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Cheng  Xiaodong  Cao  Xuan  Xiong  Bin  He  Yan  Yeung  Edward S. 《Nano Research》2017,10(4):1423-1433
There is an increasing demand for advanced optical imaging techniques that can detect and resolve nanosize objects at a spatial resolution below the optical diffraction limit,especially in three-dimensional (3D) cellular environments.In this study,using a polarization-activated localization scheme based on the orientation-dependent properties of anisotropic plasmonic metal nanoparticles (MNPs),"photoswitchable" imaging of single gold nanorods (AuNRs) was accomplished not only in two dimensions but also in three dimensions.Moreover,the Rayleigh scattering background arising from the congested subcellular structures was efficiently suppressed.Thus,we obtained the 3D distributions of both the position and the orientation of the AuNRs inside the cells and investigated their internalization kinetics.To our knowledge,this is the first demonstration of the confocal-like 3D imaging of non-fluorescence nanoparticles with a high resolution and almost zero background.This technique is easy to implement and should greatly facilitate MNP studies and applications in biomedicine and biology.  相似文献   

环氧树脂增韧研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了反庆性橡胶弹性体、热塑性树脂增韧环氧树脂的增韧机理和发展现状。并简要介绍了互穿网络结构、柔性链段固化剂和热致液晶聚合物等环氧树脂增韧改性新技术。  相似文献   

本文综述了磁电阻 (MR)材料的研究进展 ,并对目前研究热点的四类巨磁电阻 (GMR)材料进行了概括评述 ,侧重论述MR材料在信息存储等领域的应用 ,明确指出开发和应用MR材料的关键问题是提高各类GMR材料的室温MR值和降低其工作磁场  相似文献   

城市污水厂污泥改性物对Hg(Ⅱ)吸附的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以城市污水处理厂活性污泥为原料,制取干污泥,并将其和化学改性污泥作为吸附剂,对含Hg(Ⅱ)离子的废水进行了吸附试验研究.考察了溶液pH值、吸附剂用量和Hg(Ⅱ)离子的初始浓度对去除率的影响.结果表明,干污泥及其化学改性污泥吸附剂对Hg(Ⅱ)离子的吸附符合Lagergren一级动力学方程.在试验条件下,化学改性污泥的相对吸附量高于干污泥,因此,活性污泥经过化学改性后能够提高对Hg(Ⅱ)离子的吸附能力.用0.1mol/L HNO3溶液进行超声解吸附,Hg(Ⅱ)离子的回收率可达70%左右.利用这种吸附剂可以有效地去除工业废水中的Hg(Ⅱ)离子.  相似文献   

Raman microspectroscopy provides chemo‐selective image contrast, sub‐micrometer resolution, and multiplexing capabilities. However, it suffers from weak signals resulting in image‐acquisition times of up to several hours. Surface‐enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) can dramatically enhance signals of molecules in close vicinity of metallic surfaces and overcome this limitation. Multimodal, SERS‐active nanoparticles are usually labeled with Raman marker molecules, limiting SERS to the coating material. In order to realize multimodal imaging while acquiring the rich endogenous vibronic information of the specimen, a core–shell particle based on “Nanorice”, where a spindle‐shaped iron oxide core is encapsulated by a closed gold shell, is developed. An ultrathin layer of silica prevents agglomeration and unwanted chemical interaction with the specimen. This approach provides Raman signal enhancement due to plasmon resonance effects of the shell while the optical absorption in the near‐infrared spectral region provides contrast in photoacoustic tomography. Finally, T2‐relaxation of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiment is altered by taking advantage of the iron oxide core. The feasibility for Raman imaging is evaluated by nearfield simulations and experimental studies on the primate cell line COS1. MRI and photoacoustics are demonstrated in agarose phantoms illustrating the promising translational nature of this strategy for clinical applications in radiology.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了储氢材料研究的发展情况 ,主要介绍了纳米碳管储氢的实验进展。作者对纳米碳管储氢的机理方面进行了初步探讨 ,针对单壁纳米碳管 ,提出了一种解离凝聚机制  相似文献   

