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Radiation force-based techniques have been developed by several groups for imaging the mechanical properties of tissue. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) imaging is one such method that uses commercially available scanners to generate localized radiation forces in tissue. The response of the tissue to the radiation force is determined using conventional B-mode imaging pulses to track micron-scale displacements in tissue. Current research in ARFI imaging is focused on producing real-time images of tissue displacements and related mechanical properties. Obstacles to producing a real-time ARFI imaging modality include data acquisition, processing power, data transfer rates, heating of the transducer, and patient safety concerns. We propose a parallel receive beamforming technique to reduce transducer heating and patient acoustic exposure, and to facilitate data acquisition for real-time ARFI imaging. Custom beam sequencing was used with a commercially available scanner to track tissue displacements with parallel-receive beamforming in tissue-mimicking phantoms. Using simulations, the effects of material properties on parallel tracking are observed. Transducer and tissue heating for parallel tracking are compared to standard ARFI beam sequencing. The effects of tracking beam position and size of the tracked region are also discussed in relation to the size and temporal response of the region of applied force, and the impact on ARFI image contrast and signal-to-noise ratio are quantified.  相似文献   

The real-time application of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging requires both short acquisition times for a single ARFI image and repeated acquisition of these frames. Due to the high energy of pulses required to generate appreciable radiation force, however, repeated acquisitions could result in substantial transducer face and tissue heating. We describe and evaluate several novel beam sequencing schemes which, along with parallel-receive acquisition, are designed to reduce acquisition time and heating. These techniques reduce the total number of radiation force impulses needed to generate an image and minimize the time between successive impulses. We present qualitative and quantitative analyses of the trade-offs in image quality resulting from the acquisition schemes. Results indicate that these techniques yield a significant improvement in frame rate with only moderate decreases in image quality. Tissue and transducer face heating resulting from these schemes is assessed through finite element method modeling and thermocouple measurements. Results indicate that heating issues can be mitigated by employing ARFI acquisition sequences that utilize the highest track-to-excitation ratio possible.  相似文献   

Acoustic radiation force is applied to bubbles generated by laser-induced optical breakdown (LIOB) to study viscoelastic properties of the surrounding medium. In this investigation, femtosecond laser pulses are focused in the volume of gelatin phantoms of different concentrations to form bubbles. A two-element confocal ultrasonic transducer generates acoustic radiation force on individual bubbles while monitoring their displacement within a viscoelastic medium. Tone burst pushes of varying duration have been applied by the outer element at 1.5 MHz. The inner element receives pulse-echo recordings at 7.44 MHz before, during, and after the excitation bursts, and crosscorrelation processing is performed offline to monitor bubble position. Maximum bubble displacements are inversely related to the Young's moduli for different gel phantoms, with a maximum bubble displacement of over 200 microm in a gel phantom with a Young's modulus of 1.7 kPa. Bubble displacements scale with the applied acoustic radiation force and displacements can be normalized to correct for differences in bubble size. Exponential time constants for bubble displacement curves are independent of bubble radius and follow a decreasing trend with the Young's modulus of the surrounding medium. These results demonstrate the potential for bubble-based acoustic radiation force methods to measure tissue viscoelastic properties.  相似文献   

研究目的是利用声辐射力脉冲弹性成像技术(Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse,ARFI)评估大鼠肝脏的脂肪变性程度。实验通过对大鼠喂养不同时间高脂食物从而诱导成肝脏脂肪变性不同阶段,进而利用ARFI技术离体测量大鼠肝脏的剪切波速度值(Shear Wave Velocity,SWV)。研究结果显示,对照组[(2.25±0.52)m/s)]与脂肪变性组[(2.83±0.37)m/s]之间存在着显著性差异(P0.05),而脂肪变性不同阶段之间差异却不明显。早期炎症等级与SWV值之间没有显著性相关。因此,ARFI弹性成像技术可以有效地区分大鼠肝脏正常组和脂肪变性组,但是对不同脂肪变性程度之间无法做出有效区分。同时,轻微的炎症活动并不影响ARFI测量。  相似文献   

Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging techniques were used to monitor radiofrequency (RF) ablation of ovine cardiac tissue in vivo. Additionally, ARFI M-mode imaging methods were used to interrogate both healthy and ablated regions of myocardial tissue. Although induced cardiac lesions were not visualized well in conventional B-mode images, ARFI images of ablation procedures allowed determination of lesion location, shape, and relative size through time. The ARFI M-mode images were capable of distinguishing differences in behavior through the cardiac cycle between healthy and damaged tissue regions. As conventional sonography is often used to guide ablation catheters, ARFI imaging, which requires no additional equipment, may be a convenient modality for monitoring lesion formation in vivo.  相似文献   

寿文德  贾龙洋  吉祥  胡兵 《声学技术》2019,38(6):629-631
超声换能器相控阵已用于聚焦超声治疗的研究和应用已有20多年历史,但其声功率P的测量仍缺乏方便有效简易的测量方法。文章旨在提出一种基于凸球面吸收靶的辐射力天平(Radiation Force Balance,RFB)方法,测量其声功率。理论推导了这种RFB在各种阵元组合下的比值r=P/cFc为水中声速,F为阵的声束轴方向的总辐射力)。论述了测量各种组合的发射声功率的实施方法和测量程序。为实际的测量系统设计和应用建立了良好的工作基础。  相似文献   

Several ultrasound-based techniques for the estimation of soft tissue elasticity are currently being investigated. Most of them study the medium response to dynamic excitations. Such responses are usually modeled in a purely elastic medium using a Green's function solution of the motion equation. However, elasticity by itself is not necessarily a discriminant parameter for malignancy diagnosis. Modeling viscous properties of tissues could also be of great interest for tumor characterization. We report in this paper an explicit derivation of the Green's function in a viscous and elastic medium taking into account shear, bulk, and coupling waves. From this theoretical calculation, 3D simulations of mechanical waves in viscoelastic soft tissues are presented. The relevance of the viscoelastic Green's function is validated by comparing simulations with experimental data. The experiments were conducted using the supersonic shear imaging (SSI) technique which dynamically and remotely excites tissues using acoustic radiation force. We show that transient shear waves generated with SSI are modeled very precisely by the Green's function formalism. The combined influences of out-of-plane diffraction, beam shape, and shear viscosity on the shape of transient waves are carefully studied as they represent a major issue in ultrasound-based viscoelasticity imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging characterizes the mechanical properties of tissue by measuring displacement resulting from applied ultrasonic radiation force. In this paper, we describe the current status of ARFI imaging for lower-limb vascular applications and present results from both tissue-mimicking phantoms and in vivo experiments. Initial experiments were performed on vascular phantoms constructed with polyvinyl alcohol for basic evaluation of the modality. Multilayer vessels and vessels with compliant occlusions of varying plaque load were evaluated with ARFI imaging techniques. Phantom layers and plaque are well resolved in the ARFI images, with higher contrast than B-mode, demonstrating the ability of ARFI imaging to identify regions of different mechanical properties. Healthy human subjects and those with diagnosed lower-limb peripheral arterial disease were imaged. Proximal and distal vascular walls are well visualized in ARFI images, with higher mean contrast than corresponding B-mode images. ARFI images reveal information not observed by conventional ultrasound and lend confidence to the feasibility of using ARFI imaging during lower-limb vascular workup.  相似文献   

A liquid lens is proposed that uses acoustic radiation force with no mechanical moving parts. It consists of a cylindrical acrylic cell filled with two immiscible liquids (degassed water and silicone oil) and a concave ultrasound transducer. The focal point of the transducer is located on the oil-water interface, which functions as a lens. The acoustic radiation force is generated when there is a difference in the acoustic energy densities of different media. An acoustic standing wave was generated in the axial direction of the lens and the variation of the shape of the oil-water interface was observed by optical coherence tomography (OCT). The lens profile can be rapidly changed by varying the acoustic radiation force from the transducer. The kinematic viscosity of silicone oil was optimized to minimize the response times of the lens. Response times of 40 and 80 ms when switching ultrasonic radiation on and off were obtained with a kinematic viscosity of 200 cSt. The path of a laser beam transmitted through the lens was calculated by ray-tracing simulations based on the experimental results obtained by OCT. The transmitted laser beam could be focused by applying an input voltage. The liquid lens could be operated as a variable-focus lens by varying the input voltage.  相似文献   

