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This paper proposes a multiscale slope feature extraction method using wavelet-based multiresolution analysis for rotating machinery fault diagnosis. The new method mainly includes three following steps: the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is first performed on vibration signals gathered by accelerometer from rotating machinery to achieve a series of detailed signals at different scales; the variances of multiscale detailed signals are then calculated; finally, the wavelet-based multiscale slope features are estimated from the slope of logarithmic variances. The presented features reveal an inherent structure within the power spectra of vibration signals. The effectiveness of the proposed feature was verified by two experiments on bearing defect identification and gear wear diagnosis. Experimental results show that the wavelet-based multiscale slope features have the merits of high accuracy and stability in classifying different conditions of both bearings and gearbox, and thus are valuable for machinery fault diagnosis.  相似文献   

传统的故障模式诊断方法很难对复杂系统的故障进行诊断,概率神经网络作为一种自适应的模式识别技术,以其结构简单、学习速度快、具有非线性处理和抗干扰能力强等优点广泛应用在模式分类和故障诊断领域。利用概率神经网络对发动机的故障进行诊断,仿真结果表明,该网络诊断准确率高、泛化能力强,可以对系统进行实时监测和诊断。  相似文献   

提出了采用小波变换和独立成分分析(ICA)作为预处理器来进行特征提取的神经网络开关电流电路故障诊断方法。该方法对采集到的故障响应信号进行Haar小波正交滤波器分解,获得低频近似信息和高频细节信息;然后利用独立成分分析方法进行ICA故障特征提取;最后将所得到的最优故障特征输入到BP神经网络中进行故障分类。对六阶切比雪夫低通滤波器和六阶椭圆带通滤波器电路进行了仿真实验验证,获得了100%的故障诊断准确率,与其他方法进行比较,实验结果显示了该方法的优越性。  相似文献   

与传统功率谱相比,矢功率谱融合了多通道的能量信息,反映的信息更全面,而概率神经网络学习速度快、收敛性好,基于此,结合矢功率谱和概率神经网络,提出一种故障诊断的新方法,该方法是以矢功率谱作为特征输入到概率神经网络分类器进行故障识别,并应用到旋转机械故障诊断中。实验结果表明,该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new fault diagnosis procedure for rotating machinery using the wavelet packets-fractal technology and a radial basis function neural network. The main purpose is to investigate different fault conditions for rotating machinery, such as imbalance, misalignment, base looseness and combination of imbalance and misalignment. In this study, we measured the non-stationary vibration signals induced by these fault conditions. Applying wavelet packets transform to these signals, the fractal dimension of each frequency channel was extracted and the box counting dimension was used to depict the failure characteristics of the fault conditions. The failure modes were then identified by a radial basis function neural network. An experiment was conducted and the results showed that the proposed method can detect and recognize different kinds of fault conditions. Therefore, it is concluded that the combination of wavelet packets-fractal technology and neural networks can provide an effective method to diagnose fault conditions of rotating machinery.  相似文献   

针对齿轮故障特征提取问题,提出了一种基于最大提升格形态小波变换的信号分解方法。最大提升格形态小波是在数学形态学和提升方案的基础上提出的一种非线性小波变换方法,具有信号局部极值保持和计算快速的优点。提出将最大提升格形态小波用于齿轮发生故障时所产生的非平稳、非线性振动加速度信号的分析,提取故障的特征信息。通过对仿真信号和实际的齿轮断齿故障信号的分析结果,证明了所采用方法的有效性。同时,与采用传统的线性小波分解分析结果相比,最大提升格形态小波变换能够在较高分解层次下十分有效地保留信号的冲击特征,能够利用较少的系数实现对故障信号的特征提取,而且最大提升格形态小波变换算法只涉及加减和取极大、极小运算,运算简单,执行高效,非常适于齿轮故障的在线监测和诊断。  相似文献   

Nonstationary flow conditions can introduce complexities and nonlinear characteristics to pumping systems. This paper presents comparative studies of impeller fault detection techniques combined with artificial neural networks (ANNs) to propose the most appropriate diagnosis system. An experimental study, including seven impeller conditions, is performed to further explore the phenomena. Statistical parameters, frequency peaks, and wavelet packet energy present data feature sets, and a three-layer back-propagation ANN is used for fault recognition. The verification of the results proves that the detectability of the wavelet packet transform (WPT)-ANN model is considerably improved by using the energy of the decomposed vibration from WPT. This model can save computational time and provide superior diagnostic information. This study provides two key contributions. First, the feasibility and effectiveness of common monitoring techniques are compared. Second, the results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed models for impellers operating under variable working conditions, which has not been previously addressed in the literature.  相似文献   

