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Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor and a potent orexigenic agent in human and rodent studies, but there is limited information about its effect in dairy cows. Twelve low genetic merit and 9 high genetic merit Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in peak lactation that were offered unrestricted access to fresh pasture were used to determine whether genetic selection for milk production resulted in an associated increase in plasma ghrelin concentration in grazing dairy cows. Blood samples were taken prior to the a.m. milking (i.e., baseline) and following 2 h of grazing after the a.m. milking on 2 consecutive wk during peak lactation. Milk production and dry matter intake were greater in high genetic merit cows compared with low genetic merit cows. Plasma ghrelin and growth hormone concentrations were elevated in high genetic merit cows pre- and postgrazing, and there was no significant interaction between genetic merit and time of sampling. Genetic merit did not affect the plasma nonesterified fatty acid or glucose concentration, but the plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones measured were diminished 2 h after feeding. Data indicate an increase in plasma ghrelin associated with genetic selection for milk production, and an associated increase in dry matter intake.  相似文献   

Dry matter intake is a main driver of energy balance in lactating dairy cows, and some plant extracts have been commercially fed to dairy cows to stimulate feed intake. Citrus extracts contain several bioactive components and have been shown to modify metabolism in other animal models. Our hypothesis was that a citrus extract would increase dry matter intake. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of a citrus extract on intake and milk production in lactating dairy cows. In experiment one, 11 early-lactation dairy cows (experiment 1; 77 ± 15 d in milk, mean ± standard deviation) were used in a switchback design, and in experiment two, 15 mid-lactation Holstein cows (experiment 2; 157 ± 44 d in milk, mean ± standard deviation) were used in a crossover design. In both experiments, treatments were control (no supplement) or a citrus extract (4 g/d in experiment 1 and 4.5 g/d in experiment 2). Treatment periods were 21 and 14 d in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively, with the final 7 d used for sample and data collection. No effect was observed for treatment on dry matter intake, feeding behavior, milk yield, milk fat yield, milk protein yield, or milk composition in either experiment. Treatment also had no effect on milk trans fatty acid profile, but the extract increased total 16 carbon fatty acids 0.9 and 0.6 percentage points in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively. Plasma nonesterified fatty acids were decreased 6 h after feeding in both experiments (11.1 and 16.0 μEq/L in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively). Plasma insulin was increased 1 h before feeding compared with the control in experiment 1 (3.36 vs. 2.13 µIU/mL) and tended to increase 1.79 units 1 h before feeding in experiment 2. The citrus extract had no effect on feed intake or milk production at the dose investigated, but changed plasma insulin and nonesterified fatty acids, indicating some metabolic effects requiring further investigation.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared individual variability of an intravenous glucose tolerance test (ivGTT) obtained daily in young cattle. The objective of this study was to evaluate the repeatability of glucose traits and insulin responses derived from ivGTT during 3 consecutive days in Holstein-Friesian cattle (bulls: n = 4, steers: n = 3, heifers: n = 3). Blood collections were performed from min 0 (basal concentrations) to min 63 (last measurement). Additional estimates included maximal concentration for glucose and insulin, glucose half-life time (GHLT), and glucose and insulin area under the curve. Glucose traits showed higher repeatability when compared with insulin responses. On average, the glucose trait and insulin response with the lowest coefficient of variation was GHLT (0.7%) and insulin area under the curve (21.3%), respectively. In addition, a general linear model with repeated measures was used to test for significant differences in glucose and insulin concentrations over time at different trial days. Both glucose and insulin concentrations were influenced by time point but not by trial day or time point × trial day. The results from this study showed that individual insulin responses were more variable than glucose traits. The high repeatability of GHLT evidenced the strict regulatory glucose disposal mechanisms occurring in young Holstein-Friesian cattle, whereas insulin responses showed high variability despite controlled management and nutritional practices.