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慢性炎症在良性前列腺增生及其发展中起重要作用,IL-8是诊断前列腺组织炎症状况最可信的生化标记分子。本文就炎症因子及其相关因子在前列腺增生中的研究进展作一综述。根据n-3多不饱和脂肪酸改变细胞因子、减轻前列腺增生炎症的研究成果,为选择治疗药物提供了新的可能。  相似文献   

探讨了玛咖水提物抗前列腺增生的药效物质及其作用机理。将50只雄性ICR小鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、阳性药组,玛咖组(60 mg/kg,含苄基芥子油苷1.44 mg/kg)及苄基芥子油苷组(1.44 mg/kg)。除空白组外,其他组连续30 d皮下注射丙酸睾酮(5.0 mg/kg),制造小鼠前列腺增生模型,观察各组小鼠前列腺湿重、前列腺指数;血清中睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、T/E2水平和前列腺酸性磷酸酶的影响及镜下病理学改变。结果显示,与模型组相比,玛咖组和苄基芥子油苷组小鼠前列腺湿重及前列腺指数显著降低(P0.01),血清T、DHT含量和T/E2比值明显降低(P0.05或P0.01),光镜下见前列腺增生程度大为减轻,增生的腺上皮乳头减少或消失,玛咖组的结果与苄基芥子油苷组相似。结果表明,玛咖水提物和苄基芥子油能显著抑制小鼠前列腺增生;苄基芥子油苷是玛咖水提取物抗前列腺增生主要的活性物质。  相似文献   

尿频、夜尿多及排尿困难的症状与前列腺增生: 许多老年疾病伴有尿频、夜尿多及排尿困难症状,尿频、夜尿多等症状出现需要经检查确定是否为前列腺增生。 组织学前列腺增生与临床前列腺增生: 前列腺增生的自然病史分为组织学前列腺增生和临床前列腺增生,组织学前列腺增生结节至少要到30-40岁时出现,到临床上出现前列腺增生,需要一个相当长时间。 手术治疗前列腺增生也有一定局限性: 手术效果好,但仍会给患者带来不同程度的损害,据调查显示20%-25%的患者术后仍有尿路症状。10年后,术后发生尿失禁有2%-4%,阳屡5…  相似文献   

目的:本研究探讨补充不同剂量大豆异黄酮对大鼠前列腺增生的影响,并初步探讨大豆异黄酮的抗氧化作用与抑制前列腺增生的关系。方法:应用丙酸睾酮诱导大鼠前列腺增生,观察正常对照组、模型组、低、中、高剂量大豆异黄酮组大鼠前列腺的湿重、前列腺指数、前列腺组织匀浆中TAOC、GSH、CAT、SOD等各项抗氧化指标和MDA水平的改变。结果:低、中、高剂量组大鼠前列腺湿重及前列腺指数均显著低于模型组(p<0.05);与模型组相比,低中高剂量组的CAT、TAOC、SOD、GSH显著升高,而MDA显著降低(p<0.05)。中剂量组效果最为明显。结论:大豆异黄酮可以显著抑制大鼠前列腺增生,明显提高大鼠的抗氧化能力。大豆异黄酮可能对预防和辅助治疗前列腺增生有一定的作用。  相似文献   

怎样治疗前列腺增生?  前列腺增生的治疗目前仍以开放性手术和经尿道前列腺电切术为主,通过切除增生的腺体,解除机械性梗阻。由于手术创伤大,出血多,并发症多,患者不愿意接受,或高龄又有心、肺、脑疾病难以耐受手术,即使手术,术后病症也不能得到彻底根治。所以,医学工作者都在探索高效、安全的药物治疗方法。  治疗前列腺增生的药物有哪些?   世界公认的治疗该病的药物为盐酸阿呋唑嗪类药物,即α1受体阻滞剂。该类药物起效迅速,效果稳定,松弛膀胱颈和前列腺平滑肌,使排尿迅速通畅。国内第一个用于治疗良性前列腺增生…  相似文献   

