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This study compared feeding and milking behavior and milk yields for cows housed in the same barn, fed the same ration, but milked with a conventional milking parlor (parlor) or automatic milking system (robot). Behavioral data were videotaped hourly 1 d/mo for 9 mo. Feeding behavior patterns differed and were more variable for parlor cows than for robot cows. Both groups had low feeding rates at night and early morning. Feeding activity increased after milking and feed delivery for parlor cows. Milking and feeding activity in the robot system increased after human intervention at 7 a.m.; feed bunk activity peaked 3 h later and remained relatively constant from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Percentages of cows at the feed bunk were significantly greater for robot cows than parlor cows only at 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Batch milking of parlor cows with free access to feed, vs. sequential milking of robot cows, with restricted movement to feed by a one-way gate system, resulted in higher peak percentages of cows at the bunk for parlor cows. Lower, more consistent percentages of cows eating at one time suggests that less bunk space may be needed for cows in robotic milking systems. Higher percentages of cows were observed in the robot from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 3 to 7 p.m. Percentages of cows in the robot holding area were greatest from 8 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. and were lowest from midnight to 6 a.m. Milk production over 39 d in summer for subsets of cows was slightly but significantly higher (26.4 vs. 25.8 +/- 0.2 kg/d) for cows in the robot group. Milking frequency, days in milk, parity, and maximum air temperature for 3 d (-2 d to day of observation) affected milk yield comparisons. Results have implications for design of feeding and handling facilities used with automated milking systems.  相似文献   

An automatic milking system (AMS) was compared with a traditional milking parlor (MP) to evaluate metabolic and psycho-physiological aspects of animal welfare. Twenty Italian Friesian heifers were allocated to 2 groups of 10 cows each after calving and maintained in the same free-stall barn. The first group was milked twice daily in a MP; the second group was milked in a single box AMS. Feed and diet characteristics were analyzed. Health status and body condition score (BCS) were evaluated in each cow. Blood samples were obtained from −14 to 154 d in milk (DIM) to determine metabolic profile and basal concentrations of cortisol in plasma. Data collected from 10 cows per group were processed. No significant difference was detected in milk yield, BCS, and energy-related metabolites (glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and triglycerides) from cows in MP or in AMS during the first 22 wk of lactation. These results, jointly with the absence of significant differences in plasma metabolites related to protein metabolism, mineral metabolism, and liver function during the first 22 wk of lactation, indicates that cows in AMS did not suffer metabolically. Greater basal concentrations of plasma cortisol in AMS cows, even if absolute values were considered to be in an acceptable range, might indicate chronic stress in these primiparous cows. Further research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

An accurate estimation of the daily milk yield of dairy cows milked in an automatic milking system is not obvious because of variations in milking intervals and frequencies. Daily harvested milk varies substantially, and developing a method to be used for estimating daily milk production is of great importance. Three calculation methods (simple, semiadvanced, and advanced) were used. The simple method calculated rough daily milk production by summing up the yield per day. The semiadvanced used yield in combination with time since last milking to calculate the milk production per hour between milking; an average of the milk production per hour over the day was calculated and multiplied by 24. The advanced method calculated the milk production from midnight to midnight by using information about yield and time since last milking to calculate the exact milk production. The results show a clear preference for the advanced calculation method because the variation [variation for the advanced method = ln(1.79) for first lactation and ln(2.28) for later lactations] between days was reduced significantly (3 to 4 times lower compared with the simple method). Variation in daily harvested milk can be used as a management tool.