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This paper deals with an automated computer-aided process planning and die design system by which a designer can determine operation sequences even if they have only a little experience in process planning and die design for multi former-bolt products. The approach to the system is based on knowledge-based rules; a process knowledge base consisting of design rules is built. Knowledge for the system is formulated from plasticity theories, empirical results and the empirical knowledge of field experts. Programs for the system have been written in Auto LISP for the AutoCAD using a personal computer. An attempt is made to link programs incorporating a number of expert design rules with the process variables obtained by commercial FEM software, DEFORM and ANSYS, to form a useful package. The system is composed of four main modules. The process planning and the die design modules consider several factors, such as the complexities of perform geometry, punch and die profiles, the specifications of available multi former, and the availability of standard parts. They can provide a flexible process based on either the reduction in the number of forming sequences by combining the possible two processes in sequence, on the reduction of deviation of the distribution and the level of the required forming loads by controlling the forming ratios. As the system using 2D geometry recognition is integrated with the technology of process planning, die design, and CAE analysis, the standardisation of the die parts for multi former-bolt products requiring cold forging process is possible. The system developed will be useful in reducing the trial-and-error os design engineers in determining the diameter and height of the initial cylindrical billet from the final product geometry and the intermediate necessary sequence.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a proper framework that uses the requirements and concepts of lean manufacturing for a specific application to projects of aerospace manufacturing processes aiming production automation. The main goal of this guideline is to provide information, for engineers who work on the development processes, about the automation benefits that can be achieved when using this proposed guidance method of analysis presented herein. A case study is presented to validate this method’s effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research work to develop a computer-aided design of a product with bending and piercing operations for progressive working. The approach to the system is based on knowledge-based rules. Knowledge for the system is formulated from plasticity theories, experimental results and the empirical knowledge of experts in the field. The system has been written in AutoLISP with AutoCAD on a personal computer and is composed of three main modules: input and shape treatment, flat pattern layout, and strip layout modules. The system is designed by considering several factors, such as piercing and bending sequence by fuzzy set theory, complexities of blank geometry, punch profiles, and the availability of press equipment. The strip layout module generates the 3D strip layout drawing with the punch profiles for the external area of a product according to the results of the FVM set. The system could serve as a valuable system for experts and as a dependable training aid for beginners.  相似文献   

A hydromechanical deep drawing process (which replaces the conventional rigid blank-holder tool with a hydrostatic fluid pressure) is utilized to study the roles played by die curvature, interfacial friction, material hardening, etc. in deep drawing performance. The analytical study is based on limit analysis in plasticity (applying both the upper and the lower bounds simultaneously) with a special emphasis on the geometry of the die profile. The resulting relationships between the various parameters obtained through the bounds are backed by an independent numerical solution using Woo's finite difference scheme. The associated experiments, with which the limit analysis is compared, were conducted with aluminium blanks at various die radii and with various holding fluid pressures.The relatively close proximity of the above solutions, in describing the observed behaviour of the process, enables one to draw a few general conclusions about the strength of the limit analysis in describing realistic deep drawing processes. Also potential improvements concerning the choice of die radius of curvature and the blank holding force are indicated.  相似文献   

A current premium vehicle is implemented with a variety of information, entertainment, and communication functions, which are generally referred as an infotainment system. During vehicle development, testing of the infotainment system at an overall level is conventionally carried out manually by an expert who can observe at a customer level. This approach has significant limitations with regard to test coverage and effectiveness due to the complexity of the system functions and human’s capability. Hence, it is highly demanded by car manufacturers for an automated infotainment testing system, which replicates a human expert encompassing relevant sensory modalities relating to control (i.e., touch) and observation (i.e., sight and sound) of the system under test. This paper describes the design, development, and evaluation of such a system that consists of simulation of vehicle network, vision-based inspection, automated navigation of features, random cranking waveform generation, sound detection, and test automation. The system developed is able to: stimulate a vehicle system across a wide variety of initialisation conditions, exercise each function, check for system responses, and record failure situations for post-testing analysis.  相似文献   

