect on the length of the postpartum anovulatory interval, with cows ovulating before 40 d postpartum on average. Glucose fractional turnover rate was greater in NZ cows compared with those of NA origin and in all cows receiving 6 kg of DM concentrates, indicating a less severe insulin resistance in those treatments. Consistent with this, the time taken to dispose of half the peak glucose concentration was less when 6 kg of DM concentrate was fed, and tended to be less in NZ than in NA cows. There was no effect of genetic strain on glucose area under the curve (AUC) at 60 or 120 min, but AUC at both time points was less in cows receiving 6 kg of DM concentrates per day. Neither genetic strain nor nutrition affected basal or peak insulin concentrations, insulin increment, or insulin AUC, and there were no strain × diet interactions for any of the glucose challenge response variables measured. In conclusion, differences in milk production between NA and NZ cows in early lactation can, at least in part, be explained by the greater degree of insulin resistance in the NA cows, and this insulin resistance can be overcome by supplementing grazing cows with 6 kg of DM concentrates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of extended lactations in pastoral systems by using divergent dairy cow genotypes [New Zealand (NZ) or North American (NA) Holstein-Friesian (HF)] and levels of nutrition (0, 3, or 6 kg/d of concentrate dry matter). Mean calving date was July 28, 2003, and all cows were dried off by May 6, 2005. Of the 56 cows studied, 52 (93%) were milking at 500 d in milk (DIM) and 10 (18%) were milking at 650 DIM. Dietary treatments did not affect DIM (605 ± 8.3; mean ± SEM). Genotype by diet interactions were found for total yield of milk, protein, and milk solids (fat + protein), expressed per cow and as a percentage of body weight. Differences between genotypes were greatest at the highest level of supplementation. Compared with NZ HF, NA HF produced 35% more milk, 24% more milk fat, 25% more milk protein, and at drying off had 1.9 units less body condition score (1 to 10 scale). Annualized milk solids production, defined as production achieved during the 24-mo calving interval divided by 2 yr, was 79% of that produced in a normal 12-mo calving interval by NZ HF, compared with 94% for NA HF. Compared with NZ HF, NA HF had a similar 21-d submission rate (85%) to artificial insemination, a lower 42-d pregnancy rate (56 vs. 79%), and a higher final nonpregnancy rate (30 vs. 3%) when mated at 451 d after calving. These results show that productive lactations of up to 650 d are possible on a range of pasture-based diets, with the highest milk yields produced by NA HF supplemented with concentrates. Based on the genetics represented, milking cows for 2 yr consecutively, with calving and mating occurring every second year, may exploit the superior lactation persistency of high-yielding cows while improving reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Supplementing pasture-fed dairy cows with concentrates in early lactation was hypothesized to result in an earlier postpartum recoupling of the somatotropic axis in New Zealand (NZ)-type Holstein-Friesian dairy cows than in North American (NA)-type cows. To test this hypothesis, NA (n = 30) and NZ (n = 30) cows were allocated to 1 of 3 supplementation strategies (0, 3, or 6 kg of dry matter concentrate/d) for the first 12 wk of lactation in a completely randomized design and a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement. Production traits and characteristics of the somatotropic axis were studied at phenotypic, hormonal, and gene expression levels. Milk production and plasma metabolite concentrations were measured weekly, and liver was biopsied in wk 1, 4, 8, and 12 postcalving. North American cows produced more milk and displayed a larger degree of somatotropic axis uncoupling than did NZ cows. This was evident in strain differences in body condition score, blood growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations, and hepatic expression of growth hormone receptor-1a. No strain × diet interactions were observed for any characteristic of the somatotropic axis at either the blood metabolite or gene expression level; however, blood insulin concentrations during wk 7 to 11 postpartum increased with concentrate supplementation in NZ but not NA cows. These results demonstrate that feeding supplements does not result in an earlier recoupling of the somatotropic axis; however, the greater blood insulin concentrations with concentrate feeding in NZ cows from wk 7 may result in an earlier recoupling in this genetic strain, after the period investigated in this study. Further research is required to understand differences in insulin control between these genetic strains.  相似文献   

