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An off-line handwritten word recognition system is described. Images of handwritten words are matched to lexicons of candidate strings. A word image is segmented into primitives. The best match between sequences of unions of primitives and a lexicon string is found using dynamic programming. Neural networks assign match scores between characters and segments. Two particularly unique features are that neural networks assign confidence that pairs of segments are compatible with character confidence assignments and that this confidence is integrated into the dynamic programming. Experimental results are provided on data from the U.S. Postal Service.  相似文献   

Surveillance is an important need for a secured and supervised environment. Manual supervision for the purpose of surveillance proves to be expensive and prone to slipups. Many researchers have worked to provide an automated solution to this problem. In this article, we present a solution to this problem using image moments and recurrent neural networks. For this purpose, frames are first extracted from a live video and the foreground of the frame is sieved out while the background is discarded. Feature vectors are obtained for each frame after computing raw, central, scale-invariant and rotation-invariant moments of the images. These vectors are used to train and ultimately simulate a recurrent neural network. The results generated from this model exhibit an accuracy of 96.4 % in identification of events within consecutive frames.  相似文献   

Handwritten digit recognition by neural networks with single-layertraining   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is shown that neural network classifiers with single-layer training can be applied efficiently to complex real-world classification problems such as the recognition of handwritten digits. The STEPNET procedure, which decomposes the problem into simpler subproblems which can be solved by linear separators, is introduced. Provided appropriate data representations and learning rules are used, performance comparable to that obtained by more complex networks can be achieved. Results from two different databases are presented: an European database comprising 8700 isolated digits and a zip code database from the US Postal Service comprising 9000 segmented digits. A hardware implementation of the classifier is briefly described.  相似文献   

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems - The article presents conducted experiments using recurrent neural networks for emotion detection in musical segments. Trained regression models were...  相似文献   

手写体数字识别问题是模式识别领域的一个重要研究课题.提出了一种基于多层激励函数的量子神经网络和多级分类器组合的手写体数字识别方法,采用MNIST数据库进行训练和测试.实验结果表明,该识别方法在识别率和可靠性方面均有很好的效果,同时也体现出量子神经网络用于模式识别的优越性和潜力.  相似文献   

An American Sign Language (ASL) recognition system is being developed using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to translate ASL words into English. The system uses a sensory glove called the Cyberglove™ and a Flock of Birds® 3-D motion tracker to extract the gesture features. The data regarding finger joint angles obtained from strain gauges in the sensory glove define the hand shape, while the data from the tracker describe the trajectory of hand movements. The data from these devices are processed by a velocity network with noise reduction and feature extraction and by a word recognition network. Some global and local features are extracted for each ASL word. A neural network is used as a classifier of this feature vector. Our goal is to continuously recognize ASL signs using these devices in real time. We trained and tested the ANN model for 50 ASL words with a different number of samples for every word. The test results show that our feature vector extraction method and neural networks can be used successfully for isolated word recognition. This system is flexible and open for future extension.  相似文献   

A lexicon-based, handwritten word recognition system combining segmentation-free and segmentation-based techniques is described. The segmentation-free technique constructs a continuous density hidden Markov model for each lexicon string. The segmentation-based technique uses dynamic programming to match word images and strings. The combination module uses differences in classifier capabilities to achieve significantly better performance  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of artificial neural networks to acoustic-to-phonetic mapping. The experiments described are typical of problems in speech recognition in which the temporal nature of the input sequence is critical. The specific task considered is that of mapping formant contours to the corresponding CVC' syllable. We performed experiments on formant data extracted from the acoustic speech signal spoken at two different tempos (slow and normal) using networks based on the Elman simple recurrent network model. Our results show that the Elman networks used in these experiments were successful in performing the acoustic-to-phonetic mapping from formant contours. Consequently, we demonstrate that relatively simple networks, readily trained using standard backpropagation techniques, are capable of initial and final consonant discrimination and vowel identification for variable speech rates  相似文献   

Experiments comparing neural networks trained with crisp and fuzzy desired outputs are described. A handwritten word recognition algorithm using the neural networks for character level confidence assignment was tested on images of words taken from the United States Postal Service mailstream. The fuzzy outputs were defined using a fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm. The crisp networks slightly outperformed the fuzzy networks at the character level but the fuzzy networks outperformed the crisp networks at the word level. This empirical result is interpreted as an example of the principle of least commitment  相似文献   

A new modular recurrent neural network (MRNN)-based speech-recognition method that can recognize the entire vocabulary of 1280 highly confusable Mandarin syllables is proposed in this paper. The basic idea is to first split the complicated task, in both feature and temporal domains, into several much simpler subtasks involving subsyllable and tone discrimination, and then to use two weighting RNN's to generate several dynamic weighting functions to integrate the subsolutions into a complete solution. The novelty of the proposed method lies mainly in the use of appropriate a priori linguistic knowledge of simple initial-final structures of Mandarin syllables in the architecture design of the MRNN. The resulting MRNN is therefore effective and efficient in discriminating among highly confusable Mandarin syllables. Thus both the time-alignment and scaling problems of the ANN-based approach for large-vocabulary speech-recognition can be addressed. Experimental results show that the proposed method and its extensions, the reverse-time MRNN (Rev-MRNN) and bidirection MRNN (Bi-MRNN), all outperform an advanced HMM method trained with the MCE/GPD algorithm in both recognition-rate and system complexity.  相似文献   

Meng  Ming  Zhang  Yu  Ma  Yuliang  Gao  Yunyuan  Kong  Wanzeng 《Pattern Analysis & Applications》2023,26(2):783-795
Pattern Analysis and Applications - In recent years, deep learning has gradually become a prevailing way in EEG-based emotion recognition research because it can extract features and classify...  相似文献   