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this observational study, in a single herd milked using multiple automatic milking system units, was to describe associations of quarter milk yield variability and quarter peak milk flow rate with cow-level factors. Information from the current lactation of 1,549 primiparous and multiparous cows was collected from January to December 2015. Data from each individual milking used in the analysis included quarter milk yield (QMY), udder milk yield, quarter peak milk flow rate (QPMF), quarter average milk flow rate (QAMF), quarter milking time, and milking interval. Milking interval and milk yield were used to calculate milk production rate (kg/h) at the quarter and udder levels. We investigated associations between QPMF and milking interval, QPMF and days in milk, and QMY and QAMF. A strong association between QPMF and both QAMF and milking interval was observed. A moderate association was found between QPMF and stage of lactation. However, QMY was not a useful indicator of QPMF because of the weak association observed between these variables. In this study, rear quarter QPMF was significantly increased by 3% compared with front quarter QPMF (1.45 vs 1.41 kg/min). Quarter milk yield was calculated as a percentage contribution of total udder milk yield per 10-d in milk window and ranked from lowest to highest contribution. Quarter contribution to udder milk yield showed a high level of variability, with 39% of animals having all 4 quarters change contribution rank at least once during part of or the whole lactation. Only 14% of cows were observed to have no change in quarter rank. When quarter contribution was assessed, irrespective of physical position of quarter within the udder, the percent of highest to lowest contribution across the lactation was relatively stable. The standard deviation of quarter milk production rate for each cow was regressed against the same cow's peak udder milk production rate, within a lactation, to ascertain whether quarter milk production rate variance could be used to predict peak udder milk production rate. Knowledge of the intra-udder quarter milk production rate standard deviation for an individual cow is not useful in predicting peak udder milk production rate. Quarter milking time appears to be a useful indicator to predict the optimal order of teatcup attachment. Analysis from this large, single-herd population indicates that QPMF is associated with the cow-level factors milking interval and days in milk, and that intra-udder QMY is highly variable.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this research was to describe the association between milking interval (MI) and milk production rate (MPR) at the quarter level in a large commercial farm using an automatic milking system. A secondary aim was to determine whether a 2-h decrease in MI would increase MPR at the cow level in midlactation multiparous cows. Six months of data from 1,280 cows were used to assess the association between MI (h) and quarter MPR (kg/h). Increasing MI was associated with decreased MPR for early, mid, and late lactation, both primiparous and multiparous cows, and all 4 quarter positions and across time. The decrease in MPR is approximately 2%/h of increasing MI for multiparous cows and 1.5%/h for primiparous cows. Regardless of quarter, multiparous cows had a greater MPR than primiparous cows, and rear quarters had greater MPR than front quarters. An experiment to test the causal relationship between changing MI and cow-level MPR was conducted using 26 animal pairs matched on MI, days in milk, and milk yield. During the 21-d treatment period, the average MI of treatment cows was decreased by 2.4 h compared with control cows. In both the 21-d treatment and 42-d posttreatment periods, no significant difference was found in cow-level MPR between the treatment and control groups. Despite the negative association between increasing MI and MPR being consistent across all assessed days in milk windows and all quarters, results from this experiment suggest that intervention to decrease MI might require an MI change greater than 2 h or be applied in early lactation to significantly increase MPR.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems allow cows voluntary access to milking and concentrates within set limits. This leads to large variation in milking intervals, both within and between cows, which further affects yield per milking and composition of milk. This study aimed to describe the degree to which differences in milking interval were attributable to individual cows, and how this correlated to individual differences in yield and composition of milk throughout lactation. Data from 288,366 milkings from 664 cow-lactations were used, of which 229,020 milkings had milk composition results. Cows were Holsteins, Red Danes, and Jerseys in parities 1, 2, and 3. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed model, with cow-lactation as a random effect and assuming heterogeneous residual variance over the lactation. Cow-lactation variance was fitted using linear spline functions with 5 knot-points. Residual variance was generally greatest in early lactation and declined thereafter. Accordingly, animal-related variance tended to increase with progression of lactation. Milking frequency (the reverse of milking interval) was found to be moderately repeatable throughout lactation. Daily milk yield expressed per milking was found to be highly repeatable in all breeds, with the highest values occurring by the end of lactation. Fat percentage had only moderate repeatability in early to mid lactation but increased toward the end of lactation. Individual level correlations showed that cows with higher milking frequency also had greater yields, but had lower fat percentage. Correlations were slightly weaker in very early lactation than in the remaining parts of lactation. We concluded that individual differences exist among cows milked automatically. Cows with higher yields are milked more often and have lower fat content in their milk.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the milk properties and the yield and sensory properties of Cantal cheese made with milk from Holstein or Montbéliarde cows milked once or twice daily. Sixty-four grazing cows [32 Holstein (H) and 32 Montbéliarde (M) cows] in the declining phase of lactation (157 d in milk) were allocated to 1 of 2 equivalent groups milked once daily (ODM) or twice daily (TDM) for 7 wk. The full-fat raw milk collected during 24 h from the 4 groups of cows (M-TDM, M-ODM, H-TDM, and H-ODM) was pooled and processed into Cantal cheese 4 times during the last 4 wk of the experimental period. In all, 16 cheeses were made (2 milking frequencies × 2 breeds × 4 replicates) and analyzed after a ripening period of 15 and 28 wk. The results showed that for both breeds, the pooled milk content of fat, whey protein, casein, total protein, and phosphorus as well as rennet clotting time and curd firming time were significantly higher with ODM cows, whereas the casein-to-total protein ratio was lower, and lactose, urea, calcium, and free fatty acids contents of milk remained unchanged. The acidification and draining kinetics of the cheese as well as cheese yields and the chemical and rheological properties of the ripened cheese were not significantly modified by milking frequency. For both breeds, the cheeses derived from ODM cows had a slightly yellower coloration but the other sensory attributes, except for pepper odor, were not significantly affected by milking frequency, thereby demonstrating that ODM does not have an adverse effect on the sensory properties of Cantal cheese. Compared with that of Holstein cows, milk from Montbéliarde cows resulted in a higher cheese yield (+1.250 kg/100 kg of milk) and ripened cheeses with lower pH, dry matter, calcium, sodium chloride, and water-soluble nitrogen concentrations. These cheeses had also a less firm and more elastic texture, a more acidic taste, and a yogurt/whey aroma.  相似文献   

Four different methods of teat preparation during milking in an automatic milking system were studied in 2 experiments on Red Holstein/German Fleckvieh cross-breed cows. Milking routines used were milking: 1) without premilking teat preparation; 2) with one cleaning cycle (58 to 60 s) with cold (13 to 15 degrees C) water; 3) with one cleaning cycle with warm water (30 to 32 degrees C); or 4) with 2 cleaning cycles (122 s) with warm water. In experiment 1, milking characteristics were evaluated and milking routines were randomly assigned to 62 cows during 3 measuring periods of 24 h each. In experiment 2, 10 randomly selected cows were assigned to the same milking routines during 4 d and blood samples for oxytocin (OT) determination were taken during milking in addition to milk flow recording. Milk production, peak flow rate, total, and quarter milk yields showed no differences among treatments. Premilking preparation with cold water compared with warm water showed no differences in OT release, milk yield, peak flow rate, main milking time, average flow rate, or time until main milk flow. Baseline OT concentrations were consistently low. At the start of teat cup attachment without premilking teat preparation OT concentrations remained on the basal level but were elevated in all other treatments. By 30 s from the start of milking, OT concentrations were markedly increased in all treatments and were no longer different between treatments. In conclusion, the teat cleaning device used in the automatic milking system, either with warm or cold water, was suitable to induce milk ejection in cows before the start of milking.