The effect of a grain-based concentrate supplement on fatty acid (FA) intake and concentration of milk FA in early lactation was investigated in grazing dairy cows that differed in their country of origin and in their estimated breeding value for milk yield. It was hypothesized that Holstein-Friesian cows of North American (NA) origin would produce milk lower in milk fat than those of New Zealand (NZ) origin, and that the difference would be associated with lower de novo synthesis of FA. In comparison, increasing the intake of concentrates should have the same effect on the FA composition of the milk from both strains. Fifty-four cows were randomly assigned in a factorial arrangement to treatments including 3 amounts of concentrate daily [0, 3, and 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow] and the 2 strains. The barley/steam-flaked corn concentrate contained 3.5% DM FA, with C18:2, C16:0, and C18:1 contributing 48, 18, and 16% of the total FA. The pasture consumed by the cows contained 4.6% DM FA with C18:3, C16:0, and C18:1 contributing 51, 10, and 10% of the FA, respectively. Pasture DM intake decreased linearly with supplementation, but total DM intake was not different between concentrate or strain treatments, averaging 16.2 kg of DM/cow, with cows consuming 720 g of total FA/d. Cows of the NA strain had lesser concentrations of milk fat compared with NZ cows (3.58 vs. 3.95%). Milk fat from the NA cows had lesser concentrations of C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, and C16:0, and greater concentrations of cis-9 C18:1, C18:2, and cis-9, trans-11 C18:2, than NZ cows. These changes indicated that in milk from NA cows had a lesser concentration of de novo synthesized FA and a greater concentration of FA of dietary origin. Milk fat concentration was not affected by concentrate supplementation. Increasing concentrate intake resulted in linear increases in the concentrations of C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, and C18:2 FA in milk fat, and a linear decrease in the concentration of C4:0 FA. The combination of NA cows fed pasture alone resulted in a FA composition of milk that was potentially most beneficial from a human health perspective; however, this would need to be balanced against other aspects of the productivity of these animals.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, and a potent orexigenic agent in human and rodent studies. We hypothesized that ghrelin may play a role in the reduced grazing time in dairy cows receiving supplementary feeds. Fifty-eight Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cows of New Zealand (NZ; n = 28) and North American (NA; n = 30) ancestry were provided with unrestricted access to pasture and randomly allocated at calving to either 0, 3, or 6 kg of dry matter concentrates in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement. Concentrates were offered in equal amounts at each milking. In peak lactation (75 and 79 ± 19.7 d in milk), blood was sampled from all cows prior to the a.m. milking (i.e., baseline) and following 2 h of unrestricted access to fresh pasture after the a.m. milking on 2 consecutive weeks. Daily milk yield and fat, protein, and lactose concentrations were measured on the day of blood sampling. North American cows produced more milk and consumed numerically more pasture than did NZ cows, and NA cows had elevated plasma ghrelin concentrations pre- and postfeeding. A negative association between dry matter intake and postprandial ghrelin concentrations indicated that other controlling factors may be involved. Circulating ghrelin concentrations before feeding were not affected by concentrate supplementation, but increasing supplementation was associated with a linear decline in pasture intake and postprandial ghrelin concentrations. This negative association between concentrate supplementation and plasma ghrelin concentrations offers a potential neuroendocrine basis for the reduced pasture intake when supplements are offered to cows in grazing systems.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the effects of body condition score (BCS) at calving on dairy performance, indicators of fat and protein mobilization, and metabolic and hormonal profiles during the periparturient period of Holstein-Friesian cows. Twenty-eight multiparous cows were classed according to their BCS (0 to 5 scale) before calving as low (BCS ≤2.5; n = 9), medium (2.75 ≤ BCS ≤ 3.5; n = 10), and high (BCS ≥3.75; n = 9), corresponding to a mean of 2.33, 3.13, and 4.17 points of BCS, and preceding calving intervals of 362, 433, and 640 d, respectively. Cows received the same diets based on preserved grass to allow ad libitum feed intake throughout the study, and lactation diet contained 30% of concentrate (dry-matter basis). Measurements and sampling were performed between wk −4 and 7 relative to calving. No significant effects were observed of BCS group on dry matter intake (kg/d), milk yield, BCS loss, plasma glucose, and insulin concentrations. The high-BCS group had the lowest postpartum energy balance and the greatest plasma concentrations of leptin prepartum, nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate postpartum, insulin-like growth factor 1, and milk fat content. Milk fat yield was greater for the high- than the low-BCS