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基于时栅传感器的精密数控线切割机研发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种可用于内齿加工的高精度线切割机,解决了三个关键技术问题:基于时栅传感器的空心式高精度分度转台;钼丝在加工过程中的自动检测与自动补偿;空心转台的智能化时栅传感器、钼丝测量系统和线切割机中央控制系统三部分间的局部闭环及全系统大闭环数控。介绍了相关的理论基础、技术难点和设计思想。实践结果表明,该系统实现了高精度、高效率、高可靠性和低成本等综合先进指标,具有可以填补国内空白的良好市场前景。  相似文献   

数控机床整机振动测试方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
数控机床整机振动测试可以评价机床的抗振性能以及检验振动分析的正确性,因而成为解决数控机床振动问题的一个重要的技术手段.在明确数控机床整机振动测试内容的基础上,从工程实际出发,提出了机床整机振动测试的方法及系统化的测试流程,包括:确定实验仪器设备、确定实验内容、搭建振动实验系统、振动测试、测试数据分析等关键步骤.最后,以沈阳机床集团某数控镗床为实例,对其进行了整机振动测试研究,证明了所提的整机振动测试流程及方法的有效性.  相似文献   

开放式数控系统的体系结构及其发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了开放式数控系统的特点及其体系结构,对其发展前景进行了分析展望。  相似文献   

Computer numerical control (CNC) machines have brought about vast changes in the manufacturing process since their introduction into the engineering environment. The main advantage of CNC control is its flexibility, making small batch production possible as the changeover from manufacture of one type of board to another is much faster than with mechanically or electromechanically controlled systems. In the past these CNC machines have tended to be viewed as individual stand-alone pieces of equipment. However, with the emergence of CIM as a leading technology, it is important that these machines be totally integrated within the factory network. This paper examines two popular hierarchical models used within the context of CIM and describes an application generator which is under development for the control of automated manufacturing equipment.  相似文献   

介绍一种使用激光多普勒位移测量仪,对数控机床进行体积误差检测的激光矢量测量新方法,该方法可以方便而快速的检测出机床的体积定位精度,包括3个定位误差,6个直线度误差和3个垂直度误差,同时还可以根据测量的体积定位误差数据生成误差补偿的代码,进而可以对其进行体积定位误差的补偿,大幅度提高了数控机床加工精度。  相似文献   

数控铣床与加工中心夹具设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出针对数控铣床、加工中心所用夹具的设计方法.合理的夹具设计能充分发挥数控机床的潜力,提高加工效率.提供加工中心夹具设计实例.  相似文献   

自从在2007德国汉诺威欧洲国际机床展EMO(2007)期间,德马吉最新推出新颖的机器造型设计,把革命性的造型设计呈现在众人眼前,随后新造型设计机床即进人中国市场.  相似文献   

车-铣机床令人印象深刻的能力还不便宜,但是,这些多轴控制的CNC车床可以提供很多生产率和性能的好处。  相似文献   

润滑装置系数控机床的重要功能部件之一。目前中国国内数控机床大多数以稀油润滑为主,在润滑过程中,由于稀油的流动性难于稳定保持在滑动面上,极易流失和泄漏,在立式导轨上更为严重。且润滑中过剩的稀油,均不可避免混入切削液中造成污染。尤其对于水基切削液或合成切削液,不仅降低切削冷却性能,并使切削液早期腐败变质变臭,污染环境。国内数控机床虽为此配置油水分离器,但均为采用物理方法除油,效果极为有限。而采用油脂润滑,只要合理选择油脂牌号,润滑系统配置合适,不仅可以保证良好的润滑性能,而且可以较好解决以上弊端。经多家机床厂考核试用,已取得良好效果。  相似文献   

数控车床是一种综合运用了计算机技术、自动控制技术、精密测量技术等先进技术的典型机电一体化产品,其控制系统复杂、价格昂贵,一旦发生故障,很多人因其"昂贵的身价"而对其敬而远之,动辄请专业维修人员出马.既浪费人力物力财力,又耽误工时.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel position controller for computer numerical control (CNC) machines based on a hybrid fuzzy inference system that uses artificial hydrocarbon networks in its defuzzification step, so-called fuzzy-molecular inference system. The fuzzy-molecular-based position controller is characterized to improve the accuracy in position and the time machining. In order to prove these characteristics, a case study was run over a reconfigurable micromachine tool (RmMT) assembly in lathe configuration. In addition, a workpiece machining in the RmMT assembly serves to realize a comparative analysis between the proposed controller and three other controllers: a classical PID controller manually tuned, a PID controller auto-tuned, and a fuzzy Mamdani controller. Experimental results validate the performance and the implementability of the proposed fuzzy-molecular position controller against the others.  相似文献   

