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随着无人机软硬件技术的发展,多无人机集群自组织形成的无人机自组网(Flying Ad-Hoc networks, FANETs)受到了越来越多的来自学术界和工业界的关注,其灵活的部署和快速的反应能力使其能高效地完成多种多样的任务。而无人机自组网路由协议是提高服务质量(Quality of service, QoS)最重要的方法之一,但无人机自组网的移动性和动态性给路由协议的设计带来了严峻的挑战。传统的移动路由协议不能很好地满足无人机自组网的路由需求,因此研究者们从基于拓扑、地理和分层的角度提出了各式各样的无人机自组网路由协议,旨在克服移动性和提高网络的服务质量,并指出未来无人机自组网的路由协议可以考虑机会路由、软件定义网络(Software defined network,SDN)决策和预测驱动决策等综合提高QoS。本文主要针对无人机自组网网络特征,从不同的路由方法出发,SDN对路由协议进行总结和归纳,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

传感网络:概念,应用与挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
YAO Kung 《自动化学报》2006,32(6):839-845
Sensor network has experienced world-wide explosive interests in recent years. It combines the technology of modern microelectronic sensors, embedded computational processing systems, and modern computer and wireless networking methodologies. In this overview paper, we first provide some rationales for the growth of sensor networking. Then we discuss various basic concepts and hardware issues. Four basic application cases in the US. National Science Foundation funded Ceneter for Embedded Networked Sensing program at UCLA are presented. Finally, six challenging issues in sensor networks are discussed. Numerous references including relevant papers, books, and conferences that have appeared in recent years are given.  相似文献   

在飞行自组网中,固定时隙分配时分多址接入(TDMA)协议存在闲置时隙无法成功使用的问题.通过对TDMA协议引入闲置时隙预约机制,提出一种支持业务优先级传输机制的闲置时隙预约TDMA协议.采用短帧长的方式满足协同与控制业务的低时延传输需求,并利用闲置时隙预约机制允许节点使用闲置时隙传输感知业务,从而满足感知业务的高吞吐量...  相似文献   

杨章林  谢钧  张耕强 《计算机科学》2021,48(11):334-344
近年来,以无人机为节点的飞行自组网因其在各个领域的不同应用而受到广泛关注.为满足复杂任务的服务质量需求,飞行自组网的路由需要提供足够高的网络性能.相比于基于全向天线的全向路由,基于定向天线的定向路由能提升信道利用率,扩大通信范围,可以使飞行自组网获得更好的网络性能和服务质量.文中综述了基于定向天线的飞行自组网定向路由,分析了在飞行自组网中应用定向天线的优势和所带来的问题,而后对现有单路径定向路由和多路径定向路由从定向天线控制机制、路由算法、使用场景和优缺点等多个方面进行详细介绍,并从天线类型、控制机制、网络性能和关键参数等多方面对这些路由协议进行定性比较,最后讨论了基于定向天线的飞行自组网定向路由协议在实际应用中和未来发展中所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

郎文华  周明天 《计算机科学》2002,29(11):138-140
Ad-Hoc网络作为一种新兴的无线网络,与传统的无线网络相比缺少固定基础设施的支持(比如基站或移动交换中心),节点直接依靠无线链路进行通信并维持网络的连接。由于Ad-Hoc网络的建立灵活便捷,因此在军事、商业上有着广泛的应用前景,比如:战场上的作战单位之间的通信,数字电子设备之间的联网以及虚拟会议(教室)等等。Ad-Hoc网络的安全性问题也随之成为一个研究热点,文[1,2]对此作了讨论。  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are appropriate networks that can be applied to intelligent transportation systems. In VANET, messages exchanged among vehicles may be damaged by attacker nodes. Therefore, security in message forwarding is an important factor. We propose the Detection of Malicious Vehicles (DMV) algorithm through monitoring to detect malicious nodes that drop or duplicate received packets and to isolate them from honest vehicles, where each vehicle is monitored by some of it trustier neighbors called verifier nodes. If a verifier vehicle observes an abnormal behavior from vehicle V, it increases distrust value of vehicle V. The ID of vehicle V is then reported to its relevant Certificate Authority (CA) as a malicious node when its distrust value is higher than a threshold value. Performance evaluation shows that DMV can detect most existence abnormal and malicious vehicles even at high speeds.  相似文献   

