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A new three-phase electrode array with a serpentine electrode is designed and prototyped using PolyMUMPs process for micro flow pumping. Numerical model of the micropump has been developed using COMSOL Multiphysics™. Experimental testing is conducted and time-averaged flow velocities from testing and simulation agree well. Peak time-averaged flow velocity of 270 μm/s is achieved at 30 Hz using ethanol.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a novel method of creating and using geometric asymmetries for AC electroosmotic pumping. The method relies on grouping similar electrodes together in terms of applied voltage, in order to create configurable asymmetries in periodic electrode arrays, which induce a net pumping AC electroosmotic velocity. Using a numerical model for a system designed by applying the described method, it is demonstrated that by varying the degree of asymmetry it is possible to control the direction of the pumping velocity at a given voltage by simple switching of the voltages on the electrodes.  相似文献   

Experimental velocity measurements are conducted in an AC electrokinetic DNA concentrator. The DNA concentrator is based upon Wong et al. (Transducers 2003, Boston, pp 20–23, 2003a; Anal Chem 76(23):6908–6914, 2004)and consists of two concentric electrodes that generate AC electroosmotic flow to stir the fluid, and dielectrophoretic and electrophoretic force fields that trap DNA near the centre of the inside electrode. A two-colour micro-PIV technique is used to measure the fluid velocity without a priori knowledge of the electric field in the device or the electrical properties of the particles. The device is also simulated computationally. The results indicate that the numerical simulations agree with experimental data in predicting the velocity field structure, except that the velocity scale is an order of magnitude higher for the simulations. Simulation of the dielectrophoretic forces allows the motion of the DNA within the device to be studied. It is suggested that the simulations can be used to study the phenomena occurring in the device, but that experimental data is required to determine the practical conditions under which these phenomena occur.  相似文献   

采用由电解质溶液离子输运Nernst-Planck方程、流体运动Navier-Stokes方程和电场Possion方程建立的Possion-Nernst-Planck模型,应用有限元分析方法研究二维光滑微通道电渗流输运特性和离子分布。对比分别基于Possion-Nernst-Planck模型和Poisson-Boltzmann模型数值模拟结果,结果表明:Possion-Nernst-Planck模型能更准确地模拟计算微通道中的电渗流输运特性和离子分布。  相似文献   

In electrokinetically driven microfluidic applications, reservoirs are indispensable and have finite sizes. During operation processes, as the liquid level in reservoirs keeps changing as time elapses, a backpressure is generated. Thus, the flow in microfluidic channels actually exhibits a combination of the electroosmotic flow and the time-dependent induced backpressure-driven flow. In this paper, a model is presented to describe the effect of the finite reservoir size on electroosmotic flow in a rectangular microchannel. Important parameters that describe the effect of finite reservoir size on flow characteristics are discussed. A new concept termed as “effective pumping period” is introduced to characterize the reservoir size effect. The proposed model identifies the mechanisms of the finite-reservoir size effects and is verified by experiment using the micro-PIV technique. The results reported in this study can be used for facilitating the design of microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

In this paper three-dimensional single-phase liquid flow through microchannels with a square-shaped cross-section driven by simultaneous application of pressure gradient and electroosmotic pumping mechanism is studied. The governing system of equations consists of the electric potential field and flow field equations. The solution procedure involves three steps. First, the net charge distribution on the cross-section of the microchannel is computed by solving two-dimensional Poisson–Boltzmann equation using the finite element method. Then, using the computed fluid’s charge distribution, the magnitude of the resulting body force due to interaction of an external electric field with the charged fluid particles is calculated along the microchannel. In the third step, the flow equations are solved by considering three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with an electrokinetic body force. The computations reveal that the flow pattern in the microchannel is significantly different from the parabolic velocity profile of the laminar pressure-driven flow. The effect of the liquid bulk ionic concentration and the external electric field strength on flow patterns through the square-shaped microchannels is also investigated.  相似文献   