在丙酸睾酮致大鼠前列腺增生模型中,香水莲花醇提物可降低前列腺指数,改善前列腺上皮细胞的增生情况,降低前列腺5α-还原酶活性和前列腺酸性磷酸酶活性。同时评价了蓝色香水莲花醇提物对体内抗氧化水平的影响,香水莲花醇提物能显著增加体内CAT酶的活性,降低体内MDA的含量,增加体内GSH-Px酶的活性。试验结果表明,香水莲花醇提物具有较好的抗氧化能力和5α-还原酶抑制活性,并且对前列腺增生具有良好的改善作用。  相似文献   

文章综述了蜂花粉增强免疫、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、降血糖、防治前列腺增生、对肝细胞损伤的保护、抗炎症、抑制褐色素产生等保健功能,分析蜂花粉开发中存在的破壁、致敏等主要问题,简述了以蜂花粉为原料的食品、保健品及药品等产品的开发现状及技术储备状况。  相似文献   

n-3多不饱和脂肪酸分类、来源与疾病防治功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
n-3多不饱和脂肪酸包括ALA、EPA、DPA和DHA等。增加n-3多不饱和脂肪酸摄取量可以促进婴幼儿视网膜、大脑和神经系统发育;n-3多不饱和脂肪酸通过各种途径降低人体心血管疾病和炎症的发生,降低糖尿病患者血清LDL-C和TG水平,抑制体外培养的乳腺、前列腺和结肠癌细胞增生,促进细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特菌是常见的食源性致病菌,广泛存在于环境中。单核细胞增生李斯特菌感染后主要表现为败血症、脑膜炎和单核细胞增多,也可导致孕妇流产、胎死宫内、新生儿死亡等。单核细胞增生李斯特菌致病性与其毒力基因及毒力岛密切相关,其机制是众多毒力因子在各调控因子复杂的网络调控下的结果。本综述旨在了解单核细胞增生李斯特菌毒力基因及其致病机制。  相似文献   

意大利医学专家的调查结果显示,每天摄入少量葱蒜类蔬菜的人.罹患前列腺癌的风险可减少50%。而前列腺增生病人普遍摄入各种蔬菜.尤其是葱蒜类的量和频度偏低。研究结果认为.含大蒜成分的食物,能够抑制胆固醇及脂肪酸合成中某种酶的生成,而胆固醇的水平与类固醇激素合成和前列腺增生有关。一些服用大蒜提取物的前列腺增生病人.症状得到了有效改善。  相似文献   