针对样本熵相似性度量函数的突变问题,提出了一种变速器齿轮故障特征模糊熵提取方法。模糊熵通过引入模糊隶属度函数代替样本熵中的硬阈值判据,可以减小模糊熵对参数的敏感度和依赖性。利用模糊熵作为变速器齿轮故障的特征值进行提取包括变速器齿轮正常、齿面轻度磨损、齿面中度磨损和断齿等4种工况的振动信号,依据不同的故障对应不同的模糊熵分布,对各种故障状态进行分类。变速器齿轮故障识别的实例验证了模糊熵较样本熵具有较好的故障分类能力。  相似文献   

基于共振解调和小波分析方法的轴承故障特征提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先研究了共振解调和小波分析的基础理论,并结合两者应用于对轴承外圈和滚子的故障特征提取。该方法先从振动信号频谱中判断系统固有高频成分的大致范围,然后利用小波分解取出固有高频信号成分,再利用Hilbert变换做包络检波,最后对包络信号进行傅里叶频谱分析得出故障信号特征频率。对实际轴承故障数据的分析表明,该方法能有效地提取轴承的外圈故障特征,有一定的应用价值。但该方法不能清晰地提取出滚子故障特征,探讨了其内在原因,并提出了可能改进的措施。  相似文献   

以自组织特征映射网络SOM(Self-Organizing Feature Mapping)和误差反向传播网络BP(Back Propagation)为理论基础,提出了SOM-BP神经网络模型,将某内燃机燃油系统故障及其相关参数作为训练样本,通过仿真试验,验证了复合神经网络在柴油机故障诊断中的正确性和精确性.  相似文献   

Machinery vibration signal is a typical multi-component signal and fault features are often submerged by some interference components. To accurately extract fault features, a weak feature enhancement method based on empirical wavelet transform (EWT) and an improved adaptive bistable stochastic resonance (IABSR) is proposed. This method makes full use of the signal decomposition performance of EWT and the signal enhancement of the IABSR to achieve the purpose of fault feature enhancement in low frequency band of FFT spectrum. Firstly, EWT is used as the preprocessing program of bistable stochastic resonance (BSR) to decompose the machinery vibration signal into a set of sub-components. Then, the sensitive component that contains main fault information is further input into BSR system to enhance fault features with the assistance of residual noises. Finally, the fault features are identified from fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum of the BSR output. To achieve the optimal BSR output, the IABSR method based on salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is presented. Compared with the tradition adaptive BSR (ABSR), the IABSR optimizes not only the BSR system parameters but also the calculation step size. Two case studies on machinery fault diagnosis demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method. In addition, the proposed method is easy to implement and is robust to noise to some extent.  相似文献   

雷鸣 《制造业自动化》2012,34(12):24-26,33
为有效诊断车辆发动机的柴油系统故障,本文将小波变换与BP神经网络相结合,用小波变换来抽取故障的特征向量,以此作为BP神经网络的输入参数,从而构建了小波神经网络。该方法依据小波变换模极大值来研究油管中柴油压力信号的奇异性来抽取故障特征向量,首先利用故障采集数据来获得学习样本,然后根据网络训练来构建起BP神经网络输出与输入间的非线性映射,从而依据特征向量输入进BP神经网络进行诊断故障。通过实验我们发现该方法有较好的的诊断效果。  相似文献   

智能故障诊断与预测技术在工业实际中得到了广泛地应用,但仍存在以下局限性:1)将不同退化程度的同类型故障作为多种不同的故障模式进行分类识别,脱离了工程应用的实际; 2)基于特定数据训练的诊断模型工况泛化能力差。针对上述问题,提出一种多任务特征共享神经网络,并将其应用于轴承的智能故障诊断与预测。首先,利用卷积神经网络(CNN)构建自适应特征提取器,从原始振动信号中提取深层次特征;其次,同时建立分类与预测的多任务特征共享诊断模型,实现故障类型分类以及故障尺寸预测。最后,通过凯斯西储大学轴承数据集验证了所提方法。试验结果表明:所提方法不但能同时实现对故障类型的分类以及故障尺寸的预测,而且具有较强的工况泛化能力。  相似文献   

