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The technique of atom probe tomography (APT) is reviewed with an emphasis on illustrating what is possible with the technique both now and in the future. APT delivers the highest spatial resolution (sub-0.3-nm) three-dimensional compositional information of any microscopy technique. Recently, APT has changed dramatically with new hardware configurations that greatly simplify the technique and improve the rate of data acquisition. In addition, new methods have been developed to fabricate suitable specimens from new classes of materials. Applications of APT have expanded from structural metals and alloys to thin multilayer films on planar substrates, dielectric films, semiconducting structures and devices, and ceramic materials. This trend toward a broader range of materials and applications is likely to continue.  相似文献   

We review the current status of single-photon-source and single-photon-detector technologies operating at wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the infrared. We discuss applications of these technologies to quantum communication, a field currently driving much of the development of single-photon sources and detectors.  相似文献   

The laser vaporization cluster source has been used for the production of gas phase atomic clusters and metal-molecular complexes for 30 years. Numerous experiments in the chemistry and physics of clusters have employed this source. Its operation is simple in principle, but there are many subtle design features that influence the number and size of clusters produced, as well as their composition, charge state, and temperature. This article examines all aspects of the design of these cluster sources, discussing the relevant chemistry, physics, and mechanical aspects of experimental configurations employed by different labs. The principles detailed here provide a framework for the design and implementation of this source for new applications.  相似文献   

This is a comprehensive review of the combination of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) with various optical spectroscopies, with a particular focus on Raman spectroscopy. Efforts to combine SPM with optical spectroscopy will be described, and the technical difficulties encountered will be examined. These efforts have so far focused mainly on the development of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, a powerful technique to detect and image chemical signatures with single molecule sensitivity, which will be reviewed. Beyond tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and/or topography measurements, combinations of SPM with optical spectroscopy have a great potential in the characterization of structure and quantitative measurements of physical properties, such as mechanical, optical, or electrical properties, in delicate biological samples and nanomaterials. The different approaches to improve the spatial resolution, the chemical sensitivity, and the accuracy of physical properties measurements will be discussed. Applications of such combinations for the characterization of structure, defects, and physical properties in biology and materials science will be reviewed. Due to the versatility of SPM probes for the manipulation and characterization of small and/or delicate samples, this review will mainly focus on the apertureless techniques based on SPM probes.  相似文献   

Phase retrieval techniques are widely used in optics, imaging and electronics. Originating in signal theory, they were introduced to interferometry around 1970. Over the years, many robust phase-stepping techniques have been developed that minimize specific experimental influence quantities such as phase step errors or higher harmonic components of the signal. However, optimizing a technique for a specific influence quantity can compromise its performance with regard to others. We present a consistent quantitative analysis of phase measurement uncertainty for the generalized linear phase stepping algorithm with nominally equal phase stepping angles thereby reviewing and generalizing several results that have been reported in literature. All influence quantities are treated on equal footing, and correlations between them are described in a consistent way. For the special case of classical N-bucket algorithms, we present analytical formulae that describe the combined variance as a function of the phase angle values. For the general Arctan algorithms, we derive expressions for the measurement uncertainty averaged over the full 2π-range of phase angles. We also give an upper bound for the measurement uncertainty which can be expressed as being proportional to an algorithm specific factor. Tabular compilations help the reader to quickly assess the uncertainties that are involved with his or her technique.  相似文献   

We describe the design, development and performance of a scanning probe microscopy (SPM) facility operating at a base temperature of 10 mK in magnetic fields up to 15 T. The microscope is cooled by a custom designed, fully ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible dilution refrigerator (DR) and is capable of in situ tip and sample exchange. Subpicometer stability at the tip-sample junction is achieved through three independent vibration isolation stages and careful design of the dilution refrigerator. The system can be connected to, or disconnected from, a network of interconnected auxiliary UHV chambers, which include growth chambers for metal and semiconductor samples, a field-ion microscope for tip characterization, and a fully independent additional quick access low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) system. To characterize the system, we present the cooling performance of the DR, vibrational, tunneling current, and tip-sample displacement noise measurements. In addition, we show the spectral resolution capabilities with tunneling spectroscopy results obtained on an epitaxial graphene sample resolving the quantum Landau levels in a magnetic field, including the sublevels corresponding to the lifting of the electron spin and valley degeneracies.  相似文献   

