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Thin films of tungsten oxide, molybdenum oxide and mixed MoO3–WO3 oxides were obtained by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (CVD). All the films were prepared using identical technological parameters and through investigation of the optical properties of as deposited and annealed at 400°C a comparative study is reported. Raman, IR and VIS spectrophotometry and spectral ellipsometry methods were used. The mixed MoO3–WO3 films have higher optical absorption with maxima at a closer position with respect to the human eye sensitivity peak at 2.5 eV. The observed electrochromic effect is better expressed in the mixed films; the electrical charge inserted is higher.  相似文献   

Tungsten oxide and titanium oxide thin films were prepared by RF reactive magnetron sputter deposition. The stationary and rotating substrate holders were applied to analyze the rotating effect. The optical properties and thicknesses of oxide films were determined by a proposed optical model and the measured transmittance spectra. The dispersed refractive indices of thin films have a wide range distribution in different sputtering conditions. In the situation of rotating substrate holder, the refractive index was lower than that of the stationary substrate holder. Also, amorphous TiO2 structure can be prepared by using rotating substrate holder. The transmittance spectrum of crystalline TiO2 reveals that the textured structure on the film surface affects the transmittance characteristic.  相似文献   

Indium molybdenum oxide (IMO) thin films were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on glass substrates at room temperature. The deposition and argon partial pressures were maintained at 6.0 × 10−1 Pa and 3.0 × 10−1 Pa, respectively. The oxygen partial pressure (OPP) was varied in the range 1.0-6.0 × 10−3 Pa. The films were sputtered at 40 W for 30 min using the target consisted In2O3 (98 wt%): Mo (2 wt%). The films are polycrystalline with a slight preferential orientation along (2 2 2) plane. The crystallinity is increased with the increasing OPP. The negative sign of Hall coefficient confirmed the n-type conductivity. A maximum mobility ∼19 cm2 V−1 s−1 is obtained for the films deposited with OPP of 3.6 × 10−3 Pa. The average visible transmittance calculated in the wavelength ranging 500-800 nm is ranging between 2% and 77%. The optical band gap calculated from the absorption data is varied between 3.69 and 3.91 eV. A striking feature is that the work function of the films is wide ranging 4.61-4.93 eV. A possibility of using the produced IMO films as transparent conducting oxide in photovoltaic applications such as organic solar cells is discussed in this article.  相似文献   

First-principles calculations of the energy dependent absorption coefficients are presented in this work in order to understand the optical properties of some materials characterized for an intermediate band (IB) with metallic behavior: Ga32P31Cr and Ga31P32Cr. The calculations are based on local spin density approximation and the pseudopotential method using a localized basis set. The resulting optical spectra is analyzed and broken down into the contributions of the different bands and spin components. The results of the electronic properties show that one of the spin components presents an IB, and the absorption coefficients indicate an increase in the absorption sub-gap as a consequence of the optical transitions between the valence and the IB.  相似文献   

Adsorption effects would be expected to be of considerable importance with thin films because of the changes in electron location accompanying adsorption. The effects of hydrogenation on structural, optical and electrical properties of the CdS thin films have been reported. GIXRD patterns shows that films have polycrystalline nature with a hexagonal structure. The optical band gap increased after hydrogenation of the film. The variation of conductivity of CdS films have been investigated depending upon the applied voltage at room temperature. The resistivity increased after hydrogenation of the films. Hydrogenated thin films can be used in solar cells because hydrogen plays an important role to modify the physical properties.  相似文献   

The electrical, structural and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films deposited from pure silane (SiH4) using hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) technique are systematically studied as a function of silane flow rate between 5 and 30 sccm. We found that the properties are greatly affected by the silane flow rate over the range we studied. The device quality a-Si:H films with a photosensitivity >105 were deposited by HW-CVD at a deposition rate >10 Å s−1 using low silane flow rate. However, a-Si:H films deposited at higher silane flow rate and/or higher deposition rates show degradation in their structural and electrical properties. The FTIR studies indicate that the hydrogen bonding in a-Si:H films shifts from mono-hydrogen (Si–H) to di-hydrogen (Si–H2) and (Si–H2)n complexes when films were deposited at higher silane flow rate. The hydrogen content in the a-Si:H films increases with increase in silane flow rate and was found to be less than 10 at.%. The Raman spectra show increase in disorder and the Rayleigh scattering with increase in silane flow rate. The optical band gap also shows an increasing trend with silane flow rate. Therefore, only the hydrogen content cannot be accounted for the increase in the optical band gap. We think that the increase in the optical band gap may be due to the increase in the voids. These voids reduce the effective density of material and increase the average Si–Si distance, which is responsible for the increase in the band gap. Silane flow rate of 5 sccm, appears to be an optimum flow rate for the growth of mono-hydrogen (Si–H) bonded species having low hydrogen content (4.25 at%) in a-Si:H films at high deposition rate (12.5 Å s−1), high photosensitivity (105) and small structural disorder.  相似文献   

