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基于机器学习的软件缺陷预测是一种有效的提高软件可靠性的方法。该方法基于软件模块的统计特性预测软件模块可能出现的缺陷数或是否容易出现缺陷。通过对软件模块缺陷状况的预测,软件开发组织可以将有限的资源集中于容易出现缺陷的模块,从而有效地提高软件产品的质量。基于机器学习的软件缺陷预测近年来出现了很多研究成果,文章概述该领域近年来的主要研究成果,并根据各方法的特点进行了分类。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是根据软件产品中提取的度量信息和已经发现的缺陷来尽早地预测软件可能还存在的缺陷,基于预测结果可合理分配测试和验证资源.基于机器学习的缺陷预测技术能够较全面地、自动地学习模型来发现软件中的缺陷,已经成为缺陷预测的主要方法.为了提高预测的效率和准确性,对机器学习算法的选择和研究是很关键的.对不同的机器学习缺陷预测方法进行对比分析,发现各算法在不同评价指标上有不同的优势,利用这些优势并结合机器学习中的stacking集成学习方法提出了将不同预测算法的预测结果作为软件度量并进行再次预测的基于组合机器学习算法的软件缺陷预测模型,最后用该模型对Eclipse数据集进行实验,表明了该模型的有效性.  相似文献   

静态软件缺陷预测方法研究   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
静态软件缺陷预测是软件工程数据挖掘领域中的一个研究热点.通过分析软件代码或开发过程,设计出与软件缺陷相关的度量元;随后,通过挖掘软件历史仓库来创建缺陷预测数据集,旨在构建出缺陷预测模型,以预测出被测项目内的潜在缺陷程序模块,最终达到优化测试资源分配和提高软件产品质量的目的.对近些年来国内外学者在该研究领域取得的成果进行了系统的总结.首先,给出了研究框架并识别出了影响缺陷预测性能的3个重要影响因素:度量元的设定、缺陷预测模型的构建方法和缺陷预测数据集的相关问题;接着,依次总结了这3个影响因素的已有研究成果;随后,总结了一类特殊的软件缺陷预测问题(即,基于代码修改的缺陷预测)的已有研究工作;最后,对未来研究可能面临的挑战进行了展望.  相似文献   

软件缺陷检测旨在自动检测程序模块中是否包含缺陷,从而加速软件测试过程,提高软件系统的质量。针对传统软件缺陷预测模型被限制在一定的应用范围而影响其预测的准确性和适用性,提出了一种基于PSO-BP软件缺陷预测模型。该模型运用粒子群优化算法优化BP神经网络的权值和阈值,采用交叉验证的方式进行实验,并与传统的机器学习方法J48和BP神经网络等方法进行了比较。实验结果表明提出的方法具有较高的预测准确性。  相似文献   

熊婧  高岩  王雅瑜 《计算机科学》2016,43(7):186-190
将Adaboost算法应用到软件缺陷预测模型中是软件缺陷预测的一种新思路,Adaboost算法原理通过训练多个弱分类器构成一个更强的级联分类器,有效地避免了过拟合问题。通过采用美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的软件缺陷数据库的仿真实验,分别对原始BP神经网络算法和Adaboost算法进行分析对比,其中Adaboost的弱分类器采用神经网络。实验结果表明,Adaboost级联分类器有效地提高了软件缺陷预测模型的预测性能。  相似文献   

基于灰色预测理论的软件缺陷预测模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软件缺陷是软件产品预期属性的偏离现象.妥善处理软件中的缺陷关系软件质量以及软件组织的生存与发展.利用开发过程中收集的软件缺陷的相关数据,依据灰色预测理论的核心:GM(1,1)来建立预测模型,对后续软件开发中缺陷的存在情况作出相应预测.实验表明该预测结果能指导软件组织较好地把握软件质量、合理分配测试资源,并在一定程度上帮助软件组织度量软件过程.  相似文献   

为了能尽早发现软件中存在的缺陷,使用传统的机器学习方法来预测软件模块的缺陷倾向性,选取了NASA公开数据集中的部分数据集,针对软件缺陷预测中类不平衡的问题,分别采取了随机欠采样和随机过采样的方案,再使用逻辑回归算法和随机森林算法分别对数据集进行训练和预测,使用了查准率(Precision)、查全率(Recall)、RO...  相似文献   

软件缺陷集成预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用单一分类器构造的缺陷预测模型已经遇到了性能瓶颈, 而集成分类器相比单一分类器往往具有显著的性能优势。以构造高效的集成缺陷预测模型为出发点, 比较了七种不同类型集成分类器的算法和特点。在14个基准数据集上的实验显示, 部分集成预测模型的性能优于基于朴素贝叶斯的单一预测模型。其中, 基于投票的集成分类框架具有最优的预测性能以及统计学意义上的性能优势显著性, 随机森林算法次之。Stacking集成框架也具有较强的泛化能力。  相似文献   

