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Land PE  Haigh JD 《Applied optics》1996,35(27):5443-5451
A modular atmospheric correction algorithm is proposed that uses atmospheric and water contents models to predict the visible and near-infrared reflectances observed by a satellite over water. These predicted values are compared with the satellite reflectances at each pixel, and the model parameters changed iteratively with an error minimization algorithm. The default atmospheric model uses single-scattering theory with a correction for multiple scattering based on lookup tables. With this model we used parameters of the proportions of three tropospheric aerosol types. For the default water content model we need the parameters of the concentrations of chlorophyll, inorganic sediment, and gelbstoff. The diffuse attenuation and backscatter coefficients attributed to these constituents are calculated and used to derive the water-leaving reflectance. Products include water-leaving reflectance, concentrations of water constituents, and aerosol optical depth and type. We demonstrate the application of the method to sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor by using model data.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an iterative version of the synthetic aperture imaging algorithm extended synthetic aperture technique (ESAFT) proposed recently. The algorithm is based on a linear model that accounts for the distortions effects of an imaging system used for acquisition of ultrasonic data. Improved resolution (both lateral and temporal) in the reconstructed image is obtained as a result of minimizing the reconstruction mean square error. In this work, the minimization is extended to parameters that characterize expected amplitudes of each image element in the area of interest. An iterative optimization scheme is proposed, which in each step performs minimization of the reconstruction error based on the parameter matrix found in the previous step. Comparing to ESAFT, the proposed approach yields a significant improvement in resolution and a high degree of robustness with regard to initial choice of the parameter matrix. Performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using both real and simulated ultrasonic data.  相似文献   

One limitation of the conventional Shack-Hartmann sensor is that the spots of each microlens have to remain in their respective subapertures. We present an algorithm that assigns the spots to their reference points unequivocally even if they are situated far outside their subaperture. For this assignment a spline function is extrapolated in successive steps of the iterative algorithm. The proposed method works in a single-shot technique and does not need any aid from mechanical devices. The reconstruction of a simulated steep aspherical wave front (~100lambda/mm slope) is described as well as experimental results of the measurement of a spherical wave front with a huge peak-to-valley value (~400lambda). The performance of the method is compared with the unwrapping method, which has been published before.  相似文献   

Li Y 《Applied optics》2003,42(6):893-895
Ruddick et al. [Appl. Opt. 39, 897 (2000)] extended the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric-correction algorithm for use over turbid coastal and inland waters. However, Ruddick's method is based on the assumption of a spatially homogeneous constant ratio for the water-leaving reflectances normalized by the sun-sea atmospheric transmittance at 765 and 865 nm. Such first-order b(b)/a model-based assumption can result in an inaccuracy for highly turbid water. Using the first- and second-order b(b)/(a + b(b)) models as well as the second-order b(b)/a model (which, more realistically, do not assume spatial homogeneity ratio), we suggest using the modified assumption, R(8)(-1) = alpha0 R(7)(-1) + (l1Q)(-1) (1 - alpha0), instead of Ruddick's assumption, in SeaWiFS atmospheric-correction algorithms for highly turbid waters.  相似文献   

Ding K  Gordon HR 《Applied optics》1994,33(30):7096-7106
We investigate the influence of the curvature of the Earth on a proposed atmospheric-correction scheme for the Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) by simulating the radiance exiting the top of a spherical-shell atmosphere and inserting the result into the proposed correction algorithm. The error in the derived water-leaving reflectance suggests that the effects of the curvature are negligible for solar zenith angles (θ(0)) ≤ 70°. Furthermore, for θ(0) > 70° the error in atmospheric correction can usually be reduced if the molecular-scattering component of the top of the atmosphere reflectance (ρ(r)) is computed with a spherical-shell atmosphere radiative transfer code. Also, for θ(0) > 70° the error in atmospheric correction in a spherical-shell atmosphere, when ρ(r) is computed with a spherical-shell model, can be predicted reasonably well from computations made with plane-parallel atmosphere radiative transfer codes. This implies that studies aimed at improving atmospheric correction can be made assuming plane-parallel geometry and that the investigator can be confident when θ(0)> 70° that any improvements will still be valid for a spherical-shell atmosphere as long as ρ(r) is computed in spherical-shell geometry. Finally, a scheme for computing ρ(r) in a spherical-shell atmosphere in a relatively simple manner is developed.  相似文献   