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the effects of an automatic milking system (AMS) on milk yield and composition of buffalo (Mediterranean-type Bubalus bubalis) cows. Performed from January 2015 to December 2015 in an organic buffalo dairy farm equipped with both a traditional tandem milking parlor and an AMS, the study involved 90 primiparous buffaloes randomly allotted to a tandem or AMS group from 5 to 10 d of lactation onward. Number of milkings per day and daily milk yield of each cow were recorded, and individual milk sampling was carried out twice a month. Compared with the tandem, the AMS group showed significantly higher daily milk yield and persistence of lactation. Use of the AMS resulted in higher protein and casein contents, and lower somatic cell and total bacterial counts, whereas fat, freezing point, and pH were unaffected by the system. We conclude that, in terms of milk yield and quality, automatic milking may be a suitable alternative to conventional milking for buffaloes.  相似文献   

Udder health and milk production were monitored in cows transferred from tie stalls or loose housing with conventional milking to loose housing with either automatic or conventional milking. Data were collected from 182 Finnish farms from September 1999 to February 2006. Data from the first year before and first year after the changes were compared. A total of 88 herds changed from conventional milking (CM herds) to automatic milking (AM herds), 29 of which were housed in tie stalls and 59 of which were housed in a loose housing barn before the change. Additionally, 94 CM herds milked in loose housing barns that had been housed in tie stalls before the change were included. Milk record data consisted of annual herd size, parity, breed, calving dates, test day data [date, milk yield, and cow somatic cell count (SCC)] and records for treatments of clinical mastitis. Calculations were made for energy-corrected milk yield and logarithmic SCC (logSCC), proportion of cows at risk that experienced an SCC >200,000 cells/mL for the first time (highSCC), and number of treatments of clinical mastitis within a herd. Cows in tie stalls had higher milk yield (28.5 ± 0.29 vs. 26.5 ± 0.46 kg/d) and a lower logSCC (4.86 ± 0.01 vs. 4.95 ± 0.02) than cows in loose housing barns before the change. After the change, CM herds had slightly better udder health than AM herds because the proportion of cows at risk for highSCC was larger in AM herds (3.3 vs. 2.1%). The change in milking and housing systems caused a decline of 0.8 ± 0.25 kg/d per cow in energy-corrected milk yield, a slight increase in cow logSCC (from 4.88 ± 0.01 to 4.93 ± 0.01), and an increase of 0.6% in the proportion of cows having highSCC (from 2.5 to 3.1). The impact was clearer on herds that began automatic milking. Based on the results, the increase in bulk milk SCC of herds milked automatically in Finland was probably due to reduced separation of mastitic milk in AM herds.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed to evaluate differences in milk yield between an automatic milking system (AMS) and a conventional herringbone milking parlor system. Two herds of Italian-Friesian cows were reared in the same barn, located in the Po Valley in northern Italy. Twenty-five primiparous cows and 10 multiparous cows were milked with an AMS, while at the same time 29 primiparous and 9 multiparous were milked twice daily in a milking parlor on the other side of the barn. A selection gate allowed cows to access the AMS only if the interval from last milking was >5 h. Multiparous cows in the AMS yielded more milk than multiparous cows in the milking parlor (34.2 ± 0.7 vs. 29.4 ± 0.6 kg/d). There was no difference in milk yield between primiparous cows in the AMS and in the milking parlor (28.9 ± 0.4 vs. 28.8 ± 0.3 kg/d). Milking frequency in the AMS was significantly higher in primiparous (2.8 ± 0.03) than in multiparous cows (2.5 ± 0.04). The hot season negatively affected milk yield; the milk yield reduction was higher for cows milked with the AMS (−4.5 ± 0.6 kg/d) than in the milking parlor (−3.0 ± 0.8 kg/d). In the AMS, milking frequency decreased during the hot season in primiparous cows (−0.3 ± 0.1). We concluded that a positive AMS effect on milk yield is possible, but that steps must be taken to alleviate the discomfort involved with attracting cows to the AMS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate milk yield and frequency of visits to the milking station of primiparous versus multiparous cows at different stages of lactation on farms with automatic milking systems (AMS) in the Upper Midwest United States. Forty farms were included in the study, and daily AMS software data were collected for 18 mo. For the investigation of milk yield and milking visits, stage of lactation was categorized into 14 periods, 7 d in length for the first 28 d in milk (DIM) and 30 d in length thereafter until 328 DIM. Cow traffic flow to the AMS (free or guided) was included in the