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孙志强 《消防月刊》2003,(12):21-21
加油站是为各类机动车加汽油、轻柴油的场所。加油站的油品在储存和输送过程中极易产生静电,当静电积聚到一定程度时就会发生放电现象,产生静电火花。在现实生活中,由静电火花引起的加油站火灾或爆炸事故屡见不鲜,给人民的生命、财产造成了巨大的损失。  相似文献   

1 一起加油站火灾的基本情况1999年 11月 9日 17时 ,安徽省蚌埠市所辖怀远县某加油站发生火灾 ,烧毁加油站房及加油机等设备。2 现场勘查和询问情况该加油站房屋为石棉瓦结构 ,与储罐用高为 3.1m和 2 .3m的防火墙分隔。储罐区内放置有储量分别为 12 t和 2 0 t柴油罐各 1只 ,6t汽油罐 1只 ,均位于地面上 (根据《小型石油库及汽车加油站设计规范》市区之外可不采用直埋地下方式 )。现场调查发现各油罐均无专用卸油管道 ,卸油时采用将油罐车上引出的油管直接从各罐顶开口处放入罐内注油方式。在勘查中发现汽油罐外壁和相邻防火墙壁上均有少量…  相似文献   

探讨了石油化工企业静电引发火灾的条件、特点以及控制预防火灾爆炸的一些技术措施。  相似文献   

超然  万善朝 《安徽消防》2002,(11):32-33
静电经常是我们身边的不速之客, 无论是在生产中,还是在生活中,它常 常会给人以突然的“打击”,即使人遭遇 电击,更有甚者,它可能引起“神秘”的 火灾和爆炸,成为人们看不见的火源。 静电的危害  在许多生产部门,比如炼油、化 工、橡胶、造纸、印刷、纺织、制药、食 品及其他粉体加工场所,由于静电而 引发的火灾和爆炸事故屡有发生,笔 者举例如下: 其一:某加油站在加油过程中,工 作人员把汽油泵送至聚乙烯塑料的油 壶中,此时使用了金属漏斗,由于静电 放电,结果引起了火灾。  相似文献   

晓吾 《安徽消防》1996,(7):26-27
很多时候,当人们脱掉化纤织物衣服时,会听到“噼噼叭叭”的响声,如果是在黑暗的环境中,还能看到闪烁的火花。这就是静电放电现象。静电是在两种不同物体相互摩擦的瞬间产生的,也叫摩擦电.它是在人的身体活动时两种织物相互摩擦或脱衣时,织物与织物之间产生摩擦,发生静电放电.这种静电放电,与环境湿度有很大的关系。如果空气干燥,这种静电放电就会经常发生;而在比较潮湿的生产现场或在春、夏季节,静电则通过空气中的水分很容易地放射到空中。  相似文献   

静电,大家都不陌生,皮肤干燥时,人们在触碰车门等铁制品或握手时,经常会惊呼:“哎呀,电着我了。”这就是静电开的小玩笑。可是,当静电在石油、化工等行业调皮时,却会酿成火灾。─—编者在石油、化学等工业以及通常有可燃性气体、蒸汽和粉尘等生成的地点、静电被认为是产生火灾的原因之一,因此,清楚静电的产生及防护是十分必要的。不同物质的表面相接触时,如果进行电子或离子交换的话,分离时就产生带电现象,即产生静电。一般来说,当固体面与固体面、固体面与液体面间的接触和撞击,或者固体的断裂、液体的飞溅都可能产生静电。…  相似文献   

吴瑕 《安徽建筑》2003,10(4):103-103
静电广泛存在于生产、生活和自然界中,只要两个物体之间存在着运动和摩擦,任何时候都会产生静电,特别是当两个物体各不相同,或存在静电感应时,尤为如此.静电危害很大,会引起火灾和爆炸、电击,妨碍生产.  相似文献   

