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Reviews the literature on temperament, personality, and mood and anxiety disorders. The review is organized primarily around L. A. Clark and D. Watson's (1991) tripartite model for these disorders, but other influential approaches are also examined. Negative affectivity (or neuroticism) appears to be a vulnerability factor for the development of anxiety and depression, indicates poor prognosis, and is itself affected by the experience of disorder. Positive affectivity (or extraversion) is related more specifically to depression, may be a risk factor for its development, suggests poor prognosis, and also may be affected by the experience of disorder. Other personality dimensions (e.g., anxiety sensitivity, attributional style, sociotropy or dependency, autonomy or self-criticism, and constraint) may constitute specific vulnerability factors for particular disorders. It is suggested that more longitudinal and measurement-based research that jointly examines anxiety and depression is needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders with other mental, addictive, and physical disorders has important implications for treatment and for prediction of clinical course and associated morbidity. METHOD: Cross-sectional and prospective data on 20,291 individuals from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study were analysed to determine one-month, current disorders, one-year incidence, and one-year and lifetime prevalence of anxiety, mood, and addictive disorders, and to identify the onset and offset of disorders within the one-year prospective period. RESULTS: Nearly half (47.2%) of those meeting lifetime criteria for major depression also have met criteria for a comorbid anxiety disorder. The average age of onset of any lifetime anxiety disorder (16.4 years) and social phobia (11.6 years) among those with major depression was much younger than the onset age for major depression (23.2 years) and panic disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety disorders, especially social and simple phobias, appear to have an early onset in adolescence with potentially severe consequences, predisposing those affected to greater vulnerability to major depression and addictive disorders.  相似文献   

The comorbidity of current and lifetime DSM-IV anxiety and mood disorders was examined in 1,127 outpatients who were assessed with the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV:Lifetime version (ADIS-IV-L). The current and lifetime prevalence of additional Axis I disorders in principal anxiety and mood disorders was found to be 57% and 81%, respectively. The principal diagnostic categories associated with the highest comorbidity rates were mood disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). A high rate of lifetime comorbidity was found between the anxiety and mood disorders; the lifetime association with mood disorders was particularly strong for PTSD, GAD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social phobia. The findings are discussed in regard to their implications for the classification of emotional disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that anxiety and unipolar mood disorders are often comorbid because each disorder indicates a broad, higher order factor. In a clinical subsample of the nationally representative National Comorbidity Survey participants (N?=?251), a one-factor model fit the correlations among 7 dichotomous anxiety and unipolar mood diagnoses. Following the lead provided by literature on the structure of emotional and behavioral problems in children, we labeled this factor internalizing. Item response theory was used to explore how each diagnosis mapped onto the internalizing factor. The test information function derived from the 7 diagnoses suggested that they measure primarily the higher end of the factor. In addition, very high scores on internalizing (meeting criteria for 6–7 disorders) were associated with increased social costs, a phenomenon not well captured by the "comorbidity" concept. The results underscore the need to develop clinical assessment instruments that span the full range of the internalizing factor and measure both the shared and distinctive features of anxiety and unipolar mood disorders in a graded, continuous fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore patterns and clinical correlates of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and mood spectrum disorders with psychotic features. METHOD: Ninety-six consecutively hospitalized patients with current psychotic symptoms were recruited and included in this study. Index episode psychotic diagnosis and psychiatric comorbidity were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R-Patient Version (SCID-P). Psychopathology was assessed by the SCID-P, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, and Hopkins Symptom Checklist. Awareness of illness was assessed with the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders. RESULTS: The total lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in the entire cohort was 57.3% (58.1% in schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 56.9% in mood spectrum psychoses). Overall, panic disorder (24%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (24%), social phobia (17.7%), substance abuse (11.5%), alcohol abuse (10.4%), and simple phobia (7.3%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Within the group of mood spectrum disorders, negative symptoms were found to be more frequent among patients with psychiatric comorbidity than among those without comorbidity, while such a difference was not detected within the group of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Social phobia, substance abuse disorder, and panic disorder comorbidity showed the greatest association with psychotic features. An association between earlier age at first hospitalization and comorbidity was found only in patients with unipolar psychotic depression. Patient self-reported psychopathology was more severe in schizophrenia spectrum patients with comorbidity than in those without, while such a difference was less pronounced in mood spectrum psychoses. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that psychiatric comorbidity is a relevant phenomenon in psychoses and is likely to negatively affect the phenomenology of psychotic illness. Further studies in larger psychotic populations are needed to gain more insight into the clinical and therapeutic implications of psychiatric comorbidity in psychoses.  相似文献   

We examine the lifetime comorbidity among anxiety disorders, and between anxiety disorders and other mental disorders, in a large (n = 1,507) community sample of high school students on whom extensive diagnostic data were available. Three diagnostic groups were formed: those with a lifetime anxiety disorder (n = 134); those with a nonanxiety disorder (n = 510); and those who had never met criteria for a mental disorder (n = 863). The intra-anxiety comorbidity rate was relatively low (18.7%), and was strongly associated with being female (92%). The lifetime comorbidity between anxiety and other mental disorders (primarily MDD) was substantial (73.1%) and was not associated with being female.  相似文献   

