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With simultaneous measurement of the temperature signal and the scintillation light of a CaWO4 absorber crystal, it is possible to reject the gamma and electron background in the Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers experiment. In order to understand the different events from various particles correctly a neutron calibration experiment and other tests are necessary. Using an existing accelerator facility these tests will be performed above ground. For such an experiment, a detector with good stability at high count rates is necessary. The detectors used in the Gran Sasso Laboratory are equipped with W-thermometers. They show long decay times and need active stabilisation and therefore are not well suitable for experiments with high count rates. We report on developments and first results on detectors based on Ir/Au-thermometers in electrothermal feedback mode.  相似文献   

The University of Miami has recently started developing and studying high-resolution microcalorimeters operating near 100 mK for X-ray and particle physics and astrophysics. These detectors will be based on Transition Edge Sensors technology fabricated using iridium thin films deposited via the Pulsed Laser Deposition technique. We report here the preliminary result of the room temperature characterization of the Ir thin films, and an overview of future plans to use the films as transition edge sensors.  相似文献   

Low frequency internal friction was measured on three specimens of Ti–Ni–Cu ternary alloys, the Cu content varying from 10 to 20 at.%, while Ti content was fixed at 50 at.%. The internal friction spectrum consists mainly of two peaks, a sharper one associated with the B2–B19 transformation and the other one at around 250 K, which is much broader and higher than the former. The peak height of the latter is 0.2 for the specimen containing 20% Cu, which shows that this alloy can be an excellent high damping material. Transformation behavior was studied by electrical resistivity, thermopower and DSC measurements, and was compared with the result of internal friction measurements. Solution treatment at higher temperatures lowers the internal friction peak markedly. Scanning electron microscopy observation reveals that the behaviors of precipitates are different for different solution treatment temperature, suggesting that the precipitation behavior is crucial in the damping properties.  相似文献   

Mechanical spectroscopy, neutron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were performed on commercial Fe–6 wt.% Si alloy after quenching from high temperature. The damping spectrum shows a peak at around 800 K and an associated modulus defect. The modulus shows an increase during the second and subsequent heating runs. In addition, an anomaly in the modulus behavior has been found at around 400 K. Different thermal treatments allows to obtain two different recovery degrees of the quenched-in defects. The influence of the recovery degree on the 800 K internal friction peak and on the anelastic modulus has been evaluated and confirm the validity of the grain boundary mechanism associated to this peak. Experimental results are discussed on the basis of recovery and ordering processes.  相似文献   

In the last 50 years several studies have been made to understand the relaxation mechanisms of the heavy interstitial atoms present in transition metals and their alloys. Internal friction measurements have been carried out in a Nb–Ti alloy containing 3.1 at.% of Ti produced by the Materials Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Lorena (Brazil), with several quantities of oxygen in solid solution using a torsion pendulum. These measurements have been performed by a torsion pendulum in the temperature range from 300 to 700 K with an oscillation frequency between 0.5 and 10 Hz. The experimental results show complex internal friction spectra that have been resolved, into a series of Debye peaks corresponding to different interactions. For each relaxation process it was possible to obtain the height and temperature of the peak, the activation energy and the relaxation time of the process.  相似文献   

Low-frequency internal friction and elastic modulus were studied for manganese-rich Mn–Cu alloys in the temperature range of martensitic transformation (20–300 °C). It is shown that the some special features of the transformation peak and its temperature are caused by the degree of the spinodal decomposition. The phenomenological model connecting an-elastic effects with the stages of evolution of the structure during martensitic transformation in manganese-rich Mn–Cu alloys (tweed structure–“parquet” structure–classical twinning martensite) is presented.  相似文献   

At high temperatures metallic materials behave in a viscous manner exemplified by strain rate dependence, stress relaxation and creep deformation. At low temperatures however, these effects are extremely small, and the behaviour is strain rate independent and shows no or very small relaxation effects. Finally there exists an intermediate region, in which the material behaviour is close to strain rate independent for high strain rates but at the same time shows time dependent inelastic effects, such as stress relaxation and creep. For IN792 this occurs at temperatures around 650 °C. The article describes the extension of a power-law viscoplastic model describing the behaviour of IN792 at 850 °C, also to describe the behaviour at 650 °C, by bounding the elastic–viscoplastic stress-space by a plastic yield surface. The model parameters have been estimated using data from creep test and tailored step relaxation tests, and the model fits well to both the step relaxation data aimed at resembling relevant component conditions and long term creep data.  相似文献   

Martensitic stabilization in copper‐based shape memory alloys can be suppressed by up‐quenching treatment through lowering vacancy concentration. Nevertheless, the up‐quenching time should be continuously extended to suppress martensitic stabilization as the recovery heating rate lowered. In terms of cost, it is not advisable to extend the up‐quenching time infinitely to suppress the heating rate‐dependent martensitic stabilization. In this paper, instead of eliminating vacancies through up‐quenching treatment, we focus on reducing vacancies from their origin, that is, the process of solution treatment. We investigate differences in the vacancy concentration and the resulting heating rate‐dependent martensitic stabilization in Cu–17.0Al–10.5Mn (at%) alloys subjected to solution treatment with and without constraint. The results show that the vacancy concentration in the unconstrained samples is remarkably lower than that in the constrained ones, leading to the suppression of heating rate‐dependent martensitic stabilization. We propose a novel constraint method during solution treatment avoiding shape change and suppressing martensitic stabilization simultaneously.

