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Milk production data of Luxembourg and Tunisian Holstein cows were analyzed using herd management (HM) level. Herds in each country were clustered into high, medium, and low HM levels based on solutions of herd-test-date and herd-year of calving effects from national evaluations. Data from both populations included 730,810 test-day (TD) milk yield records from 87,734 first-lactation cows. A multi-trait, random regression TD model was used to estimate (co)variance components for milk yield within and across country HM levels. Additive genetic and permanent environmental variances of TD milk yields varied with management level in Tunisia and Luxembourg. Additive variances were smaller across HM levels in Tunisia than in Luxembourg, whereas permanent environmental variances were larger in Tunisian HM levels. Highest heritability estimates of 305-d milk yield (0.41 and 0.21) were found in high HM levels, whereas lowest estimates (0.31 and 0.12, respectively) were associated with low HM levels in both countries. Genetic correlations among Luxembourg HM levels were >0.96, whereas those among Tunisian HM levels were below 0.80. Respective rank orders of sires ranged from 0.73 to 0.83 across Luxembourg environments and from 0.33 to 0.42 across Tunisian HM levels indicating high re-ranking of sires in Tunisia and only a scaling effect in Luxembourg. Across-country environment analysis showed that estimates of genetic variance in the high, medium, and low classes of Tunisian environments were 45, 69, and 81% lower, respectively, than the estimate found in the high Luxembourg HM level. Genetic correlations among 305-d milk yields in Tunisian and Luxembourg HM environments ranged from 0.39 to 0.79. The largest estimated genetic correlation was found between the medium Luxembourg and high Tunisian HM levels. Rank correlations for common sires’ estimated breeding values among HM environments were low and ranged from 0.19 to 0.39, implying the existence of genotype by environment interaction. These results indicate that daughters of superior sires in Luxembourg have their genetic expression for milk production limited under Tunisian environments. Milk production of cows in the medium and low Luxembourg environments were good predictors of that of their paternal half-sisters in the high Tunisian HM level. Breeding decisions in low-input Tunisian environment should utilize semen from sires with daughters in similar production environments rather than semen of bulls proven in higher management levels. 相似文献
Raffrenato E Blake RW Oltenacu PA Carvalheira J Licitra G 《Journal of dairy science》2003,86(7):2470-2479
Differential genetic expression in high and low opportunity Sicilian Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss herd environments was investigated using endogenous and exogenous variables in a set of three definitions. Results of genetic by environmental interaction were compared using alternative environmental definitions: within herd-year standard deviation for mature equivalent milk yield (HYSD), detectable incidence of normal vs. abnormal (peakless) lactation and herds clustered by causal relationships from high and low frequency use of nutrition, milking, health and animal handling practices. Data for genetic analysis consisted of first-lactation standardized yields of milk, fat and protein, and weighted somatic cell score for 8897 daughters of 825 Holstein-Friesian sires and 1143 daughters of 220 Brown Swiss sires. Components of covariance, heritabilities, and genetic correlations were estimated using bivariate and multivariate sire models for average and contrasting environments for each definition. Sire variances for yields were consistently smaller in the low opportunity environments of both breeds. Except for differential incidence of abnormal lactation in Friesian herds, correlated yield response in less privileged environments was 0.41 to 0.81 as much as in high opportunity environments, a substantial loss. Genetic correlations between HYSD environments for yield traits of Friesian were 0.48 to 0.66 but exceeded 0.80 for other definitions. Less correlated response in somatic cell score was also predicted for environments with low use of yield-enhancing practices (0.66 for Friesian and 0.61 for Brown Swiss), which may have resulted from less health care and poorer milking management. Therefore, unfavorable management interactions likely foster unequal gains from selection in contrasting environments defined exogenously or by incidence of peakless lactation. Conversely, greater genetic as well as phenotypic response is expected from additional inputs of nutrition, health care and milking management. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to quantify genotype by environment interaction (G x E) between automatic milking systems (AMS) and conventional milking systems (CMS) for test-day milk, fat, and protein yield and for test-day somatic cell score (SCS) in The Netherlands. The G x E was studied in 2 ways: 1) between AMS farms and CMS farms in the same period and 2) within farms comparing the period before introduction of AMS with the period after introduction of AMS. For both sub-objectives, a separate data set was generated. Test-day records were used to be more flexible with respect to the introduction date of AMS. Multivariate, fixed regression, test-day sire models were used to estimate variance components. Genetic correlations between AMS farms and CMS farms in the same period were 0.93, >0.99, 0.98, and 0.79 for test-day milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, and SCS, respectively. Genetic correlations within farms between the period before and after introduction of AMS were lower for production traits and higher for SCS: 0.89, 0.91, 0.87, and >0.99, respectively, for test-day milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, and SCS. Heterogeneity of variance was observed between AMS and CMS in both data sets. Especially the residual variance increased with automatic milking. As a consequence, the heritability tended to be lower for automatic milking. It was concluded that effects of G x E are small between AMS and CMS. Therefore, AMS farms can select sires accurately based on national rankings. 相似文献
