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面向综合语言知识库的知识融合与获取研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对如何填补语料库和电子词典的数据结构之间的差异,如何将语料库与电子词典融合到综合语言知识库系统中,并进行多语言知识资源之间的交叉参考等问题,提出并实现了一种便捷的语言知识查阅方法。该方法以语料库为基础,利用鼠标左键点击完成从电子词典中获取相关知识的操作。通过在北大语料检索工具上的实验,使得用户在浏览语料的同时即可获取电子词典中相应的词汇知识,实现了语料库和词典间便捷、准确的对应和参照,体现了此方法的优势。  相似文献   

面向实时化以制造为核心管控一体化系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆祥瑞 《计算机仿真》2003,(Z1):173-182
该文描述制造企业(流程工业或间歇式流程工业)ERP系统同过程控制系统的连接层 --面向实时化、以制造为核心的管控一体化系统的关键技术分析和总体解决方案.全文围绕三个主题企业级SCADA系统研发;实时数据整合;实时信息的增值应用研发.  相似文献   

入侵防御系统是网络安全领域为弥补防火墙及入侵检测系统的不足而发展起来的一种计算机信息安全技术。其嵌入式的工作方式,使其面临许多挑战,如数据流检测瓶颈、误报和漏报等。该文陈述基于粗糙集理论的危险评测方法和该信号的协同作用下防御及检测器的进化机制。提出以通过评估保护对象所受危险并以此信号协同检测的防御方法,可以提高检测效率和防御效果,降低误报和漏报。  相似文献   

中文词句快速查找系统的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种中文词句快速找系统该系统将中文文献转换为文献中每个汉字的位置列表,根据位置列表系统能够迅速地找出用户关心的某个词句在文献中的所有出现位置,并将该词句所在的上下文提供给用户。  相似文献   

目前我国手机用户位居世界之首。短消息应用已趋成熟,彩信、WAP和手机客户端也走进了人们的视野。移动数据业务在个人应用领域快速发展的同时,它也开始融入到企业的业务系统中,成为企业的通信手段之一。通过对移动数据业务进行分析和研究,提出了企业移动办公系统集成解决方案,根据现有政府/企业移动化信息建设中所碰到的问题,设计出一个在无需修改客户原有应用系统的前提下,使之快速构建应用移动化的支撑平台。以某运营商项目中的平台系统集成为例,详述了行业移动信息化解决方案的设计、实现过程及实现功能。  相似文献   

为了解决电信运营支撑系统应用上多年来形成的“信息孤岛”问题,为客户提供端到端的良好服务,同时支持对新的电信业务的快速开发和对现有异构系统的互联互通,电信管理论坛(TMF)提出了新一代运营支撑系统软件框架NGOSS。该文在分析了国内目前电信运营支撑系统OSS/BSS的现状和NGOSS的主要技术特点的基础上,遵循NGOSS框架的思想,提出了一个面向电信运营管理的中间件平台,实现了其原型系统,并在平台上完成了用于支持电信网络管理业务流程运行的实例。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于单片机C8051F300控制的微弱生理信号多通道数据采集终端的硬件研制。系统硬件主要包括干扰抑制电路、滤波放大电路以及单片机信号采集电路。采用普通Ag/AgCl电极、压电陶瓷器件、热敏电阻作为传感器采集心电信号、脉象信号和体温信号。利用单片机对获取的清晰生理参数信号,进行采样处理、存储和传送。实验结果表明,基于单片机C8051F300控制的微弱生理信号多通道采集系统可实时采集、保存与处理心电、脉象、体温等生理信号数据,并具有体积小、功耗低、性能稳定等优点。  相似文献   

微弱生理信号在多通道数据采集系统中的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕英俊  杨雪 《微计算机信息》2005,21(19):110-112
介绍了一种基于单片机C8051F300控制的微弱生理信号多通道数据采集终端的硬件研制.系统硬件主要包括干扰抑制电路、滤波放大电路以及单片机信号采集电路.采用普通Ag/AgCl电极、压电陶瓷器件、热敏电阻作为传感器采集心电信号、脉象信号和体温信号.利用单片机对获取的清晰生理参数信号,进行采样处理、存储和传送.实验结果表明,基于单片机C8051F300控制的微弱生理信号多通道采集系统可实时采集、保存与处理心电、脉象、体温等生理信号数据,并具有体积小、功耗低、性能稳定等优点.  相似文献   

本文系统分析了省级农业气象业务系统的系统目标、总体架构、应用系统的组成和子系统功能,并针对该系统的实际情况,重点阐述系统集成U模型的原理及其在该系统集成中的应用.  相似文献   

The amount and variety of digital data currently being generated, stored and analyzed, including images, videos, and time series, have brought challenges to data administrators, analysts and developers, who struggle to comply with the expectations of both data owners and end users. The majority of the applications demand searching complex data by taking advantage of queries that analyze different aspects of the data, and need the answers in a timely manner. Content-based similarity retrieval techniques are well-suited to handle large databases, because they enable performing queries and analyses using features automatically extracted from the data, without users’ intervention. In this paper, we review and discuss the challenges posed to the database and related communities in order to provide techniques and tools that can meet the variety and veracity characteristics of big and complex data, while also considering the aspects of semantical preservation and completeness of the data. Examples and results obtained over a two-decade-long experience with real applications are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