There are inherent vulnerabillties that are not easily preventable in the mobile Ad-Hoc networks.To build a highly secure wireless Ad-Hoc network,intrusion detection and response techniques need to be deployed;The intrusion detection and cluster-based Ad-Hoc networks has been introduced,then,an architecture for better intrusion detection based on cluster using Data Mining in wireless Ad-Hoc networks has been shown.A statistical anomaly detection approach has been used.The anomaly detection and trace analysis have been done locally in each node and possibly through cooperation with clusterhead detection in the network.  相似文献   

Survivability Evaluation in Large-Scale Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Survivability refers to the ability of a network system to fulfill critical services in a timely manner to end users in the presence of failures and/or attacks.In order to establish a highly survivable system,it is necessary to measure its survivability to evaluate the performance of the system's services under adverse conditions.According to survivability requirements of large-scale mobile ad-hoc networks(MANETs),we propose a novel model for quantitative evaluation on survivability.The proposed model co...  相似文献   

一种MANET网络的位置辅助路由协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ad-Hoc网络(即MANET)由于节点的移动,导致路由频繁变化.基于位置辅助路由协议(LAR1),本文提出了一种带路径优化的增强LAR1协议(ELAR1).节点通过在接收到的路由请求包中获取其携带的其它转发节点位置信息,提高发起路由请求时预知目的节点位置的几率,降低网络内路由广播包的数量.针对路由路径中可能存在非最短路由,利用位置信息对获得的路由进行路径优化.仿真结果表明,ELAR1比LAR1有较低的路由请求开销、较高的包投递率和较低的端到端延迟.  相似文献   

Security and privacy in mobile ad-hoc peer-to-peer environments are hard to attain, especially when working with passive objects (without own processing power, e.g. RFID tags). This paper introduces a method for integrating such objects into a peer-to-peer environment without infrastructure components while providing a high level of privacy and security for peers interacting with objects. The integration is done by associating public keys to passive objects, which can be used by peers to validate proxies (peers additionally acting on behalf of objects). To overcome the problem of limited storage capacity on small embedded objects, ECC keys are used.  相似文献   

汽车Ad-Hoc网络是一种特殊的Ad-Hoc网络,其路由层面临着许多挑战。本文提出汽车Ad-Hoc网络中一种改进的CBF算法--ICBF。通过速度、方向和距离三个重要的因素控制定时器,更准确地选择下一跳转发节点;利用城市场景下汽车与相邻汽车之间速度差较小的特点,减少了数据包的广播;提出一种新的锚点路径选择算法,使得ICBF协议能够主动地感知地理拓扑和交通密度,从而达到优化路由性能的目的。实验表明,在城市场景下,ICBF算法能提高数据转发成功率,减少网络的带宽负荷。  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT) devices work mainly in wireless mediums; requiring different Intrusion Detection System (IDS) kind of solutions to leverage 802.11 header information for intrusion detection. Wireless-specific traffic features with high information gain are primarily found in data link layers rather than application layers in wired networks. This survey investigates some of the complexities and challenges in deploying wireless IDS in terms of data collection methods, IDS techniques, IDS placement strategies, and traffic data analysis techniques. This paper’s main finding highlights the lack of available network traces for training modern machine-learning models against IoT specific intrusions. Specifically, the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Cup dataset is reviewed to highlight the design challenges of wireless intrusion detection based on current data attributes and proposed several guidelines to future-proof following traffic capture methods in the wireless network (WN). The paper starts with a review of various intrusion detection techniques, data collection methods and placement methods. The main goal of this paper is to study the design challenges of deploying intrusion detection system in a wireless environment. Intrusion detection system deployment in a wireless environment is not as straightforward as in the wired network environment due to the architectural complexities. So this paper reviews the traditional wired intrusion detection deployment methods and discusses how these techniques could be adopted into the wireless environment and also highlights the design challenges in the wireless environment. The main wireless environments to look into would be Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) and IoT as this are the future trends and a lot of attacks have been targeted into these networks. So it is very crucial to design an IDS specifically to target on the wireless networks.  相似文献   

This issue's theme includes three articles on research activities that have drawn on ideas from social networking to drive innovative designs. The focus covers the design, development, and study of social technologies at the level of individuals, groups, and organizations. Although the tools described here are all intended for individuals, each article highlights how new technologies and technical competencies will further push our understanding of human social-networking drives and desires.  相似文献   