As the geometric errors of motion axis can be equivalent to the differential movement, regarded as a differential operator based on its ideal position, a new modeling method for multi-axis CNC machines based on differential transform theory is proposed in this paper. First, the workpiece coordinates is selected to observe the errors of the tool pose. Then, a general geometric error model for multi-axis machines is established. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix is applied to describe the relationship between the tool pose error vector and the compensation error vector. All the elements of the matrix are obtained by computing the differential operators instead of computing the partial derivatives. The compensation errors vector is solved using the pseudo-inverse Jacobian matrix. Finally, an automatic modeling procedure is developed to construct the geometric errors for multi-axis machine tools. An experiment on a five-axis machine tool is conducted to test and verify the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method dramatically improves the overall position accuracy of the test tool path.  相似文献   

This study was an attempt to control and monitor Computerized Numerical Controller (CNC) machines anywhere and anytime for the development of a ubiquitous machine (u-machine). With a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) phone, the machine status and machining data of CNC machines can be monitored in wired and wireless environments, including the environments of IMT2000 and Wireless LAN. Moreover, CNC machines can be controlled anywhere and anytime. The concept of the anywhere-anytime controlling and monitoring of a manufacturing system was implemented in this study for the purpose of u-manufacturing and u-machines. In this concept, the communication between the CNC controller and the PDA phone was successfully performed anywhere and anytime for the real-time monitoring and control of CNC machines. In addition, the interface between the CNC controller and the developed application module was implemented by Object linking and embedding for Process Control (OPC) and shared CNC memory. For communication, the design of a server contents module within the target CNC was based on a TCP/IP. Furthermore, the client contents module within the PDA phone was designed with the aid of embedded c++ programming for mobile communication. For the interface, the monitoring data, such as the machine status, the machine running state, the name of the Numerical Control (NC) program, the alarm and the position of the stage axes, were acquired in real time from real machines with the aid of the OPC method and by sharing the CNC memory. The control data, such as the start, hold, emergency stop, reserved start and reserved stop, were also applied to the CNC domain of the real machine. CNC machines can therefore be controlled and monitored in real time, anywhere and anytime. Moreover, prompt notification from CNC machines to mobile phones, including cellular phones and PDA phones, can be automatically realized in emergencies.  相似文献   

For CNC machines governed by typical feedback controllers, the problem of compensating for inertia and damping of the machine axes is solved by a priori modifications to the commanded path geometry. Standard second-order models of axis dynamics are expressed in terms of the path parameter ξ rather than the time t as independent variable, incurring ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients. For a commanded path specified as a Pythagorean-hodograph curve R(ξ) and a P controller, a modified path $\hat{\bf R}(\xi)$ can be determined as a rational Bézier curve, that precisely compensates for the axis inertia and damping, and thus (theoretically) achieves zero contour error. For PI, PID, or P–PI controllers, exact closed-form solutions for $\hat{\bf R}(\xi)$ are no longer possible, but polynomial approximations may be computed in the numerically stable Bernstein basis on ξ?∈?[ 0,1 ]. The inverse-dynamics path modification procedure is applicable to both constant feedrates and variable feedrates defined by polynomial functions V(ξ) of the curve parameter. The method is described in the general context of PID controllers, and its implementation is then demonstrated for both P and PI controllers, governing motion along paths with extreme variations of curvature and/or parametric speed.  相似文献   

基于Windows 98摇臂雕刻机数控系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
摇臂雕刻机是通过转角实现直线运动,具有工作空间大、运动灵活但控制难等特点,本文介绍摇臂数控雕刻机机械设计结构特点,给出了具体的转角反求计算公式及其插补算法,并结合摇臂特点采用交流伺服驱动开发出一套相应的基于Windows98高性能数控系统软件。经过实际使用,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

在HyperMILL软件的基础上,对整体叶轮的五轴加工策略进行分析和实现.首先拟定加工路径和工艺方案,确定加工参数,然后计算出叶轮的加工刀轨路径,生成机床加工代码,最后加工出合格的零件.该方法有效地减少了加工循环次数、减少加工步骤、提高加工精度和加工效率.  相似文献   

数控加工在雷达制造中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要叙述了数控加工技术的作用、优点,并列举了雷达制造过程中众多复杂高精度构件采用数控加工并获得高质量的典例。  相似文献   

EMO2003展出的数控成形磨齿机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近十年来数控磨齿机的发展主要是数控成形磨齿机和数控蜗杆砂轮磨齿机,前者的发展更快。数控成形磨齿机的万能性好,可磨出不同的修正齿形,磨齿精度不断提高,最高可达DIN2~3级,因而有可能取代大平面砂轮磨齿机和碟形双砂轮磨齿机;  相似文献   

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