The objective of this paper was to investigate the importance of a genotype × environment interaction (G × E) for somatic cell score (SCS) across levels of bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC), number of days in milk (DIM), and their interaction. Variance components were estimated with a model including random regressions for each sire on herd test-day BMSCC, DIM, and the interaction of BMSCC and DIM. The analyzed data set contained 344,029 test-day records of 24,125 cows, sired by 182 bulls, in 461 herds comprising 13,563 herd test-days. In early lactation, considerable G × E effects were detected for SCS, indicated by 3-fold higher genetic variance for SCS at high BMSCC compared with SCS at low BMSCC, and a genetic correlation of 0.72 between SCS at low and at high BMSCC. Estimated G × E effects were smaller during late lactation. Genetic correlations between SCS at the same level of BMSCC, across DIM, were between 0.43 and 0.89. The lowest genetic correlation between SCS measures on any 2 possible combinations of BMSCC and DIM was 0.42. Correlated responses in SCS across BMSCC and DIM were, on some occasions, less than half the direct response to selection in the response environment. Responses to selection were reasonably high among environments in the second half of the lactation, whereas responses to selection between environments early and late in lactation tended to be low. Selection for reduced SCS yielded the highest direct response early in lactation at high BMSCC. 相似文献
Cerón-Muñoz MF Tonhati H Costa CN Maldonado-Estrada J Rojas-Sarmiento D 《Journal of dairy science》2004,87(8):2455-2458
The objective was to determine whether there is a genotype x environment interaction for age at first calving (AFC) in Holstein cattle in Brazil and Colombia. Data included 51,239 and 25,569 first-lactation records from Brazil and Colombia, respectively. Of 4230 sires in the data, 530 were North American sires used in both countries. Analyses were done using the REML bi-trait animal model, and AFC was considered as a distinct characteristic in each country. Fixed effects of contemporary group (herd-calving year), sire genetic group, and cow genetic group, and random effects of animal and residual variation were included in the model. Average AFC in Brazil and Colombia were 29.5 +/- 4.0 and 32.1 +/- 3.5 mo, respectively. Additive and residual genetic components and heritability coefficient for AFC in Brazil were 2.21 mo2, 9.41 mo2, and 0.19, respectively, whereas for Colombia, they were 1.02 mo2, 6.84 mo2, and 0.13, respectively. The genetic correlation of AFC between Brazil and Colombia was 0.78, indicating differences in ranking of sires consistent with a genotype x environment interaction. Therefore, in countries with differing environments, progeny of Holstein sires may calve at relatively younger or older ages compared with contemporary herdmates in one environment versus another. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate the possible existence of a genotype x environment interaction (GxE) for production traits of US Holsteins in grazing versus confinement herds. Grazing herds were defined as those that utilized grazing for at least 6 mo and were enrolled in dairy herd improvement (DHI). Control herds were confinement DHI herds of comparable size in similar regions. The performance of daughters in grazing herds and control herds was examined using linear regression of mature equivalent milk, fat, and protein yield on the November 2000 USDA-DHI predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) of their sires for those traits. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood in a bivariate animal model that considered the same trait in different environments as different traits. Product-moment and rank correlations were calculated between sires' estimated breeding values, estimated separately in both environments. For grazing herds, the coefficient of regression of milk, fat and protein on PTA were 0.78, 0.76, and 0.78, respectively. Corresponding coefficients in the control herds were 0.99, 0.96, and 0.98. Estimates of heritability for the traits ranged from 0.2 to 0.25, and differences between grazing and control environments were small. Estimates of the genetic correlations for the traits in both environments were 0.89, 0.88, and 0.91 for milk, fat, and protein, respectively. Within-quartile analyses revealed a lower correlation for milk and protein between the upper and lower grazing quartiles, while the same quartiles for the control herds did not differ from unity. Rank correlation coefficients between sire estimated breeding values from the 2 environments were 0.59, 0.63, and 0.66 for milk, fat, and protein, respectively. The mean rank change for the top 100 sires between the two environments was 27. The regression coefficients indicate that expected daughter differences may be overstated by current sire PTA in grazing herds. Genetic correlations less than unity suggests that there is, at least, some reranking among sires in both environments, while the rank correlations indicate the possibility of sire reranking when evaluations were performed within management system. However, differences are not so large as to justify separate genetic evaluations for each system. 相似文献