本文采用CBR与KBE相结合的技术,在研究拉深件的几何描述方法的基础上,通过构造相似度函数,来判断当前拉深件与拉深件事例库中拉深件的相似程度;采用最近邻法采检索事例库中最相似的拉深件,并重用其成形参数和工艺方案采判断新产品成形合理性.文中研究了拉深模设计系统中模具结构原型库基于知识的参数化实施方法,以及根据拉深件形状和尺寸特征生成拉深件特征骨架,从而形成最终的拉深模具结构的方法.所研究的拉深模具设计系统不仅能根据拉深件尺寸和特征,还能基于生产批量、产品材料等内容并结合实际经验,在知识库的辅助下.通过模具结构选择、参数驱动、零部件设计与修改,完成模具设计过程.  相似文献   

渐开线齿轮参数化设计与绘图系统的开发实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭海洋  郑忠俊  何元新  孙军 《机械》2005,32(7):37-39
研究了在Visual C 6.0的环境下使用微软基础类库和AutoCAD的二次开发工具ObjectARX与VLISP交叉编程方法开发AutoCAD2002的应用程序设计;并以渐开线齿轮为例进行了参数化绘图与设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents an automated fixture set-up for inspection. The system comprises a workplace with magazines, locators and a baseplate. An articulated robot, the SCORBOT-ER VII is used to automate the system. A C-program is developed and used to execute robot arm movements based on user input. The C-program also establishes locating postions for a rectangular workpiece and determines the set-up of the locating fixtures via points. The program is therefore a useful interface to other small-scale expert systems for fixture design and graphical simulators. The set-up of the fixtures can be performed for other complex shapes if locating points are known, and input into the robot controller using the C-program.  相似文献   

The use of virtual reality (VR) techniques in industry is subject to very high expectations, as VR has emerged as a popular technology for computer-human interfaces in order to master the shortcomings of CAD systems. 3D CAD models provide a natural way of sharing design information among participants in the production process. VRML is a tool specifically designed for creating 3D virtual worlds on the Web, where these synthetic worlds can give us the ability to visualise objects and navigate the virtual world. This paper describes a system for VRML model visualisation that enables changes in the configuration file, which is written in XML, and that automatically reviews the model including the functional behaviour. From the evaluated VRML model, the connection to a PDM system is provided with a list of elements and their material properties.  相似文献   

无人搬运车AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle,简称AGV)具有自主路径规划和移载功能,在仓储、港口以及加工制造业应用广泛。本研究设计融合了现有高成本的全自动AGV和低成本简易AGV两种产品的技术特点,兼顾低成本同时实现自动装卸功能,提出了带有自动避障及路径规划功能和自动抓取功能的新型无人搬运车AGV。采用小型测距雷达实现对环境状况的测量与评估并进行路径规划,配合传感器实现合理行进。采用相互配合联动的机械手完成对工件的自动抓取和行进过程中的固定。驱动部分采用四个Mecanum轮驱动车轮,最大程度缩小转向半径,可满足在更狭小空间内作业需求。本设计把工业机器人关键技术机械手应用于AGV,实现了自由抓取等操作,提高了产品的自动化程度,采用Mecanum轮组使行进轨迹灵活,可满足不同环境的需求。  相似文献   

针对五轴数控机床加工现场狭长空间的限制以及整体叶盘原位测量的需求,研制了一种悬臂式坐标测量机。设计并优化了密珠轴系的结构,分析了影响测量机测量精度的各项因素,并通过实验对测量机的测量精度进行了验证。结果显示,所设计的测量机结构能够满足测量指标的要求,可在机床加工原位对整体叶盘加工质量进行检测。所研制的测量机对于提高整体叶盘加工质量及发展大飞机生产都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a web-enabled database system for MEMS design and manufacturing which can provide the networked design and manufacturing services over the Internet. Specifically, the data obtained from various sources for MEMS manufacturing processes/materials are organised as databases by using the relational database management systems (RDBMS), Microsoft Access and MySQL. The database system can be accessed from a Java application as well as an applet. The stand-alone Java application is created using JFC Swing, JDBC and SQL, and the Java applet is subsequently created to enable web functionality. The underlying database is open, extensible through a set of administrator tools or via the web, which gives commercial design and manufacturing facilities the ability to update their own materials, processes and rules. This plays a crucial role in the system for advisory MEMS manufacturing service and concurrent collaborative MEMS design and simulation. The developed database system, e-MEMS Designer @Database, which contains extensive manufacturing or fabrication processes and materials databases for MEMS and microelectronics, is easily incorporated as a sub-system into both the standalone system and the web-enabled MEMS design system, MEMS Designer, which is being developed. The database system can also be updated to create a comprehensive data warehouse and an advisory system for MEMS manufacturing processes/materials selection.  相似文献   