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe the associations between hypoglycemia and the onset of hyperketonemia (HYK) within the first 6 wk of lactation, to evaluate the effects of body condition score at calving on glucose concentration, and to study the effects of hypoglycemia on milk production. A total of 621 dairy cows from 6 commercial dairy farms in Germany were enrolled between 1 and 4 d in milk (DIM). Cows were tested twice weekly using an electronic handheld meter for glucose and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), respectively, for a period of 42 d. Hypoglycemia was defined as glucose concentration ≤2.2 mmol/L. Hyperketonemia was defined as a BHB concentration ≥1.2 mmol/L. The onset of HYK was described as early onset (first HYK event within the first 2 wk postpartum) and late onset (first HYK event in wk 3 to 6 postpartum). The effect of ketosis status on blood glucose within 42 DIM was evaluated using a generalized linear mixed model. No effect was observed of HYK on glucose concentration in primiparous cows. Multiparous cows with early-onset HYK had a lower glucose concentration (?0.21 mmol/L) compared with nonketotic cows. Overall, primiparous cows had a lower prevalence and incidence of hypoglycemia than multiparous cows. Hypoglycemia in multiparous cows was associated with higher first test-day milk production and 100 DIM milk production. In conclusion, hypoglycemia mainly occurred in multiparous cows with early-onset HYK, whereas primiparous cows were at a lower risk for hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Dairy cows experience hypocalcemia at the onset of lactation; however, the contribution of bone metabolism to circulating Ca concentrations during the periparturient period is not well understood. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) protects against loss of skeletal mass by regulating osteoclastogenesis. We previously reported that the bone resorption increased around parturition in dairy cows from the perspective of bone markers in blood. The aim of this study was to explore osteoclastic bone resorption in periparturient dairy cows by measuring changes in serum OPG concentrations around calving. The OPG concentrations were evaluated in primiparous (n = 9) and multiparous (n = 9) cows at 21 d precalving and over 5 d after calving. Based on mixed model analyses, the multiparous cows had a higher serum OPG concentration than primiparous cows at precalving and exhibited a significant decline in serum OPG and Ca concentrations after calving. In contrast to multiparous cows, primiparous cows did not exhibit these changes. Therefore, we hypothesized that multiparous cows preserve their bone mineral content during late pregnancy and activate the osteoclastic bone resorption after calving. Based on our serum OPG data, we identified the different periparturient osteoclastic bone resorption patterns in healthy primiparous and multiparous dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine effects of glucose on milk protein yield and mammary mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity in dairy cattle in early lactation. Eight multiparous cows at 73 ± 8 d in milk were randomly assigned to 2 treatments in a crossover design for two 6-d periods. Treatments were jugular infusion of either saline (Sal) or 896 g/d glucose (Glc). All cows were fed a total mixed ration with 42% neutral detergent fiber, had free access to water, and were milked twice a day. Within each period, blood samples were taken (d 5) and mammary tissue was collected by biopsy (d 6) from each hindquarter for Western blot analysis. In addition to Sal and Glc treatments, on d 6, rapamycin dissolved in 50% dimethyl sulfoxide was administered via the teat canals into the left quarters, with a control solution administered into the right quarters. Rapamycin had no effect on milk protein yields or phosphorylation state of mTOR signaling proteins. Infusions of Glc significantly increased milk yield but only tended to increase milk protein yields. Milk fat tended to be decreased in cows infused with Glc, whereas lactose yields were significantly increased. Glucose infusion did not increase plasma glucose levels, but insulin and nonessential AA concentrations increased by 21 and 16%, respectively, branched-chain AA concentrations decreased 24%, and essential AA concentrations tended to decrease by 14%. Infusion of Glc significantly decreased abundances of both phosphorylated and total ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) in mammary tissue by 27 and 11%, respectively. Abundance of phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1) decreased significantly by 25%, whereas total 4EBP1 exhibited a tendency to decrease by 16%. We conclude that the mTOR signaling pathway is