model. For the evaluation of failures and refusals, stage of lactation was categorized into 6 periods, 7 d in length each for the first 28 DIM, and 2 periods of 150 d in length each thereafter until 328 DIM. Failures are milking station visits where a cow fails to be milked due to lack of machine attachment although it is time for the cow to be milked. Refusals are milking station visits before adequate time has passed since previous milking, thus the cow leaves the milking station without being milked. Data from lactation days beyond 328 DIM were excluded from the study. Primiparous cows in free-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows until the 11th stage of lactation and produced more milk from the 12th stage until the end of the study period. Primiparous cows in guided-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows all 14 stages of lactation, but were approaching the milk yield of multiparous cows at the end of the study period. This was a biologically normal lactation curve for primiparous cows. However, estimated peak ratio (primiparous vs. multiparous cows' peak milk yield) was lower than industry standards. Both traffic flow systems had fewer milking visits for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows in early lactation. This lower milking frequency persisted until the 11th stage of lactation in free-flow systems. In guided-flow systems, primiparous cows were milked less frequently until the 5th stage of lactation, had similar milking frequency in the 6th stage of lactation, and were milked more frequently thereafter. Failures were greater for primiparous cows during all stages of lactation. However, the greatest differences were detected in the early stages of lactation. Primiparous cows had 0.067 more failures/cow per day on average than multiparous cows during wk 1 of lactation. For the remaining lactation stages, differences in failures ranged from 0.003 to 0.039. Refusals were less frequent (0.4 to 0.6/d) for primiparous cows during the first 2 wk of lactation, similar for wk 3 of lactation, and more frequent for the remaining lactation stages (0.10 to 0.14/d). Failures and refusals were only evaluated in free-flow systems. These findings appear to indicate a potential lagging performance for primiparous cows in early lactation as compared with multiparous cows. Additional investigation into improving the adaptation of primiparous cows to AMS in early lactation may be warranted.  相似文献   

Changing from a conventional milking system (CMS) to an automatic milking system (AMS) necessitates a new management approach and a corresponding change in labor tasks. Together with labor savings, AMS farms have been found to have higher capital costs, primarily because of higher maintenance costs and depreciation. Therefore, it is hypothesized that AMS farms differ from CMS farms in capital:labor ratio and possibly their technical efficiency, at least during a transition learning period. The current study used actual farm accounting data from dairy farms in the Netherlands with an AMS and a CMS to investigate the empirical substitution of capital for labor in the AMS farms and to determine if the technical efficiency of the AMS farms differed from the CMS farms. The technical efficiency estimates were obtained with data envelopment analysis. The 63 AMS farms and the 337 CMS farms in the data set did not differ in general farm characteristics such as the number of cows, number of hectares, and the amount of milk quota. Farms with AMS have significantly higher capital costs (€12.71 per 100 kg of milk) than CMS farms (€10.10 per 100 kg of milk). Total labor costs and net outputs were not significantly different between AMS and CMS farms. A clear substitution of capital for labor with the adoption of an AMS could not be observed. Although the AMS farms have a slightly lower technical efficiency (0.76) than the CMS farms (0.78), a significant difference in these estimates was not observed. This indicates that the farms were not different in their ability to use inputs (capital, labor, cows, and land) to produce outputs (total farm revenues). The technical efficiency of farms invested in an AMS in 2008 or earlier was not different from the farms invested in 2009 or 2010, indicating that a learning effect during the transition period was not observed. The results indicate that the economic performance of AMS and CMS farms are similar. What these results show is that other than higher capital costs, the use of AMS rather than a CMS does not affect farm efficiency and that the learning costs to use an AMS are not present as measured by any fall in technical efficiency.