基于分布式实时信息的车载网络路由协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种基于分布式实时信息的车载自组织网络路由协议(distributed real-time information based routing protocol,简称DRIP).网络中,车辆基于提出的分布式实时路段延时估计机制(distributed real-time delay evaluation scheme,简称DRES)获取各路段网络状态的实时信息,车辆根据对各路段网络延时的实时估计,采用DRIP协议,保证了数据的有效传递.与现有协议相比,DRIP在最低限度消耗资源的情况下,具有实时性和高效性的特点.通过仿真实验对比现有协议,验证了DRIP在性能上的优越性.  相似文献   

本文认真分析研究了自组织网络路由协议--AODV协议的工作机理,将MANET网络中承载的业务按照延时要求进行了分类,对AODV路由协议进行了改进,修改了AODV路由表结构和路由发现策略,使AODV协议可以针对不同类别的业务提供不同种类的路由.最后,利用仿真软件NS-2模拟了两种场景中AODV协议和改进型AODV协议的工作情况,经过对比发现,改进型AODV协议可以在不增加太多开销的前提下明显地降低端到端延时.  相似文献   

大数据管理:概念、技术与挑战   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
云计算、物联网、社交网络等新兴服务促使人类社会的数据种类和规模正以前所未有的速度增长,大数据时代正式到来.数据从简单的处理对象开始转变为一种基础性资源,如何更好地管理和利用大数据已经成为普遍关注的话题.大数据的规模效应给数据存储、管理以及数据分析带来了极大的挑战,数据管理方式上的变革正在酝酿和发生.对大数据的基本概念进行剖析,并对大数据的主要应用作简单对比.在此基础上,阐述大数据处理的基本框架,并就云计算技术对于大数据时代数据管理所产生的作用进行分析.最后归纳总结大数据时代所面临的新挑战.  相似文献   

In ad-hoc networks, nodes need to cooperatively forward packets for each other. Without necessary countermeasures, such networks are extremely vulnerable to injecting traffic attacks, especially those launched by insider attackers. Injecting an overwhelming amount of traffic into the network can easily cause network congestion and decrease the network lifetime. In this paper, we focus on those injecting traffic attacks launched by insider attackers. After investigating the possible types of injecting traffic attacks, we have proposed two sets of defense mechanisms to combat such attacks. The first set of defense mechanisms is fully distributed, while the second is centralized with decentralized implementation. The detection performance of the proposed mechanisms has also been formally analyzed. Both theoretical analysis and experimental studies have demonstrated that under the proposed defense mechanisms, there is almost no gain to launch injecting traffic attacks from the attacker's point of view  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - One of the secured communication methods in MANET is providing a Trust Management (TM). A TM calculates a trust value for all the participants in the...  相似文献   

In cooperative ad-hoc networks, nodes belong to the same authority and pursue the common goals, and will usually unconditionally help each other. Consequently, without necessary countermeasures, such networks are extremely vulnerable to insider attacks, especially under noise and imperfect monitoring. In this paper, we present a game theoretic analysis of securing cooperative ad-hoc networks against insider attacks in the presence of noise and imperfect monitoring. By focusing on the most basic networking function, namely routing and packet forwarding, we model the interactions between good nodes and insider attackers as secure routing and packet forwarding games. The worst case scenarios are studied where initially good nodes do not know who the attackers are while insider attackers know who are good. The optimal defense strategies have been devised in the sense that no other strategies can further increase the good nodes' payoff under attacks. Meanwhile, the optimal attacking strategies and the maximum possible damage that can be caused by attackers have been discussed. Extensive simulation studies have also been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategies  相似文献   

In autonomous mobile ad-hoc networks, one major challenge is to stimulate cooperation among selfish nodes, especially when some nodes may be malicious. In this paper, we address cooperation stimulation in realistic yet challenging contexts where the environment is noisy and the underlying monitoring is imperfect. We have first explored the underlying reasons why stimulating cooperation under such scenarios is difficult. Instead of trying to enforce all nodes to act fully cooperatively, our goal is to stimulate cooperation in a hostile environment as much as possible through playing conditional altruism. To formally address the problem, we have modeled the interactions among nodes as secure routing and packet forwarding games under noise and imperfect observation, and devised a set of reputation-based attack-resistant cooperation strategies without requiring any tamper-proof hardware or central banking service. The performance of the devised strategies has also been evaluated analytically. The limitations of the game-theoretic approaches and the practicability of the devised strategies have also been investigated through theoretical analysis and extensive simulation studies. The results have demonstrated that although sometimes a gap may exist between the ideal game model and the reality, game-theoretic analysis can still provide thoughtful insights and useful guidelines when designing cooperation strategies.  相似文献   

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