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One of the greatest threats faced by organizations is disruption in the supply chain arising from not sharing risk information among the supply chain partners. The aim of this study is to identify the inhibitors of risk information sharing in a supply chain by using practical‐side evidence. An exploratory multiple case design was utilized to investigate why supply chain partners in Turkey may be reluctant to share risk information among their members and provide solutions to overcome these barriers. The results of the study indicate that the inhibitors of risk information sharing fall into three categories: risk‐related, organization‐related, and management‐related. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate possible solutions for reluctance in risk information sharing among supply chain partners based on managers' experiences.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the results of a longitudinal case study on information systems (IS) implementation conducted in a community healthcare organization. Using structuration theory as a sensitizing framework, we highlight how the information technology (IT) Management improved their influence through gaining legitimation from other organizational stakeholders, and how the nature of this evolved over time. Our results highlight how an appropriate, sophisticated use of what Giddens refers to as the duality of structure contributed to the consolidation of the IT Manager's credibility and authority. We also report on how the IT Management had most of their actions legitimated as an integral element of their actions. The results also highlight the distributed nature of power, such that even those at the lower end of organizational hierarchy were able to influence the success or failure of IS implementation.  相似文献   

Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCM IS) play an increasingly critical role in the ability of firms to reduce costs and increase the responsiveness of their supply chain. This paper develops an empirically supported model of the organizational capabilities enabled by SCM IS. The model integrates and enriches theoretical and empirical studies of competitive strategy, supply chain management, and interorganizational information systems. Evidence from an exploratory case study of three large firms in the electronics manufacturing industry is examined to build a better-supported theory of SCM IS capabilities. The findings suggest the organizational capabilities enabled by SCM IS can be conceptualized as the level of support provided for: operational efficiency; operational flexibility; internal planning and analysis; and external planning and analysis. The theoretical model furthers an understanding of SCM IS capabilities and is sufficiently developed to permit operationalization for future studies evaluating the effectiveness of SCM IS.  相似文献   

Information systems (IS) are strategic in so far as they are used to realize strategic intent. Yet, while much has been said about aligning IS functionality with the strategic intent and how to organizationally implement strategically aligned systems, less is known of how to successfully implement strategic change associated with system use – a truly critical challenge within strategic IS implementation. Drawing on a strategy-as-practice perspective we address this gap by developing a multi-dimensional view of IS strategy, conceptualizing three key challenges in the IS strategy process, to explain how and why a paper mill, despite successfully implementing a strategic production management system, failed to produce intended strategic change. We call this outcome strategy blindness: organizational incapability to realize the strategic intent of implemented, available system capabilities. Using a longitudinal case study we investigate how cognitive rigidity of key actors and fixed, interrelated practices shaped the implementation of the new production system. We also identify core components and dynamics that constitute a richer multi-dimensional view of the IS strategy implementation (alignment) process. In particular, we identify three salient factors that contribute to strategy blindness – mistranslation of intent, flexibility of the IT artifact and cognitive entrenchment – and discuss how they affect strategic implementation processes. We conclude by discussing implications of our findings for IS strategy theory and practice, especially the contribution of strategy-as-practice to this stream of research.  相似文献   

The information quality (IQ) literature has investigated the influences of objective factors on the perceptions of IQ dimensions. We seek to contribute to this literature by taking a subjective approach. We investigate the effects of satisfaction and complexity on the perception of IQ dimensions. We find both main effects and interaction effects. The main line of reasoning builds on commodity theory as a psychological explanation of the effects of scarcity. Based on this finding, we suggest a feedback loop model, which integrates the research on IQ into the information systems (IS) success literature. We discuss the potential implications of these findings in relation to IS success research.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a global information warehouse (GIW) can be understood with reference to the three dimensions implied by the three words in its name. These dimensions are boundary of the system, semiotic level of the objects in the system, and organization of objects in the system, corresponding to the terms 'global', 'information' and 'warehouse', respectively. This paper defines these three dimensions and describes the system characteristics that flow from the definitions. These characteristics also highlight the issues involved in the design, development and implementation of GIWs. The case study following the discussion of the three dimensions illustrates these issues.  相似文献   