group (1,681 vs. 1,417 g/d). Low-BCS cows had the greatest concentration of medium-chain fatty acids (e.g., sum of 10:0 to 15:0, and 16:0), and the lowest concentration and secretion of preformed fatty acids (e.g., cis-9 18:1) in milk fat. Milk protein secretion was lowest in the low-BCS group, averaging 924, 1,051, and 1,009 g/d for low-, medium-, and high-BCS groups, respectively. Plasma 3-methylhistidine was greater in wk 1 and 2 postpartum compared with other time points, indicating mobilization of muscle protein. Plasma creatinine tended to be lower and the 3-methylhistidine: creatinine ratio was greater in low- compared with medium- and high-BCS cows, suggesting less muscle mass but more intense mobilization of muscle protein in lean cows. High-BCS cows were metabolically challenged during early lactation due to intense mobilization of body fat. Conversely, limited availability of body fat in low-BCS cows was associated with increased plasma indicators of body protein mobilization during the first weeks of lactation, and lower milk protein secretion. These results should be confirmed using an experimental approach where calving BCS variation would be controlled by design.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine effects of strain of Holstein-Friesian and feed system on body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS; scale of 1 to 5) lactation profiles in seasonal-calving, grass-based milk production systems. The 3 strains of Holstein-Friesian compared differed in milk production potential and were high-production North American (HP), high-durability North American (HD), and New Zealand (NZ). The 3 feed systems compared were a high grass allowance feed system typical of spring-calving herds in Ireland (MP); an increased stocking rate system (HS); and an increased concentrate supplementation system (HC), each maintained within a separate farmlet. The data comprised 20,611 weekly BW and 7,920 BCS records assessed every 3 wk across 5 yr on 584 lactations. An exponential function was used to model BW and BCS lactation profiles across feed systems. Across feed systems, the NZ strain was significantly lighter (545 kg) but had greater average BCS (3.10 units) compared with the HP (579.3 kg and 2.76 units, respectively) and HD strains (583.2 kg and 2.87 units, respectively). Across feeding systems, the HD and HP strains exhibited a greater loss of BCS in early lactation (0.27 and 0.29 units, respectively) compared with the NZ strain (0.21 units). The HP strain failed to gain BCS over the entire lactation. Concentrate input did not affect the rate of BCS or BW loss in early lactation or BCS at 60 DIM. This study extends previous research outlining the greater suitability of the NZ strain to the low-cost grass-based system of milk production predominantly operated in Ireland.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL; sole ulcers and white line disease) and body condition score (BCS) at dry-off on survivability, milk production, and reproductive performance during the subsequent lactation. An observational prospective cohort study was conducted on a large commercial dairy in Cayuga County, New York, from September 2008 until January 2009. A total of 573 cows enrolled at dry-off were scored for body condition and hoof trimmed; digits were visually inspected for the presence of CHDL. The BCS data were recategorized into a 3-level variable BCS group (BCSG), with cows with BCS <3 placed in BCSG 1 (n = 113), cows with BCS = 3 placed in BCSG 2 (n = 254), and cows with BCS >3 placed in BCSG 3 (n = 206). Cows in BCSG 2 were 1.35 and 1.02 times more likely to conceive than cows in BCSG 1 and 3, respectively. The cull/death hazard for BCSG 1 cows was 1.55 and 1.47 times higher than for cows in BCSG 2 and BCSG 3, respectively. Milk yield for cows in BCSG 2 (44.6 kg/d, 95% CI 43.4-45.8) was significantly greater than that for cows in BCSG 1 (41.5 kg/d, 95% CI 39.8-43.3). Cows with previous lactation days open ≤91 had 1.6 times higher odds of being classified into BCSG 1 at dry-off; cows with previous lactation mature-equivalent 305-d milk >14,054 kg had a similar 1.6 times higher odds of being classified into BCSG 1. Claw horn disruption lesions were found in 24.4% of the cows (n = 140) at dry-off. Cows without CHDL were 1.4 times more likely to conceive than cows with CHDL. Additionally, lesion cows were 1.7 times more likely to die or be culled than nonlesion cows. Absence of CHDL did not have a significant effect on milk yield. These findings highlight the importance of claw health and BCS at the end of lactation on future survival and performance.