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提出了基于小波和曲率图像的数据配准算法,用于逆向工程中不同视角测量数据的配准.对原始数据不需要进行预处理,该算法可直接操纵原始数据,并自动检测不同视角数据集的公共重叠部分,进行快速配准.首先采用局部Bezier曲面拟合方法计算测量数据的离散曲率,然后采用主元分析方法对数据进行采样,构造曲率图像.利用小波分析对曲率图像进行匹配后,可求得原数据集的公共重叠数据.在此基础上利用单位四元数法可求得空间旋转和平移矩阵,实现原始数据配准.运行实例证明了此算法的有效性. 相似文献
一种图像配准的超分辨率重建 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3
提出了一种具有子像素级精度的图像配准方法,并通过迭代反投影算法进行超分辨率重建.介绍了基于3参数模型的图像配准方法并提出了基于4参数模型的图像配准方法,由于没有直接将旋转角度参量引入到运动模型中,有效地避免了原方法中泰勒级数展开时的小角度假设.最后,根据配准算法所得到的子像素级运动信息,用迭代反投影算法进行超分辨率重建.分别对多幅具有较大运动的模拟及真实的低分辨率图像进行实验,结果表明:该配准算法取得了更高的精度,平均平移误差减少了0.026 1 pixel ,平均旋转角度误差减少了0.356 4°;重建图像具有更好的视觉效果,平均PSNR值提高0.75 dB.本文方法可以被广泛地应用于相互间主要存在平移和大角度旋转的多幅低分辨率图像的大倍数超分辨率重建,可满足实际应用要求. 相似文献
基于超分辨率重建的亚像素图像配准 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对低分辨率图像在配准过程中精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于超分辨率重建的亚像素图像配准方法。首先,对具有1至9像素位移的图像序列进行10倍降采样,获取具有0.1至0.9亚像素位移的图像序列。然后,根据图像的获取过程建立数学模型,以Bayes理论为基础,使用最大后验概率法(MAP)对亚像素位移低分辨率图像进行超分辨率重建,获取高分辨率图像。最后,使用具有亚像素配准精度的扩展相位相关法对图像进行配准。配准实验与噪声实验表明,所提方法的最大配准误差为0.03pixel,能实现对低分辨率图像的亚像素级配准,具有配准精度高、噪声抗干扰能力强等特点,可同时满足可见光图像与红外图像的高精度配准要求。 相似文献
光谱仪图像的亚像素配准 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对超光谱成像遥感存在的光谱仪图像间失配变形,影响地物目标光谱信息纯度的问题,提出了一种结合超光谱图像特点的亚像素配准方法来校正图像间的失配变形。首先,对待配准的可见光近红外(VNIR)和短波红外(SWIR)光谱仪图像分别进行波段选择和主成分变换,将变换后的第一主分量图像作为待配准图像。然后,将待配准图像均匀划分为具有一定重叠率的图像块,利用相位相关方法估计对应图像块的亚像素平移参数,通过相位相关系数剔除错误的平移参数估计生成图像的光流场。最后,通过光流场来实现光谱仪图像的配准。实验结果显示,该方法配准精度优于0.1pixel,满足超光谱图像后续处理对配准精度的要求。 相似文献
针对传统的单序列扩展式场景重构方法易丢失场景信息,数据利用率低下等问题,提出一种面向场景重构的多序列间配准的方法。该方法采用相似变换作为配准模型,完成对不同参考坐标系下尺度、旋转、平移相分离的初始配准;然后通过拟合观测平面来抑制噪声点并筛选公共可见点;最终对不同尺度、方位的序列进行配准,配准结果可直接用于后续的重构中。实验表明:通过相应噪声抑制,使得各序列的系统初始重投影误差降低了17.69%到46.86%,终止重投影误差降低了27.5%到71.96%。配准后从相同的47幅图像中可重构10596个场景点,相比传统单序列方法的3893个场景点,该方法更充分有效地利用了观测图像,使最终拟合的场景曲面包含了更多的场景细节。 相似文献
结合仿射变换和多层B样条配准的湍流畸变图像校正 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为解决大气湍流引起的图像抖动和图像偏移问题,提出了一种结合仿射变换和多层B样条配准的图像校正方法。由于湍流像素偏移具有非线性和随机性,且序列中常伴有成像系统运动引起目标全局运动,该方法将像素校正分为整体运动校正和局部非刚性配准两部分。采用仿射变换描述目标整体运动;引入多分辨率策略处理像素偏移,利用多层B样条对湍流引起的局部形变进行非刚性配准。基于对称约束的代价函数,通过梯度判定感兴趣区域,进一步细化控制点网格提高B样条配准精度。最后,采用有限内存拟牛顿法优化代价函数,得到像素偏移量,实现畸变图像的像素校正。对真实图像和实际序列图像分别进行了实验,结果表明:该方法能够有效降低湍流造成像素偏移畸变,在噪声和模糊干扰下校正结果依然理想。 相似文献
余先川;吕中华;胡丹 《光学精密工程》2013,21(11):2960-2972
遥感图像配准是图像融合、多光谱分类、环境监测和图像镶嵌等不可缺少的步骤。本文讨论了遥感图像领域中重要的和最新的配准算法,将配准方法划分为基于区域的配准、基于图像特征的配准、基于混合模型的配准和基于物理模型的配准四类;描述了四类配准方法中的典型算法,并分析了它们的优势和不足,重点概述了基于特征配准中的局部不变特征变换算法。评述了国内外遥感图像配准的发展现状;指出了遥感图像配准技术中存在的问题,即多源遥感图像的配准、遥感图像配准的实时性、遥感图像的非线性配准和遥感图像配准的精度评价,最后展望了遥感图像配准技术的发展前景。 相似文献
The distribution of looping patterns of laminin in uveal melanomas and other tumours has been associated with adverse outcome. Moreover, these patterns are generated by highly invasive tumour cells through the process of vasculogenic mimicry and are not therefore blood vessels. Nevertheless, these extravascular matrix patterns conduct plasma. The three‐dimensional (3D) configuration of these laminin‐rich patterns compared with blood vessels has been the subject of speculation and intensive investigation. We have developed a method for the 3D reconstruction of volume for these extravascular matrix proteins from serial paraffin sections cut at 4 µm thicknesses and stained with a fluorescently labelled antibody to laminin ( Maniotis et al., 2002 ). Each section was examined via confocal laser‐scanning focal microscopy (CLSM) and 13 images were recorded in the Z‐dimension for each slide. The input CLSM imagery is composed of a set of 3D subvolumes (stacks of 2D images) acquired at