Variance components and breeding values for protein yield were estimated with REML without and with correction for heterogeneity of variances. Three different sire models were applied, which all accounted for genotype x environment (G x E) interaction. The first model included a sire x herd-year-season subclass (HYS) interaction. The second model divided all records in four different types of management groups, based on estimated HYS subclass effect. The third model, the reaction norm model, performed a random linear regression on the estimated HYS effect. For comparison, a standard model that did not take G x E interaction into account was also applied. Data consisted of 102,899 305-d first-lactation protein records of Holstein Friesians of 1,000 ofthe largest Dutch dairy herds. All animals calved in 1997, 1998, or 1999. Estimated breeding values (EBV) for 2,150 bulls with at least five daughters were calculated. The interaction model detected an interaction variance of 2.5% of the phenotypic variance. The EBV showed a correlation of 1.00 with those of the standard model without interaction. The model with the division in groups showed correlations between groups ranging from 0.73 to 0.86. The EBV showed correlations from 0.84 to 0.91 with the EBV of the standard model. The reaction norm model calculated EBV that had a correlation of 1.00 with the EBV of the standard model. The reaction norm model was not able to detect significant variance of the slope for the protein data corrected for heterogeneity of variances. 相似文献
Ruiz-Sánchez R Blake RW Castro-Gámez HM Sánchez F Montaldo HH Castillo-Juárez H 《Journal of dairy science》2007,90(10):4830-4834
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of herd environment class on the genetic and phenotypic relationships of mature equivalent milk yield (MY) on age at first calving (AFC). Data analyzed were 248,230 first parity records of Holstein cows, daughters of 588 sires in 3,042 herds in the United States. Heritability for AFC was 0.33 ± 0.01 and 0.20 ± 0.01 in high and low environment herds, respectively, and 0.47 ± 0.01 in the complete data set. The correlation between AFC sires’ predicted breeding values of low and high classes was 0.69. Genetic correlations between MY and AFC were −0.52 ± 0.02 and −0.31 ± 0.03 in high and low environment herds, respectively, and −0.44 ± 0.02 in the complete data set representing intermediate environments. If selection is based on the whole data set, expected correlated responses for AFC estimated as a result of 1,000 kg of genetic gain in MY, for high and low herd environment herds were −26.1 and −15.3 d, respectively, and −32.6 for the complete data set; hence the highest reduction in AFC occurs in intermediate environment herds. Different estimates of the heritability of AFC, the correlation between AFC breeding values of low and high classes as well as changes in the genetic correlation between MY and AFC across environments indicate genotype × environment interaction. Caution in interpretation is warranted because genetic relationships are dynamic, especially in populations undergoing selection. Current relationships may differ from those during the time period of the present study (1987–1994). Notwithstanding this possibility, methods and findings from the present study provide insight about the complexity of genetic association and genotype × environment interactions between AFC and MY. 相似文献
Increases in genetic merit for milk yield are associated with increases in mobilization of body reserves. This study assessed the effects of genotype by environment (G×E) interactions on milk yield and energy and protein balances. Heifers (n = 100) with high or low genetic merit for milk yield were milked 2 or 3 times a day and received rations of low or high caloric density. The management factors were selected to induce substantial differences in milk production levels and model different management strategies. The 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement enables the assessment of the effects of genotype, environment, and G×E interactions. Mean daily energy-corrected milk production in the first 100 d in milk varied between 21.8 and 35.2 kg among the groups. The experimental factors affected milk production in the presumed direction. Ration was the most determinant factor on milk production. Effects of milking frequency and genetic merit were significant only in the groups that were fed rations with high caloric density. Signs for severe negative energy balances, protein balances, and low body condition scores, all of which may be indicative of health risks, were not concentrated in the highest producing cows. Feed caloric density and milking frequency had stronger effects on energy balances and protein balances, with unfavorable effects of low caloric density feed and an extra milking. This emphasizes the possible effect of mismanagement on animal health risks. High genetic merit cows had significantly lower postpartum body condition scores. Genotype × environment interactions existed, but more information is needed to determine if cows of different genetic merit for milk yield are differently at risk for disease under specific conditions. High milk production levels per se will increase allostatic load, but need not compromise the health status of relatively young cows. Ongoing one-sided selection for high yield may be combined with good animal health, but because high genetic merit for milk yield seems intrinsically connected to the allocation of resources from maintenance toward milk, this puts increasing demands on farmers’ time and management skills. 相似文献