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to compare the ovarian activity of Holstein-Friesian (CH HF), Fleckvieh (CH FV) and Brown Swiss (CH BS) dairy cows of Swiss origin with that of Holstein-Friesian (NZ HF) dairy cows of New Zealand origin, the latter being used as a reference for reproductive performance in pasture-based seasonal calving systems. Fifty, second-lactation NZ HF cows were each paired with a second-lactation Swiss cow (17, 15 and 18 CH HF, CH FV and CH BS respectively) in 13 pasture-based, seasonal-calving commercial dairy farms in Switzerland. Ovarian activity was monitored by progesterone profiling from calving to first breeding service. CH BS cows produced less energy-corrected milk (mean 22·8 kg/d) than the other breeds (26·0-26·5 kg/d) during the first 100 d of lactation. CH HF cows had the lowest body condition score (BCS) at calving and the greatest BCS loss from calving to 30 d post partum. Commencement of luteal activity (CLA) was later for NZ HF than for CH FV (51·5 v. 29·2 d; P <0·01), with CH HF and CH BS intermediate (43 d). On average, NZ HF and CH HF cows had one oestrous cycle before the onset of the seasonal breeding period; this was less (P<0·01) than either CH FV (1·7) or CH BS (1·6). There was a low prevalence of luteal persistency (3%) among the studied cows. First and second oestrous cycle inter-ovulatory intervals did not differ between breeds (20·5-22·6 d). The luteal phase length of CH BS during the second cycle was shorter (10·6 d) than that of the other breeds (13·8-16·0 d), but the inter-luteal interval was longer (9·8 d v. 7·0-8·0 d). The results suggest that the Swiss breeds investigated have a shorter interval from calving to CLA than NZ HF cows.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of monopropylene glycol (MPG) supplementation on LH secretion, postpartum interval to first ovulation, and milk production in heifers calving with poor body condition score (BCS). Forty-seven heifers were allocated to 3 treatments: 1) heifers with high BCS (BCH; n = 13) that calved at a BCS of 3.4 (BCS scale of 1 to 5); 2) heifers with low BCS (BCL; n = 17) that calved at a BCS of 2.8; and 3) heifers with low BCS that calved at a BCS of 2.8 and were assigned to receive MPG supplementation (BCL + MPG; n = 17) and grazed pasture ad libitum. Monopropylene glycol was drenched (250 mL) twice daily for 16 wk after calving. Patterns of change in plasma LH were measured at 2 and 5 wk after calving. Pulsatile release of LH at 2 and 5 wk was greater in BCL + MPG and BCH cows compared with the BCL control cows. The BCL + MPG cows had lower NEFA concentrations than did the BCL cows during wk 1 to 6 after calving. At 12 wk postpartum, the proportion of cows cycling was 77, 82, and 28% for the BCH, BCL + MPG, and BCL treatments, respectively. Mean milk fat yield was greater for the BCH treatment during the first 12 wk postpartum compared with the BCL + MPG or BCL treatments, which did not differ from each other. Results of this study indicate that MPG supplementation reduced the interval from calving to first ovulation in heifers having poor body condition at calving.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plane of energy intake prepartum on postpartum performance. Primiparous (n = 24) and multiparous (n = 23) Holsteins were randomly assigned by expected date of parturition to 1 of 3 prepartum energy intakes. A moderate energy diet [1.63 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg; 15% crude protein (CP)] was fed for either ad libitum intake (OVR) or restricted intake (RES) to supply 150 or 80% of National Research Council (2001) energy requirement, respectively, for dry cows in late gestation. To limit energy intake to 100% of NRC requirement at ad libitum dry matter intake (DMI), chopped wheat straw was included as 31.8% of dry matter (DM) in a control diet (CON; 1.21 Mcal of NEL/kg of DM; 14% CP). Multiparous and primiparous cows assigned to OVR gained body condition during the dry period [initial body condition score (BCS) = 3.3], but were not overconditioned by parturition (BCS = 3.5). Multiparous cows in the OVR group lost more BCS postpartum than multiparous RES or CON cows. Primiparous cows lost similar amounts of BCS among dietary treatment groups postpartum. Addition of chopped wheat straw to CON diets prevented a large decrease in DMI prepartum in both primiparous and multiparous cows. During the first 3 wk postpartum, DMI as a percentage of BW was lower for multiparous OVR cows than for multiparous RES cows. Prepartum diet effects did not carry over through the entire 8-wk lactation period. Because of greater mobilization of body stores, OVR cows had greater milk fat percentage and greater 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield during the first 3 wk postpartum. Multiparous cows assigned to OVR experienced a 55% decrease in energy balance and primiparous cows a 40% decrease in energy balance during the last 3 wk before parturition, compared with CON or RES cows that had little change. Multiparous cows fed OVR had a greater contribution of energy from body energy reserves to milk energy output than either CON or RES cows. Overfeeding energy prepartum resulted in large changes in periparturient energy balance. Even in the absence of overconditioning, a large change in DMI and energy balance prepartum influenced postpartum DMI and BCS loss, especially for multiparous cows. Chopped wheat straw was effective at controlling energy intake prepartum, although primiparous cows did not achieve predicted DMI. Even so, controlling or restricting energy intake in primiparous cows was not detrimental to lactational performance over the first 8 wk of lactation.  相似文献   