3.2在机床制造中导向板固定方式设计借助于机床制造工业生产实践中的例子说明小组工作法之外的直觉求解法。设计师寻求和发现他的解,困难的问题经常是直觉,即在寻求和思考过程中借助于一个好的突发想法给出解,这种解的来源并不能经常形成。这种与个人的专业知识和经...  相似文献   

在分析功能需求和性能需求的基础上,对原有装备制造产品申报管理业务流程进行了设计改进,并确立了基于B/S的认定管理系统架构体系,最后利用Java平台及其Spring框架技术实现系统功能,从而实现装备制造产品申报的便捷化、网络化,认定管理工作的无纸化、规范化和科学化。该系统已在实际中得以应用,效果良好。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop an expert system for shearing cut progressive die, with the aim of enhancing the design of shearing cut progressive dies. This study is different from previous research on shearing cut die design by the author in that the design of one station was extended into a progressive die design. The major research objectives achieved in this study can be summarised as follows:
  1. This study presents a pattern recognition method called the new combined structural approach to let the user interpret blanks by a better and more direct method, thereby achieving the goal of communicating with this expert system.
  2. The layout of the strip can affect the material cost shared by the press-worked pieces. This study presents the near optimal method for seeing a better layout of the strip in order to save material.
  3. Owing to the great variety of blank shapes which cause the variations in pressing procedures, this study proposes a matching combination learning method, which is a learning conscious system for pressing procedures, in order to obtain the optimal number of operation stations in shearing cut progressive die design.
  4. The establishment of the knowledge-base system for shearing cut progressive die should improve the efficiency for die design problems.

从实际情况出发,在用户需求分析的基础上,提出办公自动化系统的基本目标,阐述系统的结构设计和功能设计,并给出了一个结合C/S+Web技术的办公自动化系统实例,对企业建设办公自动化信息系统具有参考价值。  相似文献   

王涛 《制造业自动化》2012,34(15):115-117
按统一的规范设计制造系统通讯系统,可以极大地提高系统中各智能设备间的互操作性,实现制造集成自动化,从而提高企业的竞争力。本文首先简要介绍了制造报文规范(MMS),接着论述了基于MMS和分布式对象技术的通讯系统的实现方法及一些应用实例,最后对未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The agile manufacturing paradigm has emerged as an important concept in the development of manufacturing systems. The control software, developed based on the object-oriented technology, leads to reusability, reconfigurability, and scalability; and the agility of a manufacturing control system can be achieved. In this research, an efficient and systematic methodology for developing an object-oriented agile manufacturing control system is proposed. The proposed development process is divided into four stages: functional analysis, static structural analysis, behavior analysis and verification, and system implementation. The Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0), Object-Oriented Petri Net (OPN), and Unified Modeling Language (UML) are integrated into the corresponding stages based on their characteristics. In order to develop the system rapidly and efficiently, the transformation rules between the IDEF0 and OPN, and between the OPN and sequence diagram are conducted. In addition, the attributes and operations for each object are also defined directly from the OPN model. The result of the integrated IDEF0/OPN/UML systematically leads to object-oriented control software design for manufacturing systems. Finally, an assembly and packaging system is given to illustrate how the integrated object-oriented approach is implemented for developing the manufacturing control system.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - The paper discusses a generic procedure for the parameter design of product and process development using planned and non-planned...  相似文献   

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