有向基因组移位排序问题在计算生物学研究中占有重要位置.以前最好的算法时间复杂度为O(n^2logn).该文给出一个有向基因组移位排序的新多项式算法,将移位排序的时间复杂度改进为O(n^2).算法改进的关键在于找到一种寻找有效合理移位的新方法,通过在最小子排列中删除无关顶点确定一个合理移位是否有效,从而将寻找一个有效移位的时间复杂度改进为O(n),总时间复杂度由此降为O(n^2).  相似文献   

何清 《微型电脑应用》2011,27(6):37-38,41,2
利用Web Service和消息中间件等技术、结合媒体内容交互的特点,提出了采用媒体集成总线实现多个分布式异构网络化系统的集成方法,并提出需制定相关互联标准,为国内各电视台的互联互通问题提供可参考的解决方法。  相似文献   

基于XML和Java的异构数据库集成中间件系统的研究和实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑华  莫林 《现代计算机》2005,(4):14-18,44
数据集成是企业之间或企业内各部门协同合作的需要,它的目标是实现各个异构数据源之间的数据共享,从而有效地利用资源,提高整个应用系统的性能.本文针对当前企业对异构数据库集成的迫切需求,给出了一个基于XML和Java的异构数据库集成中间件系统的解决方案,最后以一个人事信息查询系统的设计证明了该方案的可行性.  相似文献   

Product realization through Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS) has observed as an emerging trend towards Industry 4.0. It offers new opportunities for reaching external partner’s knowledge and resources while allowing companies to focus on their core competencies. This paper envisions the importance of collaborative contracting for MaaS fulfillments, in which tournament-based crowdsourcing entails evaluation and selection of manufacturing service providers as a best-matching problem of multi-criteria decision making. MaaS collaborative contracting involves numerous evaluation criteria related to not only technical capabilities of the fulfilling agents, but also their business performance involved with MaaS operations in the past history. This paper develops a contracting analysis and evaluation methodology for selection of appropriate MaaS agent selection. The proposed evaluation mechanism utilizes information content measure and decision tree learning for better matching of fulfilling agents to maximize customer satisfaction and effectiveness of multiple stakeholders of MaaS operations. The multi-attribute utility theory is integrated with decision tree learning within a coherent predictive analytics framework to not only synthesize pre-defined functional and cost requirements for customers, but also leverage upon historical data of business performance. A case study of orthodontic brace mass customization through MaaS is reported to illustrate the feasibility and potential of collaborative contracting in MaaS.  相似文献   

Much of business XML data has accompanying XSD specifications. In many scenarios "shredding" such XML data into a relational storage is a popular paradigm. Optimizing evaluation of XPath queries overmuch XML data requires paying careful attention to both the logical and physical designs of the relational database where XML data is shredded. None of the existing solutions has taken into account physical design of the generated relational database. In this paper, we study the interplay of logical and physical design and conclude that 1) solving them independently leads to suboptimal performance and 2) there is substantial overlap between logical and physical designs: some well-known logical design transformations generate the same mappings as physical design. Furthermore, existing search algorithms are inefficient to search the extremely large space of logical and physical design combinations. We propose a search algorithm that carefully avoids searching duplicated mappings and utilizes the workload information to further prune the search space. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

葛斌  游景玉 《计算机仿真》1999,16(2):34-36,66
介绍了压水堆核电机组全仿真系统建模与调试方法,该建模与调试方法已成功地用于秦山300MW核电机组全范围仿真机,测试表明,仿真结果与现场测试值十分一致,模型能够正确反映目标机组的特性。  相似文献   

基于SOA和Web服务的高校信息系统集成研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高校信息系统是一个有机整体,但由于软件开发技术的限制以及高校信息化由零到整的发展历程,使得各个子系统高度独立,数据与业务无法共享.因此,高校信息系统集成是高校信息化建设的一个重要研究领域,也是高校当前面临的紧迫问题.Web服务是自描述、自包含的应用模块,它具有平台无关性、编程语言无关性等优点.面向服务的架构就是利用Web服务的上述特点,实现系统之间基于标准的、松散耦合的应用架构.本文指出传统解决方案在高校信息系统集成过程中存在的问题,提出符合理想的基于SOA和Web服务的应用集成方案.  相似文献   

This study developed an instrument to evaluate student online information searching strategies based on a framework comprising three domains and seven aspects. Two versions of the Online Information Searching Strategies Inventory (OISSI), including both quick and complete versions, were finally established and exhibited good validities and reliabilities. The quick OISSI included 13 items and the complete OISSI included 25 items and the pair had total reliabilities of 0.85 and 0.91, respectively. This instrument provides researchers a valid and reliable tool to evaluate students’ self-reflected web search strategies. The OISSI scores of 324 high school students revealed a significant gender difference in both behavioral and procedural domain strategies; however, no significant difference was observed in metacognitive domain strategies. In addition, student weekly online searching hours were found to significantly impact only behavioral domain strategies but not other domain strategies, implying that increasing student search experience may be insufficient to lift their search strategy. This study suggested several future study directions.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统课程群实践教学优化整合与知识融合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出嵌入式课程群实践教学优化整合与知识融合的新思路,实现课程之间有机衔接相互渗透,强化课程内容间的交叉融合,提高学生工程实践能力、创新能力的培养。通过改革,提高实践教学效率和教学质量,实现人才培养与市场需求的无缝对接。  相似文献   

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