Multiparous Israeli-Holstein cows (n = 42) averaging 158 d in milk and 621 kg of body weight were used to investigate the effects of energy source (fat or concentrate) on production, rumination time, energy balance, metabolic heat production, and efficiency under hot and humid conditions. Cows were assigned to 3 diet treatment groups: a lactating-cow ration (1.75 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of dry matter (DM; control); supplemented with 0.825 kg/d per cow of ground corn grain (2.7% of diet; HG); or supplemented with 0.300 kg/d per cow of calcium salts of fatty acids (1.5% of diet; HF). Milk production, body weight, and rumination time were recorded daily. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate (RR) were measured weekly. Mean daily maximum ambient temperature, relative humidity, and temperature-humidity index were 31.5°C, 86.6%, and 76.8, respectively. Dry matter intake was lower in HF and HG cows than in controls. Average daily rumination time was lowest in the HG group: 393.0, 377.7, and 390.8 min/d for control, HG, and HF cows, respectively. Milk production was higher in the control group than in the HG group; milk fat content was 0.38 units higher and fat yield was 11% greater in HF cows than in HG cows. Fat-corrected milk yield was higher in HF cows than in HG cows, but not higher than in controls. Energy balance in HF cows was lower than in both other groups, and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations in plasma were increased by fat supplementation. Rectal temperature was highest in HF cows, and RR was higher in the HF cows than in the controls. Metabolic heat production was similar in HG and HF cows and lower than in controls. Body weight gain of the HG cows tended to be higher than that of the others. Efficiency of conversion of DM or energy intake to milk and fat-corrected milk was higher in HF cows than in both other groups; however, when taking the energy retention in body mass into account, no differences in energy utilization were observed between HF and HG groups. A principal component analysis revealed that rumination time played a pivotal role in the deleterious effect of heat stress in dairy cows. In conclusion, increasing the energy density in diets of heat-stressed mid-lactation cows over 1.75 Mcal/kg of DM was not effective in enhancing production. Both dietary treatments were effective in reducing metabolic heat production, but the changes were not reflected in rectal temperature and RR. Fat supplementation increased metabolic efficiency; however, whereas HF cows prioritized milk production, HG cows channeled energy for body mass deposition.  相似文献   

The relationship between energy status and fertility in dairy cattle was retrospectively analyzed by comparing fertility with body condition score (BCS) near artificial insemination (AI; experiment 1), early postpartum changes in BCS (experiment 2), and postpartum changes in body weight (BW; experiment 3). To reduce the effect of cyclicity status, all cows were synchronized with Double-Ovsynch protocol before timed AI. In experiment 1, BCS of lactating dairy cows (n = 1,103) was evaluated near AI. Most cows (93%) were cycling at initiation of the breeding Ovsynch protocol (first GnRH injection). A lower percentage pregnant to AI (P/AI) was found in cows with lower (≤2.50) versus higher (≥2.75) BCS (40.4 vs. 49.2%). In experiment 2, lactating dairy cows on 2 commercial dairies (n = 1,887) were divided by BCS change from calving until the third week postpartum. Overall, P/AI at 70-d pregnancy diagnosis differed dramatically by BCS change and was least for cows that lost BCS, intermediate for cows that maintained BCS, and greatest for cows that gained BCS [22.8% (180/789), 36.0% (243/675), and 78.3% (331/423), respectively]. Surprisingly, a difference existed between farms with BCS change dramatically affecting P/AI on one farm and no effect on the other farm. In experiment 3, lactating dairy cows (n = 71) had BW measured weekly from the first to ninth week postpartum and then had superovulation induced using a modified Double-Ovsynch protocol. Cows were divided into quartiles (Q) by percentage of BW change (Q1 = least change; Q4 = most change) from calving until the third week postpartum. No effect was detected of quartile on number of ovulations, total embryos collected, or percentage of oocytes that were fertilized; however, the percentage of fertilized oocytes that were transferable embryos was greater for cows in Q1, Q2, and Q3 than Q4 (83.8, 75.2, 82.6, and 53.2%, respectively). In addition, percentage of degenerated embryos was least for cows in Q1, Q2, and Q3 and greatest for Q4 (9.6, 14.5, 12.6, and 35.2% respectively). In conclusion, for cows synchronized with a Double-Ovsynch protocol, an effect of low BCS (≤2.50) near AI on fertility was