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed to evaluate the differences in behavioral and physiological stress responses during milking between cows that were milked by an automated milking system (AM-cows) and cows that were milked in a conventional tandem parlor (TM-cows). In a randomized design, 36 primiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were observed and blood sampled (1-min intervals) individually during milking. AM-cows spent less time standing with their heads outside the feeding trough than TM-cows and had a lower heart rate. In addition, AM-cows had lower maximum plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations during milking. No differences were found in the number of steps. After tactile stimulation of the teats either by hand or by the cleaning brush, mean oxytocin concentrations did not differ. In AM-cows, however, elevated oxytocin levels were prolonged at the end of milking. Averaged over the first five blood samples, AM-cows tended to have higher plasma cortisol concentrations than TM-cows, but median fecal concentrations of the cortisol metabolite dioxoandrostane were comparable. Maximum quarter milk flow, maximum udder milk flow and residual milk as a percentage of the total milk volume was comparable. From this study it is concluded that behavioral and physiological responses, both in automatically and in conventionally milked cows, were relatively low and were typical for cows being milked. We therefore conclude that, as far as the welfare of the dairy cow during milking is concerned, automatic milking and conventional milking are equally acceptable.  相似文献   

The standing and lying behavior patterns of dairy cows, particularly the length of time cows spend standing after milking, have the potential to influence the incidence of intramammary infection (IMI). The objectives were to describe the standing and lying behavior patterns of cows milked with an automatic milking system (AMS) and to determine how these patterns relate to the incidence of IMI. One hundred and eleven lactating Holstein dairy cows were monitored over a 4-mo period. These cows were kept in a sand-bedded freestall barn with 2 pens, each with a free cow traffic AMS. Feed was delivered once daily, and pushed up 2 to 3 times daily. Quarter milk samples were collected for bacteriological culture from each cow once every 4 wk. A new IMI was defined as a positive culture sample following a negative culture. For 7 d before each of the last 3 milk samplings, standing and lying behavior, and times of milking and feed manipulation (feed delivery and push up) were recorded. Daily lying time and lying bout length were negatively related with milk yield (r = −0.23 and −0.20, respectively) and milking frequency (r = −0.32 and −0.20, respectively); milk yield was positively related to milking frequency (r = 0.58). Feed manipulation near the time cows were milked (1 h before 2 h after) resulted in the longest post-milking standing times (mean = 86 min; 95% confidence interval = 78, 94 min), whereas feed manipulation occurring outside that time frame resulted in shorter post-milking standing times. Over the study period, 171 new IMI were detected. Of these new IMI detected, those caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci were the only ones associated with post-milking standing time; as post-milking standing time increased past 2.5 h after milking, the odds of acquiring a new IMI tended to also increase. In summary, standing and lying behavior patterns of cows milked with an AMS were affected by both feed manipulation and their milking activity. Further, the post-milking standing time of cows milked with an AMS can be managed by providing fresh feed, as well as by pushing up feed, frequently throughout the day. Finally, cows that spend long periods of time (>2.5 h) standing following milking may be at higher risk of acquiring a new CNS IMI.  相似文献   

To attract a cow into an automatic milking system (AMS), a certain amount of concentrate pellets is provided while the cow is being milked. If the milking frequency in an AMS is increased, the intake of concentrate pellets might increase accordingly. Replacing conventional starchy pellets with nonstarchy pellets increased milk yield, milk fat, and milk protein and decreased body weight. The hypothesis was that a nonroughage by-product rich in digestible neutral detergent fiber, such as soyhulls and gluten feed, could replace starchy grain in pellets fed in an AMS. Sixty cows were paired by age, milk yield, and days in milk, and were fed a basic mixture ad libitum [16.2 ± 0.35 (mean ± SE) kg of dry matter intake/d per cow] plus a pelleted additive (6 to 14 kg of dry matter/d per cow) that was consumed in the AMS and in a concentrate self-feeder, which could only be entered after passing through the AMS. The 2 feeding regimens differed only in the composition of the pelleted additives: the control group contained 52.9% starchy grain, whereas the experimental group contained 