This study assessed prevalence rates and overlap among Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( 3rd ed., revised; DSM-III—R; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) personality disorders in a multisite sample of 366 substance abusers in treatment. In addition, the relation of antisocial personality disorder (APD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and paranoid personality disorder (PPD) to alcohol typology variables was examined. Structured diagnostic interviews and other measures were administered to participants at least 14 days after entry into treatment. Results indicated high prevalence rates for APD and non-APD disorders. There was extensive overlap between Axis I disorders and personality disorders, and among personality disorders themselves. APD, BPD, and PPD were linked to more severe symptomatology of alcoholism and other clinical problems. However, only APD and BPD satisfied subtyping criteria, after controlling for other comorbidity. Implications for classifying alcoholics by comorbid disorders are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent progress toward the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders includes a proposed quantitative hierarchical structure of internalizing pathology with substantial, supportive evidence (D. Watson, 2005). Questions about such a taxonomic shift remain, however, particularly regarding how best to account for and use existing diagnostic categories and models of personality structure. In this study, the authors use a large sample of psychiatric patients with internalizing diagnoses (N = 1,319) as well as a community sample (N = 856) to answer some of these questions. Specifically, the authors investigate how the diagnoses of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and bipolar disorder compare with the other internalizing categories at successive levels of the personality hierarchy. Results suggest unique profiles for bipolar disorder and OCD and highlight the important contribution of a 5-factor model of personality in conceptualizing internalizing pathology. Implications for personality-psychopathology models and research on personality structure are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ss were administered: Sarason's True-False Test Anxiety Scale, Bendig's 20-item version of the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Sarason's Lack of Protection Scale, and Edwards' Social Desirability Scale. These data were intercorrelated with 13 measures of intellectual performance. "Although all correlations between anxiety and intellectual measures were small, there was a consistent, significant tendency for… [Sarason's True-False Test Anxiety Scale] to correlate negatively with the intellectual measures. No similar tendency was observed for the… [other scales]." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mood disorders are common in women. A prepregnancy personal history of mood disorder (bipolar or major depression), premenstrual syndrome, or (possibly) postpartum blues places a woman at high risk for a postpartum exacerbation of symptoms. Untreated or unrecognized postpartum mood disorders can lead to serious psychologic and social consequences, in some cases even leading to suicide or infanticide. Women at risk for postpartum mood disorders need to be referred for psychiatric consultation before pregnancy and parturition. Informed, professional collaboration offers the best opportunities for prevention, as well as the earliest recognition and treatment of emergent symptoms.  相似文献   

In this study, symptom (item) level data were used to perform a psychometric analysis of the DSM-III-R personality disorders (PDs). Determined for each PD criteria set were convergent validity, discriminant validity, and internal consistency. The results indicated that the majority of the PD criteria sets (6 of the 11 ) possessed adequate convergent validity, although discriminant validity was problematic for most of these disorders. Internal consistency was also weak for the PD criteria sets, with only 3 of the 11 exceeding a minimum cutoff score of .70. The present study employed a methodology modeled after the one reported by Morey (1988a), and the results of the two studies were highly similar. Consistent findings across the two data sets can be taken to reflect the actual psychometric properties of the DSM-III-R PDs. The success of our replication demonstrates the potential that large-scale psychometric investigations hold for aiding the development and refinement of the DSM PDs.  相似文献   

The effects of linoleic acid, linoleic acid anilide, and arachidonic acid on the expression of CD11b/ CD18, CD11c/CD18 integrins and L-selectin on human neutrophils were studied by flow cytometry in a whole blood assay. None of these compounds had any effect on the basal expression of CD11b, CD11c, or L-selectin in the concentration range of 20-100 microM. However, linoleic acid at a concentration of 1000 microM slightly up-regulated CD11b and CD11c by a factor of 2.1 and 1.7, respectively. Linoleic acid, linoleic acid anilide, and arachidonic acid did not affect the formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine induced up-regulation of CD11b or CD11c. However, linoleic acid and linoleic acid anilide slightly inhibited the phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced expression of CD11b, which was decreased by 27 and 21% at concentrations of 100 and 1000 microM, respectively. Likewise, arachidonic acid at 40 microM inhibited the PMA-induced expression of CD11b by 19%. Our results suggest that linoleic acid, linoleic acid anilide, and arachidonic acid do not dramatically affect the expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules in a whole blood assay.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Mexican American Prevalence and Services Survey presents lifetime prevalence rates for 12 DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in a sample of 3012 adults of Mexican origin by place of residence and nativity, and compares these results with those of population surveys conducted in the United States and Mexico. METHODS: The stratified random sample included non-institutionalized persons aged 18 to 59 years of Mexican origin, who were residents of Fresno County, California. Psychiatric disorders were assessed using a modified version of the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview in face-to-face interviews. RESULTS: Mexican immigrants had lifetime rates similar to those of Mexican citizens, while rates for Mexican Americans were similar to those of the national population of the United States. This difference is attributable to a prevalence rate for any disorder among immigrants of 24.9%, compared with 48.1% among US-born respondents. A higher prevalence for any disorder was reported in urban (35.7%) compared with town (32.1%) or rural (29.8%) areas. Multivariate analyses showed an adjusted effect of country of birth, but not of urban residence. CONCLUSIONS: Despite very low education and income levels, Mexican Americans had lower rates of lifetime psychiatric disorders compared with rates reported for the US population by the National Comorbidity Survey. Psychiatric morbidity among Mexican Americans is primarily influenced by cultural variance rather than socioeconomic status or urban vs rural residence.  相似文献   