multiple confocal depths, from a sequence of consecutive slides. Steps for automated reconstruction included (1) unsupervised methods for selecting an image frame from a subvolume based on entropy and contrast criteria, (2) a fully automated registration technique for image alignment and (3) an improved histogram equalization method that compensates for spatially varying image intensities in CLSM imagery due to photo‐bleaching. We compared image alignment accuracy of a fully automated method with registration accuracy achieved by human subjects using a manual method. Automated 3D volume reconstruction was found to provide significant improvement in accuracy, consistency of results and performance time for CLSM images acquired from serial paraffin sections. 相似文献
N. Chicherova S.E. Hieber A. Khimchenko C. Bikis B. Müller P. Cattin 《Journal of microscopy》2018,271(1):49-61
Localizing a histological section in the three‐dimensional dataset of a different imaging modality is a challenging 2D‐3D registration problem. In the literature, several approaches have been proposed to solve this problem; however, they cannot be considered as fully automatic. Recently, we developed an automatic algorithm that could successfully find the position of a histological section in a micro computed tomography (μCT) volume. For the majority of the datasets, the result of localization corresponded to the manual results. However, for some datasets, the matching μCT slice was off the ground‐truth position. Furthermore, elastic distortions, due to histological preparation, could not be accounted for in this framework. In the current study, we introduce two optimization frameworks based on normalized mutual information, which enabled us to accurately register histology slides to volume data. The rigid approach allocated 81 % of histological sections with a median position error of 8.4 μm in jaw bone datasets, and the deformable approach improved registration by 33 μm with respect to the median distance error for four histological slides in the cerebellum dataset. 相似文献
Karen P Jirkovská M Tomori Z Demjénová E Janácek J Kubínová L 《Microscopy research and technique》2003,62(5):415-422
Computer-based visualization of large tissue volumes with high resolution based on composing series of high-resolution confocal images is presented. GlueMRC and LinkMRC programs are introduced, implementing composition of overlapping series of optical sections captured by a confocal microscope, registration and subsequent composition of successive confocal stacks. Both programs are using an interactive approach in combination with automatic algorithms for image registration. Further, the method for obtaining surface renderings of microscopical structure under study is described. For this purpose, structure contours visible in the sections are interactively digitized using a Colon plug-in module running in Ellipse environment. Then the coordinates of the contours are processed by special modules in the graphic programming environment IRIS Explorer and the structure surface is rendered. The method is shown on the 3-D reconstruction of the capillary bed of human placental villi and chick embryonic gut and its vascular bed. 相似文献
针对卧式金属罐几何测量法、容量比较法在标定准确度及标定效率方面存在的不足,提出量入量出双标定方法。设计以标准金属量器、标准流量计或高精度电子秤为标准器的量入量出双标定装置,以实现同时进行两个卧式金属罐容积标定。介绍了该方法设计原理及装置基本结构,并用实例说明具体的操作过程。在罐容数据处理方面,采用拉格朗日三次插值方法进行插值运算并绘制罐容曲线,对罐容数据进行分析和监测。为验证方法的有效性进行比对试验,试验结果表明,量入量出双标定法及罐容数据插值方法具有较好的准确性及可靠性,可作为卧式金属罐优选的标定方法来使用。 相似文献