Two-band algorithms that use the ratio of reflectances at 672 and 704 nm have already proved successful for chlorophyll a retrieval in a range of coastal and inland waters. An analysis of the effect of reflectance measurement errors on such algorithms is made. It provides important indications of the range of validity of these algorithms and motivates the development of an entirely new type of adaptive two-band algorithm for hyperspectral data, whereby the higher wavelength is chosen for each input spectrum individually. When one selects the wavelength at which reflectance is equal to the reflectance at the red chlorophyll a absorption peak, chlorophyll a retrieval becomes entirely insensitive to spectrally flat reflectance errors, which are typical of imperfect atmospheric correction, and is totally uncoupled from the retrieval or an estimation of backscatter. This new algorithm has been tested for Dutch inland and Belgian coastal waters.  相似文献   

Park YJ  Ruddick K 《Applied optics》2005,44(7):1236-1249
A remote-sensing reflectance model based on a lookup table is proposed for use in analyzing satellite ocean color data in both case 1 and case 2 waters. The model coefficients are tabulated for grid values of three angles--solar zenith, sensor zenith, and relative azimuth--to take account of directional variation. This model also requires, as input, a phase function parameter defined by the contribution of suspended particles to the backscattering coefficient. The model is generated from radiative transfer simulations for a wide range of inherent optical properties that cover both case 1 and 2 waters. The model uncertainty that is due to phase function variability is significantly reduced from that in conventional models. Bidirectional variation of reflectance is described and explained for a variety of cases. The effects of wind speed and cloud cover on bidirectional variation are also considered, including those for the fully overcast case in which angular variation can still be considerable (approximately 10%). The implications for seaborne validation of satellite-derived water-leaving reflectance are discussed.  相似文献   

Guo H  Chen M 《Applied optics》2005,44(23):4854-4859
A pointwise least-squares phase-stepping algorithm with an unknown relative phase step is proposed. In phase-stepping interferometry the recorded temporal intensity sequence is a discrete sinusoidal signal biased by a direct-current component. Its value at a certain time can be predicted from its three past samples by use of a recursive formula. Based on this linear prediction property, an unbiased least-squares estimator is deduced to determine the relative phase step from a sequence of intensity values, and the result is used to evaluate the phase value. The validity and performance of this algorithm are verified by computer simulations.  相似文献   

This series of two papers aims to present the different solutions of the problem of improving the resolution of spectrometric measurements via numerical processing of spectrometric data subject both to systematic instrumental errors and to random measurement errors. It is assumed that the model of the spectrometric data has the form of a convolution-type equation of the first kind. The method for improving the resolution consists in numerically solving this equation using the acquired data. In this first paper of the series, an algorithm of correction is proposed which is based on the iterative use of the Kalman filter incorporating a non-negativity constraint. Its applicability to the problem of correction is assessed not only from a purely metrological point of view (accuracy, resolution) but also with respect to its suitability for implementation as a VLSI processor dedicated to measuring systems. For this latter reason a time-invariant model of the data and a steady-state version of the Kalman filter is used. The efficiency of this approach to correction is demonstrated using both synthetic and real-world data  相似文献   

