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Most benchmarks are smaller than actual application programs. One reason is to improve benchmark universality by demanding resources every computer is likely to have. However, users dynamically increase the size of application programs to match the power available, whereas most benchmarks are static and of a size appropriate for computers available when the benchmark was created; this is particularly true for parallel computers. Thus, the benchmark overstates computer performance, since smaller problems spend more time in cache. Scalable benchmarks, such as HINT, examine the full spectrum of performance through various memory regimes, and express a superset of the information given by any particular fixed-size benchmark. Using 5,000 experimental measurements, we have found that performance on the NAS Parallel Benchmarks, SPEC, LINPACK, and other benchmarks is predicted accurately by subsets of HINT performance curve. Correlations are typically better than 0.995. Predicted ranking is often perfect.  相似文献   

Searle’s celebrated Chinese room thought experiment was devised as an attempted refutation of the view that appropriately programmed digital computers literally are the possessors of genuine mental states. A standard reply to Searle, known as the “robot reply” (which, I argue, reflects the dominant approach to the problem of content in contemporary philosophy of mind), consists of the claim that the problem he raises can be solved by supplementing the computational device with some “appropriate” environmental hookups. I argue that not only does Searle himself casts doubt on the adequacy of this idea by applying to it a slightly revised version of his original argument, but that the weakness of this encoding-based approach to the problem of intentionality can also be exposed from a somewhat different angle. Capitalizing on the work of several authors and, in particular, on that of psychologist Mark Bickhard, I argue that the existence of symbol-world correspondence is not a property that the cognitive system itself can appreciate, from its own perspective, by interacting with the symbol and therefore, not a property that can constitute intrinsic content. The foundational crisis to which Searle alluded is, I conclude, very much alive.  相似文献   

We consider the issue of exploiting the structural form of Esterel programs to partition the algorithmic RSS (reachable state space) fix-point construction used in model-checking techniques. The basic idea sounds utterly simple, as seen on the case of sequential composition: in P; Q, first compute entirely the states reached in P, and then only carry on to Q, each time using only the relevant transition relation part. Here a brute-force symbolic breadth-first search would have mixed the exploration of P and Q instead, in case P had different behaviors of various lengths, and that would result in irregular BBD representation of temporary state spaces, a major cause of complexity in symbolic model-checking.Difficulties appear in our decomposition approach when scheduling the different transition parts in presence of parallelism and local signal exchanges. Program blocks (or “Macro-states”) put in parallel can be synchronized in various ways, due to dynamic behaviors, and considering all possibilities may lead to an excessive division complexity. The goal is here to find a satisfactory trade-off between compositional and global approaches. Concretely we use some of the features of the TiGeR BDD library, and heuristic orderings between internal signals, to have the transition relation progress through the program behaviors to get the same effect as a global RSS computation, but with much more localized transition applications. We provide concrete benchmarks showing the usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   

An essential prerequisite to construct a manifold trihedral polyhedron from a given natural (or partial-view) sketch is solution of the “wireframe sketch from a single natural sketch (WSS)” problem, which is the subject of this paper. Published solutions view WSS as an “image-processing”/“computer vision” problem where emphasis is placed on analyzing the given input (natural sketch) using various heuristics. This paper proposes a new WSS method based on robust tools from graph theory, solid modeling and Euclidean geometry. Focus is placed on producing a minimal wireframe sketch that corresponds to a topologically correct polyhedron.  相似文献   

The ρ-calculus generalises term rewriting and the λ-calculus by defining abstractions on arbitrary patterns and by using a pattern-matching algorithm which is a parameter of the calculus. In particular, equational theories that do not have unique principal solutions may be used. In the latter case, all the principal solutions of a matching problem are stored in a “structure” that can also be seen as a collection of terms.Motivated by the fact that there are various approaches to the definition of structures in the ρ-calculus, we study in this paper a version of the λ-calculus with term collections.The contributions of this work include a new syntax and operational semantics for a λ-calculus with term collections, which is related to the λ-calculi with strict parallel functions studied by Boudol and Dezani et al. and a proof of the confluence of the β-reduction relation defined for the calculus (which is a suitable extension of the standard rule of β-reduction in the λ-calculus).  相似文献   