日本关于超细晶粒钢制备与焊接新工艺的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了日本3家公司的3种不同超细晶粒钢制备工艺,以及两项于2002年获得日本溶接学会奖励的超细晶粒钢焊接新技术.  相似文献   

聚乙二醇改性聚乳酸类材料研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为了改善聚乳酸类生物降解高分子的性能,聚乳酸的改性工作越来越引人注目,尤其是聚乙二醇改性的聚乳酸类生物降解材料.介绍了聚乙二醇改性聚乳酸的各种方法,以及各种聚乙二醇改性聚乳酸材料的性能与应用,展望了聚乙二醇改性聚乳酸类生物降解材料的未来,降低合成成本是广泛应用的关键,因此简单易行的以聚乙二醇、乳酸等为原料的直接聚合法合成值得关注.  相似文献   

ICF靶低密度聚合物多孔材料研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
张林  罗炫  杜凯 《材料导报》2002,16(6):48-51
概述了国内外ICF靶低密度多孔材料(泡沫、气凝胶)的发展现状,着重介绍了间苯二酚-甲醛(RF)气凝胶、水溶性聚合物泡沫、聚苯乙烯泡沫、聚-4-甲基-1-戊烯(PMP)泡沫、聚丙烯酸酯泡沫等的制备技术及有关泡沫材料的掺杂技术,对我国过去十余年在低密度聚合物多孔材料研制方面取得的研究进展进行了较为系统的总结,并对“十五”期间应尽快开展的关研究工作进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

介绍了直接甲醇燃料电池的工作原理和运行条件;甲酵的电氧化机理;以及单体电池的研究进展。  相似文献   

铀钚金属表面抗腐蚀性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金属铀钚表面的腐蚀与防腐蚀一直受到关注,章综述了自1994年来作实验室在铀钚金属表面抗腐蚀性方面的研究进展。用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、气相色谱(GC)等方法系统地分析研究了金属铀和U3O8与CO、CO2、H2等气体的相容性及其表面化学行为,铀试样在CO气氛中的贮存氧化增重及δ-Pu金属和铀试样在该气氛贮存期气相组成变化;应用改进的量子力学计算方法对金属铀钚化合物的分子结构、势能函数、光谱性质、热力学性质和动力学性质进行了系统研究;应用热力学平衡原理方法研究了铀和钚在还原气氛中的表面化学反应。通过实验与理论结合的系统研究,揭示了铀与上述气体介质相互作用的规律,得到一系列具有实际应用和理论意义的实验研究和理论计算结果,为进一步深化铀钚金属抗腐蚀研究奠定了基础。研究结果表明CO的存在有利于抑制铀钚金属的表面氧化腐蚀。  相似文献   

Sm2(Fe,M)17Nx稀土永磁材料的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褚卫国  胡晓和 《功能材料》1999,30(5):456-458
概述了Sm2(Fe,M)17Nx稀土永磁体,详细论述了磁性能及其影响因素,着重强调了成为新一代实用永磁体的巨大力,并展望了未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

李丽  丁妮  梅磊磊  薛峰  董奇 《高技术通讯》2007,17(12):1301-1306
运用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,采用适合中国人情绪加工特点的表情图片(愉快、悲伤和中性表情)作为刺激材料,选取15名严格入组的未服药单相抑郁症女性患者与15名条件匹配的正常志愿者,对其情绪加工的大脑活动进行了对比研究。结果发现,与中性表情相比,在加工愉快表情时,抑郁症患者激活了右侧前额叶,而正常对照组激活的是左侧前额叶;在悲伤表情条件下,抑郁症患者激活了双侧颞下回,而正常对照组激活的是双侧前额叶。结果还发现,与正常对照组相比,抑郁症患者在双侧额下回三角区、右侧眶额下回、右侧颞下回等脑区的激活范围和强度均有所减少,尤其在加工悲伤表情时表现得更明显。该结果表明,单相抑郁症病人不仅在情绪加工相关脑区的功能上出现异常,而且加工情绪的脑区也可能出现了转移。  相似文献   