The importance of electrokinetics in microfluidic technology has been growing owing to its versatility and simplicity in fabrication, implementation, and handling. Alternating-current electroosmosis (ACEO), which is the motion of fluid due to the ion movement by an interaction between AC electric field and an electrical double layer on the electrode surface, has a potential for a particle concentration method to detecti rare samples flowing in a microchannel. This study investigates an improved ACEO-based particle concentration by cascade electrokinetic approach. Flow field induced by ACEO and accumulation behavior of particles were parametrically measured to discuss the concentrating mechanism. The accumulation of particles by ACEO can be explained by a balance between the attenuating electroosmotic flow to transport particles and the inherent diffusive motion of the particles, which is hindered due to the near-wall location. Although a parallel double-gap electrode geometry enables particles to be collected at the center of electrode very sharply, it has scattering zones with accumulated particles at sidewalls of the channel. This drawback can be overcome by applying sheath flow or introducing cascade electrode pattern upstream of the focusing zone. As a result, total concentration efficiency was 98.4 % for all the particles flowing in the cascade device. The resultant concentrated particles exist on the electrode surface within 5 μm, and three-dimensional concentration of particle with the concentration factor as large as 700 is possible using a monolithic channel, co-planar electrode, and sheathless solution feeding. This cascade electrokinetic method provides a new and effective preconcentrator for ultra-sensitive detection of rare samples.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis is presented in this work to assess the influence of nanofluids on thermally developing and hydrodynamically developed electroosmotic transport in parallel plate microchannels (Graetz problem). The hydraulic diameters of the microchannels are assumed to be beyond a certain threshold limit, so that the electric double layers formed adjacent to the plates do not overlap with each other. The volumetric heating arising from the conduction currents in the flow is modeled using Ohm’s law. The viscous generation terms in the energy equation are neglected, based on the earlier findings that the consequent effects are negligible as compared to the Joule heating effects in electroosmotically driven microchannel flows. Closed form expressions for the pertinent temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations are obtained by employing the method of separation of variables in conjunction with an eigen value formulation, in order to assess the influence of volume fraction of the dispersed nano-particles on the overall rates of convective transport. It is revealed that the effects of nano-particles in the fluid turn out to be significant in the thermal entrance region only, especially for higher Peclet number values. The implications of the incorporation of nanofluids are demonstrated to be somewhat non-trivial in nature, and are strongly determined by the effective Peclet number values obtained on the basis of the phase-integral values of the thermo-physical properties and the pertinent flow parameters.  相似文献   

This paper reports the visualization of droplet formation in co-flowing microfluidic devices using food-grade aqueous biopolymer–surfactant solutions as the dispersed droplet phase and sunflower oil as the continuous phase. Microparticle image velocimetry and streak imaging techniques are utilized to simultaneously recover the velocity profiles both within and around the dispersed phase during droplet formation and detachment. Different breakup mechanisms are found for Newtonian–Newtonian and non-Newtonian–Newtonian model water-in-oil emulsions, emphasizing the influence of process and material parameters such as the flow rates of both phases, interfacial tension, and the elastic properties of the non-Newtonian droplet phase on the droplet formation detachment dynamics.  相似文献   

This study attempts to characterize the influence of temperature on zeta potential for a number of commonly used buffers in both poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS):glass and PDMS:PDMS microchannels. The study is motivated by the apparent inability of the Smoluchowski equation for electroosmotic flow (EOF) velocity, U = [ε 0 ε r ζ/μ]E z , to accurately predict EOF velocities at elevated temperatures. Error can result if zeta potential (ζ) is taken to be constant, even if permittivity (ε) and viscosity (μ) are treated as temperature-dependent variables. In some cases, velocity may be underestimated by more than 30%. In this study, the time-interval current-monitoring method was used to measure zeta potential. A hotplate maintained precise channel temperatures and applied electric field strengths were selected so that Joule heating was negligible. Results show that in some solutions (e.g., KCl, TBE), the zeta potential can exhibit a strong dependence on temperature, changing by as much as 50% over a span of 60°C. This influence was found to increase with solution concentration. Other buffers (e.g., TE, Na2CO3/NaHCO3) were stable over all measured temperatures.  相似文献   

An analytical study is presented in this article on the dispersion of a neutral solute released in an oscillatory electroosmotic flow (EOF) through a two-dimensional microchannel. The flow is driven by the nonlinear interaction between oscillatory axial electric field and oscillatory wall potentials. These fields have the same oscillation frequency, but with disparate phases. An asymptotic method of averaging is employed to derive the analytical expressions for the steady-flow-induced and oscillatory-flow-induced components of the dispersion coefficient. Dispersion coefficients are functions of various parameters representing the effects of electric double-layer thickness (Debye length), oscillation parameter, and phases of the oscillating fields. The time–harmonic interaction between the wall potentials and electric field generates steady as well as time-oscillatory components of electroosmotic flow, each of which will contribute to a steady component of the dispersion coefficient. It is found that, for a thin electric double layer, the phases of the oscillating wall potentials will play an important role in determining the magnitude of the dispersion coefficient. When both phases are zero (i.e., full synchronization of the wall potentials with the electric field), the flow is nearly a plug flow leading to very small dispersion. When one phase is zero and the other phase is π,?the flow will be sheared to the largest possible extent at the center of the channel, and such a sharp velocity gradient will lead to the maximum possible dispersion coefficient.  相似文献   

The surface of microchannels, especially polymer channels, often needs to be treated to acquire specific properties. This study investigated the capillary flow and the interface behavior in several glass capillaries and fabricated microchannels using a photographic technique and image analysis. The effect of air plasma treatment on the characteristics of capillary flow in three types of microfluidic chips, and the longevity of the acquired surface properties were also studied. It was observed that the dynamic contact angles in microchannels were significantly larger than those measured from a flat substrate and the angle varied with channel size. This suggests that dynamic contact angle measured in situ must be used in the theoretical calculation of capillary flow speed, especially for microfabricated microchannels since the surface properties are likely to be different from the native material. This study also revealed that plasma treatment could induce different interface patterns in the PDMS channels from those in the glass and PC channels. The PDMS channel walls could acquire different level of hydrophilicity during the plasma treatment, and the recovery to hydrophobicity is also non-homogeneous.  相似文献   