The design and operation of a new generation of digital imaging riometer systems developed by Lancaster University are presented. In the heart of the digital imaging riometer is a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), which is used for the digital signal processing and digital beam forming, completely replacing the analog Butler matrices which have been used in previous designs. The reconfigurable nature of the FPGA has been exploited to produce tools for remote system testing and diagnosis which have proven extremely useful for operation in remote locations such as the Arctic and Antarctic. Different FPGA programs enable different instrument configurations, including a 4 × 4 antenna filled array (producing 4 × 4 beams), an 8 × 8 antenna filled array (producing 7 × 7 beams), and a Mills cross system utilizing 63 antennas producing 556 usable beams. The concept of using a Mills cross antenna array for riometry has been successfully demonstrated for the first time. The digital beam forming has been validated by comparing the received signal power from cosmic radio sources with results predicted from the theoretical beam radiation pattern. The performances of four digital imaging riometer systems are compared against each other and a traditional imaging riometer utilizing analog Butler matrices. The comparison shows that digital imaging riometer systems, with independent receivers for each antenna, can obtain much better measurement precision for filled arrays or much higher spatial resolution for the Mills cross configuration when compared to existing imaging riometer systems.  相似文献   

Cantilevers with single micro- or nanoparticle probes have been widely used for atomic force microscopy surface force measurements and apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy applications. In this article, I critically review the particle attachment and modification techniques currently available, to help researchers choose the appropriate techniques for specific applications.  相似文献   

I will show how the statistical models that are used to describe the performance of atomic clocks are derived from their internal design. These statistical models form the basis for time scales, which are used to define international time scales such as International Atomic Time and Coordinated Universal Time. These international time scales are realized by ensembles of clocks at national laboratories such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and I will describe how ensembles of atomic clocks are characterized and managed.  相似文献   

We describe the design, construction, and performance of three generations of superconducting Ioffe magnetic traps. The first two are low current traps, built from four racetrack shaped quadrupole coils and two solenoid assemblies. Coils are wet wound with multifilament NbTi superconducting wires embedded in epoxy matrices. The magnet bore diameters are 51 and 105 mm with identical trap depths of 1.0 T at their operating currents and at 4.2 K. A third trap uses a high current accelerator-type quadrupole magnet and two low current solenoids. This trap has a bore diameter of 140 mm and tested trap depth of 2.8 T. Both low current traps show signs of excessive training. The high current hybrid trap, on the other hand, exhibits good training behavior and is amenable to quench protection.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric tube scanners have emerged as the most widely used nanopositioning technology in modern scanning probe microscopes. Despite their impressive properties, their fast and accurate operations are hindered due to complications such as scan induced mechanical vibrations, hysteresis nonlinearity, creep, and thermal drift. This paper presents an overview of emerging innovative solutions inspired from recent advances in fields such as smart structures, feedback control, and advanced estimation aimed at maximizing positioning precision and bandwidth of piezoelectric tube scanners. The paper presents a thorough survey of the related literature and contains suggestions for future research prospects.  相似文献   

针对汉语和英语表达方式的差别、文化差异和思维方式的差别,分析在科技文章汉译英中出现错误的影响因素。从表达方式、词义选择和语句结构等方面举例分析和说明了科技文章汉译英中出现的一些错误及纠正方法。旨在提高科技文章翻译水平。  相似文献   

