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This study was designed to determine whether patients with schizophrenia and those with affective disorders display a common pattern of cognitive deficits. Cognitive performance was assessed with a neuropsychological test battery in consecutively admitted in-patients with schizophrenia (n=100) and affective disorders (n=100). The two groups of patients showed a similar pattern of cognitive deficits, especially in tests focusing on attentional capacities. The groups only differed significantly in their performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), with the schizophrenic patients performing less well. These results suggest that, with the exception of the deficit as measured by the WCST, similar cognitive impairments exist in schizophrenia and affective disorders, even at very early stages of the illness. Therefore, patients with schizophrenia and those with affective disorders cannot be qualitatively distinguished with sufficient reliability. We postulate that the cognitive deficit pattern represents a final common pathway disorder in the two groups of patients.  相似文献   

Social competence in subjects at risk for schizophrenia and affective disorder and in normal-comparison subjects was examined in childhood and adolescence. Based on interviews with the parents of the subjects and with the children and adolescents themselves, subjects at risk for schizophrenia had poorer overall social competence than subjects at risk for affective disorder and comparison subjects in early adolescence and adolescence but not in childhood. In analyses of specific aspects of social competence, the adolescents at risk for schizophrenia had significantly poorer peer relationships and decreased hobbies/interests than the adolescents at risk for affective disorder and the normal-comparison adolescents. With respect to school adjustment, however, the two groups of adolescent offspring of parents with psychiatric disorders had significantly poorer adjustment than the comparison adolescents but did not differ from each other on this measure. These results suggest that various aspects of poor social competence may precede the onset of schizophrenia and play an important role in its development.  相似文献   

24 children of schizophrenic mothers, 20 children of mothers with nonpsychotic psychiatric disorders falling outside the schizophrenia spectrum, and 14 hyperactive children were examined relative to groups of individually matched comparison children and to a representatively stratified group of 67 normal children. Ss were 9–16 yrs of age. Children of schizophrenic mothers showed lower mean perceptual sensitivity (PS) than matched and stratified normal children and included an excessive number of extremely poor scorers. Neither children of mothers with nonpsychotic disorders outside the schizophrenia spectrum nor hyperactive children displayed a significant deficit in PS. Hyperactive children scored lower on a beta response criterion factor across vigilance tasks and were rated as higher on an Emotionality factor and lower on a Fearful Inhibition factor than their normal peers. The perceptual sensitivity deficit among children of schizophrenic mothers was found across motivational feedback conditions and was evident throughout the vigilance period. (3? p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

52 adults that were functionally impaired by extreme shyness participated in an interview that assessed factors surrounding shyness onset, social functioning, strategies for coping with shyness, and behavioral skill in social interactions. 34 Ss then participated in an 8-wk behavioral treatment program that provided training in social skills. Ss reporting early onset also described their parents as shy, while Ss reporting later onset had a childhood history of emotional or physical abuse. Ss with observable behavioral deficits were more likely to benefit from the behavioral treatment program than were shy Ss with few overt symptoms. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated whether processes observed in adult schizophrenics could be detected in children who were not schizophrenic but were at heightened risk for the disorder. A battery of 8 attention-demanding tasks was administered to (a) 9 foster children at heightened risk for schizophrenia by virtue of having a schizophrenic biological mother, (b) 10 foster children without a family history of psychiatric disorder, and (c) 10 children living with their biological parents, none of whom had a history of psychiatric disorder. The tasks included in the battery had been demonstrated in previous research to be sensitive discriminators of adult schizophrenic pathology. Results indicate the presence of attentional dysfunction in high-risk children prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. The high-risk group showed significantly lower levels of performance on certain tasks, notably the complex versions of the span-of-apprehension and Spokes tests from the Halstead-Reitan Test Battery, and the simple conditions of the concept attainment task. Examination of low-scoring Ss, intercorrelations between tasks, and the results of a cluster analysis revealed that within the high-risk group there was a subset of Ss who showed impairment across these tasks to produce the overall low group means. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven autistic, 7 Down's syndrome, and 7 normal children (mean CAs 83.1, 65.7, and 45.3 mo; mean MAs 42, 36.7, and 50.6 mo; mean IQs 46.3, 45.3, and 98.6, respectively) were initially trained on a single dimension, simultaneous match-to-sample problem. Following criterion performance, each S's simultaneous matching of 4 new dimensions (2 attributes/dimension) was assessed in order to clarify the relation between autism, retardation, and attentional deficits. The Down's syndrome Ss matched significantly fewer attributes than did the autistic and normal Ss, who were equivalent in their performances. Based on these results, it is suggested that Down's syndrome and not autistic children suffer from attentional deficits. Performance in this simultaneous match-to-sample paradigm, which better assesses attentional mechanisms, was related to performances in previous serial and simultaneous discrimination paradigms, in which autistic children reportedly evidenced overselective attention. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Right and left hemisphere hypotheses have been proposed to account for cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. To examine these hypotheses, perception of global-local patterns was studied in 22 patients with schizophrenia and 28 normal comparison participants. The patients with schizophrenia showed an abnormally exaggerated global processing advantage when attention was divided between global and local levels but not when participants were instructed to attend to either the local or global level. This finding suggested a local processing (left hemisphere) deficit, which was overcome through strategic attentional allocation (instructional set). When the stimulus visual angle was reduced from 9° to 3°, the normal participants showed a shift from a local to a global processing advantage, but the patients did not. This finding suggested a more subtle deficit in strategic attentional processes that develop through exposure to stimulus context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the empirical question of whether families high in communication deviance (CD) assessed from parental projective test data show direct interaction patterns similar to those found in families with offspring diagnosed as schizophrenic. Three parameters of interactive functioning were examined—focus of communication, role structure, and nonverbal affective attitude. The data base was a 5-min, face-to-face videotaped interaction between parents and their disturbed, nonpsychotic adolescent in 47 families. Only families with high CD parents failed to focus communication on the discussion topic and to share topic-related feelings. High CD families were more likely to exhibit role structures in which the mother was active, either alone or in combination with the father. Low CD families were characterized by father activity. High CD parents showed avoidance and rigidity in their nonverbal affective attitude to the child; low CD parents were nonavoidant and relaxed. The relationships among the measures of communication deviance, type of adolescent symptomatology, interactive measures, and risk for schizophrenia are discussed. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A taxometric model was applied to detect a subgroup or taxon of children conjectured to be at highest risk for developing schizophrenia or related disorders in a sample of offspring of schizophrenic, depressed, and normal parents. Measures of cognitive and neuromotor performance in childhood were used as indicator tests in the analyses. A taxon consisting chiefly of children of schizophrenic parents was detected. Forty-seven percent of those children were assigned to the taxon, compared with 16% of the children of depressed parents and 4% of the children of normal parents. Assignment to the taxon is assessed in relation to the current functional status of the subjects in young adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared 14 boys (aged 7–9 yrs) with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH), 12 with learning disability (LD), 12 with ADDH-LD, and 13 normal boys on measures of sustained attention, selective attention, and span of apprehension. Unique patterns of attentional deficits were associated with each of the diagnostic groups. The ADDH Ss with and without learning disabilities exhibited sustained attention deficits. The LD Ss evidenced selective attention deficits on a speeded classification task. The LD and ADDH-LD Ss evidenced recall difficulties on a paired-associate task, regardless of distractor presence. The 3 clinical groups performed more poorly than did the normal group on the span of apprehension measure. Although attentional deficits were most pervasive in the ADDH-LD group, multivariate composites of attentional variables were sensitive to the ADDH and LD dimensions. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The startle reflex (SR) elicited by abrupt stimuli can be modified by attention to nonstartling stimuli that shortly precede the startle-eliciting stimulus. The present study of 15 recent-onset, relatively asymptomatic schizophrenic outpatients and 14 demographically matched normal control Ss demonstrated that attentional modulation of SR is impaired in schizophrenic patients. Specifically, the control group exhibited greater startle eye-blink modification following to-be-attended prestimuli than following to-be-ignored prestimuli, whereas the patients failed to show the attentional modulation effect. These results suggest traitlike attentional deficits in schizophrenia because the patients were relatively asymptomatic. The measurement of attentional modulation of SR may provide a nonverbal, reflexive, state-independent marker of the vulnerability to schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed an objective index of cognitive slippage, an important sign of vulnerability to schizophrenia. In an investigation by E. E. Smith (1970), 2 sets of multiple-choice test items that presumably tap this problem were developed. In the present study, new items were developed, and subsets of each type were matched for mean and distribution of item difficulty and for reliability. The tests were then administered to 37 schizophrenics, 22 patients with affective disorders, and 38 normal Ss (mean ages 22–38 yrs). The difference scores (for the 2 types of items) of the schizophrenics were greater than those of normal Ss, but the schizophrenics did not differ from the affectively disordered Ss. Thus, the previously developed procedure does seem to reflect a genuine cognitive problem rather than a mere statistical artifact. However, the problem is also observed in some patients with affective disorders that are presumably not part of the schizophrenic spectrum. The value of the tasks will depend on their relationship to other measures of schizotypic traits such as anhedonia. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared changes in dimensions of marital quality for 1st-time parents and nonparents and examined differences in the extent to which individual-differences variables and discrepancies between spouses on these individual-differences variables predicted change in marital satisfaction for parents and nonparents. Ss were 49 couples who were assessed over a 4-yr period that included the year preceding pregnancy, pregnancy, the baby's 1st year, and the baby's 2nd year. A comparison group of 68 couples who did not become parents was assessed at comparable times. Marital quality declined across the 4 assessment points equally for parents and nonparents on consensus, satisfaction, and affective expression. Parents reported, however, a steeper decline in joint activities than did nonparents. Nonparent wives and parent wives differed in the strength of the correlates of change in marital satisfaction over the 4-yr period. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated deficits in defensive reactivity (indexed by potentiation of the startle blink reflex) in psychopathic individuals. However, the basis of this association remains unclear, as diagnostic criteria for psychopathy encompass two distinct phenotypic components that may reflect differing neurobiological mechanisms—an affective–interpersonal component and an antisocial deviance component. Likewise, the role of defensive response deficits in antisocial personality disorder (APD), a related but distinct syndrome, remains to be clarified. In the current study, the authors examined affective priming deficits in relation to factors of psychopathy and symptoms of APD using startle reflex methods in 108 adult male prisoners. Deficits in blink reflex potentiation during aversive picture viewing were found in relation to the affective–interpersonal (Factor 1) component of psychopathy, and to a lesser extent in relation to the antisocial deviance (Factor 2) component of psychopathy and symptoms of APD—but only as a function of their overlap with affective–interpersonal features of psychopathy. These findings provide clear evidence that deficits in defensive reactivity are linked specifically to the affective–interpersonal features of psychopathy and not to the antisocial deviance features represented most strongly in APD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined patients (20–66 yrs old) with a history of recurrent affective disorder on a variety of smooth-pursuit and saccadic eye-tracking tasks and on psychomotor analogs of these tasks. The 25 unipolar and 24 bipolar Ss were compared to 24 schizophrenics; all Ss were in remission. Results indicate that the performance of the 2 affective-disorder groups was not significantly different from that of the controls on any of these tasks. Smooth-pursuit tracking error was greater for Ss receiving Li and for those with a higher frequency of prior episodes of the disorder. When the pursuit eye movements of these Ss were compared to those of the schizophrenics, the latter produced more tracking error than both affective-disorder groups but significantly so only with respect to unipolar Ss. Although findings are consistent with the interpretation that tracking dysfunction is not a trait characteristic of affective disorders, further investigations contrasting remitted patients with bipolar and schizophrenic disorders are needed to determine the specificity of deviant tracking to schizophrenia. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Learning disabled, attention-disordered, and normal adolescents were assessed with 2 performance measures and 3 behavioral measures, recorded while the Ss worked on math problems. Differences were found between the combined experimental and comparison groups in retrieval speed for each operation, but not in accuracy. Off-task attention contributed to the slower speeds of Ss only during multiplication. Rapid fact retrieval was the only significant predictor of the number of correct answers to word problems. Because of the statistical and procedural controls used (IQ, reading skill, and initial math ability), experimental vs control group differences in problem solving were demonstrated only for specific types of word problems. Overall, these findings support theoretical predictions that attention-disordered and learning disabled children have difficulty with repetitive stimuli, which contributes to basic- and advanced-level math deficits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A taxometric analysis (R. R. Golden & P. E. Meehl, 1979) was conducted to test the hypotheses that liability for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders is dichotomously distributed and that this liability can be detected premorbidly with behavioral indicators analogous to many of the criteria for schizotypal personality disorder. Behaviors were assessed in 207 offspring of schizophrenic mothers and 104 matched offspring of normal parents in 1962, when participants' mean age was 15 years. Diagnoses on the basis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) were made in 1986–1989, when participants were nearly through the risk period for developing schizophrenia. The aggregation of indicators was consistent with a bimodal latent liability distribution. Membership in the schizotypal class was a sensitive and specific predictor of the emergence of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders in adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the effects of interpersonal touch over a relatively long time frame, for a broad range of response dimensions, and in a nonreactive setting characterized by dependency. On an applied level, the research studied the value of touch as a concomitant of nurse–patient interactions; Ss were 48 patients who had entered the hospital for elective surgery. Specifically, a 2 (touch vs no touch) by 2 (male vs female) between-Ss design assessed the effects of nurses touching Ss during preoperative teaching on Ss' affective, evaluative, behavioral, and physiological responses. Female Ss in the touch condition experienced more favorable affective, behavioral, and physiological reactions than a no-touch control group. In contrast, males in the touch condition reacted more negatively than control Ss on these dimensions. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Criticizes 2 influential premises underlying most of current research on schizophrenia and attention: (a) belief in the existence of a specific information-processing deficit and (b) acceptance of a framework of "cold cognition." Capacity theory is proposed as an alternative theoretical framework within which the various phenotypically diverse attentional deficits in schizophrenia reflect a deficit in the control function that governs the mobilization and allocation of attention. Attentional deficits, therefore, are most manifest when effortful processing in short-term storage is required. Research on short-term memory processes in schizophrenics shows that the magnitude of the attention deficit correlates positively with the attentional requirements of the cognitive operations involved. The dysfunction is thought to reflect the high levels of arousal characteristic of schizophrenics. Parallels in the performance of schizophrenics and essentially normal but hyperaroused Ss are outlined in support of this hypothesis. The failure to consider the possible mediating effects of hyperarousal in attentional performance of schizophrenics is an omission in the research on schizophrenic cognition. Causality between arousal and information processing is addressed. (101 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzed single-word and continuous association test behaviors of children at high (207 Ss) and low (104 Ss) risk for schizophrenia. A comparison was also made between test scores of those high-risk Ss who later became schizophrenic and scores of others who did not. Although high-risk Ss exhibited more deviant associations than low-risk Ss, premorbid associative disturbance did not characterize those who later became schizophrenic. These findings are not supportive of learning theories of associative disturbance. When combined with recent evidence showing that degree of associative disturbance at initial breakdown is not predictive of chronicity or outcome, these findings call for a reevaluation of the central character of associative disturbance in schizophrenia. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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