Aberration correction within a free-space optical interconnect based on a spatial light modulator for beam steering and holographic wavefront correction is presented. The wavefront sensing technique is based on an extension of a modal wavefront sensor described by Neil et al. [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 1098 (2000)], which uses a diffractive element. In this analysis such a wavefront sensor is adapted with an error diffusion algorithm that yields a low reconstruction error and fast reconfigurability. Improvement of the beam propagation quality (Strehl ratio) for different channels across the input plane is achieved. However, due to the space invariancy of the system, a trade-off among the beam propagation quality for channels is obtained. Experimental results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The sticking effect between hydrophilic surfaces occurring at increasing relative humidity (RH) is an everyday phenomenon with uncountable implications. Here experimental evidence is presented for a counterintuitive monotonous decrease of the capillary adhesion forces between hydrophilic surfaces with increasing RH for the whole humidity range. It is shown that this unexpected result is related to the actual shape of the asperity at the nanometer scale: a model based on macroscopic thermodynamics predicts this decrease in the adhesion force for a sharp object ending in an almost flat nanometer-sized apex, in full agreement with experiments. This anomalous decrease is due to the fact that a significant growth of the liquid meniscus formed at the contact region with increasing humidity is hindered for this geometry. These results are relevant in the analysis of the dynamical behavior of nanomenisci. They could also have an outstanding value in technological applications, since the undesirable sticking effect between surfaces occurring at increasing RH could be avoided by controlling the shape of the surface asperities at the nanometric scale.  相似文献   

Akahori H 《Applied optics》1986,25(5):802-811
This paper describes a new iterative algorithm for synthesizing the kinoform so that the Fourier spectrum of an object is leveled by adjusting the information of a dummy area introduced into the object's domain, spatially isolated from the signal area. Theoretical consideration of the effect of the dummy area derives the required size of the dummy area, and computer simulations prove it to be valid, although restricted to an object composed of binary numbers. Also, it is shown that highly efficient use of the incident light is possible to achieve. Experimental results verify the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Gordon HR  Du T  Zhang T 《Applied optics》1997,36(27):6938-6948
We provide an analysis of the influence of instrument polarization sensitivity on the radiance measured by spaceborne ocean color sensors. Simulated examples demonstrate the influence of polarization sensitivity on the retrieval of the water-leaving reflectance rho(w). A simple method for partially correcting for polarization sensitivity-replacing the linear polarization properties of the top-of-atmosphere reflectance with those from a Rayleigh-scattering atmosphere-is provided and its efficacy is evaluated. It is shown that this scheme improves rho(w) retrievals as long as the polarization sensitivity of the instrument does not vary strongly from band to band. Of course, a complete polarization-sensitivity characterization of the ocean color sensor is required to implement the correction.  相似文献   

Oh JT  Kim BM 《Applied optics》2006,45(17):4157-4164
We present what we believe to be a new computational algorithm for complex frequency domain optical coherence tomography that can effectively suppress artifacts that are caused by uncertainty in phase shift due to sample motion and errors in reference phases. The algorithm treats the phase-shifting values as additional unknowns, and we can determine their exact values by analyzing interference fringes using the numerical least-squares technique. A series of simulations and experiments prove that this algorithm can effectively remove strong mirror-image artifacts because it is unaffected by random phase fluctuation.  相似文献   

Boynton GC  Gordon HR 《Applied optics》2000,39(18):3012-3022
We modify an algorithm for retrieving the absorption (a) and backscattering (b(b)) coefficient profiles in natural waters by inverting profiles of downwelling and upwelling irradiance so as to include the presence of Raman scattering. For a given wavelength of interest, lambda, the light field at the appropriate Raman excitation wavelength lambda(e) is first inverted to obtain the Raman source function at lambda. Starting from estimates of the inherent optical properties at lambda, the contribution to the irradiances at lambda from Raman scattering is then estimated and subtracted from the total irradiances to obtain the elastically scattered irradiances. We then inverted the elastically scattered irradiances to find new estimates of a and b(b) using our original method [Appl. Opt. 37, 3886 (1998)]. The algorithm then operates iteratively: The new estimates are used with the Raman source function to derive a new estimate of the Raman contribution, etc. Sample results are provided that demonstrate the working of the algorithm and show that the absorption and scattering coefficients can be retrieved with accuracies similar to those in the absence of Raman scattering down to depths at which the light field is significantly perturbed by it, e.g., with ~90% of the upwelling light field originating from Raman scattering.  相似文献   