通过对一起白酒蒸气爆炸事故的研究,结合与事故现场相同条件下的模拟实验,对白酒输送过程中输酒管口、罐内白酒液面等处静电积聚情况进行实验测试。通过实验,发现白酒在管道输送和喷溅过程中发生静电积聚和放电的现象,揭示相关基础理论中存在的误判。  相似文献   

Turkish electricity reform has progressed slowly due to internal resistance against privatisation, and gained momentum after Electricity Market Law of 2001, prepared in line with EU Energy Acquis and established required institutional and legal framework. Although the eligibility threshold has reached 39% market opening rate, the dominant position of public both as owner and decision-maker is still the major problem in the sector. Currently Turkey is self-sufficient in electricity, but likely to face shortages in 10 years if the growing demand is not met by either speeding the liberalisation process, or joining the South East Europe Electricity Market.  相似文献   

The building stock is one of the largest energy consumers and simultaneously represents a relevant cost driver for most companies. Thus, buildings should be optimally planned, constructed and used from both an environmental and from an economic perspective. Benchmarking electricity consumption in the usage phase is a tool for achieving this objective. This requires a uniform collection of key usage indicators on the one hand, and on the other hand it is necessary to be cognisant of the factors that drive these key indicators and how they do so. This alone makes it possible to satisfy the benchmarking principle of comparing like or similar objects. Uniformly collected key indicators for electricity consumption (kWh/m2 usable floor area and year) are presented on the basis of 109 Swiss office buildings. This is broken down into further groupings on the basis of the relevant drivers. The analysis of the drivers relies on regression analysis. This demonstrates above all the great relevance of technical installation (e.g. the share of mechanically vented and ventilated as well as air‐conditioned areas), given that the coverage area of such systems has a significant effect on the electricity consumption of office buildings. Accordingly, special attention should be paid to the planning, construction and use of technical installations, in order to be able to provide optimally energy‐efficient buildings.  相似文献   

The energy sector in Bulgaria has undergone major restructuring in recent years. It faces the dual challenges of achieving regulatory stability to attract private investors, and creating a functioning competition energy market. As of the EU Accession in 2007, Bulgaria has fully liberalized power and gas markets. The 2003 Energy Law establishes the energy sector legal framework and sets the basis for creation of a transparent and predictable regulatory environment where the key regulatory responsibilities are vested with the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC).The energy sector experienced significant problems in the first half of 2007 due to lost production capacities and regulatory failures on the electricity market. Excess price regulations on the market of electricity supplies to household, coupled with insufficient liberalization of imports and exports, create unfavorable conditions for power producers and large electricity users. The energy regulator has tried to achieve several incompatible targets as of July 1, 2007 for maintaining low electricity prices for households in response to political pressure, low power generation prices amid rising input costs, and market opening in compliance with EU regulations.  相似文献   

The traditional view of electricity distribution is that it is a natural monopoly. Few authors have explored the question as to whether electricity distributors truly are natural monopolies or not, while observation of the current industrial practice tends to suggest that a “market” for distribution activities does actually exist. This is a paradox for a natural monopoly. Our explanation is that monopoly characteristics well characterise the network infrastructure, but not the network operation service.  相似文献   

李四娃 《山西建筑》2012,38(2):134-135
简单介绍了临建生活区用电量估算方法,针对目前临建生活区建设过程中存在的各种安全隐患及电气安全问题进行了分析,并着重阐述了相应的解决措施和节约用电措施,以期指导实践,保证施工人员生命和财产安全。  相似文献   

叶春兰 《城建档案》2006,(12):34-35
电力档案是电力事业发展中不可或缺的一项工作,本文主要介绍如何适应信息技术的发展,做好电力档案的管理工作,为电力事业的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

采用在预应力管桩中预埋应力计测桩身轴力的现场试验方案,在静压桩贯入过程中测得桩身轴力,并进行了竖向抗压静载试验,测得不同分级荷载作用下的桩身轴力图,通过对桩身内力分析来研究管桩在压桩及静载试验过程中的受力机理。  相似文献   

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