25% starchy grain, plus soyhulls and gluten feed as replacement for part of the grain. Wheat bran in the control ration, a source of fiber with low digestibility, was replaced with more digestible soyhulls and gluten. During the first 60 d in milk, a cow received 10 to 12 kg of concentrate pellets. After 60 DIM, concentrate feed was allocated by milk production: ≤25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to 2 kg/d of concentrate feed; >25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 1 kg/d of additional concentrate feed per 5 kg/d of additional milk production, and >60 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 9 kg of concentrate. The concentrate feed was split between the AMS and concentrate self-feeder. The 2 diets resulted in similar frequencies of voluntary milking (3.12 ± 0.03 to 2.65 ± 0.03 visits/d per cow vs. 3.16 ± 0.00 to 2.60 ± 0.01 visits/d per cow). Average milk yields were higher in the experimental group (42.7 ± 0.76 to 39.09 ± 0.33 kg/d per cow vs. 39.69 ± 0.68 to 37.54 ± 0.40 kg/d per cow) and percentages of milk protein (3.02 ± 0.06 to 3.12 ± 0.05% vs. 3.07 ± 0.04 to 3.20 ± 0.04%) and milk fat (3.42 ± 0.17 to 3.44 ± 0.08% vs. 3.38 ± 0.13 to 3.55 ± 0.06%) were similar in the 2 groups. The results suggest that the proposed pellets high in digestible neutral detergent fiber can be allocated via the AMS to selected high-yielding cows without a negative effect on appetite, milk yield, or milk composition while maintaining a high milking frequency.  相似文献   

Twice-a-day milking is currently the most frequently used milking schedule in Canadian dairy cattle. However, with an automated milking system (AMS), dairy cows can be milked more frequently. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milking frequency and for production traits of cows milked within an AMS. Data were 141,927 daily records of 953 primiparous Holstein cows from 14 farms in Ontario and Quebec. Most cows visited the AMS 2 (46%) or 3 (37%) times a day. A 2-trait [daily (24-h) milking frequency and daily (24-h) milk yield] random regression daily animal model and a multiple-trait (milk, fat, protein yields, somatic cell score, and milking frequency) random regression test-day animal model were used for the estimation of (co)variance components. Both models included fixed effect of herd × test-date, fixed regressions on days in milk (DIM) nested within age at calving by season of calving, and random regressions for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Both fixed and random regressions were fitted with fourth-order Legendre polynomials on DIM. The number of cows in the multiple-trait test-day model was smaller compared with the daily animal model. Heritabilities from the daily model for daily (24-h) milking frequency and daily (24-h) milk yield ranged between 0.02 and 0.08 and 0.14 and 0.20, respectively. Genetic correlations between daily (24-h) milk yield and daily (24-h) milking frequency were largest at the end of lactation (0.80) and smallest in mid-lactation (0.27). Heritabilities from the test-day model for test-day milking frequency, milk, fat and protein yield, and somatic cell score were 0.14, 0.26, 0.20, 0.21, and 0.20, respectively. The genetic correlation was positive between test-day milking frequency and official test-day milk, fat, and protein yields, and negative between official test-day somatic cell score and test-day milking frequency.  相似文献   

A crossover study design was used in five commercial dairy herds to study the effect of altering the switch point settings for automatic cluster remover units on the average duration of unit attachment, milk flow, and milk yield. Automatic cluster remover switch point settings were alternated, for 1-wk periods, between 0.50 and 0.64 kg/min (1.1 and 1.4 lb/min) in one herd and between 0.73 and 0.82 kg/min (1.6 and 1.8 lb/min) in the four remaining herds. Parlor data were captured at 329 separate milking sessions (range 39 to 92 per herd), representing 239,393 individual cow milkings. While increasing the automatic cluster remover switch point setting was not associated with a change in average milking duration in one herd, it had the effect of significantly reducing the average milking duration by between 10.2 and 15.6 s per cow in the remaining four herds. Milk flow was significantly increased at higher switch point settings for all five herds. Higher automatic cluster remover switch point settings did not have a negative effect on milk yield in any of the herds studied and, in fact, were associated with increased milk yield in two of the five herds. Decreasing milking duration while either maintaining or increasing the volume of milk harvested should ultimately lead to improved milking efficiency and parlor performance. Modifying systems to increase automatic cluster remover switch point settings offers an important potential opportunity to increase parlor efficiency in commercial dairy herds.