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We have studied the electrical characteristics of photodiodes based on p-GaSb/p-GaInAsSb/N-GaAlAsSb heterojunctions and investigated the mechanisms of current transfer in these heterostructures at various temperatures. A comparison of the theoretical results and experimental data showed that the tunneling charge transfer mechanism dominates at low temperatures (T < 150 K) under both forward and reverse bias conditions. The tunneling current becomes a determining factor at an electric field strength in the p-n junction of no less that 105 V/cm, which is related to a small bandgap width of the materials studied and low effective masses of electrons and holes.  相似文献   

Data on sound velocity are used for determining the density, the isobaric expansion coefficient, the isobaric and isochoric heat capacity, and the isothermal compressibility of liquid binary mixture of n-decane + n-hexadecane of three compositions in the temperature range of 298–433 K and pressure range of 0.1–100 MPa. The coefficients of Tait equation are calculated in the above-identified range of parameters. The calculation results are compared with experimental data on density. The divergence does not exceed 0.2% for the most reliable data.  相似文献   

To be able to measure the scientific output of researchers is an increasingly important task to support research assessment decisions. To do so, we can find several different measures and indices in the literature. Recently, the h-index, introduced by Hirsch in 2005, has got a lot of attention from the scientific community for its good properties to measure the scientific production of researchers. Additionally, several different indicators, for example, the g-index, have been developed to try to improve the possible drawbacks of the h-index. In this paper we present a new index, called hg-index, to characterize the scientific output of researchers which is based on both h-index and g-index to try to keep the advantages of both measures as well as to minimize their disadvantages.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the generalization of T-integral to crack growth process in viscoelastic materials. In order to implement this expression in a finite element software, a modelling form of this integral, called , is developed. The analytical formulation is based on conservative law, independent path integral, and a combination of real, virtual displacement fields, and real, virtual thermal fields introducing, in the same time, a bilinear form of free energy density F. According to the generalization of Noether’s method, the application of Gauss Ostrogradski’s theorem combined with curvilinear cracked contour, T v is obtained. By introducing a volume domain around crack tip, the modelling expression is also defined.. Finally, the viscoelastic generalization through a thermodynamic approach, called A v , is introduced by using a discretisation of the creep tensor according to a generalized Kelvin Voigt representation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present some examples of sensitivity analysis for flows modeled by the standard kε model of turbulence with wall functions. The flow and continuous sensitivity equations are solved using an adaptive finite element method. Our examples emphasize a number of applications of sensitivity analysis: identification of the most significant parameters, analysis of the flow model, assessing the influence of closure coefficients, calculation of nearby flows, and uncertainty analysis. The sensitivity parameters considered are closure coefficients of the turbulence model and constants appearing in the wall functions.  相似文献   

The gravireception of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus and seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana is accompanied by gravity-induced absorption changes (GIACs) that occur very fast and most likely represent primary responses of gravireception. GIACs that were analyzed during parabolic flights in micro- and hypergravity invariably display hysteretic behavior. Even though the identity of the pigments generating the GIACs remain presently unknown, it is nevertheless clear that they are specific for gravireception. This is strongly suggested by the fact that hystereses loops of wild-type specimen are significant larger than of gravitropic mutants. Hystereses are largely kinetically determined, are specific for the different organisms and stimulus programs, and thus aid in characterizing the requisite transduction chains of gravireception. The fact that monocot as well as dicot plants display GIACs just in the area of highest gravitropic sensitivity at the tip supports the conclusion that gravireception is generally associated with primary reactions.  相似文献   

The existence of an SH-wave incidence angle for which the reflected amplitude is zero (SH-wave intromission angle) is established for the case of plane-wave scattering by a planar interface joining two homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic half-spaces. Such an incidence angle is numerically shown to exist for two combinations of bimaterial interface properties. The SH-wave intromission angle is roughly parallel to the electromagnetic Brewster angle and the acoustic P-wave intromission angle, and the concept should find new applications for non-intrusive characterization of interfaces.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics of (p)3C-SiC-(n)6H-SiC epitaxial heterostructures obtained by sublimation epitaxy in vacuum are studied. The band discontinuities are determined and the energy band diagram of the heterojunction is constructed. It is shown that the obtained heterostructure offers a promising material for high electron mobility transistors.  相似文献   

The nuclear-physical properties of the nuclides 105, 106m,110m Ag, which are concomitant nuclides in reactor production of 103Pd and 109Cd used in metrology of ionizing radiations and in nuclear medicine, were studied. The following quantities were determined by semiconductor X-ray and γ-ray spectrometry: the parameter K α/K β of X-ray K radiation accompanying the decay of 110m Ag and the intensities of γ-ray quanta with the energies of 280 and 345 keV (105Ag); 430, 451, and 512 keV (106m Ag); 658, 764, 885, 938, and 1384 keV (110m Ag). The half-lives determined using the above γ-ray lines are as follows: T 1/2(105Ag) = 41.2 ± 0.1 days; T 1/2(106m Ag) = 8.30±0.07 days. The errors are given for 95% confidence level.__________Translated from Radiokhimiya, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2005, pp. 31–34.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Popov, Zakharova, Sadulin, Andreev, Pakhomov.  相似文献   

It is well-known that, aside from its triple point, nitrogen exhibits a solid-to-solid transition at about 35 K that is of some interest as a secondary reference temperature. During the recently published highly accurate measurements of the triple point of nitrogen (Metrologia 43, 435 (2006)), an extensive study was made also of the solid α–β transition of nitrogen, using both the continuous heating method and the pulse-heating method. This transition is of significantly lower quality than the triple point of nitrogen. A very high thermal resistance and a large time constant characterize the transition. Therefore, even the determination of the self-heating of the thermometer requires a very long time. A value of T 90 = 35.620 K with an expanded uncertainty U = 8 mK for the coverage factor k = 2 was found, differing by +6 mK from the published CCT-recommended value. The reproducibility of the value was better than ± 5 mK. In addition to the temperature value found for the transition, a comparison is made with previous measurements on this point, and an overview is given of the available information about it.  相似文献   