In this paper a probabilistic approach to sensor fault diagnosis is presented. The proposed method is applicable to systems whose dynamic can be approximated with only few active states, especially in process control where we usually have a relatively slow dynamics. Unlike most existing probabilistic approaches to fault diagnosis, which are based on Bayesian Belief Networks, in this approach the probabilistic model is directly extracted from a parity equation. The relevant parity equation can be found using a model of the system or through principal component analysis of data measured from the system. In addition, a sensor detectability index is introduced that specifies the level of detectability of sensor faults in a set of analytically redundant sensors. This index depends only on the internal relationships of the variables of the system and noise level. The method is tested on a model of the Tennessee Eastman process and the result shows a fast and reliable prediction of fault in the detectable sensors.  相似文献   

Rolling bearings are used widely as wheel bearing in trains. Fault detection of the wheel-bearing is of great significance to maintain the safety and comfort of train. Vibration signal analysis is the most popular technique that is used for rolling element bearing monitoring, however, the application of vibration signal analysis for wheel bearings is quite limited in practice. In this paper, a novel method called empirical wavelet transform (EWT) is used for the vibration signal analysis and fault diagnosis of wheel-bearing. The EWT method combines the classic wavelet with the empirical mode decomposition, which is suitable for the non-stationary vibration signals. The effectiveness of the method is validated using both simulated signals and the real wheel-bearing vibration signals. The results show that the EWT provides a good performance in the detection of outer race fault, roller fault, and the compound fault of outer race and roller.  相似文献   

基于DBN特征提取的模拟电路早期故障诊断方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对当前模拟电路早期故障诊断中特征提取方法的不足,提出了应用深度置信网络(deep belief network, DBN)进行特征提取的方法。利用混沌粒子群优化算法,对DBN中受限玻尔兹曼机的学习率开展优化,进一步提升特征提取的性能。相比于其他常用的特征提取方法,提出的DBN特征提取方法可提取出早期故障深度和本质的特征,且具有相同的故障聚集程度高、不同故障的分离能力极为明显的特点。应用二级四运放双二阶低通滤波器仿真电路和Sallen-Key带通滤波器电路板进行早期故障诊断实验,得到的故障诊断正确率分别为98.13%和100%。  相似文献   

基于Morlet小波变换的滚动轴承早期故障特征提取研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对轴承故障初期振动信号中的特征成分极易被噪声信号淹没而不能及时检测的问题,结合Morlet小波变换降噪的基本原理,提出一种由尺度相关能量分布确定最优尺度参数的方法,从而在该尺度下对信号滤波来提取冲击特征成分.以最小Shannon熵优化Morlet小波的形状参数,实现母小波与信号故障特征的最佳匹配;以最优Morlet小波在不同变换尺度下的小波系数绘制尺度-能量谱,利用信号故障特征能量在特定尺度范围内聚集的特性,从谱图的极值点中选择滤波效果最好的尺度参数.对轴承全寿命数据的实际应用结果表明,与信号的均方根趋势相比,该方法能够提前从信号中提取微弱故障特征并检测到轴承的外圈故障,为轴承早期故障诊断提供了一种有效途径.  相似文献   

Machine monitoring and diagnostics has been considered to be an integral part of the manufacturing process in recent years. It has played an important role in increasing productivity and reducing costs. This paper presents a methodology which is built upon parametric modelling and neural network technology for automatic detection and identification of machine faults. An adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network architecture is used to identify machine faults from the parameters of a parametric model of the vibration signal. The experimental results indicate that the ART 2 neural network is capable of classifying a fault correctly and rapidly by using the parameters of the parametric model of process signals.  相似文献   

故障诊断中基于神经网络的特征提取方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在电路状态检测与故障诊断过程中,恰当地选择特征参数是诊断成败的关键。本文研究了基于神经网络的特征评价和特征提取方法,利用神经网络的训练结果对特征参数进行合理的评价。由于神经网络满足高分辨率信息压缩所需的非线性映射条件,通过特征提取将电路故障模式识别中复杂的分类问题转移到特征处理阶段,利用神经网络有效地实现了特征参数的提取。诊断实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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