The efficiency of metaheuristic algorithms depends significantly on the number of fitness value evaluations performed on candidate solutions. In addition to various intelligent techniques used to obtain better results, parallelization of calculations can substantially improve the solutions in cases where the problem is NP-hard and requires many evaluations. This study proposes a new parallel tabu search method for solving the Maximum Vertex Weight Clique Problem (MVWCP) on the Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures using the OpenMP parallel programming paradigm. Achieving scalability in the NUMA architectures presents significant challenges due to the high complexity of their memory systems, which can lead to performance loss. However, our proposed Tabu-NUMA algorithm provides up to 18 × $$ 18\times $$ speed-up with 64 cores for ten basic problem instances in DIMACS-W and BHOSLIB-W benchmarks. And it improves the performance of the serial Multi Neighborhood Tabu Search (MN/TS) algorithm for 38 problem instances in DIMACS-W and BHOSLIB-W benchmarks. We further evaluate our algorithm on larger datasets with thousands of edges and vertices from Network Data Repository benchmark problem instances, and we report significant improvements in terms of speed up. Our results confirm that the Tabu-NUMA algorithm is among the best recent algorithms for solving MVWCP on the NUMA architectures.  相似文献   

Trivial Reals     
Solovay showed that there are noncomputable reals α such that H(α n) ≤ H(1n)+O(1), where H is prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity. Such H-trivial reals are interesting due to the connection between algorithmic complexity and effective randomness. We give a new, easier construction of an H-trivial real. We also analyze various computability-theoretic properties of the H-trivial reals, showing for example that no H-trivial real can compute the halting problem (which means that our construction of an H-trivial computably enumerable set is a particularly easy, injury-free construction of an incomplete c.e. set). Finally, we relate the H-trivials to other classes of “highly nonrandom” reals that have been previously studied.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative study of a multidimensional visualisation technique and multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) for process historical data analysis. The visualisation technique uses parallel coordinates which visualise multidimensional data using two dimensional presentations and allow identification of clusters and outliers, therefore, can be used to detect abnormal events. The study is based on a database covering 527 days of operation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant. It was found that both the visualisation technique and MSPC based on T2 chart captured the same 17 days as “clearly abnormal” and another eight days as “likely abnormal”. Pattern recognition using K-means clustering was also applied to the same data in literature and was found to have identified 14 out of the 17 “clearly abnormal” days.  相似文献   

Most verification approaches assume a mathematical formalism in which functions are total, even though partial functions occur naturally in many applications. Furthermore, although there have been various proposals for logics of partial functions, there is no consensus on which is “the right” logic to use for verification applications. In this paper, we propose using a three-valued Kleene logic, where partial functions return the “undefined” value when applied outside of their domains. The particular semantics are chosen according to the principle of least surprise to the user; if there is disagreement among the various approaches on what the value of the formula should be, its evaluation is undefined. We show that the problem of checking validity in the three-valued logic can be reduced to checking validity in a standard two-valued logic, and describe how this approach has been successfully implemented in our tool, CVC Lite.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the ESPRIT Project named BECAUSE (5417), entitled “Benchmarking of Concurrent Architectures for their Use in Scientific Engineering”, a set of industrial benchmarks was specified. The BECAUSE Benchmark Set (BBS) is scientifically application oriented. The various Test Programs have been extracted and specified from real industrial software such as electromagnetics software, semi-conductor simulation and computational fluid dynamics. The aim was to provide a general tool to industry in order to evaluate new generations of parallel computers and supercomputers in terms of memory capacity and computational power. Before parallelising a complete application, a scientific developer must answer the questions: ‘What is the performance of a given machine on my application and is it worth spending time to parallelise it?’ The BBS has been designed to provide simple benchmarks, as close as possible to critical parts of real scientific applications. Thus, by implementing various tests selected within the BBS, the user can get information useful to answer these questions. The serial version of the entire set of BBS is public and available on a mail server.

In this paper, the objectives of the BECAUSE Project are recalled in order to replace the BBS in the context of this ESPRIT Project. Then, the applications from which test programs have been extracted are presented and all tests are described in detail. The next part is dedicated to the practical organisation of the BBS and is concerned with such aspects as documentation, input data and how to get the BBS, so that the BBS can be used inside and outside of the Project to assess parallel machines. As a conclusion, further developments are presented.  相似文献   