not the only regulator of milk protein synthesis. Decreases in essential AA concentrations in plasma suggest that protein synthesis was stimulated in nonmammary tissues of the body, presumably skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of inducing subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) on the free-choice intake of sodium bicarbonate (SB) was investigated in four midlactation Holstein cows in a switchover experiment with four 1-wk periods. The SARA was induced by replacing 25% of the ad libitum intake of total mixed ration (TMR) with pellets containing 50% ground wheat and 50% ground barley and restricting access to TMR from 0700 to 1700 h. Control consisted of feeding TMR ad libitum. Powdered SB was provided for ad libitum consumption. Rumen pH was measured continuously using indwelling pH probes. Induction of SARA reduced (P < 0.05) the average daily rumen pH from 6.08 to 5.87, increased (P < 0.05) the average duration of rumen pH below 6 from 547 min x d(-1) to 916 min x d(-1), and increased (P < 0.05) the average duration of rumen pH below 5.6 from 132 min x d(-1) to 397 min x d(-1) (P < 0.05) but did not significantly affect SB intake. Average intake of SB was 26.8 g x d(-1) during SARA and 34.5 g x d(-1) during control. These low SB intakes must not have substantially affected rumen pH. Sodium bicarbonate intake differed significantly (P < 0.05) between cows. These data indicate that cows did not select SB in order to attenuate SARA.  相似文献   

The effect of intestinal glucose supply on whole body rate of glucose appearance (WBGRa) and mammary utilization of glucose was studied in four lactating dairy cows. Glucose (0, 443, 963 and 2398 g/d) was continuously infused in the duodenum over 14-d periods using a Latin square design. A grass silage-based diet was formulated so that treatments were isoenergetic and isonitrogenous and contained 100 and 110% of energy and protein requirements according to INRA (1989). The WBGRa was measured by the [6,6-(2)H2]glucose dilution technique, and mammary glucose balance by arteriovenous differences and blood flow measurements. Duodenal glucose infusion increased arterial glucose concentrations linearly, whereas arterial concentrations of insulin, growth hormone, and glucagon were not changed. The WBGRa increased linearly with increasing glucose loads. The increase represented 42% of the intestinal glucose supplement. Mammary blood flow dramatically increased (up to 45%) and was associated with a significant increase of arterial insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations. Mammary gland rate of glucose disappearance ([6,6-(2)H2]glucose measurement) increased linearly, whereas net mammary balance of glucose, lactose, and milk yields increased quadratically. Net mammary balance of glucose accounted for 60% of WBGRa, except for the greatest dose (47.6%). The decrease in milk yield with 2398 g/d of glucose may be explained by an imbalance in intracellular intermediate concentrations. The milk ratio of glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate decreased significantly at the greatest infusion of glucose. In conclusion, exogenous glucose supply to a grass silage-based diet increased WBGRa, mammary utilization of glucose and milk synthesis.  相似文献   

Circulating serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) appears to be associated with various energetic disorders and hypocalcemia during the transition period. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ketosis, feed restriction (FR), and endotoxin challenge (models in which energetic and calcium metabolism are markedly altered) on circulating 5-HT in lactating Holstein cows. Blood samples were obtained from 3 separate experiments; circulating β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and glucose were measured in all 3 experiments, whereas ionized calcium (iCa2+) was measured only in the endotoxin challenge. In the ketosis study, blood samples from cows clinically diagnosed with ketosis (n = 9) or classified as healthy (n = 9) were obtained from a commercial dairy farm at d ?7, 3, and 7 relative to calving. Ketosis was diagnosed using a urine-based test starting at 5 d in milk. There was no effect of health status on circulating 5-HT and no association between 5-HT and BHB, NEFA, or glucose; however, 5-HT concentrations progressively decreased following calving. In the FR experiment, mid-lactation cows were either fed ad libitum (n = 3) or restricted to 20% of their ad libitum intake (n = 5) for 5 d. There were no FR effects on circulating 5-HT, nor was FR correlated with energetic metabolites. In the immune activation model, mid-lactation cows were intravenously challenged with either lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 1.5 µg/kg of BW; n = 6) or sterile saline (control; n = 6). Administering LPS decreased (56%) blood iCa2+ but had no effect on circulating 5-HT, nor was there a correlation between circulating 5-HT and NEFA, BHB, or iCa2+. Circulating 5-HT tended to be positively correlated (r = 0.54) with glucose in Holstein cows administered LPS. In summary, in contrast to expectations, circulating 5-HT was unaffected in models of severely disturbed energetic and Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that plasma adipokine concentrations of early-lactation dairy cows are related to body condition score (BCS) at calving and to markers of metabolic status of the cow. As part of a larger study with 117 multiparous Holstein dairy cows, which had high BCS (BCS >4.0) or normal BCS (3.25–3.5) at calving, 22 cows were randomly selected (n = 11 per group) to be enrolled in this study. Cows were divided into 2 groups based on their BCS at calving: (1) normal BCS with BCS of 3.35 ± 0.13 (mean ± SD) and (2) high BCS cows with BCS of 4.14 ± 0.17. The 22 selected animals did not have a clinically diagnosed health problem after calving. Blood samples were taken right after calving (d 1) and before morning feeding on d 8, 15, and 21 postpartum concurrently with body condition scoring for all cows. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma adiponectin, leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and IL-6. The mean BCS remained highest in high-BCS cows during the first 21 d in milk. Leptin concentrations decreased progressively for all cows after calving. However, differences in BCS at calving were not related to leptin concentrations. Adiponectin, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations were neither influenced by days in milk nor BCS after calving. Leptin and the leptin-to-adiponectin ratio did not show any correlation at any time point during the first 21 d in milk with plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids or β-hydroxybutyrate, which are considered as markers of metabolic status. Only for IL-6 at d 8 did we find a strong correlation with metabolic status indicators. In conclusion, plasma adipokine concentrations during the first 3 wk postpartum were not related to BCS in lactating Holstein cows that were clinically healthy at calving.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to test whether intravenously applied glucose would elicit dose effects on lactation performance similar to those observed after gastrointestinal glucose application. Six midlactation cows received intravenous glucose infusions (GI), increasing by 1.25% of the calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) requirement per day, whereas control cows received volume-equivalent saline infusions (SI). Measurements and samples were taken at surplus glucose dose levels of 0, 10, 20, and 30% of the NEL requirement, respectively. Body weight and backfat thickness increased linearly with increasing glucose dose for cows on GI compared with SI. No differences were observed in daily feed intake, milk energy output, and energy-corrected milk yield between treatments. However, milk protein percentage and yield increased linearly with the dose of glucose infused in the GI group. Although milk lactose was not affected by treatment during the infusion period, milk lactose percentage and yield decreased for GI, but not SI, once infusions ceased. Based on 5 diurnal blood samples, daily mean and maximum concentrations of plasma glucose and serum insulin showed linear increases with increasing GI, whereas their daily minimum concentrations were unaffected. At GI of 30% of the NEL requirement, marked hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia were observed at 1600 h (i.e., 1 h postprandially), coinciding with glucosuria. The revised quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index indicated linear development of insulin resistance for the GI treatment but no such change in SI cows. Glucose infusion decreased daily mean and maximum serum β-hydroxybutyrate and daily minimum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations relative to SI, whereas serum urea nitrogen was only numerically decreased by GI. No changes were observed in the serum activities of γ-glutamyl transferase and aspartate transaminase and in the serum concentrations of bilirubin and macrominerals. However, serum phosphorus concentration increased after withdrawal of GI, but not SI. Only in GI cows did glycogen content increase or tend to increase linearly in the liver and skeletal muscle. In conclusion, midlactation dairy cows on an energy-balanced diet directed intravenously infused glucose predominantly to body fat reserves rather than increasing lactation performance. This may suggest that the metabolic fate of glucose is modified by metabolic signals, hormonal signals, or both from the portal-drained viscera when absorbed from the intestine.