Slip flow in non-circular microchannels   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Microscale fluid dynamics has received intensive interest due to the emergence of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. When the mean free path of the gas is comparable to the channel’s characteristic dimension, the continuum assumption is no longer valid and a velocity slip may occur at the duct walls. Non-circular cross sections are common channel shapes that can be produced by microfabrication. The non-circular microchannels have extensive practical applications in MEMS. Slip flow in non-circular microchannels has been examined and a simple model is proposed to predict the friction factor and Reynolds product fRe for slip flow in most non-circular microchannels. Through the selection of a characteristic length scale, the square root of cross-sectional area, the effect of duct shape has been minimized. The developed model has an accuracy of 10% for most common duct shapes. The developed model may be used to predict mass flow rate and pressure distribution of slip flow in non-circular microchannels.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the implications of electroosmosis with interfacial slip on electrohydrodynamic transport in microchannels having complex (yet symmetric) cross-sectional shapes, by employing a generic semi-analytical approach. We also devise an approximate technique of flow rate prediction under these conditions, using a combined consideration of electroosmotic slip (under thin electrical double layer limits) and Navier slip conditions (originating out of confinement-induced hydrophobic interactions) at the fluid–solid interface. We further assess the effectiveness of the approximate solutions in perspective of the exact solutions, as a parametric function of the relative thickness of the electrical double layer with respect to the channel hydraulic diameter. We illustrate the underlying consequences through examples of elliptic, polygonal, point star-shaped, and annular microchannel cross sections.  相似文献   

This work describes the steady-state transport of an electrolyte due to a stationary concentration difference in straight long channels under conditions of electroosmotic circulation. The electroosmotic flow is induced due to the slip produced at the charged channel walls. This flow is assumed to be compensated by a pressure-driven counterflow so that the net volume flow through the channel is exactly zero. Owing to the concentration dependence of electroosmotic slip, there is an involved coupling between the solute transfer, hydrodynamic flow and charge conservation. Nevertheless, for such a system the Taylor–Aris dispersion (TAD) theory is shown to be approximately applicable locally within an inner part of the channel for a wide range of Péclet numbers (Pe) irrespective of the concentration difference. Numerical simulations reveal only small deviations from analytical solutions for the inner part of the channel. The breakdown of TAD theory occurs within boundary regions near the channel ends and is related to the variation of the dispersion mechanism from the purely molecular diffusion at the channel ends to the hydrodynamic dispersion within the inner part of the channel. This boundary region is larger at the lower-concentration channel edge and its size increases nearly linearly with Pe number. It is possible to derive a simple analytical approximation for the inner profile of cross-section-averaged electrolyte concentration in terms of only few parameters, determined numerically. Such analytical approximations can be useful for experimental studies of concentration polarization phenomena in long microchannels.  相似文献   

This paper reports the enhancement of the mixing effect via the transverse electroosmotic flow by using a 3D microelectrode system, which is structured by aligning two layers of electrodes face-to-face placed on both the top and bottom sides of the channel. The fluid was stretched and folded due to the transverse electroosmotic flow generated by applying an electric field on the electrodes. In this paper, two type of electrode designs (a parallel type electrode design and squarewave type electrode design) were chosen and six design patterns with different combinations of these two types of electrode designs were investigated by using the numerical method. The mixing effect at different design patterns was investigated via comparing the flow structure, mixing mechanism, Poincaré map, and the index of mixing performance. An optimum pattern was obtained when squarewave type electrodes were placed on both top and bottom of the channel. A minimum mixing length of 1.6 mm is required for the optimum pattern when the flow velocity is 1.5 mm/s, and the amplitude of the applied electric potential is 1.2 Volts. The effects of the geometric size and flow rate for the optimum pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

We review recent dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations of electrolyte flow in nanochannels. A method is presented by which the slip length δB at the channel boundaries can be tuned systematically from negative to infinity by introducing suitably adjusted wall-fluid friction forces. Using this method, we study electroosmotic flow (EOF) in nanochannels for varying surface slip conditions and fluids of different ionic strength. Analytic expressions for the flow profiles are derived from the Stokes equation, which are in good agreement with the numerical results. Finally, we investigate the influence of EOF on the effective mobility of polyelectrolytes in nanochannels. The relevant quantity characterizing the effect of slippage is found to be the dimensionless quantity κδB, where 1/κ is an effective electrostatic screening length at the channel boundaries.  相似文献   

We present a non-intrusive molecular dye based method, i.e., laser-induced fluorescence photobleaching anemometer (LIFPA), to significantly increase temporal resolution (TR) for velocity measurement of fast transient electrokinetic flows. To our knowledge, the TR has been for the first time achieved to 5–10 μs, about 100 times better than that published from state-of-the-art micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV), which is currently the most widely used velocimetry in the microfluidics community. The new method provides us with new opportunities to study experimentally the fundamental phenomena of unsteady electrokinetics (EK) and to validate relevant theoretical models. One application of the new method is demonstrated by measuring the rise time of DC electroosmotic flows (EOFs) in a microcapillary of 10 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

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