形状记忆合金、压电和磁致伸缩三类智能材料具有从序参量到畴结构到宏观性质平行的物理性质,将三类智能材料作为一个统一体进行研究是目前国际研究趋势。将三类智能材料进行综合,探寻其共同的物理基础以指导新材料开发是如今铁性智能材料面临的最大挑战。缺陷作为重要的改性手段,在铁性智能材料微结构演化、相稳定、宏观性能方面起到重要作用。重点介绍缺陷在三类智能材料中的重要作用的理论研究及计算机模拟的研究进展以及存在的问题,为寻找高性能化铁性智能材料提供理论方向。  相似文献   

近年来,数字成像技术不断提高和应用范围的迅速推广,也推动了UV固化技术在这一领域的融合和应用,取得了极大的成效,由于UV固化材料具有快速固化、高效、低污染、节能、优质等特点,很快发展成为一种新型的数字成像材料。目前实现产业化的主要有UV喷墨打印、印刷电路版数字化制作、计算机直接制版CTP、立体光刻等四种技术,作者拟分为四个专题予以阐述,本文主要讨论其第三个专题:UV固化技术在计算机直接制版(CTP)中的应用。  相似文献   

Difficulty in visualizing glioma margins intraoperatively remains a major issue in the achievement of gross total tumor resection and, thus, better clinical outcome of glioblastoma (GBM) patients. Here, the potential of a new combined optical + optoacoustic imaging method for intraoperative brain tumor delineation is investigated. A strategy using a newly developed gold nanostar synthesis method, Raman reporter chemistry, and silication method to produce dual‐modality contrast agents for combined surface‐enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) and multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) imaging is devised. Following intravenous injection of the SERRS‐MSOT‐nanostars in brain tumor bearing mice, sequential MSOT imaging is performed in vivo and followed by Raman imaging. MSOT is able to accurately depict GBMs three‐dimensionally with high specificity. The MSOT signal is found to correlate well with the SERRS images. Because SERRS enables uniquely sensitive high‐resolution surface detection, it could represent an ideal complementary imaging modality to MSOT, which enables real‐time, deep tissue imaging in 3D. This dual‐modality SERRS‐MSOT‐nanostar contrast agent reported here is shown to enable high precision depiction of the extent of infiltrating GBMs by Raman‐ and MSOT imaging in a clinically relevant murine GBM model and could pave new ways for improved image‐guided resection of brain tumors.  相似文献   

高纯度聚苯硫醚的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了聚苯硫醚的传统合成方法,并对其不足作了讨论。综述了高纯度聚苯硫醚的制备、性能和应用。  相似文献   

焦栋茂  张旭东  王姝  李建功 《材料导报》2006,20(12):104-108
概述了软磁性单层膜、多层膜、颗粒膜的微波磁特性研究进展,对这些薄膜的基本磁性和微波磁性进行了总结和讨论,得出软磁纳米晶薄膜可望成为应用于微波领域的主体候选材料,指出了Co(Fe)基软磁性薄膜微波特性的研究方向.  相似文献   

Bright field transmitted light microscopy (BFTLM), differential interference contrast light microscopy (DICLM), conventional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and low‐vacuum scanning electron microscopy (LV‐SEM) were used to observe microperforations in plastic film used for modified atmosphere packaging. Characteristics of the microperforations, including size, shape and obstructions are indicators of consistency and reproducibility of the process used to produce the microperforations. In addition, the microperforations appeared differently on the upper and lower surfaces of the plastic films, including a local thickening at the site of the microperforation and size of the opening. Microperforations in the range of 30 to 100 µm in diameter exhibited a linear increase of both O2 and CO2 transmission rates with hole area, for diffusion under calm conditions. Further testing indicated that microperforations larger than 55 µm in diameter can lose their diffusion constant if convection is present. Holes with a diameter less than 55 µm should therefore be used to achieve the required oxygen transmission rates (OTR). Copyright © 2007 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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