Electrochromic iridium oxide (IrOx) and iridium-tantalum oxide (IrTaOx) thin films were prepared by sputtering. Complex refractive indices were determined for samples deposited on indium-tin oxide covered glass in different colouration states, and for as-deposited samples on sapphire and Corning glass. The refractive index was found to be practically constant for both IrOx (∼1.3) and IrTaOx (∼2). The extinction coefficient was found to vary between the coloured and bleached states with ∼35% for IrOx and ∼55% for IrTaOx at 660 nm. This is believed to be a result of the removal of intraband transitions within the Ir t2g band during bleaching.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline films of Bi2S3 compound have been prepared, at substrate temperature of 570 K, from Bismuth chloride (BiCl3) and Thiourea (CS (NH2)2) solutions. The structural characterisation has been carried out by the X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Study of optical properties shows that Bi2S3 compound has an allowed indirect transition at 1.43 eV energy. The photoelectrical parameters (diffusion length and lifetime) have been determined from the study of the photoconductivity.  相似文献   

Vanadium dioxide films were prepared by DC and rf reactive magnetron sputtering of a 99.7% pure vanadium target in an Ar+O2 plasma with a well-controlled oxygen partial pressure. The films were deposited onto normal glass substrates at 400°C. The films showed a metal–semiconductor transition at the temperature, τc=65–68°C. Optical and electrical properties of the films were investigated around the metal–semiconductor phase transition and found to be very sensitive to the oxygen flow rate. Sheet resistance of the films were recorded using a two-point probe over the temperature range 26τ100°C. It was observed that the sheet resistance can change by three orders of magnitude when heating the films from room temperature to temperatures above the transition. Transmittance of the films was obtained in the 300λ2500 nm wavelength range at two extreme temperatures (i.e. 26°C and 100°C). The luminous transmittance for the films was rather unaffected with heating, whereas near-infrared transmittance showed lower values. Optical constants, n and k were measured using ellipsometry. The semiconducting state optical constants were found to be 2.67 and 0.04 for n and k, respectively, while the metallic state values were 2.26 for refractive index and 0.3 for the extinction coefficient. The samples showed a slow deterioration when left in the laboratory for a period of one year.  相似文献   

Bilayer Mg/Mn thin films have prepared using thermal evaporation method at pressure 10−5 torr. Hydrogenation process has been done on pristine and annealed bilayer structure of films at different hydrogen pressure for half an hour. In case of annealed samples partially semiconductor nature is observed and conductivity of films found to decrease with hydrogen pressure and increased with annealing temperature. The XRD analysis shows microcrystalline nature of as-deposited films and after annealing it produce crystalline nature. After hydrogenation an additional peaks of magnesium hydride are also observed that suggesting the presence of hydrogen and hydrogen storage capacity of thin film bilayer structure. Optical band gap of annealed bilayer thin films found to increase with hydrogen pressure. It means hydrogenation process is capable to change bilayer structure from metallic to semi-conducting. The variation in relative resistivity is found nonlinear with time and increases with hydrogen pressure, due to the net effect of hydrogen absorption. Raman spectra show the decrease in intensity of peaks with hydrogen pressure that confirm the presence of hydrogen. Optical photographs are taken in reflection mode that shows a change of color from brown to dark black state with increasing hydrogen gas pressure. This dark black state may be used as solar thermal energy collector because black body is good absorber of heat.  相似文献   