The effect of Mn addition on microstructure and mechanical properties during isochronal annealing in the temperature range of 20 °C–570 °C of the mould-cast and heat-treated Al–Sc–Zr alloys with a various content of Mn and Zr was studied. The electrical resistometry together with the microhardness (HV0.3) measurements were compared to microstructure development. The microstructure development was examined by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Relative resistivity changes and the microhardness of the mould-cast and heat-treated Al–Mn–Sc–Zr alloys exhibit similar dependence on annealing temperature. Precipitation of the Al3Sc particles is responsible for the peak microhardness in all these alloys. The microhardness decrease is slightly delayed during the isochronal annealing and during the high temperature heat treatment in the mould-cast alloy with the higher Zr-content due to a higher oversaturation of Zr. The decomposition sequence of the oversaturated solid solution of the studied Al–Mn–Sc–Zr alloys is compatible with the recently published decomposition sequence of the Al–Sc–Zr system and also with the formation of Mn,Fe-containing particles. It seems very probable that the addition of Mn does not influence the decomposition of solid solution of the ternary Al–Sc–Zr system.  相似文献   

Evolution of magneto-mechanical properties of 160 ppm Fe–C alloy due to carbides precipitation during isothermal annealing at 473 K (up to t=50×103 s) was studied by means of classical Barkhausen noise (HBN) and mechanical Barkhausen noise (MBN) effects. The MBN was measured for the torsion mode of load with a torque motor. Also the B(H) hysteresis loop and the coercive field Hc were evaluated using a low-frequency magnetisation set. Magnetic hysteresis losses ΔW1 were compared with the integral ΔW2 of HBN intensity over one period of magnetisation and the integral ΔW3 of MBN intensity over one period of the mechanical load. The internal stress distribution function and the resulting mean level of internal stress parameter σi were evaluated from the MBN ‘first load’ data. It was revealed that a correlated increase of ΔW1 and ΔW2 parameters exists. However, the relative increase of ΔW3 is much lower than the relative increase of ΔW1. The relationship between Hc and σi was found to be parabolic. This dependence explained by Néel’s model of the impact of the residual stress level on Hc. The presence of precipitates of type was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The internal friction (IF) behaviour of shape memory alloys (SMA) is characterised by an IF peak and a minimum of the elastic modulus during the martensitic transformation (MT), and a higher IF value in the martensitic state than in parent phase. The IF peak is considered to be built of three contributions, the most important of them being the so-called “transient” one, existing only at non-zero temperature rate. On the other hand, the ferromagnetic Ni–Mn–Ga system alloys undergoes a MT from the L21 ordered parent phase to martensite, the characteristics of the transformation depending largely on the e/a ratio of the alloys. Indeed, a variety of transformation sequences, including intermediate phases between parent and martensite and intermartensitic transformations, have been observed for a wide set of studied alloys. Furthermore, the IF and modulus behaviour during cooling and heating these alloys show specific characteristics, such as modulus anomalies, strong temperature dependence of the elastic modulus, temperature dependent internal friction in martensite, and, as a general trend, a low transient contribution to the IF. In the present work, the IF and modulus behaviour of several Ni–Mn–Ga alloys will be reviewed and compared to that observed for “classical” systems like Cu- or NiTi-based shape memory alloys.  相似文献   

A Ti–46.5 at.% Al–4 at.% (Cr, Nb, Ta, B) intermetallic alloy with different microstructures (fine-grained primary annealed (PA) and coarse-grained fully lamellar (FL)) was examined by internal friction experiments. The influence of microstructure on the internal friction properties was studied by high-temperature (300–1270 K) mechanical loss experiments using a low frequency subresonance apparatus (0.01–10 Hz). The mechanical loss spectra show two phenomena: (i) a loss peak of Debye type at about 1000 K (1 Hz) which occurs only in samples with fully lamellar microstructure. The activation enthalpy, determined from the frequency shift, is 3.0 eV. The peak is assigned to thermally activated reversible local movement of dislocations that are part of the mismatch structure of semicoherent lamellar interfaces. (ii) A high-temperature damping background above 1000 K which is controlled by an activation enthalpy of 3.8–3.9 eV. The activation enthalpy agrees well with that of creep and strain rate cycling tests (3.5–3.7 eV) and is in the range of values reported for self-diffusion indicating that both properties (high-temperature background (HTB) and creep) are controlled by volume diffusion assisted climb of dislocations.  相似文献   

The as-annealed and deformed Microstructure of transformable Fe–Mn alloys were, comprehensively, characterized over a wide range of length scales. Differential interference contrast optical metallography, combined with a tinting etching method, was employed to examine the grain morphology. A new specimen preparation method, involving electro-polishing and electro-etching, was developed for scanning electron microscopy and electron back-scattered diffraction analysis. This method leads to a very good imaging contrast and thus bridges the length scale gap between optical metallography and transmission electron microscopy. Moreover, it enables simultaneous scanning electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction analysis which allows correlations among morphology, crystal orientation and phase analysis in the length scale of microns. Transmission electron microscopy investigations were also made to evaluate the thermal and mechanical transformation products as well as defect structures.  相似文献   