Active ERP implementation management: A Real Options perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although enterprise resources planning (ERP) implementation has been one of the most significant challenges of the last decade, it comes with a surprisingly high failure rate due to its high risk nature. The risks of ERP implementation, which involve both technical and social uncertainties, must to be effectively managed. Traditional ERP practices address the implementation of ERP as a static process. Such practices focus on structure, not on ERP as something that will meet the needs of a changing organization. As a result, many relevant uncertainties that cannot be predefined are not accommodated, and cause the implementation fail in the form of project delay and cost overruns. The objective of this paper is to propose an active ERP implementation management perspective to manage ERP risks based on the Real Options (RO) theory, which addresses uncertainties over time, resolves uncertainties in changing environments that cannot be predefined. By actively managing ERP implementation, managers can improve their flexibility, take appropriate action to respond to the often-changing ERP environment, and achieve a more successful ERP implementation.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationship between IS investment and IS success and the moderating effects of IS maturity. We find the moderating role of IS maturity between IS investment and IS success with a contingency perspective. As administering a group survey of about 300 business executives across multiple industries, the results of this study indicate that IS investment is a critical antecedent of IS success, and IS maturity has a positive moderating effect on this relationship. The implication of the findings implies that global companies should consider the maturity of their IS management: as a crucial factor in maximising the effectiveness of IS investment.  相似文献   

现代商业银行对信息科技的高度依赖,使信息科技风险越来越成为银行风险管理的重要内容.本文利用操作风险管理的框架和工具,对信息科技风险的识别、计量、监测和控制等进行研究.本文认为在信息安全管理的基础上,利用操作风险管理的方法,有助于从全面风险管理的角度对信息科技风险进行有效管理.  相似文献   

The results of a survey are presented on the perceived importance of 20 IS issues in Hong Kong in 1994 and in the next five years. The survey was based on studies carried out in the USA and Taiwan. The major issues which changed were a decline in the importance of recruiting and maintaining a skilled workforce (IS human resources), accompanied by an increase in the importance of the need for a good communications network (Telecommunications). Comparing the results with those of the USA and Taiwan revealed seven issues common to all the three studies. In particular, the ability to anticipate and adapt to the changing face of IS (IS strategic planning) was a top three issue for the USA, Taiwan and Hong Kong.  相似文献   

While the IS literature offers rich insights into the kinds, causes and consequences of unethical information technology use (UITU), we know little about the degree to which legal intervention may mitigate UITU. Our research aims at understanding how legal intervention could mitigate UITU by influencing the cost-benefit analysis in determining the decision to commit such unethical use of IT. Our contributions are twofold. First, we provide testable propositions on the role of legal intervention. Second, we offer an innovative take on intervention – conceived as a multi-mechanism process that adapts to UITU as well as to the way IT users negotiate the IT artifact.  相似文献   

An important aspect of the successful implementation of large information systems (such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems) is trust. These implementations impact the legitimate interests of many groups of stakeholders, and trust is a critical factor for success. Trust in the project is contingent upon many factors, is likely to vary over time and should not be taken for granted. Previous studies have identified the relationship between trust and project outcomes and suggested trust‐building strategies but have largely ignored the dynamic quality of trust relations through the life of a major project and the complex demands of managing those fluctuations. We investigate evolving trust relationships in a longitudinal case analysis of a large integrated hospital system implementation for the Faroe Islands. Trust relationships suffered various breakdowns, but the project was able to recover and eventually meet its goals. Based on concepts from Giddens' later work on modernity, we develop two approaches for managing dynamic trust relationships in implementation projects: decoupling and re‐engaging.  相似文献   

Noting that user engagement is a key issue in e-government systems implementation and that the actual form and strategies of user engagement, especially within the context of e-government, is poorly defined, this paper intends to contribute to the research and practice of e-government systems implementation by conducting a comparative case study of two e-government systems implementation within a single government agency in Singapore. The comparative analysis of these two e-government systems implementation was accomplished through using stakeholder theory as a sense-making theoretical lens. This generated four findings pertaining to the form and strategies of user engagement in e-government systems implementation.  相似文献   