声学多普勒测速设备常采用复协方差算法测量多普勒频移,当回波信号出现限幅时会产生频移测量偏差,进而导致测速偏差。文章基于复协方差算法分析了回波信号限幅引起多普勒测速偏差问题的原因,得出限幅后频移测量偏差随真实频移变化而呈现正弦振荡变化的规律,分别使用窄带和宽带发射信号完成回波限幅仿真计算。基于声学多普勒测速仿真器和海上试验完成了对声学多普勒测速设备回波限幅数据的采集,仿真和试验数据结果与理论分析结果一致。  相似文献   

Acoustic radiation force imaging (ARFI) has been suggested as a tool for remote palpation. In this study an MR‐ARFI sequence, based on echo‐planar‐imaging, is introduced, for remote semi‐quantitative assessment of local tissue stiffness. The focal zone of a high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is positioned at the region of interest and a single HIFU burst is transmitted. The method then measures the entire time integral of the resulting displacement at the focal zone. Combining this measurement with the Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic tissue model, a local stiffness index is obtained. The method was implemented on gel phantoms, ex‐vivo bovine brain and chicken liver specimens. The results have demonstrated the ability to evaluate the relative local stiffness within 600 ms and to distinguish between different tissues on the basis of their stiffness index. The method may potentially be used for remote palpation of suspicious regions for diagnostic purposes, or for providing a mechanical feedback during therapeutic procedures, such as thermal ablation.  相似文献   

少测点条件下,利用声辐射模态理论重建声场时,测点布置方式是决定声场重建精度的一个关键因素。为求得最佳测点布置方式,提出了一种基于声辐射模态的最优测点选择方法,即基于声辐射模态矩阵的奇异值分解,采用循环迭代的方式,逐次去除对其最小奇异值最敏感的测点,从而得到了一组使重建方程条件数最小的测点。实验结果表明,利用文中提出的最优测点选择方法布置测点,能够对声场进行有效的重建,重建效果优于均匀布置方式,显著提高了声场重建精度。  相似文献   

For the first time a novel experimental technique has been used for direct evaluation of acoustic impedance of liquids. Till date researchers have been using ultrasonic velocity and density measurements to compute acoustic impedance and thermodynamic parameters, which are then used to investigate the nature of molecular interactions of solvent molecules in binary, ternary and quaternary liquid mixtures. Evaluation of acoustic impedance directly is a step in minimizing the cumbersome process of measuring velocities and densities separately of solutions having different mole fraction concentration. Acoustic impedances of ten pure polar and non polar solvents have been determined at different temperatures of 298K, 303K and 308K. This is further coupled with inline simultaneous determination of ultrasonic velocities of the solvents. In order to establish the new method, results have been discussed by comparing the calculated ultrasonic velocity from the experimental acoustic impedance, ultrasonic velocity determination by delay time of flight and the literature values of ultrasonic velocity of the pure solvents.  相似文献   

A novel method of physiological motion compensation for use with radiation force elasticity imaging has been developed. The method utilizes a priori information from finite element method models of the response of soft tissue to impulsive radiation force to isolate physiological motion artifacts from radiation force-induced displacement fields. The new algorithmis evaluated in a series of clinically realistic imaging scenarios, and its performance is compared to that achieved with previously described motion compensation algorithms. Though not without limitations, the new model-based motion compensation algorithm performs favorably in many circumstances and may be a logical choice for use with in vivo abdominal imaging.  相似文献   

徐佳新  马建敏 《声学技术》2018,37(4):398-404
利用角谱理论得到了圆形活塞换能器阵元组阵后作用在平面悬浮物体上的声辐射力分布公式。通过数值仿真,分析了换能器频率、阵元间距以及阵元数目对声辐射力分布的影响。计算结果表明,换能器组阵使得声辐射力分布的指向性变窄,强度增强;随着换能器频率的提高、阵元间距的增大以及阵元数目的增多,声辐射力分布的主瓣更尖锐,但阵元间距的增大会使声辐射力分布的旁瓣增高。为了改善声辐射力的空间分布,采用伪逆矩阵算法,以能量增益为目标函数,通过调节换能器阵元表面振动速度的幅值和相位来形成多焦点的声辐射力分布,为阵列换能器声辐射力分布的调控和声悬浮稳定性的研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