The triboluminescent properties of zinc sulfide doped with manganese (ZnS:Mn) were studied using ballistic impacts of specially prepared rounds manufactured in two different calibers. The triboluminescent emission spectrum was then rerecorded as the rounds impacted the target. Results show a ~ 1 nm shift in the emission spectrum with increased impact energy.  相似文献   

The effect of grain refinement and oxide inclusion on the fluidity of Al alloy was investigated with a test casting with eight thin flow channels. Pouring in air increased the amount of oxide in the A356 melt. The fluidity compared between normal A356 melt and contaminated melt. The amount of oxide was evaluated qualitatively by ultrasonic treatment. The flow length varied linearly with the pouring temperature. By adding Ti and Al–5Ti–B, fluidity increased. The grain size decreased by adding grain refiner. The fluidity depended on the degree of grain refining. It was noticed that pouring in air increased the amount of oxides in the melt by ultrasonic treatment. The fluidity of contaminated melt was decreased comparing to the normal one especially in lower temperature.  相似文献   

The evolution with temperature of the elastic constants of the metastable β phase in a Cu-27.96 at.%Al-3.62 at.% Ni shape memory alloy (SMA) has been studied by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS). The corresponding elastic constants of this cubic phase have been measured near the martensitic transformation temperature in a single crystal. Above the martensitic transformation temperature, an anomalous behavior has been found in the C′elastic constant which shows a softening as the temperature decreases. The internal friction value Q−1 has been obtained in this temperature range from the RUS spectra. The mechanisms associated with the Q−1 increase must be related to {1 1 0} shear.  相似文献   

The early electromigration (EM) processes in the Al–Si(Cu) thin films several tens of nanometers thick deposited on Si reed substrates were investigated by means of the simultaneous anelasticity and electrical resistivity measurements below 360 K. The grain growth, the shortening of a and the probable lengthening of a take place during the EM tests at the current density of 108 A/m2, where a and a denote the atomic plane spacing normal to and the one parallel to the film surface, respectively. The activation energy, EGB, for the grain growth is found to be as low as 0.32 eV, possibly suggesting that EGB in very thin nanometer-thick films is much lower than that found in thin micrometer-thick films. The increase in the Young’s modulus of the Al–Si(Cu) thin films takes place during the EM tests, suggesting that the grain growth is responsible for it. The decrease in Q−1 observed at 330 and 360 K may be explained by a decrease in the grain boundary regions too. The increase in Q−1 found during the EM tests at 300 K is possibly associated with an increase in a certain anelastic process in the grain boundary regions.  相似文献   

We discuss the performance, of a normal metal hot electron bolometer (NHEB) that we have measured at 0.3 K. We found that the noise equivalent power was limited by the amplifier noise. To improve the NHEB power response and to make it more robust and reliable we propose to substitute the normal metal with heavily doped silicon. The heavily doped silicon behaves like a metal with lower carrier concentration and has a smaller electron–phonon thermal coupling. We have fabricated superconductor-doped silicon-superconductor contacts (S-Sm-S) and we have used them as thermometers and coolers.  相似文献   

A simplified approximation approach for the evaluation of a fracture mechanics based criterion for the edge delamination failure of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with externally bonded composite materials is presented. The proposed approach is based on evaluation of the energy release rate (ERR) through the virtual crack extension method using various analytical and numerical stress analysis models. The investigated models include the high-order model, two types of “elastic foundation” or “springs” models, a simplified beam model, and finite elements analysis. The stress and displacement fields, the governing equations and their closed form solutions, and the expressions for the release rate of the total potential energy of the various models are presented. The proposed approach sets up the basis for an energetic failure criterion, in which the ERR is compared to the specific fracture energy of the bonded system. This criterion replaces the traditional allowable stress approach in describing the initiation and stable or unstable growth of the delamination crack. The capabilities of the proposed approach and its ability to evaluate the ERR through simplified and approximated models is investigated numerically. The accuracy of the simplified approach is numerically examined through comparison with the J-integral formulation. Numerical results in terms of stresses near the edge of the bonded strip, the ERR associated with initiation and growth of the interfacial crack, and the critical loads and crack lengths are presented. The paper closes with a summary and conclusions.  相似文献   

Photorefractive gratings have been obtained with 632.8 nm writing beams in organic–inorganic SiO2-based films. The hybrid glass is prepared by a sol–gel technique, starting from organic Si precursors, and contains Disperse Red 1 (DR1), carbazole units and 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone (TNF). The photorefractive gain, which has been found unexpectedly even without poling field, has been determined through an asymmetric energy exchange by two-beam coupling measurements. The effects of the polarization of the writing beams and of a circularly polarized photoisomerizing radiation during the erasure of the grating have been interpreted in terms of an orientational contribution to the grating formation.  相似文献   

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