Anti-inflammatory activity of natural dietary flavonoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pan MH  Lai CS  Ho CT 《Food & function》2010,1(1):15-31
Over the past few decades, inflammation has been recognized as a major risk factor for various human diseases. Acute inflammation is short-term, self-limiting and it's easy for host defenses to return the body to homeostasis. Chronic inflammatory responses are predispose to a pathological progression of chronic illnesses characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells, excessive production of cytokines, dysregulation of cellular signaling and loss of barrier function. Targeting reduction of chronic inflammation is a beneficial strategy to combat several human diseases. Flavonoids are widely present in the average diet in such foods as fruits and vegetables, and have been demonstrated to exhibit a broad spectrum of biological activities for human health including an anti-inflammatory property. Numerous studies have proposed that flavonoids act through a variety mechanisms to prevent and attenuate inflammatory responses and serve as possible cardioprotective, neuroprotective and chemopreventive agents. In this review, we summarize current knowledge and underlying mechanisms on anti-inflammatory activities of flavonoids and their implicated effects in the development of various chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, extensive studies have revealed that inflammation represents a major risk factor for various human diseases. Chronic inflammatory responses predispose to pathological progression of chronic illnesses featured with penetration of inflammatory cells, dysregulation of cellular signaling, excessive generation of cytokines, and loss of barrier function. Hence, the suppression of inflammation has the potential to delay, prevent, and to treat chronic diseases. Flavonoids, which are widely distributed in humans daily diet, such as vegetables, fruits, tea and cocoa, among others, are considered as bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory potential. Modification of flavonoids including hydroxylation, o-methylation, and glycosylation, can alter their metabolic features and affect mechanisms of inflammation. Structure–activity relationships among naturally occurred flavonoids hence provide us with a preliminary insight into their anti-inflammatory potential, not only attributing to the antioxidant capacity, but also to modulate inflammatory mediators. The present review summarizes current knowledge and underlies mechanisms of anti-inflammatory activities of dietary flavonoids and their influences involved in the development of various inflammatory-related chronic diseases. In addition, the established structure–activity relationships of phenolic compounds in this review may give an insight for the screening of new anti-inflammatory agents from dietary materials.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5309-5327
Gut microbiota dysbiosis plays a crucial role in the occurrence and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which may be influenced by nutritional supplementation. Quinoa, a type of pseudocereal, has gained prominence due to its high nutritional value and diverse applications. This study aimed to determine whether yogurt containing quinoa can ameliorate NAFLD and alleviate metabolic disorders by protecting against the divergence of gut microbiota. Our findings suggested that quinoa yogurt could significantly reduce the body weight gain and fat tissue weight of high-fat diet (HFD)–fed obese mice. In addition, quinoa yogurt significantly reduced liver steatosis and enhanced glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. Additional research indicates that quinoa yogurt can reduce the levels of proinflammatory cytokines (i.e., tumor necrosis factor α, IL-1β, and IL-6) and inhibit endotoxemia and systemic inflammation. The characteristics of the gut microbiota were then determined by analyzing 16S rRNA. In addition, we discovered that the gut microbiota was disturbed by HFD consumption. Particularly, intestinal probiotics and beneficial intestinal secretions were increased, leading to the expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 in the colon, contributing to NAFLD. Furthermore, endotoxemia and systemic inflammation in HFD-fed mice were restored to the level of control mice when they were fed yogurt and quinoa. Therefore, yogurt containing quinoa can effectively alleviate NAFLD symptoms and may exert its effects via microbiome-gut-liver axis mechanisms. According to some research, the role of the enteric-liver axis may also influence metabolic disorders to reduce the development of NAFLD.  相似文献   

药用植物红茂草化学成分及抗炎作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红茂草民间多用于治疗开放性淋巴结核和各类创伤性炎症, 富含紫堇碱、异紫堇碱和异紫堇啡碱等多种异喹啉类生物碱。红茂草提取物具有抗菌、抑菌、抗溶血和改善微循环、提高机体免疫力、保护心肌和修复肝损伤等作用, 并对各种结核病及炎症有显著疗效, 其药用价值具有广阔的开发和应用前景, 本文综述了红茂草主要化学成分及其生物活性, 从抗菌、抗病毒、保肝、提高免疫细胞活性和细胞因子分泌、促进创伤和炎症愈合等方面归纳了红茂草的抗炎研究进展。  相似文献   

Although chemotherapy remains the current best practice for the treatment of neoplasia, the severity of its associated side-effects continues to impact detrimentally on the quality of life. Mucositis can affect both the oral cavity and intestine, and represents one of the most common side-effects of chemotherapy. It is characterized by ulceration, inflammation, diarrhoea, and intense abdominal pain. Despite extensive research there remains no definitive therapy for mucositis. This may be due to the multiple factors which contribute to its pathogenesis, including up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, increased apoptosis of epithelial cells, alteration of the gastrointestinal microbiota, and damage to the epithelium. Although employed increasingly in other gastrointestinal disorders, probiotics are yet to be comprehensively investigated in the treatment or prevention of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Probiotic-based therapies have been shown to exert beneficial effects, including modulation of the microbiota and inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This review outlines the current evidence supporting the use of probiotics in intestinal mucositis, and suggests further research directions for the future.  相似文献   