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the addition of limiting AA increases dry matter intake (DMI) by reducing anaplerosis and hepatic oxidation. Accordingly, the objective of this work was to examine the effects of short-term intravenous infusions of Met, Lys, and His (which are considered the most limiting AA) on DMI as a method to detect whether specific AA are limiting in dairy cow diets. We conducted 4 experiments using Holstein cows in the immediate postpartum period to address this objective. The first experiment used 4 cows 6 to 10 d postpartum (PP) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 1-d periods including 12 h for infusions and 12 h for recovery. Treatments were continuous infusions of 5 (low), 10 (medium), or 15% (high) of the calculated requirement of metabolizable Met, Lys, and His or 0.9% saline (control, CONT). In the second and third experiments, 8 cows (4–12 d PP) were divided into 2 groups of 4 cows, and each group received a different diet formulated to either be low in Lys (experiment 2) or Met (experiment 3). Each experiment was a crossover design with two 1-d periods with 12-h infusions (continuous) and 12 h for recovery. Treatments were 15% of the calculated requirement of metabolizable Met, Lys, and His (high), or 0.9% saline (CONT). In the fourth experiment, 5 cows (4–14 d PP) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. Periods were 2 d in which treatments were continuously infused for the first 46 h. Treatments were 0.9% saline (CONT), all (Lys, Met, and His), LM (Lys and Met), LH (Lys and His), and MH (Met and His); dosages were equal to the estimated shortage in each specific AA. In each experiment, feed intake was recorded by a computerized data acquisition system, milk yield was recorded, and milk composition was analyzed for fat, protein, lactose, and milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentrations. Treatments did not affect DMI or yield of milk or milk components in the first experiment. In the second experiment, AA treatment increased protein percentage and reduced lactose percentage but had no effect on protein and lactose yields or DMI. In the third experiment, the AA treatment tended to increase yields of milk, lactose, and protein as well as MUN concentration but did not affect DMI. In the fourth experiment, no effects were detected for DMI and milk yield, whereas the all, LH, and LM treatments reduced milk lactose concentration compared with CONT, and MH increased MUN concentration compared with CONT and other treatments. These results failed to provide support for our hypothesis that short-term addition of these potentially limiting AA will increase DMI. This may be due to our hypothesis being inaccurate or to other factors; other limiting AA could have prevented the effects of Lys, Met, and His infusions or the infusion periods could have been too short to induce a response in DMI. Accordingly, short-term infusion of AA is probably not a sensitive method to detect limiting AA in dairy cow diets.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the relationship of somatic cell count (SCC; cells/mL) with milk yield, energy-corrected milk yield (ECM; kg/d), dry matter intake (DMI; kg/d), feed efficiency for milk (FEMY; kg of milk/kg of DMI), and feed efficiency for ECM (FEECM; kg of ECM/kg of DMI) in lactating dairy cows. We analyzed an SCC database consisting of 7 experiments, which were conducted at The Pennsylvania State University's Dairy Teaching and Research Center between 2009 and 2015. The experiments included in the SCC database were randomized block designs and investigated dietary effects on cow performance over 6 to 11 wk. Each experiment took repeated measurements of SCC, milk yield, milk composition, and DMI. After exclusion of records from cows without lactation number, days in milk, and only 1 measurement, the database comprised 1,094 observations of 254 cows for estimating the effect of SCC on milk yield, DMI, and FEMY and 1,079 observations of 250 cows for estimating the effect of SCC on ECM and FEECM. Data were analyzed in R using a linear mixed model with natural logarithm of SCC, lactation number (1, 2, and ≥3), days in milk, and the interactions of the linear predictors as fixed effects and cow within block and experiment as random effect. Natural logarithm of SCC was negatively correlated with milk yield, ECM, DMI, FEMY, and FEECM. Our results suggest that a cow with relatively high SCC (250,000 cells/mL) compared with a cow with a relatively low SCC (50,000 cells/mL) produces, on average, 1.6 kg/d less milk, consumes 0.3 kg/d less DMI, produces 0.04 kg less milk per kg of DMI, and produces 0.03 less ECM per kg of DMI. The observed decrease of feed efficiency with increased SCC adds to previously known economic losses and environmental impacts associated with mastitis, which should provide a