Some computationally hard problems, e.g., deduction in logical knowledge bases– are such that part of an instance is known well before the rest of it, and remains the same for several subsequent instances of the problem. In these cases, it is useful to preprocess off-line this known part so as to simplify the remaining on-line problem. In this paper we investigate such a technique in the context of intractable, i.e., NP-hard, problems. Recent results in the literature show that not all NP-hard problems behave in the same way: for some of them preprocessing yields polynomial-time on-line simplified problems (we call them compilable), while for other ones their compilability implies some consequences that are considered unlikely. Our primary goal is to provide a sound methodology that can be used to either prove or disprove that a problem is compilable. To this end, we define new models of computation, complexity classes, and reductions. We find complete problems for such classes, “completeness” meaning they are “the less likely to be compilable.” We also investigate preprocessing that does not yield polynomial-time on-line algorithms, but generically “decreases” complexity. This leads us to define “hierarchies of compilability,” that are the analog of the polynomial hierarchy. A detailed comparison of our framework to the idea of “parameterized tractability” shows the differences between the two approaches.  相似文献   

Computer benchmarking is a common method for measuring the parameters of a computational model. It helps to measure the parameters of any computer. With the emergence of multicore computers, the evaluation of computers was brought under consideration. Since these types of computers can be viewed and considered as parallel computers, the evaluation methods for parallel computers may be appropriate for multicore computers. However, because multicore architectures seriously focus on cache hierarchy, there is a need for new and different benchmarks to evaluate them correctly. To this end, this paper presents a method for measuring the parameters of one of the most famous multicore computational models, namely Multi-Bulk Synchronous Parallel (Multi-BSP). This method measures the hardware latency parameters of multicore computers, namely communication latency (g i ) and synchronization latency (L i ) for all levels of the cache memory hierarchy in a bottom-up manner. By determining the parameters, the performance of algorithms on multicore architectures can be evaluated as a sequence.  相似文献   

Multi-stream interactive systems can be seen as “hidden adversary” systems (HAS), where the observable behaviour on any interaction channel is affected by interactions happening on other channels. One way of modelling HAS is in the form of a multi-process I/O automata, where each interacting process appears as a token in a shared state space. Constraints in the state space specify how the dynamics of one process affects other processes. We define the “liveness criterion” of each process as the end objective to be achieved by the process. The problem now for each process is to achieve this objective in the face of unforeseen interferences from other processes. In an earlier paper, it was proposed that this uncertainty can be mitigated by collaboration among the disparate processes. Two types of collaboration philosophies were also suggested: altruistic collaboration and pragmatic collaboration. This paper addresses the HAS validation problem where processes collaborate altruistically.  相似文献   

A challenging problem within machine learning is how to make good inferences from data sets in which pieces of information are missing. While it is valuable to have algorithms that perform well for specific domains, to gain a fundamental understanding of the problem, one needs a “theory” about how to learn with incomplete data. The important contribution of such a theory is not so much the specific algorithmic results, but rather that it provides good ways of thinking about the problem formally. In this paper we introduce the unspecified attribute value (UAV) learning model as a first step towards a theoretical framework for studying the problem of learning from incomplete data in the exact learning framework.In the UAV learning model, an example x is classified positive (resp., negative) if all possible assignments for the unspecified attributes result in a positive (resp., negative) classification. Otherwise the classification given to x is “?” (for unknown). Given an example x in which some attributes are unspecified, the oracle UAV-MQ responds with the classification of x. Given a hypothesis h, the oracle UAV-EQ returns an example x (that could have unspecified attributes) for which h(x) is incorrect.We show that any class of functions learnable in Angluin’s exact model using the MQ and EQ oracles is also learnable in the UAV model using the MQ and UAV-EQ oracles as long as the counterexamples provided by the UAV-EQ oracle have a logarithmic number of unspecified attributes. We also show that any class learnable in the exact model using the MQ and EQ oracles is also learnable in the UAV model using the UAV-MQ and UAV-EQ oracles as well as an oracle to evaluate a given boolean formula on an example with unspecified attributes. (For some hypothesis classes such as decision trees and unate formulas the evaluation can be done in polynomial time without an oracle.) We also study the learnability of a universal class of decision trees under the UAV model and of DNF formulas under a representation-dependent variation of the UAV model.  相似文献   

This paper describes an implementation of P L for a massively parallel SIMD machine, the M P MP-1. The system is based on a byte code interpreter which can emulate as many virtual processors on each physical processor as desired (within the limits of memory). The implementation makes it possible to activate more virtual processors once execution has begun and this feature can be used to support nested parallelism. Nested parallelism describes the ability to nest data parallel constructs, a feature of P L , C M L , and N ; however, the outer parallel forms usually have to be sequentialized, with only the innermost forms being executed in parallel. N and a subset of P L have been implemented to fully support nested parallelism by flattening nested structures at compile time. To do this the languages must impose various restrictions on both the data and control structures. There is an overhead associated with the runtime technique described here, but it is very versatile and can execute code in parallel that cannot be “flattened.” Hence this technique can be used to effectively support many of the moredifficultaspects of P L .  相似文献   