A pilot study to assess the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a primary care clinic in Soweto was carried out at the Zola Community Health Centre in May 1991. Interviews were carried out by trained primary care clinic staff. The findings were reviewed and analysed by the authors. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was found to be 14.38%. Methodological problems are listed and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Used the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior to compare the social perceptions of borderline, unipolar, and bipolar-depressed inpatients. As predicted, borderline Ss differed from bipolar-depressed and unipolar Ss in their social perceptions. Borderline Ss viewed their relationships to their mother, hospital staff, and other patients as more hostile and autonomous than did mood disordered Ss. The results are discussed in terms of an integrative theory of borderline personality that considers the psychobiology of interpersonal relationships and attachment disruptions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study investigated perceived acceptability and suppression of negative emotion in participants with anxiety and mood disorders. Sixty participants with these disorders and 30 control participants watched an emotion-provoking film and completed self-report measures of their experience and regulation of emotions. The film elicited similar increases in negative emotion for clinical and nonclinical participants; however, clinical participants judged their resulting emotions as less acceptable and suppressed their emotions to a greater extent. The higher level of suppression in the clinical group was attributable to females in the clinical group suppressing their emotions more than females in the nonclinical group. For all participants, high levels of suppression were associated with increased negative emotion during the film and during a postfilm recovery period. Further analyses showed that appraising emotions as unacceptable mediated the relationship between negative emotion intensity and use of suppression in the clinical group. This study extends the literature on emotion regulation to a clinical sample and suggests that judging emotions as unacceptable and suppressing emotions may be important aspects of the phenomenology of emotional disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A modified version of the SCID Screen questionnaire covering 103 criteria by means of 124 questions was compared with SCID II interviews in 69 psychiatric patients. The correlation between the number of criteria fulfilled in the SCID II interviews or the questionnaires was 0.84. In the SCID interviews, 54% of the patients had a personality disorder. When the SCID Screen questionnaire was used, 73% had a personality disorder. When the cut-off level for diagnosis was adjusted, the frequency found by means of the SCID screen questionnaire or the interviews was roughly the same, 58% and 54%, respectively. The overall kappa for agreement between the SCID II interviews and questionnaire with adjusted cut-off was 0.78.  相似文献   

The comorbidity of alcoholism with anxiety and depressive disorders was examined in four epidemiologic investigations from diverse geographic sites. Despite variability in lifetime prevalence rates for these disorders, there was strong cross-site consistency in the magnitude and specific patterns of comorbidity. Individuals with alcohol abuse or dependence generally experienced a twofold to threefold increased risk of anxiety and depressive disorders. Phobic conditions typically preceded the onset of alcoholism, but no systematic pattern was observed for panic or depressive disorders. Considerable heterogeneity was also observed concerning the impact of comorbid conditions on symptoms of the index disorder. While the presence of comorbid anxiety or depressive disorders was consistently associated with moderate increases in the symptoms of alcohol abuse or dependence, alcoholism was associated with large increases in the number of depressive symptoms and little or no increase in phobic symptoms. The findings are discussed in terms of the self-medication hypothesis and the etiologic heterogeneity of these forms of comorbidity in the general population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Great Smoky Mountains Study of youth focuses on the relationship between the development of psychiatric disorder and the need for and use of mental health services. METHODS: A multistage, overlapping cohorts design was used, in which 4500 of the 11758 children aged 9, 11, and 13 years in an 11-county area of the southeastern United States were randomly selected for screening for psychiatric symptoms. Children who scored in the top 25% on the screening questionnaire, together with a 1 in 10 random sample of the rest, were recruited for 4 waves of intensive, annual interviews (n = 1015 at wave 1). In a parallel study, all American Indian children aged 9, 11, and 13 years were recruited (N = 323 at wave 1). RESULTS: The 3-month prevalence (+/-SE) of any DSM-III-R axis I disorder in the main sample, weighted to reflect population prevalence rates, was 20.3% +/- 1.7%. The most common diagnoses were anxiety disorders (5.7% +/- 1.0%), enuresis (5.1% +/- 1.0%), tic disorders (4.2% +/- 0.9%), conduct disorder (3.3% +/- 0.6%), oppositional defiant disorder (2.7% +/- 0.4%), and hyperactivity (1.9% +/- 0.4%). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of psychiatric disorder in this rural sample was similar to rates reported in other recent studies. Poverty was the strongest demographic correlate of diagnosis, in both urban and rural children.  相似文献   

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