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Mobile grid, which combines grid and mobile computing, supports mobile users and resources in a seamless and transparent way. However, mobility, QoS support, energy management, and service provisioning pose challenges to mobile grid. The paper presents a tradeoff policy between energy consumption and QoS in the mobile grid environment. Utility function is used to specify each QoS dimension; we formulate the problem of energy and QoS tradeoff by utility optimization. The work is different from the classical energy aware scheduling, which usually takes the consumed energy as the constraints; our utility model regards consumed energy as one of the components of measure of the utility values, which indicates the tradeoff of application satisfaction and consumed energy. It is a more accurate utility model for abstracting the energy characteristics and QoS requirement for mobile users and resources in mobile grid. The paper also proposes a distributed energy–QoS tradeoff algorithm. The performance evaluation of our energy–QoS tradeoff algorithm is evaluated and compared with other energy and deadline constrained scheduling algorithm.  相似文献   

Data grids support access to widely distributed storage for large numbers of users accessing potentially many large files. Efficient access is hindered by the high latency of the Internet. To improve access time, replication at nearby sites may be used. Replication also provides high availability, decreased bandwidth use, enhanced fault tolerance, and improved scalability. Resource availability, network latency, and user requests in a grid environment may vary with time. Any replica placement strategy must be able to adapt to such dynamic behavior. In this paper, we describe a new dynamic replica placement algorithm, Popularity Based Replica Placement (PBRP), for hierarchical data grids which is guided by file “popularity”. Our goal is to place replicas close to clients to reduce data access time while still using network and storage resources efficiently. The effectiveness of PBRP depends on the selection of a threshold value related to file popularity. We also present Adaptive-PBRP (APBRP) that determines this threshold dynamically based on data request arrival rates. We evaluate both algorithms using simulation. Results for a range of data access patterns show that our algorithms can shorten job execution time significantly and reduce bandwidth consumption compared to other dynamic replication methods.  相似文献   

This work deals with the problem of controlling the outlet temperature of a tubular heat exchanger system by means of flow pressure. The usual industrial case is to try to control the outlet temperature by either the temperature or the flow of the fluid, which flows through the shell tube. But, in some situations, this is not possible, due to the fact that the whole of system coefficients variation cannot quite be covered by control action. In this case, the system behavior must precisely be modeled and appropriate control action needs to be obtained based on novel techniques. A new multiple models control strategy using the well-known linear generalized predictive control (LGPC) scheme has been proposed, in this paper. The main idea of the proposed control strategy is to represent the operating environments of the system, which have a wide range of variation with respect to time by multiple explicit linear models. In this strategy, the best model of the system is accurately identified, at each instant of time, by an intelligent decision mechanism (IDM), which is organized based on both new recursive weight generator and fuzzy adaptive Kalman filter approaches. After that, the adaptive algorithm is implemented on the chosen model. Finally, for having a good tracking performance, the generalized predictive control is instantly updated and its control action is also applied to the system. For demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach, simulations are all done and the results are also compared with those obtained using a nonlinear GPC (NLGPC) approach that is realized based on the Wiener model of the system. The results can verify the validity of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

The increasing prevalence of networked storage and computational resources, along with middleware for managing resource access and sharing, raises the prospect that queries can be run over resources obtained on demand, rather than on dedicated infrastructures. However, the movement of query processing into non-dedicated environments means that it is necessary to take account of the partial information and unstable conditions that characterise autonomous, shared, distributed settings. Thus, query processing on grid platforms needs to be adaptive, revising evaluation strategies at query runtime in response to the evolving environment, such as changes to machine load and availability. To address this challenge, adaptive techniques are described that: (i) balance load across plan partitions supporting intra-operator parallelism; (ii) remove bottlenecks in pipelined plans supporting inter-operator parallelism; and (iii) combine the two aforementioned techniques. The approach has been empirically evaluated in a grid-enabled adaptive query processor.  相似文献   

The crossed cube, which is a variation of the hypercube, possesses some properties that are superior to those of the hypercube. In this paper, we show that with the assumption of each node incident with at least two fault-free links, an n-dimensional crossed cube with up to 2n−5 link faults can embed, with dilation one, fault-free cycles of lengths ranging from 4 to 2 n . The assumption is meaningful, for its occurrence probability is very close to 1, and the result is optimal with respect to the number of link faults tolerated. Consequently, it is very probable that algorithms executable on rings of lengths ranging from 4 to 2 n can be applied to an n-dimensional crossed cube with up to 2n−5 link faults.
Gen-Huey ChenEmail:

The array redistribution problem occurs in many important applications in parallel computing. In this paper, we consider this problem in a torus network. Tori are preferred to other multidimensional networks (like hypercubes) due to their better scalability (IEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 50(10), 1201–1218, [2001]). We present a message combining approach that splits any array redistribution problem in a series of broadcasts where all sources send messages of the same size, thus a balanced traffic load is achieved. Unlike existing array redistribution algorithms, the scheme introduced in this work eliminates the need for data reorganization in the memory of the source and target processors. Moreover, the processing of the scheduled broadcasts is pipelined, thus the total cost of redistribution is reduced.
Manos RoumeliotisEmail:

In this paper, we present a novel resource brokering service for grid systems which considers authorization policies of the grid nodes in the process of selecting the resources to be assigned to a request. We argue such an integration is needed to avoid scheduling requests onto resources the policies of which do not authorize their execution. Our service, implemented in Globus as a part of Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS), is based on the concept of fine-grained access control (FGAC) which enables participating grid nodes to specify fine-grained policies concerning the conditions under which grid clients can access their resources. Since the process of evaluating authorization policies, in addition to checking the resource requirements, can be a potential bottleneck for a large scale grid, we also analyze the problem of the efficient evaluation of FGAC policies. In this context, we present GroupByRule, a novel method for policy organization and compare its performance with other strategies.
E. BertinoEmail:

In this paper, we present a biomimetic approach which is based on Central Pattern Generator (CPG) to solve the difficulty in control of a snake-like robot with a large number of degrees of freedom. A new network with a feedback connection is proposed, which can generate uniform outputs without any additional adjustment. The relations between the CPG parameters and the characteristics of output are also investigated. A simulation platform is also established for the analysis of the CPG-based locomotion control of a snake-like robot. To figure out adaptive creeping locomotion of the robot to the environment with changed friction or the given slope, the relations of CPG parameters and locomotion efficiency by the proposed curvature adaptive principle have been discussed.  相似文献   

A cloud workflow system is a type of platform service which facilitates the automation of distributed applications based on the novel cloud infrastructure. One of the most important aspects which differentiate a cloud workflow system from its other counterparts is the market-oriented business model. This is a significant innovation which brings many challenges to conventional workflow scheduling strategies. To investigate such an issue, this paper proposes a market-oriented hierarchical scheduling strategy in cloud workflow systems. Specifically, the service-level scheduling deals with the Task-to-Service assignment where tasks of individual workflow instances are mapped to cloud services in the global cloud markets based on their functional and non-functional QoS requirements; the task-level scheduling deals with the optimisation of the Task-to-VM (virtual machine) assignment in local cloud data centres where the overall running cost of cloud workflow systems will be minimised given the satisfaction of QoS constraints for individual tasks. Based on our hierarchical scheduling strategy, a package based random scheduling algorithm is presented as the candidate service-level scheduling algorithm and three representative metaheuristic based scheduling algorithms including genetic algorithm (GA), ant colony optimisation (ACO), and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) are adapted, implemented and analysed as the candidate task-level scheduling algorithms. The hierarchical scheduling strategy is being implemented in our SwinDeW-C cloud workflow system and demonstrating satisfactory performance. Meanwhile, the experimental results show that the overall performance of ACO based scheduling algorithm is better than others on three basic measurements: the optimisation rate on makespan, the optimisation rate on cost and the CPU time.  相似文献   

A dynamic data replication strategy using access-weights in data grids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data grids deal with a huge amount of data regularly. It is a fundamental challenge to ensure efficient accesses to such widely distributed data sets. Creating replicas to a suitable site by data replication strategy can increase the system performance. It shortens the data access time and reduces bandwidth consumption. In this paper, a dynamic data replication mechanism called Latest Access Largest Weight (LALW) is proposed. LALW selects a popular file for replication and calculates a suitable number of copies and grid sites for replication. By associating a different weight to each historical data access record, the importance of each record is differentiated. A more recent data access record has a larger weight. It indicates that the record is more pertinent to the current situation of data access. A Grid simulator, OptorSim, is used to evaluate the performance of this dynamic replication strategy. The simulation results show that LALW successfully increases the effective network usage. It means that the LALW replication strategy can find out a popular file and replicates it to a suitable site without increasing the network burden too much.
Ruay-Shiung ChangEmail:

We present fully adaptive multiresolution methods for a class of spatially two-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems which describe excitable media and often give rise to the formation of spiral waves. A novel model ingredient is a strongly degenerate diffusion term that controls the degree of spatial coherence and serves as a mechanism for obtaining sharper wave fronts. The multiresolution method is formulated on the basis of two alternative reference schemes, namely a classical finite volume method, and Barkley’s approach (Barkley in Phys. D 49:61–70, 1991), which consists in separating the computation of the nonlinear reaction terms from that of the piecewise linear diffusion. The proposed methods are enhanced with local time stepping to attain local adaptivity both in space and time. The computational efficiency and the numerical precision of our methods are assessed. Results illustrate that the fully adaptive methods provide stable approximations and substantial savings in memory storage and CPU time while preserving the accuracy of the discretizations on the corresponding finest uniform grid.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for a reactive mobile robot to adaptively behave in unforeseen and dynamic circumstances. A robot in nonstationary environments needs to infer how to adaptively behave to the changing environment. Behavior-based approach manages the interactions between the robot and its environment for generating behaviors, but in spite of its strengths of fast response, it has not been applied much to more complex problems for high-level behaviors. For that reason many researchers employ a behavior-based deliberative architecture. This paper proposes a 2-layer control architecture for generating adaptive behaviors to perceive and avoid moving obstacles as well as stationary obstacles. The first layer is to generate reflexive and autonomous behaviors with behavior network, and the second layer is to infer dynamic situations of the mobile robot with Bayesian network. These two levels facilitate a tight integration between high-level inference and low-level behaviors. Experimental results with various simulations and a real robot have shown that the robot reaches the goal points while avoiding stationary or moving obstacles with the proposed architecture.  相似文献   

Holding strategies are among the most commonly used operation control strategies in transit systems. In this paper, a dynamic holding strategy is developed, which consists of two major steps: (1) judging whether an early bus should be held, and (2) optimizing the holding times of the held bus. A model based on support vector machine (SVM), which contains four input variables (time-of-day, segment, the latest speed on the next segment, and the bus speed on the current segment) for forecasting the early bus departure times from the next stop is also developed. Then, in order to determine the optimal holding times, a model aiming to minimize the user costs is constructed and a genetic algorithm is used to optimize the holding times. Finally, the dynamic holding strategy proposed in this study is illustrated with the microscopic simulation model Paramics and some conclusions are drawn.
Bin YuEmail:

A self-organizing peer-to-peer system is built upon an application level overlay, whose topology is independent of an underlying physical network. A well-routed message path in such systems may result in a long delay and excessive traffic due to the mismatch between logical and physical networks. In order to solve this problem, we present a family of Peer-exchange Routing Optimization Protocols (PROP) to reconstruct the overlay. It includes two policies: PROP-G for generic condition and PROP-O for optimized one. Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that these two protocols greatly reduce the average latency of the overlay and achieve a better logical topology with low overhead. Their overall performance can be further improved if combined with other recent approaches. Specifically, PROP-G can be easily applied to both structured and unstructured systems without the loss of their primary characteristics, such as efficient routing and anonymity. PROP-O, on the other hand, is more efficient, especially in a heterogenous environment where nodes have different processing capabilities.
Edward ChanEmail:

Fault detection in autonomous robots based on fault injection and learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we study a new approach to fault detection for autonomous robots. Our hypothesis is that hardware faults change the flow of sensory data and the actions performed by the control program. By detecting these changes, the presence of faults can be inferred. In order to test our hypothesis, we collect data from three different tasks performed by real robots. During a number of training runs, we record sensory data from the robots while they are operating normally and after a fault has been injected. We use back-propagation neural networks to synthesize fault detection components based on the data collected in the training runs. We evaluate the performance of the trained fault detectors in terms of number of false positives and time it takes to detect a fault. The results show that good fault detectors can be obtained. We extend the set of possible faults and go on to show that a single fault detector can be trained to detect several faults in both a robot’s sensors and actuators. We show that fault detectors can be synthesized that are robust to variations in the task, and we show how a fault detector can be trained to allow one robot to detect faults that occur in another robot.
Marco DorigoEmail:

The well known clustering algorithm DBSCAN is founded on the density notion of clustering. However, the use of global density parameter ε-distance makes DBSCAN not suitable in varying density datasets. Also, guessing the value for the same is not straightforward. In this paper, we generalise this algorithm in two ways. First, adaptively determine the key input parameter ε-distance, which makes DBSCAN independent of domain knowledge satisfying the unsupervised notion of clustering. Second, the approach of deriving ε-distance based on checking the data distribution of each dimension makes the approach suitable for subspace clustering, which detects clusters enclosed in various subspaces of high dimensional data. Experimental results illustrate that our approach can efficiently find out the clusters of varying sizes, shapes as well as varying densities.  相似文献   

Location Dependent Information Services (LDISs), through which mobile clients can access location sensitive data such as weather information, traffic reports, and local news, are gaining increasing popularity in recent years. Due to limited client power and intermittent connectivity, caching is an important approach to improve the performance of LDISs. In this paper, we propose a cache replacement policy called Location Dependent Cooperative Caching (LDCC). Unlike existing location dependent cache replacement policies, the LDCC strategy applies a prediction model to approximate client movement behavior and a probabilistic transition model to analyze the communication cost. These models are used in the design of a cache replacement policy to improve system overall performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed strategy significantly outperforms existing caching policies in providing LDIS in mobile ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Neural Input–Output Feedback Linearization (N-IOFL) controller for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) prototype connected to the grid. Under unbalanced grid voltages, the existing control strategies need to be modified, becoming very complicated. By using an identifier based on Recurrent High Order Neural Network (RHONN), trained on-line with an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), an adequate model of the DFIG and of the DC-link can be obtained, which helps the control law based on feedback linearization to reject grid disturbances appearing under non-ideal grid conditions without decomposition process. Based on such identification, the proposed controller is used to track a desired Direct Current (DC) voltage reference at the output of DC-link, to maintain constant the electric power factor controlled by the Grid Side Converter (GSC), and to force independently the rotor currents to track a specified reference defined from the required stator powers, controlled by the Rotor Side Converter (RSC), under both balanced and unbalanced grid conditions. Real-time results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller even in presence of non-ideal grid conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, an improved image blind identification algorithm based on inconsistency in light source direction was proposed. And a new method defined as “neighborhood method” was presented, which was used to calculate surface normal matrix of image in the blind identification algorithm. For an image, there is an error function between its actual light intensity and calculated light intensity, and for different light source models, there are different constraint functions of light. Light source direction which makes both error function and constraint function get the minimum is the one we want to seek. On this basis, according to the error function and the corresponding constraint function, search means and the Hestenes–Powell multiplier method were used in the improved algorithm to calculate the light source direction for local and infinite light source images, respectively. Further, the authenticity of image can be determined by the inconsistency in light source direction of different areas in the image. Experimental results showed that the light source direction of different areas in an image could be calculated accurately, and then the image tampering can be detected effectively by the improved algorithm. Moreover, the performance of the improved algorithm of the proposed blind identification is superior to that of the existing one in terms of detection rate and time complexity.  相似文献   

Co-allocation architecture was developed to enable parallel transferring of files from multiple replicas stored in the different servers. Several co-allocation strategies have been coupled and used to exploit the different transfer rates among various client-server links and to address dynamic rate fluctuations by dividing files into multiple blocks of equal sizes. The paper presents a dynamic file transfer scheme, called dynamic adjustment strategy (DAS), for co-allocation architecture in concurrently transferring a file from multiple replicas stored in multiple servers within a data grid. The scheme overcomes the obstacle of transfer performance due to idle waiting time of faster servers in co-allocation based file transfers and, therefore, provides reduced file transfer time. A tool with user friendly interface that can be used to manage replicas and downloading in a data grid environment is also described. Experimental results show that our DAS can obtain high-performance file transfer speed and reduce the time cost of reassembling data blocks.  相似文献   

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