刘影  孙凤丽  郭栋  张泽奇  杨隽 《测控技术》2020,39(12):111-115
针对软件缺陷预测时缺陷数据集中存在的类别分布不平衡问题,结合上采样算法SMOTE与Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN)数据清洗策略,提出了一种基于启发式BP神经网络算法的软件缺陷预测模型。模型中采用上采样算法SMOTE增加少数类样本以改善项目中的数据不平衡状况,并针对采样后数据噪声问题进行ENN数据清洗,结合基于启发式学习的模拟退火算法改进四层BP神经网络后建立分类预测模型,在AEEEM数据库上使用交叉验证对提出的方案进行性能评估,结果表明所提出的算法能够有效提高模型在预测类不平衡数据时的分类准确度。  相似文献   

蔡亮  范元瑞  鄢萌  夏鑫 《软件学报》2019,30(5):1288-1307
软件缺陷预测一直是软件工程研究中最活跃的领域之一,研究人员己经提出了大量的缺陷预测技术,根据预测粒度不同,主要包括模块级、文件级和变更级(change-level)缺陷预测.其中,变更级缺陷预测旨在于开发者提交代码时,对其引入的代码是否存在缺陷进行预测,因此又被称作即时(just-in-time)缺陷预测.近年来,即时缺陷预测技术由于其即时性、细粒度等优势,成为缺陷预测领域的研究热点,取得了一系列研究成果;同时也在数据标注、特征提取、模型评估等环节面临诸多挑战,迫切需要更先进、统一的理论指导和技术支撑.鉴于此,从即时缺陷预测技术的数据标注、特征提取和模型评估等方面对近年来即时缺陷预测研究进展进行梳理和总结.主要内容包括:(1)归类并梳理了即时缺陷预测模型构建中数据标注常用方法及其优缺点;(2)对即时缺陷预测的特征类型和计算方法进行了详细分类和总结;(3)总结并归类现有模型构建技术;(4)总结了模型评估中使用的实验验证方法与性能评估指标;(5)归纳出了即时缺陷预测技术的关键问题;(6)最后展望了即时缺陷预测的未来发展.  相似文献   



Software defect prediction studies usually built models using within-company data, but very few focused on the prediction models trained with cross-company data. It is difficult to employ these models which are built on the within-company data in practice, because of the lack of these local data repositories. Recently, transfer learning has attracted more and more attention for building classifier in target domain using the data from related source domain. It is very useful in cases when distributions of training and test instances differ, but is it appropriate for cross-company software defect prediction?


In this paper, we consider the cross-company defect prediction scenario where source and target data are drawn from different companies. In order to harness cross company data, we try to exploit the transfer learning method to build faster and highly effective prediction model.


Unlike the prior works selecting training data which are similar from the test data, we proposed a novel algorithm called Transfer Naive Bayes (TNB), by using the information of all the proper features in training data. Our solution estimates the distribution of the test data, and transfers cross-company data information into the weights of the training data. On these weighted data, the defect prediction model is built.


This article presents a theoretical analysis for the comparative methods, and shows the experiment results on the data sets from different organizations. It indicates that TNB is more accurate in terms of AUC (The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve), within less runtime than the state of the art methods.


It is concluded that when there are too few local training data to train good classifiers, the useful knowledge from different-distribution training data on feature level may help. We are optimistic that our transfer learning method can guide optimal resource allocation strategies, which may reduce software testing cost and increase effectiveness of software testing process.  相似文献   

The software development life cycle generally includes analysis, design, implementation, test and release phases. The testing phase should be operated effectively in order to release bug-free software to end users. In the last two decades, academicians have taken an increasing interest in the software defect prediction problem, several machine learning techniques have been applied for more robust prediction. A different classification approach for this problem is proposed in this paper. A combination of traditional Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the novel Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm are used in this study. Training the neural network is performed by ABC algorithm in order to find optimal weights. The False Positive Rate (FPR) and False Negative Rate (FNR) multiplied by parametric cost coefficients are the optimization task of the ABC algorithm. Software defect data in nature have a class imbalance because of the skewed distribution of defective and non-defective modules, so that conventional error functions of the neural network produce unbalanced FPR and FNR results. The proposed approach was applied to five publicly available datasets from the NASA Metrics Data Program repository. Accuracy, probability of detection, probability of false alarm, balance, Area Under Curve (AUC), and Normalized Expected Cost of Misclassification (NECM) are the main performance indicators of our classification approach. In order to prevent random results, the dataset was shuffled and the algorithm was executed 10 times with the use of n-fold cross-validation in each iteration. Our experimental results showed that a cost-sensitive neural network can be created successfully by using the ABC optimization algorithm for the purpose of software defect prediction.  相似文献   

