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A novel control technique for sensorless vector control operation of a double-inverter-fed wound-rotor induction motor is presented. Two current controllers control the stator-side currents based on a vector control algorithm. Another V/f-type flux and frequency controller controls the rotor-side frequency directly. A novel frequency command profile for the rotor-side controller is suggested to make this sensorless drive operation reliable and reduce dependence on motor parameters at any rotor speed. A complete inverter power flow analysis is presented to show that the drive can deliver full torque from 0- to 2-p.u. speed for either direction of rotation. Thus, double the rated power can be extracted from the induction motor without overloading it. The proposed algorithm allows the drive to start on-the-fly without any rotor transducer. Results from a prototype 50-hp drive are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the nonlinear sliding-mode torque and flux control combined with the adaptive backstepping approach for an induction motor drive is proposed. Based on the state-coordinates transformed model representing the torque and flux magnitude dynamics, the nonlinear sliding-mode control is designed to track a linear reference model. Furthermore, the adaptive backstepping control approach is utilized to obtain the robustness for mismatched parameter uncertainties. With the proposed control of torque and flux amplitude, the controlled induction motor drive possesses the advantages of good transient performance and robustness to parametric uncertainties, and the transient dynamics of the induction motor drive can be regulated through the design of a linear reference model which has the desired dynamic behaviors for the drive system. Finally, some experimental results are demonstrated to validate the proposed controllers  相似文献   

Direct torque control (DTC) of induction machines is known to have a simple control structure with comparable performance to that of the field-oriented control technique. Two major problems that are usually associated with DTC drives are: switching frequency that varies with operating conditions and high torque ripple. To solve these problems, and at the same time retain the simple control structure of DTC, a constant switching frequency torque controller is proposed to replace the conventional hysteresis-based controller. In this paper, the modeling, averaging, and linearization of the torque loop containing the proposed controller followed by simulation and experimental results are presented. The proposed controller is shown to be capable of reducing the torque ripple and maintaining a constant switching frequency.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analysis and design of direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drives with self-commissioning. Neither motor parameters nor controller parameters are known a priori. The self-commissioning process consists of the calculation of motor parameters, including stator resistor, inertia and friction coefficient, as well as the design of the controller. The effects of several factors, including test conditions for deriving motor mechanical parameters and natural frequency for controller design, on the performance of speed response are investigated using Taguchi's method which is widely used in quality engineering to significantly reduce the number of experiments. Therefore, the presented drive system cannot only provide self-commissioning but also dramatically improve the performance of speed response, which is evaluated using the performance index of root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of speed. Experimental results derived from a PC-based experimental system are presented to fully support the theoretical development and analysis  相似文献   

Direct torque control of an induction motor using a single current sensor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel scheme for the direct torque control (DTC) of an induction motor (IM) is proposed, which uses a single sensor of current inserted in the inverter dc link. The rationale behind the proposal is to develop a low-cost but high performance IM drive. The scheme exploits a simple and robust algorithm to reconstruct the stator currents needed to estimate the motor flux and torque. The algorithm operates in two stages: first, it predicts the stator currents from a model of the motor and then adjusts the prediction on the basis of the sensed dc-link current. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the ability of the scheme in reproducing the performance of a traditional DTC IM drive.  相似文献   

Novel induction motor control optimizing both torque response and efficiency is proposed in the paper. The main contribution of the paper is a new structure of rotor flux observer aimed at the speed-sensorless operation of an induction machine servo drive at both low and high speed, where rapid speed changes can occur. The control differs from the conventional field-oriented control. Stator and rotor flux in stator fixed coordinates are controlled instead of the stator current components in rotor field coordinates isd and isq. In principle, the proposed method is based on driving the stator flux toward the reference stator flux vector defined by the input command, which are the reference torque and the reference rotor flux. The magnitude and orientation angle of the rotor flux of the induction motor are determined by the output of the closed-loop rotor flux observer based on sliding-mode control and Lyapunov theory. Simulations and experimental tests are provided to evaluate the consistency and performance of the proposed control technique  相似文献   

This paper investigates the vector control of a single-phase induction motor drive to implement low-cost systems for low-power applications. The static power converter side is implemented using a single-phase rectifier cascaded with a four-switch inverter. The vector control is based upon field orientation concepts that have been adapted for this type of machine. Simulation and experimental results are provided to illustrate the system operation  相似文献   