further incentive to control mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to compare 3 methods for calculating the area under the curve (AUC) for plasma glucose and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) after an intravenous epinephrine (EPI) challenge in dairy cows. Cows were assigned to 1 of 6 dietary niacin treatments in a completely randomized 6 × 6 Latin square with an extra period to measure carryover effects. Periods consisted of a 7-d (d 1 to 7) adaptation period followed by a 7-d (d 8 to 14) measurement period. On d 12, cows received an i.v. infusion of EPI (1.4 μg/kg of BW). Blood was sampled at −45, −30, −20, −10, and −5 min before EPI infusion and 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after. The AUC was calculated by incremental area, positive incremental area, and total area using the trapezoidal rule. The 3 methods resulted in different statistical inferences. When comparing the 3 methods for NEFA and glucose response, no significant differences among treatments and no interactions between treatment and AUC method were observed. For glucose and NEFA response, the method was statistically significant. Our results suggest that the positive incremental method and the total area method gave similar results and interpretation but differed from the incremental area method. Furthermore, the 3 methods evaluated can lead to different results and statistical inferences for glucose and NEFA AUC after an EPI challenge.  相似文献   

To survive and produce milk, postpartum dairy cows use their reserves through lipolysis. If the negative energy balance is severe, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) are formed that can impair several physiological processes. A pilot study suggested that increased walking activity after calving may be related to a reduced serum concentration of NEFA. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between plasma concentrations of NEFA and walking activity in dairy cattle during the postpartum period. Data were collected from 33 multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Walking activities were quantified using pedometry, and blood samples were collected for determination of NEFA. Results of this study indicated that a negative relationship existed between walking activity and plasma NEFA concentrations in postpartum dairy cows.  相似文献   

Previous research from our laboratory and others indicates that liver copper concentrations in dairy cattle are commonly well above those recognized as adequate for the nutritional needs of the animal. It has also been speculated that hepatic copper concentrations have been increasing in recent years. Unlike other species, the threshold at which elevated liver copper concentrations becomes deleterious to hepatocytes is not known for cattle. Therefore, the objectives of this study were 3-fold: (1) to delineate differences in the range and mean dry matter hepatic copper concentration for dairy cattle in a retrospective analysis (January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2015), (2) to investigate hepatic copper concentrations in Midwest cull dairy cattle, and (3) to evaluate histologic changes in hepatocellular morphology in the context of copper concentration in cull cows. Furthermore, microscopic changes in hepatocellular morphology or architecture were examined and scored for evidence of inflammation, fibrosis, necrosis, and abundance of rhodanine-stained granules using hematoxylin and eosin and rhodanine staining. The retrospective analysis found copper concentrations within a range of 3 to 1,963 µg/g, with a mean of 473 µg/g. Hepatic copper concentrations in our retrospective study did not increase with time. In our abattoir analysis, copper concentrations ranged from 15 to 978 μg/g, with a mean of 390 μg/g. This study found that the range and mean hepatic copper concentrations were comparatively less in the current abattoir study than copper concentrations in our retrospective analysis. There was no evidence for hepatocellular changes associated with increased copper burdens in this study population.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure net portal absorption of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoate (HMTBA) in dairy cows. Four multicatheterized lactating cows were used in a cross-over design with 7-d experimental periods. They were fed every other hour a total mixed ration and received, in addition, twice a day, 12.5 or 25 g/meal of HMTBA. On the last day of treatment, net portal absorption of HMTBA was numerically greater after the 25-g compared with the 12.5-g bolus meal of HMTBA, and the amount absorbed relative to the dose ingested was unchanged between treatments averaging 11.2 ± 4.7% of the dose. This represents a minimum value of HMTBA availability because it does not take into account any HMTBA metabolized to Met by gut tissues (in sheep this amounted to another 5% of the dose). A rapid method to estimate net portal absorption based on temporal variations of the peripheral plasma HMTBA concentrations following the HMTBA meal is also presented. Based on the good relationship (concordance correlation coefficient = 0.97) observed between direct measurements and estimations, this simplified approach offers a reasonable approach to assess HMTBA absorption under different feeding situations.