This paper reports some technological advances recently achieved in the fields of micro-CT and small animal PET instrumentation. It highlights a balance between image-quality improvement and dose reduction. Most of the recent accomplishments in these fields are due to the use of novel imaging sensors such as CMOS-based X-ray detectors and silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). Some of the research projects carried out at the University of Pisa for the development of such advanced radiation imaging technology are also described.  相似文献   

Expressions are derived for calculating the three-dimensional acoustic radiation force(ARF) on a multilayer microsphere positioned arbitrarily in a Gaussian beam. A theoretical model of a three-layer microsphere with a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus is established to study how particle geometry and position affect the three-dimensional ARF, and its results agree well with finite-elemen numerical results.The microsphere can be moved relative to the beam axis by changing its structure and p...  相似文献   

Several groups are studying acoustic radiation force and its ability to image the mechanical properties of tissue. Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is one modality using standard diagnostic ultrasound scanners to generate localized, impulsive, acoustic radiation forces in tissue. The dynamic response of tissue is measured via conventional ultrasonic speckle-tracking methods and provides information about the mechanical properties of tissue. A finite-element method (FEM) model has been developed that simulates the dynamic response of tissues, with and without spherical inclusions, to an impulsive acoustic radiation force excitation from a linear array transducer. These FEM models were validated with calibrated phantoms. Shear wave speed, and therefore elasticity, dictates tissue relaxation following ARFI excitation, but Poisson's ratio and density do not significantly alter tissue relaxation rates. Increased acoustic attenuation in tissue increases the relative amount of tissue displacement in the near field compared with the focal depth, but relaxation rates are not altered. Applications of this model include improving image quality, and distilling material and structural information from tissue's dynamic response to ARFI excitation. Future work on these models includes incorporation of viscous material properties and modeling the ultrasonic tracking of displaced scatterers.  相似文献   

In many medical ultrasound applications tissue-mimicking phantoms are of fundamental importance for the performance of controlled experiments. Traditionally, such phantoms have been constructed using gelatin and agar gels. Although the use of these materials has become standard, few alternative materials have not been fully explored. In this paper, we present a protocol developed in our laboratory that reliably produces very soft, acrylamide-based phantoms that can mimic both acoustical and mechanical characteristics of the vitreous body of the eye. Following the described protocol, a series of phantoms were constructed ranging in acrylamide concentration from 1.60% to 1.70%. Measurements across the series yielded attenuation coefficients of 0.067-0.140 dB/cm/MHz, depending on acrylamide concentration. Speed of sound ranged between 1499 and 1510 m/s, also depending on acrylamide concentration. Published values for the vitreous gel indicate an attenuation of 0.10 dB/cm/MHz and a speed of sound of 1510 m/s, making our phantoms an excellent analog of this tissue. One application of these acrylamide phantoms is to test the efficacy of the Kinetic Acoustic Vitreoretinal Examination (KAVE), a tool developed in our laboratory with the potential to aid in the diagnosis of vitreoretinal disorders. KAVE utilizes acoustic radiation force to generate small, localized displacements within the vitreous-mimicking gel. These localized displacements are quantified to yield maximum displacement, relative elasticity, and relative viscosity images. We present KAVE images of a set of four phantoms with different gel concentrations. Although B-mode and relative viscosity images exhibit no significant differences, maximum displacement, and relative elasticity images clearly differentiate gels of different concentrations. Maximum displacements ranged between 30 and 5 microns, depending on acrylamide concentration. The results presented in this paper show that soft gel phantoms can be produced in a range of elasticities not previously reported, and that these phantoms are useful for testing ultrasound instruments designed for evaluation of the vitreous gel. Furthermore, the use of acrylamide-based gels may also offer a valuable and attractive alternative for many other ultrasound applications.  相似文献   

The acoustic radiation force of Langevin type resulting from the interaction of a high-order Bessel beam with a rigid immovable sphere in an ideal fluid is theoretically investigated. The analysis is based on applying the generalized Rayleigh series used in the near-field acoustic scattering problem to calculate the force. With appropriate selection of specific Bessel beam parameters, results for the rigid sphere unexpectedly reveal a negative radiation force caused by the Lagrangean energy density. Specifically, the negative force on the rigid sphere arises when the kinematic energy density is larger than the potential energy density. This condition provides an impetus for further designing acoustic tweezers operating with high-order Bessel beams of progressive waves for potential applications in particle entrapment and manipulation.  相似文献   

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