Continual selection for increased milk yield for more than 40 yr, combined with the antagonistic relationship between increasing yield, somatic cell count, and fertility, have resulted in sires that may not be optimal for producing daughters for grazing systems where seasonal calving is very important. The objective of this study was to investigate the possible existence of a genotype x environment interaction (G x E) in grazing vs. confinement herds within the United States for lactation average somatic cell score (LSCS), days open (DO), days to first service (DFS), and number of services per conception (SPC). Grazing herds were defined as those that utilized grazing for at least 6 mo each year and were enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI). Control herds were confinement DHI herds of similar size in the same states. For LSCS, the performance of daughters in grazing and control herds was examined using linear regression of LSCS on the November 2000 USDA-DHIA sire predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) for SCS. Genetic parameters for all traits were estimated using REML in a bivariate animal model that treated the same trait in different environments as different traits. Rank correlations were calculated between sires' estimated breeding values for LSCS, calculated separately for sires in both environments. The coefficient of regression of daughter LSCS on sire PTA was less in grazing herds than in control herds. The coefficient of regression for control herds was closer to expectation. Estimates of heritability were approximately 0.12 for LSCS, and less than 0.05 for the reproduction traits. Heritabilities for DO, DFS, and SPC were slightly higher for control herds. Estimates of genetic correlation for each reproductive trait between the 2 environments were high and not significantly different from unity. Generally, these traits appear to be under similar genetic control, but a lower coefficient of regression of LSCS on sire PTA for SCS in grazing herds suggests differences in daughter performance in grazing herds may be overstated based on current PTA for SCS. 相似文献
Cerón-Muñoz MF Tonhati H Costa CN Rojas-Sarmiento D Echeverri Echeverri DM 《Journal of dairy science》2004,87(8):2687-2692
Estimates of genetic parameters for organic dairy farming have not been published previously, and neither is information available on the magnitude of genotype by environment interaction (G×E) between organic and conventional farming. However, organic farming is growing worldwide and basic information about genetic parameters is needed for future breeding strategies for organic dairy farming. The goal of this study was to estimate heritabilities of milk production traits under organic farming conditions and to estimate the magnitude of G×E between organic and conventional dairy farming. For this purpose, production records of first-parity Holstein heifers were used. Heritabilities of milk, fat and protein yield, and somatic cell score (SCS) were higher under organic farming conditions. For percentages of fat and protein, heritabilities of organic and conventional production were very similar. Genetic correlations between preorganic and organic, and organic and conventional milk production were 0.79 and 0.80, respectively. For fat yield, these correlations were 0.86 and 0.88, and for protein yield, these were 0.78 and 0.71, respectively. Our findings indicate that moderate G×E was present for yield traits. For percentage of fat and protein and SCS, genetic correlations between organic and conventional and preorganic production were close to unity, indicating that there was no G×E for these traits. 相似文献
Feed management is one of the principal levers by which the production and composition of milk by dairy cows can be modulated in the short term. The response of milk yield and milk composition to variations in either energy or protein supplies is well known. However, in practice, dietary supplies of energy and protein vary simultaneously, and their interaction is still not well understood. The objective of this trial was to determine whether energy and protein interacted in their effects on milk production and milk composition and whether the response to changes in the diets depended on the parity and potential production of cows. From the results, a model was built to predict the response of milk yield and milk composition to simultaneous variations in energy and protein supplies relative to requirements of cows. Nine treatments, defined by their energy and protein supplies, were applied to 48 cows divided into 4 homogeneous groups (primiparous or multiparous × high or low milk potential) over three 4-wk periods. The control treatment was calculated to cover the predicted requirements of the group of cows in the middle of the trial and was applied to each cow. The other 8 treatments corresponded to fixed supplies of energy and protein, higher or lower than those of the control treatment. The