detected, but change in BCS during the first 3 wk postpartum had a more profound effect on P/AI to first timed AI. This effect could be partially explained by the reduction in embryo quality and increase in degenerate embryos by d 7 after AI in cows that lost more BW from the first to third week postpartum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the interaction between lipid supplement (LS) and management system (MS) on fatty acid (FA) composition of milk that could affect its healthfulness as a human food. Forty-eight prepartal Holstein cows were blocked by parity and predicted calving date and deployed across pasture (PAS; n = 23) or confinement (CONF; n = 25) systems. Cows within each system were assigned randomly to a control (no marine oil supplement) or to 1 of 2 isolipidic (200 g/d) marine oil supplements: fish oil (FO) or microalgae (MA) for 125 ± 5 d starting 30 d precalving. The experiment was conducted as a split-plot design, with MS being the whole-plot treatment and LS as the subplot treatment. Cows were housed in a tie-stall barn from −30 until 28 ± 10 d in milk (DIM) and were fed total mixed rations with similar formulations. The PAS group was then adapted to pasture and rotationally grazed on a perennial sward until the end of the experiment (95 ± 5 DIM). Milk samples were collected at 60 and 90 DIM for major components and FA analyses. Milk yield (kg/d) was lower in PAS (34.0) compared with CONF (40.1) cows. Milk fat percentage was reduced with MA compared with FO (3.00 vs. 3.40) and the control (3.56) cows. However, milk fat yield (kg/d) was not affected by lipid supplements. Compared with CONF, PAS cows produced milk fat with a lower content of 12:0 (−38%), 14:0 (−28%), and 16:0 (−17%), and more cis-9 18:1 (+32%), 18:3 n-3 (+30%), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; +70%) and trans 18:1 (+34%). Both supplements, regardless of MS, reduced similarly the milk fat content of 16:0 (−12%) and increased CLA (+28%) and n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated FA (n-3 LC-PUFA; +150%). Milk fat content of trans 18:1 (trans-6 to trans-16) was increased with FO or MA, although the effect was greater with MA (+81%) than with FO (+42%). The interaction between MS and LS was significant only for trans-11 18:1 (vaccenic acid, VA) and cis-9,trans-11 CLA (rumenic acid). In contrast to CONF, feeding FO or MA to PAS cows did not increase milk fat content of VA and rumenic acid. We concluded that compared with CONF, milk from PAS cows had a more healthful FA composition. Feeding either FO or MA improved n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated FA and reduced levels of 16:0 in milk fat, regardless of MS, but concurrently increased the trans 18:1 isomers other than VA, at the expense of VA, particularly in grazing cows.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 36 primiparous and 40 multiparous Holstein cows to examine the effects of feeding wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) on 305-d milk production, dry matter (DM) intake, body condition score (BCS), and health. The experimental treatments included: 1) control—WCGF not fed (n = 27); 2) WCGF-L—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during lactation (n = 23); and 3) WCGF-DL—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during the dry period and lactation (n = 26). During the dry period, cows consuming WCGF were observed to have a significant gain in BCS (0.07 ± 0.06) compared with a loss in BCS in cows fed the control diet (control = −0.11 ± 0.06 and WCGF-L = −0.04 ± 0.06). During lactation, there were no differences by treatment on BCS. Cows consuming WCGF during lactation consumed more feed compared with the control: 25.4, 23.8, and 21.2 ± 0.76 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. Milk production was higher for cows consuming WCGF: 35.0, 34.7, and 31.1 ± 2.1 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. No differences were found in either DM intake or actual milk yield between the WCGF-L and WCGF-DL treatments, indicating that prepartum diets did not influence lactational performance. The WCGF diets resulted in significant reductions in the concentration of milk fat (3.94, 3.74, and 4.15 ± 0.08% for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively), but because total milk yield was increased, there were no differences in total milk fat yield. In addition, 3.5% of fat-corrected milk tended to be affected by diet: 38.9, 36.3, and 34.7 ± 1.93 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. The increasing effect of DM intake and milk yield in cows consuming WCGF resulted in a similar efficiency of 3.5% fat-corrected milk production for all treatments, averaging 1.5 ± 0.09. Total protein yields were significantly higher for cows consuming WCGF diets during lactation: 1.15, 1.10, 1.00 ± 0.06 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. These results indicate that diets may be formulated to contain as much as 37.5% WCGF (DM basis).  相似文献   

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