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different milking frequencies on entire lactation production performance in Holstein cows. One hundred twenty Holstein cows were assigned to 3 milking treatments (35 multiparous and 5 primiparous cows in each): 1) milking 6 times daily for the entire lactation (6×); 2) milking 6 times daily for the first 90 d in milk (DIM) and switching to 3 times daily milking afterward (6×-3×); and 3) milking 3 times daily for the entire lactation (3×). Milk yield was recorded every other day during the first 60 DIM and on 2 consecutive days per week subsequently. Cows were weighed and scored for their body condition immediately after parturition and monthly afterward. Blood and milk samples were taken from each cow on 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 210, and 270 DIM, with an additional blood sampling on 15 DIM. Milk and fat corrected milk yield was greater for 6× and 6×-3× cows than for 3× cows (36.82, 37.32, and 36.1, 36.75 versus 34.56, 35.33 kg/d, respectively) during the experimental period. Milk fat and lactose percentage were not different among treatments, but milk protein was lower in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows. Blood glucose concentration was higher and blood nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration were lower in 3× cows than in 6× and 6×-3× cows during early lactation. Dry matter intake was greater in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows (23.05, 22.58, and 22.45 kg/d, respectively). The 3× cows began to gain weight earlier than the 6× and 6×-3× cows, but there was no difference among groups for BW change regarding the entire experimental period. These results indicate that increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily increases milk yield only during early lactation and that there are no advantages of milking 6 times daily compared with 3 times daily during the mid and late lactation periods. Given the results of this study and the economical aspects of production, milking 6 times daily until 90 DIM and subsequently switching to milking 3 times daily is preferred.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7513-7524
Adjusting end-of-milking criteria, in particular applying a maximum milking time determined by expected milk yield at an individual milking session, is one strategy to optimize parlor efficiency. However, this strategy can be difficult to apply practically on farm due to large differences in session milk yield, driven by milking interval, which affects milking routines and can be limited by in-parlor technology. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that a single fixed milking time (duration) could be applied at all milking sessions without compromising milk production or udder health for a range of milking intervals. To test the hypothesis, 4 experimental herds were established: (1) herd milked twice a day (TAD) using a 10- and 14-h interval, (2) herd milked TAD using an 8- and 16-h interval, (3) herd milked 3 times in 2 d using a 10–19–19-h interval, and (4) herd milked once a day (OAD). Herds consisted of 40 cows each, and were established for two 6-wk experimental periods, one in peak lactation and the other in mid-late lactation. Within each herd, half the cows had an end-of-milking criterion of 0.35 kg/min (Flow), and the other half had milking ended after a fixed period of time (FixedT) based on the average milking session yield, the daily milk yield divided by average number of milkings per day, irrespective of milking interval. We found no differences in daily milk yield between end-of-milking criteria due to residual milk from one milking likely increasing the proportion of milk in the udder cistern at the next milking session for the FixedT treatment. However, fat yield was compromised when the percentage of the herd with a truncated milking exceeded an estimated 33% at a milking session, which occurred in the TAD 8–16 herd due to the divergence from the average milking interval (in the case of TAD, 12–12 h). Applying a fixed milking time had no detrimental effects on udder health, except in the OAD herd in mid-late lactation, which had both a higher cell count and new intramammary infection rate. This warrants further investigation, although the majority of cultured bacteria were coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Consequently, we conclude that, in general, with appropriate monitoring (e.g., weekly inspection) to ensure the proportion of the herd with truncated milkings does not exceed 33%, farmers in pasture-based dairy systems can use a fixed milking time to improve parlor efficiency.  相似文献   

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