Software engineering frameworks tame the complexity of large collections of classes by identifying structural invariants, regularizing interfaces, and increasing sharing across the collection. We wish to appropriate these benefits for families of closely related benchmarks, say for evaluating query engine implementation strategies. We introduce the notion of a benchmark framework, an ecosystem of benchmarks that are related in semantically rich ways and enabled by organizing principles. A benchmark framework is realized by iteratively changing one individual benchmark into another, say by modifying the data format, adding schema constraints, or instantiating a different workload. Paramount to our notion of benchmark frameworks are the ease of describing the differences between individual benchmarks and the utility of methods to validate the correctness of each benchmark component by exploiting the overarching ecosystem. As a detailed case study, we introduce τBench, a benchmark framework consisting of ten individual benchmarks, spanning XML, XQuery, XML Schema, and PSM, along with temporal extensions to each. The second case study examines the Mining Unstructured Data benchmark framework, and the third examines the potential benefits of rendering the TPC family as a benchmark framework. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Benchmarking and Comparison of the Task Graph Scheduling Algorithms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of scheduling a parallel program represented by a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) to a set of homogeneous processors for minimizing the completion time of the program has been extensively studied. The NP-completeness of the problem has stimulated researchers to propose a myriad of heuristic algorithms. While most of these algorithms are reported to be efficient, it is not clear how they compare against each other. A meaningful performance evaluation and comparison of these algorithms is a complex task and it must take into account a number of issues. First, most scheduling algorithms are based upon diverse assumptions, making the performance comparison rather meaningless. Second, there does not exist a standard set of benchmarks to examine these algorithms. Third, most algorithms are evaluated using small problem sizes, and, therefore, their scalability is unknown. In this paper, we first provide a taxonomy for classifying various algorithms into distinct categories according to their assumptions and functionalities. We then propose a set of benchmarks that are based on diverse structures and are not biased toward a particular scheduling technique. We have implemented 15 scheduling algorithms and compared them on a common platform by using the proposed benchmarks, as well as by varying important problem parameters. We interpret the results based upon the design philosophies and principles behind these algorithms, drawing inferences why some algorithms perform better than others. We also propose a performance measure called scheduling scalability (SS) that captures the collective effectiveness of a scheduling algorithm in terms of its solution quality, the number of processors used, and the running time.  相似文献   

Given the increased availability of general purpose parallel computers two issues arise: One needs to compare the performance of the different available platforms using realistic examples, and it is necessary to write application software that can be ported easily in order to take advantage of different platforms. The authors address these issues from an applications point of view. They are interested in the use of general purpose parallel computers for simulation tasks needed during the design of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. They characterize the simulation task as a useful benchmark and introduce a high level process view of parallel simulation that is helpful for deriving portable parallel programs. Details of the partitioning strategy and the simulation algorithm used in the application are given. They discuss their implementation on different parallel machines and give statistics of various experiments  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of state estimation for systems with unknown parameters is to use some on-line adaptation of the observer parameters. On the basis of various existing results for such adaptive observer designs, a unifying “adaptive observer form” is proposed in this paper. This form indeed emphasizes properties allowing some asymptotic state estimation in spite of unknown parameters, as well as additional properties which further allow parameter estimation. As an example, it is shown how an adaptive observer can be designed for a class of state affine systems.  相似文献   

The parallel resources time and hardware and the complexity classes defined by them are studied using the aggregate model. The equivalence of complexity classes defined by sequential space and uniform aggregate hardware is established. Aggregate time is related to (bounded fanin) circuit depth and, similarly, aggregate hardware is related to circuit width. Interelationships between aggregate time and hardware follow as corollaries. Aggregate time is related to the sequential resource reversal. Simultaneous relationships from aggregate hardware and time to sequential space and reversal are shown (and conversely), and these are used as evidence for an “extended parallel computation thesis.” These simultaneous relationships provide new characterizations for the simultaneous parallel complexity class NC and for the complementary class SC. The evaluation of monotone planar circuits is shown to be in NC, in fact in LOGCFL.  相似文献   

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