Financial volatility trading using recurrent neural networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We simulate daily trading of straddles on financial indexes. The straddles are traded based on predictions of daily volatility differences in the indexes. The main predictive models studied are recurrent neural nets (RNN). Such applications have often been studied in isolation. However, due to the special character of daily financial time-series, it is difficult to make full use of RNN representational power. Recurrent networks either tend to overestimate noisy data, or behave like finite-memory sources with shallow memory; they hardly beat classical fixed-order Markov models. To overcome data nonstationarity, we use a special technique that combines sophisticated models fitted on a larger data set, with a fixed set of simple-minded symbolic predictors using only recent inputs. Finally, we compare our predictors with the GARCH family of econometric models designed to capture time-dependent volatility structure in financial returns. GARCH models have been used to trade volatility. Experimental results show that while GARCH models cannot generate any significantly positive profit, by careful use of recurrent networks or Markov models, the market makers can generate a statistically significant excess profit, but then there is no reason to prefer RNN over much more simple and straightforward Markov models. We argue that any report containing RNN results on financial tasks should be accompanied by results achieved by simple finite-memory sources combined with simple techniques to fight nonstationarity in the data.  相似文献   

Manufacturing features recognition using backpropagation neural networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A backpropagation neural network (BPN) is applied to the problem of feature recognition from a boundary representation (B-rep) solid model to facilitate process planning of manufactured products. It is based on the use of the face complexity code to represent the features and a neural network for the analysis of the recognition. The face complexity code is a measure of the face complexity of a feature based on the convexity or concavity of the surrounding geometry. The codes for various features are fed to the network for analysis. A backpropagation network is implemented for recognition of features and tested on published results to measure its performance. Any two or more features having significant differences in face complexity codes were used as exemplars for training the network. A new feature presented to the network is associated with one of the existing clusters, if they are similar, or the network creates a new cluster, if otherwise. Experimental results show that the network was consistent in recognizing features, hence is appropriate for application to the problem of feature recognition in automated manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel technique for hand gesture recognition through human–computer interaction based on shape analysis. The main objective of this effort is to explore the utility of a neural network-based approach to the recognition of the hand gestures. A unique multi-layer perception of neural network is built for classification by using back-propagation learning algorithm. The goal of static hand gesture recognition is to classify the given hand gesture data represented by some features into some predefined finite number of gesture classes. The proposed system presents a recognition algorithm to recognize a set of six specific static hand gestures, namely: Open, Close, Cut, Paste, Maximize, and Minimize. The hand gesture image is passed through three stages, preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. In preprocessing stage some operations are applied to extract the hand gesture from its background and prepare the hand gesture image for the feature extraction stage. In the first method, the hand contour is used as a feature which treats scaling and translation of problems (in some cases). The complex moment algorithm is, however, used to describe the hand gesture and treat the rotation problem in addition to the scaling and translation. The algorithm used in a multi-layer neural network classifier which uses back-propagation learning algorithm. The results show that the first method has a performance of 70.83% recognition, while the second method, proposed in this article, has a better performance of 86.38% recognition rate.  相似文献   

声纹识别是当前热门的生物特征识别技术之一,能够通过说话人的语音识别其身份。针对声纹识别技术进行了研究,提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(CNN)和深度循环网络(RNN)的声纹识别方案CDRNN,CDRNN结合CNN和RNN的优势,用于移动终端声纹识别应用。CDRNN将说话者的原始语音信息经过一系列的处理并生成一张二维语谱图,利用CNN长于处理图像的优势从语谱图中提取语音信号的个性特征,这些个性特征再输入到Deep RNN中完成声纹识别,从而确定说话者的身份。实验结果表明了CDRNN方案能够获得比GMM-UBM等其他方案更好的识别准确率。  相似文献   

This paper presents a wavelet-based recurrent fuzzy neural network (WRFNN) for prediction and identification of nonlinear dynamic systems. The proposed WRFNN model combines the traditional Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy model and the wavelet neural networks (WNN). This paper adopts the nonorthogonal and compactly supported functions as wavelet neural network bases. Temporal relations embedded in the network are caused by adding some feedback connections representing the memory units into the second layer of the feedforward wavelet-based fuzzy neural networks (WFNN). An online learning algorithm, which consists of structure learning and parameter learning, is also presented. The structure learning depends on the degree measure to obtain the number of fuzzy rules and wavelet functions. Meanwhile, the parameter learning is based on the gradient descent method for adjusting the shape of the membership function and the connection weights of WNN. Finally, computer simulations have demonstrated that the proposed WRFNN model requires fewer adjustable parameters and obtains a smaller rms error than other methods.  相似文献   

Data-driven soft sensors have been widely used to measure key variables for industrial processes. Soft sensors using deep learning models have attracted considerable attention and shown superior predictive performance. However, if a soft sensor encounters an unexpected situation in inferring data or if noisy input data is used, the estimated value derived by a standard soft sensor using deep learning may at best be untrustworthy. This problem can be mitigated by expressing a degree of uncertainty about the trustworthiness of the estimated value produced by the soft sensor. To address this issue of uncertainty, we propose using an uncertainty-aware soft sensor that uses Bayesian recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The proposed soft sensor uses a RNN model as a backbone and is then trained using Bayesian techniques. The experimental results demonstrated that such an uncertainty-aware soft sensor increases the reliability of predictive uncertainty. In comparisons with a standard soft sensor, it shows a capability to use uncertainties for interval prediction without compromising predictive performance.  相似文献   

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