Invited article: Electric solar wind sail: toward test missions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a space propulsion concept that uses the natural solar wind dynamic pressure for producing spacecraft thrust. In its baseline form, the E-sail consists of a number of long, thin, conducting, and centrifugally stretched tethers, which are kept in a high positive potential by an onboard electron gun. The concept gains its efficiency from the fact that the effective sail area, i.e., the potential structure of the tethers, can be millions of times larger than the physical area of the thin tethers wires, which offsets the fact that the dynamic pressure of the solar wind is very weak. Indeed, according to the most recent published estimates, an E-sail of 1 N thrust and 100 kg mass could be built in the rather near future, providing a revolutionary level of propulsive performance (specific acceleration) for travel in the solar system. Here we give a review of the ongoing technical development work of the E-sail, covering tether construction, overall mechanical design alternatives, guidance and navigation strategies, and dynamical and orbital simulations.  相似文献   

The study of thermophysical properties is of great importance in several scientific fields. Among them, the heat capacity, for example, is related to the microscopic structure of condensed matter and plays an important role in monitoring the changes in the energy content of a system. Calorimetric techniques are thus of fundamental importance for characterizing physical systems, particularly in the vicinity of phase transitions where energy fluctuations can play an important role. In this work, the ability of the Photopyroelctric calorimetry to study the versus temperature behaviour of the specific heat and of the other thermal parameters in the vicinity of phase transitions is outlined. The working principle, the theoretical basis, the experimental configurations, and the advantages of this technique, with respect to the more conventional ones, have been described and discussed in detail. The integrations in the calorimetric setup giving the possibility to perform, simultaneously with the calorimetric studies, complementary kind of characterizations of optical, structural, and electrical properties are also described. A review of the results obtained with this technique, in all its possible configurations, for the high temperature resolution studies of the thermal parameters over several kinds of phase transitions occurring in different systems is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic (PA) infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of a wide variety of materials, affording the spectroscopist several advantages over more traditional infrared methods. While PA spectra are readily acquired using commercial instrumentation, the quality of the data can be improved substantially through the use of specialized numerical and experimental procedures. Two of these methods are the subject of this review. Specifically, this article describes (a) linearization of PA infrared spectra, a calculation that incorporates phase and amplitude information to extend the range of linearity for strongly absorbing samples, and (b) lock-in and digital signal-recovery procedures in step-scan phase-modulation PA infrared spectroscopy. Linearization yields significant improvement in band definition, especially in the low-wavenumber region. This numerical method succeeds in situations where the PA phase of the sample is less than that of the reference (carbon black). When this criterion is not met initially, the sample or reference interferograms can be manipulated prior to the calculation. The steps involved in linearization are illustrated in detail and approximations are discussed. Lock-in demodulation of the step-scan phase-modulation signal is compared to digital (software) demodulation in this study; the lock-in technique is found to be superior in several cases. The imaginary interferograms in these experiments sometimes lack a strong central feature, a situation that necessitates the application of less commonly used methods for phase correction and spectrum calculation. These methods, which are available in commercial software, include two-quadrant and stored-phase corrections. The PA phase spectrum resembles amplitude and absorption spectra when real and imaginary PA spectra are correctly calculated.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical aspects of obtaining the magnetic information carried by laser beams diffracted from an array of micro- or nanosized magnetic objects are reviewed. We report on the fundamentals of vector magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE), Bragg-MOKE, and second-order effects in the Kerr signal in longitudinal Kerr geometry as well as on an experimental setup used for vector and Bragg-MOKE experiments. The vector and Bragg-MOKE technique in combination with micromagnetic simulation is a reliable tool for measuring the complete magnetization vector and for characterizing the reversal mechanism of lateral magnetic nanostructures. We discuss the Bragg-MOKE effect for three standard domain configurations during the magnetization reversal process and present the expected behavior of the magnetic hysteresis loops.  相似文献   

Iterative projection algorithms are successfully being used as a substitute of lenses to recombine, numerically rather than optically, light scattered by illuminated objects. Images obtained computationally allow aberration-free diffraction-limited imaging and the possibility of using radiation for which no lenses exist. The challenge of this imaging technique is transferred from the lenses to the algorithms. We evaluate these new computational "instruments" developed for the phase-retrieval problem, and discuss acceleration strategies.  相似文献   

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