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For a sample of 100 persons assessed over a two-year period, predictor and criterion ratings were obtained on five rating scales. The predictor ratings were made by two psychologists from the case files, the criterion ratings by one or more of the assessees' superiors. In addition, the criterion ratings were correlated with a large test battery. "… These general conclusions are drawn: (1) Compared with most validity findings these results are promising and indicate that the technique investigated has practical value and is definitely worthy of further research. (2) When the research is more rigorously conducted, the resulting estimates of validity are likely to be higher." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Each year, approximately 234,000 teachers in the United States are victims of school-related violence. After a violent incident, school-based mental health professionals, psychologists from the community, and administrators appropriately intervene to provide counseling and other services for students. Unfortunately, many school personnel who have been victimized do not receive adequate treatment after such incidents occur. In this article, the authors argue that psychologists, school personnel, and mental health counselors must be aware of the needs of teachers and administrators who have been affected by these events and must, therefore, provide counseling for them as well. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the current practices and challenges in psychological risk assessment for crime and violence. Risk assessments have improved considerably during the past 20 years. The dismal predictive accuracy of unstructured professional opinion has largely been replaced by more accurate, structured risk assessment methods. Consensus has not been achieved, however, on the constructs assessed by the various risk tools, nor the best method of combining factors into an overall evaluation of risk. Advancing risk assessment for crime and violence requires psychometrically sound evaluations of psychologically meaningful causal risk factors described using nonarbitrary metrics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: With growing awareness of the prevalence of interpersonal violence victimization among women, research has begun to examine the impact of these experiences on employment. To date, much of this work in the United States has centered on low-income women moving from public assistance to paid employment and research gaps in our understanding of a broader range of working women's experiences still exist. The present study explored the impact of multiple types of victimization (sexual violence, physical intimate partner violence, psychological abuse, and stalking) on a range of work outcomes (job satisfaction, job benefits, job interference). Method: A random-digit-dial telephone survey of 1,079 women living in New Hampshire was conducted. Measures included questions about victimization in adulthood and current perceptions of employment. Results: A multivariate analysis of variance and regression analyses showed clear links between victimization experiences and negative work outcomes. Mental and physical health symptoms represent important mediators explaining these links. Conclusion: Results support the need for workplace policies and supports that provide safety nets for survivors and encourages the development of community norms that assist survivors in accessing such supports. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which a sister's prior sexual and dating victimization is a risk factor for young women being similarly victimized and the possible factors underlying a co-occurrence. The sample involved 122 young adult Latina or African American sister pairs (244 women; ages 16–25) who resided in low-income, urban neighborhoods. Results indicated that women whose sisters had been victimized had increased risk of victimization even after controlling for neighborhood crime, parental controls, age and race–ethnicity (odds ratios were 4.0 for unwanted touching, 6.2 for a forced sex act, and 16.7 for dating violence). In high-crime neighborhoods, the presence of two adult parent figures in the home was associated with women's reduced likelihood of unwanted touching, and mothers' high monitoring during adolescence was associated with women's lower risk of dating aggression. Survival analysis results showed that the risk period of a second sister being victimized lasts between 7 and 10 years after a first sister's victimization. The prevention implications of study findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Among trauma-exposed individuals, severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms is strongly correlated with anger. The authors used 2 longitudinal data sets with 282 and 218 crime victims, respectively, to investigate the temporal sequence of anger and PTSD symptoms following the assault. Cross-lagged regression analyses indicated that PTSD symptoms predicted subsequent level of anger, but that anger did not predict subsequent PTSD symptoms. Testing alternative models (common factor model, unmeasured 3rd variable model) that might account for spuriousness of the relation strengthened confidence in the results of the cross-lagged analyses. Further analyses suggested that rumination mediates the effect of PTSD symptoms on anger. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The emergence of psychiatric rehabilitation and the recovery movement generate new and expanded roles for psychologists in services for people with serious mental illness (SMI). However, the proportion of psychologists working in SMI services today is substantially less than previous decades. This article reviews the roles of psychologists in various mental health systems and outlines the contributions that psychologists can make in implementing evidence based approaches for people with SMI. A survey of American Psychology Association (APA)-accredited Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP) Clinical Psychology doctoral programs was conducted. The results of the survey indicate an increase, since the early 1990s, in clinical faculty with SMI interests, and suggest that many graduate programs provide opportunities for SMI-relevant research and practicum training. However, the survey also indicates a lack of coursework on topics relevant to SMI and a lack of coursework relevant to assuming administrative and leadership roles in the mental health system. Despite training opportunities in graduate school, production of new PhDs who choose the SMI field is unlikely to meet the demand. According to the present study, the limiting factor is not availability of training, but student career choice. The opportunities and challenges that psychologists face in SMI recovery-oriented service delivery are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Infant and early childhood mental health practices can be supported by policies and professional standards of care that foster the healthy development of young children. Policies that support infants and toddlers include those that strengthen their families to provide a family environment that promotes mental wellness. Policy issues for infants, toddlers, and young children have come to the forefront of thinking as children need a “voice” to advocate for their support and care. This article (a) highlights several important policy areas that support the social–emotional development of very young children and (b) gives examples of current policy accomplishments and challenges. The article offers a policy agenda to promote the mental health of infants and young children and suggests ways that psychologists can engage with policymakers to promote policies that foster infant mental health, including contributing to the knowledge base that informs policy decisions, educating the public and policymakers about early childhood development and mental wellness, forming community partnerships to identify and address infant mental health risks, and participating in the development of policy recommendations that improve access to evidence-based practices in infant mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This exploratory, qualitative study documents ways in which being employed is helpful to victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The authors conducted in-depth interviews with 21 women employed by a large health care organization in a major U.S. city. Through content analysis, the authors identified six ways in which employment was helpful to participants: by (1) improving their finances, (2) promoting physical safety, (3) increasing self-esteem, (4) improving social connectedness, (5) providing mental respite, and (6) providing motivation or a "purpose in life." Findings suggest that employment can play a critically important, positive role in the lives of IPV victims. The importance of flexible leave-time policies and employer assistance to IPV victims is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines transference in the assessment and treatment of trauma resulting from incidents of adulthood, with particular focus on the experience of victims of violent crime. In furtherance of treating the individual rather than a diagnosis, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, it proposes the term violence-based parataxic distortion (V-PD) to differentiate between projections and distortions based on traumatic experiences of the crime as distinct from transference reactions that relate to past object relationships, specifically with significant others from early development, self-organization, and characterological formation. The interplay between transference reactions, V-PDs, and the real relationship is examined, with illustrations. It is noted that distortions may arise regarding organizations, institutions, and governmental entities, as well as individuals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines treatment issues in the assessment and treatment of trauma resulting from incidents of adulthood, as exemplified by the experience of victims of violent crime. Issues addressed include resistance, trauma-engineered identifications, roles based on violence-based parataxic distortions, and recommendations for an integrative ongoing listening perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Educational psychologists can make a significant contribution to the success of the national space program. This fact may surprise many professionals in public schools or universities who are occupied with the traditional tasks of student evaluation, textbook and computer-based training courseware development, cognitive and behavioral research, task analyses, or test design and validation. These same skills, modified slightly, are of critical importance in supporting the shuttle payload community and the astronauts who have to operate a variety of payloads on orbit. The complex, earth-based training and research preparations that educational psychologists can direct set the stage for successful task performance on each of the shuttle's missions to the high frontier. In this article, examples are given that provide a glimpse into the contributions that educational psychologists are making to the space program. When space shuttles begin to fly again in 1987, a sizable number of human factors and program design/evaluation experts (i.e., educational psychologists) should be on hand to assist with the numerous tasks involved in preparing the crews, customers, flight controllers, and engineers to support each mission. The Challenger disaster serves as a reminder that insightful, thorough research into all aspects of each mission must be conducted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are at high risk of developing mental health problems, many report significant barriers to care and few seek help. Integrated primary care is a comprehensive model of health care that aims to improve access to care and provides a framework to assess and meet the complex psychiatric needs of newly returning veterans by embedding mental health specialists within primary care. We describe the role of psychologists in a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) integrated primary care clinic that serves veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Psychologists based in primary care can assist veterans with reintegration to civilian life by providing rapid mental health assessment, normalizing re-adjustment concerns, planning for veterans’ safety, implementing brief interventions within primary care, facilitating transition to additional mental health care, and informing veterans of other available psychosocial services. A case example demonstrating the psychologist’s role highlights the benefits of an integrated care model. Implications of employing this model include reduction of symptoms and impairment by reducing stigma and barriers to seeking mental health care, increased motivation to engage in treatment, and implementation of early interventions. This model may also be beneficial in the civilian health care sector with groups that are at high risk for mental health problems, yet experience barriers to care, particularly stigma. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines countertransference in the assessment and treatment of recovery from traumatic incidents of adulthood, with specific focus on victims of violent crime. It reviews Freud's impediment theory, with particular attention to implications concerning empathic strain and vicarious traumatization. It introduces Wilson and Lindy's Type I Countertransference (avoidance), Type II Countertransference (overidentification), and their respective manifestations. It then proposes a Type III Countertransference (communicative) that applies a more totalistic perspective that utilizes concepts of splitting, projection, projective identification, and intersubjectivity. It differentiates between countertransference orientations to trauma that are content-based or processed-based as well as those that may be figure or ground. Finally, it presents some common countertransference reactions and roles that become enacted and therefore have treatment implications, examines the interaction between therapeutic and real relationships as contributors to those scenarios, and presents case examples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A preliminary report of the research procedures, findings, and additional questions to be investigated in a study whose major purpose is "the collection of data which may lead to (a) the better understanding of personal and environmental factors that influence the research productivity or the professional contribution of the individual psychologists, (b) increased appreciation of society's demands for and use of psychological services, and (c) an understanding of the influence of various programs of education and training in psychology." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Psychologists are assuming a wider range of responsibilities in community program administration and community consultation: in mental health, corrections, education, and anti-poverty." A program for training consultants was developed in New Mexico during a 4-yr demonstration project. Selection criteria include: (1) sound graduate training including the PhD for psychologists, (2) substantial clinical skills in diagnosis and therapy, (3) experience in consultation and administration, and (4) experience in community work. A 2-mo., full-time orientation program was conducted for the consultants hired. The project stimulated development of various new resources in local communities including, among others, a day school for retarded children, a family casework agency, a day center for emotionally disturbed children, a training and consultation service to an orphanage, and an alcoholism treatment and rehabilitation program. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Clinical military psychologists (CMPs) hold one of the most difficult positions within professional psychology. Given their exposure to a variety of environmental, physical, psychosocial, and emotional stressors, professional burnout (PB) can be a serious issue for CMPs. In order to (a) protect job satisfaction, (b) increase professional confidence, (c) facilitate a long and rewarding military career, and (d) ensure competent care is provided to our clients, a two-pronged approach of CMPs taking care of themselves on the one hand, and the military providing effective assessment, prevention, and intervention, on the other hand, is needed. Such an approach to protecting the military's limited mental health resources could ultimately ensure that service members receive proper care. In this article, the authors discuss the challenges experienced by CMPs as potential contributors to PB during all three phases of the deployment cycle. Several recommendations are offered for addressing such challenges. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The basic credo held by American school psychologists is that of child advocacy. Yet, with most school psychologists being employed by local school systems—where administrators often place institutional needs over individual student needs—the practitioner role is usually conflict-laden. Even though the preferred practitioner role is generally direct service to children through counseling or indirect student help via teacher consultation or parent counseling, at this time the school practitioner's major role in many settings is that of "gate keeping," which involves testing and certifying pupil eligibility for special education. If we look forward to the time when inappropriate gatekeeping—that is, formally labeling the mildly handicapped as eligible for special education—is eliminated, other functions performed must be strengthened and made more desirable to make the role of the school psychologist more viable. In addition to competent counseling skills, the ability to provide effective teacher consultation within schools is essential, not only for dealing with behavior, but instruction as well. The upgrading of school psychologists' skills is essential to ensure that, regardless of possible conflicts engendered, there will be at least one highly skilled child advocate working in the schools. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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