ContextSoftware defect prediction (SDP) is an important task in software engineering. Along with estimating the number of defects remaining in software systems and discovering defect associations, classifying the defect-proneness of software modules plays an important role in software defect prediction. Several machine-learning methods have been applied to handle the defect-proneness of software modules as a classification problem. This type of “yes” or “no” decision is an important drawback in the decision-making process and if not precise may lead to misclassifications. To the best of our knowledge, existing approaches rely on fully automated module classification and do not provide a way to incorporate extra knowledge during the classification process. This knowledge can be helpful in avoiding misclassifications in cases where system modules cannot be classified in a reliable way.ObjectiveWe seek to develop a SDP method that (i) incorporates a reject option in the classifier to improve the reliability in the decision-making process; and (ii) makes it possible postpone the final decision related to rejected modules for an expert analysis or even for another classifier using extra domain knowledge.MethodWe develop a SDP method called rejoELM and its variant, IrejoELM. Both methods were built upon the weighted extreme learning machine (ELM) with reject option that makes it possible postpone the final decision of non-classified modules, the rejected ones, to another moment. While rejoELM aims to maximize the accuracy for a rejection rate, IrejoELM maximizes the F-measure. Hence, IrejoELM becomes an alternative for classification with reject option for imbalanced datasets.ResultsrejoEM and IrejoELM are tested on five datasets of source code metrics extracted from real world open-source software projects. Results indicate that rejoELM has an accuracy for several rejection rates that is comparable to some state-of-the-art classifiers with reject option. Although IrejoELM shows lower accuracies for several rejection rates, it clearly outperforms all other methods when the F-measure is used as a performance metric.ConclusionIt is concluded that rejoELM is a valid alternative for classification with reject option problems when classes are nearly equally represented. On the other hand, IrejoELM is shown to be the best alternative for classification with reject option on imbalanced datasets. Since SDP problems are usually characterized as imbalanced learning problems, the use of IrejoELM is recommended.  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测通常针对代码表面特征训练预测模型并对新样本进行预测,忽视了代码背后隐藏的不同技术方面和主题,从而导致预测不准确。针对这种问题,提出了一种基于主题模型的软件缺陷预测方法。将软件代码库视为不同技术方面和主题的集合,不同的主题或技术方面有不同的缺陷倾向。采用LDA主题模型对不同主题及其缺陷倾向进行建模,根据建模结果计算主题度量,并将传统度量方式和主题度量结合进行模型训练和预测。实验结果显示,该方法相对传统的软件缺陷预测技术有高的准确性,并且可以在软件演化中保证模型相对稳定,可以适用于各种缺陷预测任务。  相似文献   

针对当前大多数软件缺陷预测模型预测准确率较差的问题, 提出了结合最小绝对值压缩和选择方法与支持向量机算法的软件缺陷预测模型。首先利用最小绝对值压缩与选择方法的特征选择能力降低了原始数据集的维度, 去除了与软件缺陷预测不相关的数据集; 然后利用交叉验证算法的参数寻优能力找到支持向量机的最优相关参数; 最后运用支持向量机的非线性运算能力完成了软件缺陷预测。仿真实验结果表明, 所提出的缺陷预测模型与传统的缺陷预测模型相比具有较高的预测准确率, 且预测速度更快。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the ability of requirement metrics for software defect prediction. Statistical significance tests are used to compare six machine learning algorithms on the requirement metrics, design metrics, and combination of both metrics in our analysis. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the predictor built on the combination of the requirement and design metrics in the early phase of the software development process.  相似文献   

刘成斌  郑巍  樊鑫  杨丰玉 《计算机应用》2019,39(12):3633-3638
针对软件系统模块间具有依赖关系的问题,通过对软件系统网络结构进行分析,构建了基于网络表征学习的混合缺陷预测模型。首先,将软件系统以模块为单位转换成软件网络;然后,使用网络表征技术来无监督学习软件网络中每个模块的系统结构特征;最后,结合系统结构特征和卷积神经网络学习的语义特征构建一个混合缺陷预测模型。实验结果表明:在Apache三个开源软件poi、lucene和synapse上所提混合缺陷预测模型具有更好的缺陷预测效果,其F1指标比最优模型——基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的缺陷预测模型分别提高了3.8%、1.0%、4.1%。软件网络结构特征分析为缺陷预测模型的构建提供了有效的研究思路。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测通过预先识别出被测项目内的潜在缺陷程序模块,可以优化测试资源的分配并提高软件产品的质量。论文对跨项目缺陷预测问题展开了深入研究,在源项目实例选择时,考虑了三种不同的实例相似度计算方法,并发现这些方法的缺陷预测结果存在多样性,因此提出了一种基于Box-Cox转换的集成跨项目软件缺陷预测方法BCEL,具体来说,首先基于不同的实例相似度计算方法,从候选集中选出不同的训练集,随后针对这些数据集,进行针对性的Box-Cox转化,并借助特定分类方法构造出不同的基分类器,最后将这三个基分类器进行有效集成。基于实际项目的数据集,验证了BCEL方法的有效性,并深入分析了BCEL方法内的影响因素对缺陷预测性能的影响。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测用来预测软件系统各个模块中是否存在BUG。传统的软件缺陷预测技术研究主要局限在有监督方法上,这类方法需要大量的已标注数据进行训练,但在工程实际中,这类标签数据不易获取。提出了一种结合模拟退火和遗传算法的改进模糊C均值算法,以解决模糊C均值容易受初始聚类中心影响而收敛到局部最优的缺陷。实验结果表明提出的方法在软件缺陷预测中具备高鲁棒性和较高预测精度。  相似文献   

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