常静瑶  庞广昌  李杨 《食品科学》2010,31(17):281-285
目的:分析螺旋藻多糖3 种不同给药途径对小鼠血清中24 种细胞因子的影响,进而研究螺旋藻多糖对小鼠的免疫调节作用。方法:通过灌胃、腹腔注射、尾静脉注射3 种途径分别给小鼠不同剂量的螺旋藻多糖,对照组给与实验组同等体积的生理盐水。灌胃组在3h 后眼球取血,腹腔注射和尾静脉注射组在2h 后眼球取血,分离血清,采用Millipore 小鼠细胞因子试剂盒和液体芯片扫描仪检测血清中24 种细胞因子的浓度。结果:3 种给药方式小鼠的IL-1α、IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α、IFN-γ等炎症细胞因子都有不同程度的显著性升高,说明螺旋藻多糖对炎症细胞因子的分泌和先天免疫有促进作用。其中,腹腔注射螺旋藻多糖对细胞因子的影响最为显著,这种方式的信号传导途径主要包括NF- κB、MAPK、JAK/STAT 等。结论:从螺旋藻多糖对小鼠细胞因子的影响来看,总体上表现出促进免疫的作用,推测螺旋藻多糖主要是通过对肠黏膜系统的受体相互作用,刺激相应细胞产生细胞因子来发挥其免疫调节作用和多种生理功能的。  相似文献   

Westernized diets and lifestyle are linked to the development of metabolic syndrome, characterized by obesity, type 2 diabetes, and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Systemic low‐grade inflammation is a common feature of chronic metabolic disorders and is believed to promote disease progression. Therefore, modulating inflammation is a commonly explored strategy to prevent obesity‐associated co‐morbidities. In this review, how current knowledge on the recently described concept of innate immune memory could underline metaflammation in the context of metabolic syndrome is explored. It is hoped that these insights provide a new perspective to address the question of innate immune activation during disease progression.  相似文献   

乔冬  庞广昌  李杨 《食品科学》2011,32(21):247-252
目的:分析γ-亚麻酸3种不同作用途径对小鼠血清中24种细胞因子的影响,进而探索γ-亚麻酸对小鼠免疫系统的调节作用。方法:将γ-亚麻酸以口服灌胃、腹腔注射、耳静脉注射3种方式作用于小鼠,分别在3、2、2h后眼球取血,分离血清。采用液体芯片检测技术测定小鼠血清中24种细胞因子含量的变化。结果:口服灌胃组中,G-CSF、MCP-1、MIP-1α、VEGF、IL-1α、IL-3、IL-10、IL-13,8种细胞因子显著变化;腹腔注射组中有IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-5、IL-6、IL-10,6种细胞因子显著变化;耳静脉注射组中G-CSF、KC、IP-10、IL-1α、IL-4、IL-12(p40)、IL-17 7种细胞因子显著变化。根据每种作用途径显著变化的细胞因子的产生及作用靶细胞,分别构建γ-亚麻酸作用后机体细胞通讯网络的变化。结论:γ-亚麻酸能通过小鼠胃肠黏膜系统和血液系统传递信号,调节机体的免疫,其作用的信号途径涉及NF-κB、P38/JNK/MAPK、JAK-STAT等途径。γ-亚麻酸不仅具有必需脂肪酸的作用,而且具有显著的免疫调节作用,不仅具有刺激炎症作用,同时还可以发挥抗炎症作用。  相似文献   

植物甾醇作为一种食物来源中的功能性成分,对人体产生有益的影响。近年来,植物甾醇由于其安全性和有效的抗炎活性而受到广泛关注。为系统介绍植物甾醇的抗炎作用,综述了植物甾醇对多种炎症抑制作用的分子机制,包括对细胞因子和其他炎症相关因子、NF-KB信号通路及免疫系统的影响,介绍了植物甾醇对结肠炎、前列腺炎、肝炎及其他炎症的作用。植物甾醇是一种有效抗炎的活性物质,未来仍需系统研究其抗炎分子机制及进行临床研究。  相似文献   

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