To explore the high storage capacity of hydrogen storage material, the structural feature and hydrogenated mechanism of Li4BN3H10 alkali metal hydrides are studied by using the first-principles calculations. The calculated result predicts that the Li4BN3H10 and Rh4BN3H10 are thermodynamic and dynamical stabilities according to the phonon dispersion and thermodynamic model. Essentially, the hydrogen storage mechanism of AM4BN3H10 hydride mainly depends on the formation of [BH4] group and [NH2] group. Compared to LiBH4, the hybridization between the B atom and H atom in [BH4] group and between the N atom and H atom in [NH2] group can store a lot of hydrogen. However, the dehydrogenation of AM4BN3H10 hydride prefers to [BH4] group rather than the [NH2] group. The narrow band gap is beneficial to hydrogen release in AM4BN3H10 hydride. Therefore, the Rb4BN3H10 has better hydrogen release properties in comparison to the Li4BN3H10 and Na4BN3H10. Therefore, we believe that the AM4BN3H10 hydride is a promising hydrogen storage material with the high hydrogen storage capacity.  相似文献   

Homogenous, crack free iron oxide films are prepared by the sol–gel spin coating technique from a solution of iron iso-propoxide and isopropanol. The films were characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV). XRD of the films showed that they had an amorphous structure. The optical constants refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) were measured by scanning spectrometer in the wavelength range of 390–990 nm. The n and k values were found n =2.3±0.01 and k =0.2±0.002 at 650 nm. The electrochemical behavior investigated in 0.5 M LiClO4 propylene carbonate (PC) electrolyte-CV examinations showed good rechargeability of the Li+/e insertion extraction process beyond 300 cycles. Spectroelectrochemistry showed that these films exhibit weak cathodic coloration in the spectral range of 350–800 nm.  相似文献   

Zn1−xMgxO:Al thin films have been prepared on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The effect of substrate temperature has been investigated from room temperature to 500 °C by analyzing the structural, optical and electrical properties. The best sample deposited at 250 °C shows the lowest room-temperature resistivity of 5.16×10−4 Ω cm, and optical transmittance higher than 80% in the visible region. It is observed that the optical band gap decreases from 3.92 to 3.68 eV when the substrate temperature increases from 100 to 500 °C. The probable mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Metal oxide films are important for various optical devices and especially for solar energy materials. TiO2-mixed Nb2O5 thin films have been produced by sol–gel dip-coating method. Several parameters such as heat treatment, thickness, and mixture percentages are studied for the effect of the optical, structural and electrochromic properties of the materials. Optical parameters of the films were calculated through transmission and reflection measurement by a refractive index, extinction coefficient and thickness analyzer. Structural, electrochromic and surface analyses of the films were done by X-ray diffractometer, potentiostat/galvanostat and atomic force microscope systems.  相似文献   

TiO2 thin films were deposited by DC Sputtering varying the deposit time. These films were characterized by XRD, AFM, photoluminescence, UV–Vis, ellipsometry and XPS. The optical properties of TiO2 thin films with different thickness, influenced their photocatalytic behavior in two photoinduced process. When TiO2 thin films were irradiated with a UV light, midgap states were generated and the electrons were placed in lower energies than its band gap, favoring the photocatalytic hydrogen production and CO2 photoreduction. From PL technique analyses it was observed that electrons occupied midgap states between the bands, with lower energies than the band gap. With these results it was possible to propose an energy diagram in order to correlate with photoinduced processes results. The presence of Ti3+ species was reconfirmed by means of XPS analyses. These species could be found in the midgap states, generated by the interaction between the UV irradiation and the film surface, which contributed to the photocatalytic activity of the films. The hydrogen production was similar for all the thin films studied (33–35 μmol) associated to the presence of similar energy midgap states. In the case of CO2 photoreduction, all films produced CH2O (8951 and 6252 μmol/g) and the films with a thickness of 330 and 420 nm generated CH3OH (970 and 292 μmol/g). The extinction coefficient confirmed the XRD results for the film with greatest deposited time, which exhibited the highest crystallinity. All photocatalytic results did not show any dependence with the thin film thickness.  相似文献   

In this article we have discussed the structural, optical properties of vacuum evaporated CdTe thin films before and after CdCl2 treatment. The CdTe thin films were prepared by vacuum evaporation. Films were prepared under the vacuum of 10−6 Torr. The structural studies have been performed by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The XRD analysis of vacuum evaporated CdTe films reveals that the structure of films is polycrystalline in nature. However, the crystallinity has been improved after the CdCl2 treatment as shown by an increase of the diffraction peak intensities. This is due to the enhancement in the atomic mobility of CdTe. The optical properties of the CdTe thin films have been studied by the spectrophotometer in the 300–800 nm wavelength range. It is observed that the optical band gap energy is highly dependent on CdCl2 treatments. The optical transitions in these films are found to be direct and allowed.  相似文献   