Band-constrained technique for direct torque control of induction motor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a novel technique for the direct torque control (DTC) of an induction motor is proposed, which overcomes the trouble of high torque ripple afflicting the conventional DTC technique. With the novel technique, the inverter voltage vector selected from the switching table is applied for the time interval needed by the torque to reach the upper (or the lower) limit of the band, where the time interval is calculated from a suitable modeling of the torque dynamics. By this approach, the control system emulates the operation of a torque hysteresis controller of analog type since the application time of the inverter voltage vector is dictated by the allowed torque excursion and not by the sampling period. It is shown by experimental results that the technique yields a considerable reduction of the torque ripple. A further and ultimate reduction is obtained by compensating for the delay inherent in the discrete-time operation of the control system. The outcome is that the torque ripple of the motor is constrained within the hysteresis band of the torque controller, for a band of customary value. An ancillary merit of the technique is the almost full elimination of the average torque error inherent in the conventional technique. If the hysteresis band is shrunk, the torque ripple is bound to swing out the band limits. Under this circumstance, an extension of the technique is developed, which helps keep the torque ripple at minimum. To assess the characteristics of the proposed DTC technique, the following quantities: average torque error, rms value of the torque ripple, and inverter switching frequency are measured for different stator flux angular speeds and hysteresis bands of the torque and flux controllers. As a comparison, the same quantities are given for the conventional DTC technique.  相似文献   

This paper describes a newly designed nonlinear control strategy to control a linear induction motor servo drive for periodic motion. Based on the concept of the nonlinear state feedback theory and optimal technique, a nonlinear control strategy, which is composed of an adaptive optimal control system and a sliding-mode flux observation system, is developed to improve the drawbacks in previous works concerned with complicated intelligent control. The control and estimation methodologies are derived in the sense of Lyapunov theorem so that the stability of the control system can be guaranteed. The sliding-mode flux observation system is implemented using a digital signal processor with a high sampling rate to make it possible to achieve good dynamics. Computer simulations and experimental results have been conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme under the occurrence of possible uncertainties and different reference trajectories. The merits of the proposed control system are indicated in comparison with a traditional optimal control system.  相似文献   

林辉  马成禄 《国外电子元器件》2009,17(3):120-121,125
对模糊控制在直接转矩控制系统中的应用做了全面分析和总结,重点讨论了各种模糊直接转矩控制方案的特点和不足之处。最后指出,这些方案都能改善系统性能,但无疑增加了系统的复杂性。  相似文献   

Robust decoupled control of direct field-oriented induction motor drive   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper focuses on the development of a decoupling mechanism and a speed control scheme based on total sliding-mode control (TSMC) theory for a direct rotor field-oriented (DRFO) induction motor (IM). First, a robust decoupling mechanism including an adaptive flux observer and a sliding-mode current estimator is investigated to decouple the complicated flux and torque dynamics of an IM. The acquired flux angle is utilized for the DRFO object such that the dynamic behavior of the IM is like that of a separately excited dc motor. However, the control performance of the IM is still influenced seriously by the system uncertainties including electrical and mechanical parameter variation, external load disturbance, nonideal field-oriented transient responses, and unmodeled dynamics in practical applications. In order to enhance the robustness of the DRFO IM drive for high-performance applications, a TSMC scheme is constructed without the reaching phase in conventional sliding-mode control (CSMC). The control strategy is derived in the sense of Lyapunov stability theorem such that the stable tracking performance can be ensured under the occurrence of system uncertainties. In addition, numerical simulations as well as experimental results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the developed methodologies in comparison with a model reference adaptive system flux observer and a CSMC system.  相似文献   

对模糊控制在直接转矩控制系统中的应用做了全面分析和总结,重点讨论了各种模糊直接转矩控制方案的特点和不足之处.最后指出,这些方案都能改善系统性能,但无疑增加了系统的复杂性.  相似文献   

This paper discusses vector control strategies for single-phase motor drive systems operating with two windings. A model is proposed and used to derive control laws for single-phase motor drive systems. Such model is also employed to introduce the double-sequence controller. Simulation and experimental results are provided to illustrate the operation of the proposed drive systems.  相似文献   

In this paper a method of the torque control attenuating the undesired torque pulsation for brushless DC motor with nonideal trapezoidal back EMF is presented. It is the direct torque control method in which the applied output voltage is calculated from the reference torque and the torque of the previous step in the two-phase conducting period and in the commutation period considering the back EMF waveform. The time delay due to the calculation is compensated by the one step ahead current prediction. To measure the instantaneous torque ripple, a torque observer is constructed using a high precision encoder of 50000 pulse per revolution. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the torque ripple significantly and that it keeps the torque control dynamics as well  相似文献   