"信息系统设计与实施"是我校计算机信息管理专业的一门专业核心课程,该课程的教学质量直接影响到专业学生的培养质量。探讨了该课程"以学生为主体,以教师为主导,以项目为主线"的教学理念,所采用的项目教学和研究性教学相结合的教学方法,兼顾试题库命题和项目设计考核评价方法等,对课程的教学实践具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. In an increasingly dynamic business environment characterized by fast cycle times, shifting markets and unstable technology, a business organization’s survival hinges on its ability to align IT capabilities with business goals. To facilitate the successful introduction of new IT applications, issues of project risk must be addressed, and the expectations of multiple stakeholders must be managed appropriately. To the extent that users and developers may harbour different perceptions regarding project risk, areas of conflict may arise. By understanding the differences in how users and project managers perceive the risks, insights can be gained that may help to ensure the successful delivery of systems. Prior research has focused on the project manager’s perspective of IT project risk. This paper explores the issue of IT project risk from the user perspective and compares it with risk perceptions of project managers. A Delphi study reveals that these two stakeholder groups have different perceptions of risk factors. Through comparison with a previous study on project manager risk perceptions, zones of concordance and discordance that must be reconciled are identified.  相似文献   

The cacophony of criticisms emanating from an organization facing an information technology-enabled transformation can be deafening and deleterious. This is especially true in healthcare in the US, where information systems investments are typically huge and often perceived by change resistant stakeholders as disruptive or even potentially life threatening. We describe how the IS implementation process itself contributed to organizational transformation in terms of changes in coordination, culture, and learning at a successful organization, Sentara Healthcare, which transformed the discordant cacophony of the change process into a harmonious implementation.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore how IT-business alignment can be better achieved. Drawing on the dynamic capability view, information systems (IS) alignment and IS ambidexterity are theorized as IT departments’ ordinary capability and dynamic managerial capability, respectively. Four IS assets are identified as antecedents of both IS ambidexterity and IS alignment. A research model with 14 hypotheses is tested with a sample of 162 manufacturing firms. The PLS analysis shows that IS ambidexterity can increase IS alignment in terms of operational support and that the four IS assets can affect IS alignment directly or indirectly. Implications for research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

针对现有高性能计算用户组织架构管理系统面临的用户体验差、网络开销大和存取效率低等关键问题,提出了一种基于LAM P的高性能计算用户组织架构管理系统的实现方法.该方法采用B/S架构,T w ig与H T M L相结合的方式减轻了服务端的负担,改善了用户体验;采用RES T框架与Cache机制对海量临时数据进行缓存,降低了...  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper presents an analysis of the implementation of a large information system in a New Zealand hospital. The system was intended to monitor and scrutinize clinical activity, and management hoped to influence clinical behaviour through the increased visibility afforded by the system. However, doctors were not the passive subjects of a computerized control system, and some were able to resist the application of the information produced by challenging its validity or using it to argue for more resources. Nevertheless, the interrelatedness of the information system with the organizational forms and practices within which it was used and which it helped shape reinforced the concepts, norms and values associated with the new management and economic discourse prevalent in the hospital, and helped to produce more defined accountabilities for doctors. With time, the role of the information system was reinterpreted, and in the face of continued resistance by doctors, it was relegated to a less significant role. The potential for engendering self-disciplining behaviour in organizational participants through the pervasive, everyday use of the information the system produced likewise diminished.  相似文献   

The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a complex process, and the failure rate remains very high. The literature has reported over 80 critical success factors for ERP implementation, but companies typically do not know to exploit them. In this article, a step-by-step assessment and improvement method for ERP implementation is proposed and applied in three companies. First, a five-stage ERP implementation model is proposed. Second, about 80 critical success factors (CSFs) from the literature are elaborated into key performance indices (KPIs), which are associated with each stage of ERP implementation by ten local ERP experts. Third, the weights of the KPIs are calculated using the Dumpster–Shafer method and the evaluation of ten experts. During the implementation process, performance is measured at each stage and remedial actions are identified if the performance is below expectation. An implementation flowchart is developed based on a five-stage model and the philosophy of continuous improvement. Three action cases in Chinese manufacturing companies are conducted to illustrate the effects of the assessment model, which is also currently being used by a consulting company specialising in ERP implementation. With further evaluation by local experts, the model has the potential to serve as a guideline for ERP implementation in other countries.  相似文献   

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