results highlighted a significant energy × protein interaction not only on milk yield but also on protein content and yield. The response of milk yield to energy supply was zero with a negative protein balance and increased with protein supply equal to or higher than requirements. The response of milk yield to changes in the diet was greater for cows with high production potential than for those with low production potential, and the response of milk protein content was higher for primiparous cows than for multiparous cows. The model for the response of milk yield, protein yield, and protein content obtained in this trial made it possible to predict more accurately the variations in production and composition of milk relative to the potential of the cow because of changes in diet composition. In addition, the interaction obtained was in line with a response corresponding to the more limiting of 2 factors: energy or protein. 相似文献
Schierenbeck S Reinhardt F Reents R Simianer H König S 《Journal of dairy science》2011,94(4):2071-2082
Several arguments exist for breeding organizations to focus on cooperative herds for progeny testing, but an efficient methodology addressing herd selection strategies is lacking. In this study, a new approach based on yield deviations (YD) to identify the most informative cooperator herds in terms of genetic differentiation was evaluated. Data comprised YD from 717,377 first-lactation cows from 2 regions in East and West Germany calving between January 2003 and January 2008. Daughters were ranked and classified within sire according to their YD for protein yield, fat yield, milk yield, and somatic cell score. Cows in created YD classes were merged with respective herd-calving year (HCY) characteristics. Cows of extreme YD classes (i.e., such classes including the most extreme daughter contributions), belonged to herds characterized by a high HCY production level, a low value for HCY somatic cell count, and a low HCY age at first calving (AFC). Cows with low extremes for YD in protein yield were associated with the lowest HCY production level, a high value for HCY somatic cell count, and a late HCY AFC. Ranks of HCY and ranks of herds considering HCY over the whole analyzed period were calculated by averaging YD percentages within HCY, and within herds, respectively. The YD percentages (in absolute values so that negative and positive daughter contributions were treated equally) were derived from the rank of the YD of a daughter within sire in relation to all daughters of a sire. A further partitioning of ranks of herds into quartiles revealed the following results: herds in the first quartile had the highest average protein yield, the highest intra-herd standard deviation for the national production index, and the lowest AFC. Correlations between herd rankings for different production traits ranged between 0.64 and 0.86, and were 0.65 for West Germany and 0.62 for East Germany between HCY 2006 and the average herd rank of all calving years. Correlations between daughter yield deviations for the highest and the lowest herd quartile of 0.87 for protein yield disproved concerns regarding genotype by environment interaction between test and production environment. The suggested methodology to identify informative cooperator herds is easy to implement, holds for regions with small herd sizes, and thus, may help in implementing sustainable and competitive dairy cattle breeding programs. 相似文献
Dairy farms vary a great deal in the feeding and management systems that are used. These differences affect the performance of the cows, and some genotypes may be affected more than others. If effects of such genotype-by-environment interactions (G×E) are large, then farmers must be made aware of them to make informed breeding decisions. To investigate G×E, a classification system for farm environments was developed based on national- and fine-level data from dairy herds across the United Kingdom. The national data included herd and yield characteristics and local weather information. The fine-level data included information on feeding and management systems on farms, and was obtained from survey results from 778 farms. A principal components analysis of the surveys identified 2 major dimensions characterizing the data. The first dimension explained 14.6% of the variation and was related to the level of production intensity. The second dimension explained 11.5% of the variation and was related to climate. Information on milk yield, herd characteristics, and climate was then extracted from national databases for the survey farms. A canonical correlation analysis was used to relate the survey data to the variables extracted from the national data set to determine the most relevant variables. The canonical correlation between the chosen sets of national data and survey variables was 0.62. This environmental classification was then used to determine how the farm environment affects the life span of dairy cows. The life span of the daughters of 1,000 sires was related to the type of farm environment. The daughters of a majority of sires showed a “plastic” response, with increased life span in less intensive farms. The daughters of a smaller number of sires showed a more generalized response, with life span being less affected by the environment. This G×E suggested that sires vary in the sensitivity of their daughters to different farm environments. This variation in response could allow breeding companies and farmers to match sires to particular farm environments. 相似文献