Feng Qian  Fan Sun  Weimin Zhong  Na Luo 《工程优选》2013,45(9):1129-1146
An approach that combines genetic algorithm (GA) and control vector parameterization (CVP) is proposed to solve the dynamic optimization problems of chemical processes using numerical methods. In the new CVP method, control variables are approximated with polynomials based on state variables and time in the entire time interval. The iterative method, which reduces redundant expense and improves computing efficiency, is used with GA to reduce the width of the search region. Constrained dynamic optimization problems are even more difficult. A new method that embeds the information of infeasible chromosomes into the evaluation function is introduced in this study to solve dynamic optimization problems with or without constraint. The results demonstrated the feasibility and robustness of the proposed methods. The proposed algorithm can be regarded as a useful optimization tool, especially when gradient information is not available.  相似文献   

Batch photocatalytic degradation of 80+/-2.5 ppm V trichloroethylene (TCE) was conducted to investigate the effect of the oxygen and relative humidity (RH) on the formation of the dichloroacetyl chloride (DCAC) and phosgene. Based on the simultaneous ordinary differential equations (ODEs), the reaction rate constants of TCE ((2.31+/-0.28) approximately (9.41+/-0.63)x10(-2) min(-1)) are generally larger than that of DCAC ((0.94+/-1.25) approximately (9.35+/-1.71)x10(-3) min(-1)) by approximate one order. The phenomenon indicates the degradation potential of TCE is superior to that of DCAC. DCAC appreciably delivers the same degradation behavior with TCE that means there exists an optimum RH and oxygen concentration for photocatalysis of TCE and DCAC. At the time the peak yield of DCAC appears, the conversion ratio based on the carbon atom from TCE to DCAC is within the range of 30-83% suggesting that the DCAC generation is significantly attributed to TCE degradation. Regarding the phosgene formation, the increasing oxygen amount leads to the inhibitory effect on the phosgene yield which fall within the range of 5-15%. The formation mechanism of phosgene was also inferred that the Cl atoms attacking the C-C bond of DCAC results to the generation of phosgene rather than directly from the TCE destruction.  相似文献   

Oo M  Vargas M  Gilerson A  Gross B  Moshary F  Ahmed S 《Applied optics》2008,47(21):3846-3859
The recently developed short wave infrared (SWIR) atmospheric correction algorithm for ocean color retrieval uses long wavelength channels to retrieve atmospheric parameters to avoid bright pixel contamination. However, this retrieval is highly sensitive to errors in the aerosol model, which is magnified by the higher variability of aerosols observed over urban coastal areas. While adding extra regional aerosol models into the retrieval lookup tables would tend to increase retrieval error since these models are hard to distinguish in the IR, we explore the possibility that for highly productive waters with high colored dissolved organic matter, an estimate of the 412 nm channel water-leaving reflectance can be used to constrain the aerosol model retrieval and improve the water-leaving reflectance retrieval. Simulations show that this constraint is particularly useful where aerosol diversity is significant. To assess this algorithm we compare our retrievals with the operational SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) SWIR and near infrared retrievals using in situ validation data in the Chesapeake Bay and show that, especially for absorbing aerosols, significant improvement is obtained. Further insight is also obtained by the intercomparison of retrieved remote sensing reflectance images at 443 and 551 nm, which demonstrates the removal of anomalous artifacts in the operational SeaDAS retrieval.  相似文献   

Slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) nanoparticles were exposed at 33% and 75% relative humidity (RH) to consolidate dolostone samples used in historical buildings. Non-destructive techniques (NDT) were applied to determine the chemical, morphological, physical and hydric properties of the stone samples, before and after 20 days treatment. Morphological and mineralogical characterisation of the nanoparticles was performed. 75% RH favors the consolidation process studied under Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM-EDS), spectrophotometry, capillarity, water absorption under vacuum, ultrasound velocity, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (imaging and relaxometry) and Optical Surface Roughness analyses. At 75% RH the nanoparticles fill the pores and inter-crystalline dolomite grain contacts but do not favor calcite re-crystallization as it occurs at 33% RH. The ESEM, XRD and TEM analyses under 75% RH reveal the fast transformation of portlandite (Ca(OH)2) into vaterite (CaCO3), monohydrocalcite (CaCO3 · H2O) and calcite (CaCO3), and eventually the physical and hydric properties of the stones significantly improve. New insights are provided for the assessment of consolidation effectiveness of porous carbonate stones with calcium hydroxide nanoparticles under optimum RH conditions combining several NDT.  相似文献   

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