The fabrication details, as well as basic structural and optical properties, of low temperature plasma enhanced reactively sputtered InN thin films are presented. SEM and AFM studies of surface morphology, including a microstructural cross-section were performed. Optical absorption and reflectance spectra of InN textured films at room temperature in the visible and NIR regions were taken, to reproduce accurately the dielectric function as well as to determine the optical effective mass of electrons (0.11) and the direct band gap (2.03 eV). Some TO (445, 480 and 490 cm−1) and also LO (570 cm−1) phonon features of indium nitride polycrystalline films in the near infrared and Raman spectra are presented and discussed.These results, both as obtained now and a few years ago from identical samples just after preparation, are in good agreement. This demonstrates an extraordinary long-term stability of this compound, with respect to its optical and electrical characteristics. The attractive possibilities based on model calculations of InN/Si tandem film systems for potential applications in photovoltaic devices, including high efficiency thin film solar cells, are emphasized and discussed.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline ZnO : Al thin films have been prepared by the (Sol–gel) chemical deposition method. The ZnO : Al thin films are very transparent (90%) in the near UV, VIS and IR regions. The films are oriented along the c-axis ([0 0 2] direction) in the hexagonal structure. It is known that pure ZnO thin films are not chemically stable in corrosive media, but aluminium stabilizes the ZnO system and increases its electrical conductivity. Finally, the ZnO : Al thin films are reasonably stable under storage in air and in reactive atmospheres like O2, H2O, H2 or in weak acids. Dark- and photo-conductivity of the ZnO : Al films are very high (1–100 Ω−1 cm−1), so that they can be used as transparent conductors in solar cells or in electrochromic devices.  相似文献   

Cadmium oxide thin films with different percentages of aluminum doping have been synthesized via radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique. Thin films were deposited on glass and silicon substrates with different percentages of aluminum at a substrate temperature of 573 K and pressure of 0.1 mbar in Ar+O2 atmosphere. The deposited films were characterized by studying their structural, electrical and optical properties. The X-ray diffraction pattern revealed good crystallinity with preferred (1 1 1) orientation in the films. Aluminum doping in CdO thin films were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies and actual doping percentages were also measured from it. The optical band gap was found to decrease first and then increase with increasing percentages of aluminum concentrations. The electrical conductivity was found to increase with increase of aluminum doping concentration up to 5% but for higher doping concentration (>5%) the conductivity was found to decrease.  相似文献   

Electrochromic niobia (Nb205) coatings were prepared by the sot-gel spin-coating and d.c. magnetron sputtering techniques. Parameters were investigated for the process fabrication of sol-gel spin coated Nb205 films exhibiting high coloration efficiency comparable with that d.c. magnetron sputtered niobia films. X-ray diffraction studies (XRD) showed that the sot-gel deposited and magnetron sputtered films heat treated at temperatures below 450°C, were amorphous, whereas those heat treated at higher temperatures were slightly crystalline. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies showed that the stoichiometry of the films was Nb205. The refractive index and electrochromic coloration were found to depend on the preparation technique. Both films showed low absorption and high transparency in the visible range. We found that the n, k values of the sot-gel deposited films to be lower than for the sputtered films. The n and k values were n = 1.82 and k = 3 × 10−3, and n = 2.28 and K = 4 × 10−3 at 530 urn for sot-gel deposited and sputtered films, respectively. The electrochemical behavior and structural changes were investigated in 1 M LiC104/propylene carbonate solution. Using the electrochemical measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the probable electrode reaction with the lithiation and delithiation is Nb2O5 + x Li+ + x e ↔ LixNb205. Cyclic voltametric (CV) measurements showed that both Nb205 films exhibits electrochemical reversibility beyond 1200 cycles without change in performance. “In situ” optical measurement revealed that those films exhibit an electrochromic effect in the spectral range 300 < λ < 2100 nm but remain unchanged in the infrared spectral range. The change in visible transmittance was 40% for 250 nm thick electrodes. Spectroelectrochemical measurements showed that spin coated films were essentially electrochemically equivalent to those prepared by d.c. magnetron sputter deposition.  相似文献   

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