The MNS1100 precision RLC-meter, which operates over a wide range of frequencies and measurable impedance parameters, is described. The instrument is based on new impedance measuring principles with a reduced set of measures and methods of calibrating the measuring circuits, which enable the measurement accuracy to be increased considerably, extend the functional capabilities and automate the apparatus adjustment.  相似文献   

The cooling temperatures of rectangular parallelepiped Bi1-X Sb X (X = 0.12 and 0.15) single-crystals with the same thickness of t = 2 mm but different width W were measured at 113 K and 290 K as a function of electric current in the magnetic field B up to 2.17 T. The magnetic field was aligned along the thickness t of a sample and the current flows along its length L through the copper leads soldered to both end surfaces of cross section (W × t), where W, t and L are parallel to the binary, bisector and trigonal axes of the single-crystal, respectively. The thermoelement was not in contact with a heat sink. The cooling temperature of Bi0.85Sb0.15 at 290 K was increased with an increase of B and was almost symmetric for the reverse of the field direction, while at 113 K it exhibited a maximum at B = ±0.25 T and a strong asymmetry for the field direction. The largest maximum cooling temperature ΔT max of Bi0.85Sb0.15 was achieved when a thermoelement has optimum dimensions so that heat energy is hardly generated at the cold side. When the single-crystal Bi0.85Sb0.15 alloy has optimum dimensions of L = 15 mm, W = 4 mm and t = 2 mm, the ΔT max at 290 K increased from 4.2 K in B = 0 T to 9.6 K in B = +2.17 T, so that it exceeded ΔT max values of 5.7 K obtained for a typical Bi2Te3 and 8.5 K measured previously for Bi single-crystal in B = +2.17 T.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of d.c. conductivity is studied ina- Se75In25-x Pb x thin films wherex is varied from 0–10. From these measurements, the values of the pre-exponential factor (σ0) and activation energy (ΔE) are calculated for each glassy alloy. An approximate linear dependence of ln σ0 on AE is observed in this glassy system with good agreement between the expected and calculated σ0 values using Meyer-Neldel rule. Linear dependence of ln σ0 on ΔE in case of amorphous materials indicates that the conduction band tails a finite energy distance towards the valence band and Fermi level is controlled by fixed dominant hole levels deeper in the gap.  相似文献   

The h-index and Eigenfactor TM values of top and specialized scientific/engineering journals are tabulated and combined to provide a simple graphical representation of the journals. The information may be tailored to specific uses by respective stakeholders to aid decision making processes with regards to scholarly research and scientific journal publications.  相似文献   

No Heading The low-temperature shrinking of the vortex core (Kramer-Pesch effect) is studied for an isolated single vortex for chiral p-wave and s-wave superconducting phases. The effect of nonmagnetic impurities on the vortex core radius is numerically investigated in the Born limit by means of a quasiclassical approach. It is shown that in the chiral p-wave phase the Kramer-Pesch effect displays a certain robustness against impurities owing to a specific quantum effect, while the s-wave phase reacts more sensitively to impurity scattering. This suggests chiral p-wave superconductors as promising candidates for the experimental observation of the Kramer-Pesch effect.PACS numbers: 74.25.Op, 74.20.Rp, 74.70.Pq  相似文献   

Bi-2223 tape was one of the high-temperature superconductors with commercial applications. One of the applications was bending and winding Bi-2223 tape into solenoids to produce high magnetic fields. To study bending properties, three multifilamentary of Bi-2223 tapes sheathed with silver alloys were manufactured. Bending experiments for the tapes were performed, and critical currents I c of tapes with definite bending radius were measured. And, current transferring mechanisms in filaments were analyzed, as well. Experimental results showed that silver alloy sheathed tapes had better bending properties than pure silver-sheathed one. On the contrary, to describe bending radius dependence of I c , a statistical model was suggested. The model expected that bending radius dependence of I c was following an exponential law that was quantitatively expressed by mathematic expressions. Bending dependence of I c could be calculated from the expression and calculated results agreed with experimental data very well. Therefore, the suggested model has successfully explained the experimental results.  相似文献   

The crystal lattice of a complex compound may contain a subsystem of ions with each one possessing two close equilibrium positions (double-well structure). For example, the oxygen ions in the cuprates form such a subsystem. In such a situation it is impossible to separate electronic and local vibrational motions. This leads to a large increase in the effective strength of the electron–lattice interaction, which is beneficial for pairing.  相似文献   

Samples with nominal compositions Y1-x DyxRh4B4 are prepared by argon-atmosphere arc melting. The phase composition of the samples and the elemental compositions of the individual phases present are determined by x-ray diffraction and electron-probe x-ray microanalysis. The results indicate that increasing the dysprosium content of the starting mixture increases the percentage of the magnetic phase and reduces that of the superconducting phase in the samples. The electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic moment of the samples are measured between 1.6 and 30 K (magnetic fields of up to 14 T). The magnetic phase present in the samples with 0.2 ≤ × ≤ is shown to undergo ferromagnetic ordering at T magn ≃ 13–13.5 K. The samples with 0 ≤ × ≤ 0.6 contain a superconducting phase with T c from 9.1 to 5.0 K. The superconducting and magnetic properties of the Y0.6Dy0.4Rh4B4 sample are examined in detail.__________Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 676–681.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Burkhanov, Lachenkov, Kuz’micheva, Kovneristyi, Khlybov, Kostyleva, Tomilin.  相似文献   

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