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate how the provision of a mechanical brush affects the grooming (scratching) behavior of group-housed dairy cattle. To do this, we compared the grooming behavior of 72 dairy cows, split into 6 groups of 12, in the absence of a brush (control) and when provided with a mechanical brush (experimental). We analyzed the duration and frequency of scratching on pen objects (wall and water trough) and on the mechanical brush between the control and experimental treatments. Further, we compared the relative frequency of scratching on parts of the cow's body (head, neck, back, tail, and thigh) between the control and experimental treatments. Within 24 h of installation of the mechanical brush, 56.9% of the cows utilized the brush. Within 7 d, 93.0% of cows used the brush, and by the end of the treatment period, all but one of the cows had used the brush. When the mechanical brush was added to the pen, cows dramatically increased the total time spent scratching by 508% and the frequency of scratching events by 226%. These increases were primarily driven by use of the mechanical brush, which accounted for 91.1% of total scratching time and 79.8% of scratching events. When cows were provided with the mechanical brush, they decreased the frequency of scratching their heads, increased the frequency of scratching on their necks, backs, and tails, and tended to decrease the frequency of scratching their thighs. In conclusion, the results of this study show that the use of a mechanical brush makes it easier for cows to groom themselves, particularly in places that are hard to reach by the cow. This may help satisfy this natural behavior and keep them clean, as well as possibly reducing frustration or stress due to boredom when housed in freestall barns.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4611-4623
Amino acids (AA) are integral nutrients for a functioning immune system. Postpartum cows experience AA deficits early postpartum that may influence the response to immune activation. This study investigated the clinical and inflammatory responses to a systemic inflammatory stimulus after a 4-d intravenous (IV) AA infusion with a mix of essential and nonessential AA designed to ameliorate the estimated metabolizable protein deficit in early postpartum cows. Our objectives were (1) to describe the clinical and inflammatory response to an acute IV lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in early postpartum cows, and (2) to compare these clinical and inflammatory responses between IV AA-treated and control cows. Cows (n = 14, 4 ± 1 d in milk) were continuously infused IV for 4 d in a matched-pair randomized controlled design and received 0.9% NaCl (CTRL) or IV AA (IVAA) to supply 1 g/kg of BW per day of combined essential and nonessential AA. After infusion ended, cows were challenged with IV LPS (0.0625 µg/kg of BW over 1 h), and serial blood samples were collected for complete blood cell counts and to quantify plasma cytokines and acute-phase proteins. Body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate were monitored for 24 h during challenge. During challenge, maximum body temperature was greater in IVAA (41.3 ± 0.20°C) than in CTRL (40.6 ± 0.19°C). In both groups, respiratory rate increased during the first 2 h following challenge, whereas heart rate first decreased over the first 2 h and then increased to reach a maximum at 4 h. Acute leucopenia occurred within 1 h of challenge in both groups before leukocytosis was observed at 24 h, with white blood cell counts returning to baseline values within 72 h. Plasma haptoglobin and serum amyloid A concentrations increased 3-fold and 4-fold in both groups and peaked at 48 and 24 h following challenge, respectively. Plasma concentrations of TNF-α and IL-10 increased within 1 h and peaked at 2 h following the start of challenge. Plasma IL-10 concentrations increased to a greater extent in CTRL compared with IVAA during challenge. Despite differences in IL-10 concentration, previous AA infusion did not alter the acute-phase protein response to LPS challenge. We conclude that AA infusion before systemic inflammatory challenge decreased the anti-inflammatory response but did not alter concentrations of other systemic markers of inflammation.  相似文献   

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