为降低传统直接转矩控制(DTC)的转矩脉动,提出了一种基于模糊空间矢量调制的异步电机直接转矩控制方案,该方案将模糊控制技术和空间调制(SVM)技术相结合。模糊控制器的两个输入为转矩误差和误差的变化率,输出为电压矢量的转矩控制分量。为提高控制系统的鲁棒性,采用了基于反电动势的模型参考自适应(MRAS)的无速度估算方法对转子转速进行估算。仿真结果验证了该方案的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

A new hybrid fuzzy controller for direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drives is presented in this paper. The newly developed hybrid fuzzy control law consists of proportional-integral (PI) control at steady state, PI-type fuzzy logic control at transient state, and a simple switching mechanism between steady and transient states, to achieve satisfied performance under steady and transient conditions. The features of the presented new hybrid fuzzy controller are highlighted by comparing the performance of various control approaches, including PI control, PI-type fuzzy logic control (FLC), proportional-derivative (PD) type FLC, and combination of PD-type FLC and I control, for DTC-based induction motor drives. The pros and cons of these controllers are demonstrated by intensive experimental results. It is shown that the presented induction motor drive is with fast tracking capability, less steady state error, and robust to load disturbance while not resorting to complicated control method or adaptive tuning mechanism. Experimental results derived from a test system are presented confirming the above-mentioned claims.  相似文献   

针对无轴承异步电机(Bearingless Induction Motor,BIM)传统直接转矩控制中转矩脉动大,悬浮性能不佳等问题,提出了一种基于滑模变结构的直接转矩控制方法 (SMVS-DTC)。首先根据转矩误差和磁链误差构造出相应的滑模切换面,然后采用指数趋近律设计了直接转矩控制器。在此基础上对所提方法进行了仿真和实验研究。仿真和实验结果表明,该方法有效地减小了转矩脉动和磁链脉动,并且提高了BIM转速动态响应和稳定悬浮性能。  相似文献   

An induction motor drive that uses an improved high-frequency resonant DC link inverter is presented. The resonant circuit was systematically analyzed first to establish the criteria for initial current selection, and a circuit to establish the bidirectional initial current was then proposed. The proposed current initialization scheme solves voltage overshoot and zero crossing failure problems in the ordinary resonant DC link inverters. A three-phase 3 kW insulated-gate-bipolar-transistor (IGBT) based 60 kHz resonant link inverter has been constructed and successfully tested with an induction motor drive. The speed control system is implemented using two microprocessors. Experimental results are presented to show superior operation of the proposed resonant DC link inverter drive  相似文献   

文中针对开关磁阻电机转矩脉动大及其控制系统难以实现快速精确调速的缺点,提出了一种自适应二阶滑模控制与直接转矩控制相结合的复合控制方案,并对该方案中的自适应二阶滑模控制器进行设计。该控制器采用超螺旋算法,同时对其增益采用自适应调节,克服了传统二阶滑模控制器增益确定依赖于扰动导数界值的缺点。仿真结果表明,文中所采用的控制方案不仅能对电机转速实现快速精确控制,而且能对电机转矩脉动进行有效抑制。  相似文献   

In this article, a current source inverter (CSI) fed induction motor drive with an optimal power distribution control is proposed for high-power applications. The CSI-fed drive is configured with a six-step CSI along with a pulsewidth modulated voltage source inverter (PWM–VSI) and capacitors. Due to the PWM–VSI and the capacitor, sinusoidal motor currents and voltages with high quality as well as natural commutation of the six-step CSI can be obtained. Since this CSI-fed drive can deliver required output power through both the six-step CSI and PWM–VSI, this article shows that the kVA ratings of both the inverters can be reduced by proper real power distribution. The optimal power distribution under load requirements, based on power flow modelling of the CSI-fed drive, is proposed to not only minimise the PWM–VSI rating but also reduce the six-step CSI rating. The dc-link current control of the six-step CSI is developed to realise the optimal power distribution. Furthermore, a vector controlled drive for high-power induction motors is proposed based on the optimal power distribution. Experimental results verify the high-power CSI-fed drive with the optimal power distribution control.  相似文献   

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