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This letter investigates a delay optimization problem in device-to-device(D2D)networks where users have pre-downloaded subfiles following a coded caching rule.Due to acquiring rest subfiles,users may suffer both receiving and transmitting delays.To achieve the delay minimization,we first propose a delay-aware mode-selection strategy to adaptively choose multicast or D2D communications mode to reduce the receiving-caused delay.By matching these transmit modes with distinct subfile sizes,we further formulate a min-max optimization problem to minimize the delivery delay.Finally,numerical results prove that the proposed scheme outperforms existing ones in terms of both receiving and transmitting delays.  相似文献   

With increasing the demand for transmitting secure information in wireless networks, deviceto-device(D2D) communication has great potential to improve system performance. As a well-known security risk is eavesdropping in D2D communication, ensuring information security is quite challenging. In this paper, we first obtain the closed-forms of the secrecy outage probability(SOP) and the secrecy ergodic capacity(SEC) for direct and decodeand-forward(DF) relay modes. Numerical results are presented t...  相似文献   

无线移动用户和数据的爆炸性增长给蜂窝网络系统容量带来了巨大挑战。终端直通(Device-to-Device,D2 D)通信技术通过提高空间利用率从而提高频谱利用率,在某些场景下使移动通信变得更加直接和高效,缓解基站压力,提高用户体验。首先给出了D2D通信系统的基本概念、组成和特点,并与传统的终端直通技术进行对比。接着综述了D2D通信中的关键技术包括邻居/服务发现、模式选择、资源分配和干扰控制等。重点从安全数据传输协议、用户身份认证和物理层安全三个方面提出了D2D系统中安全机制。最后,对D2D通信技术的发展进行展望,指出未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

高速缓冲存储gCache技术是现代处理器设计中的核心技术,文中详细讨论了Cache如何应用在POWERPC计算机板中。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In the formulating of power control for wireless networks, the radio channel is commonly formulated using static models of optimization or game theory. In these...  相似文献   

Most of implementations of the cryptana- lyric time-memory trade-off attacks such as Hellman's orig- inal method, Rivest's distinguished points cracking and Oechslin's rainbow attack are also considered as an ex- haustive attack to passwords in a limited length range on a certain charset. However's the distributions of structures and strings making up real human memorable passwords do not appear random. Based upon these, we propose a method to generate passwords in those cryptanalytic time- memory trade-off methods. It achieves a higher hit ra- tio in attacking actual passwords and reduces search space drastically with requirement of only a little extra memory. It makes time-memory trade-off more practical. Even to attack long length passwords, the results of experiments show that our approach has a higher hit ratio compared with Oechslin's method. In addition, this method can be used in the distributed and parallel attack.  相似文献   

Device-to-Device (D2D) communications have drawn considerable attention with the obvious advantages of a higher data rate and spectrum efficiency. However, this also brings intra-cell interference due to resource sharing with traditional Cellular users (CUs). An effective resource allocation scheme for D2D communications to maximize the system throughput is developed. This scheme first utilizes the guard area model to restrict the interference between D2D users (DUs) and CUs. Then, a max-flow algorithm is used to match the pair of CUs and DUs and maximize the total sum rate of the communication system. Numeral results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can yield significant throughput gain while maintaining quality for both CUs and DUs.  相似文献   

N.  D.  Y.   《Ad hoc Networks》2010,8(2):214-240
The production of cheap CMOS cameras, which are able to capture rich multimedia content, combined with the creation of low-power circuits, gave birth to what is called Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). WMSNs introduce several new research challenges, mainly related to mechanisms to deliver application-level Quality-of-Service (e.g., latency minimization). Such issues have almost completely been ignored in traditional WSNs, where the research focused on energy consumption minimization. Towards achieving this goal, the technique of cooperative caching multimedia content in sensor nodes can efficiently address the resource constraints, the variable channel capacity and the in-network processing challenges associated with WMSNs. The technological advances in gigabyte-storage flash memories make sensor caching to be the ideal solution for latency minimization. Though, with caching comes the issue of maintaining the freshness of cached contents. This article proposes a new cache consistency and replacement policy, called NICC, to address the cache consistency issues in a WMSN. The proposed policies recognize and exploit the mediator nodes that relay on the most “central” points in the sensor network so that they can forward messages with small latency. With the utilization of mediator nodes that lie between the source node and cache nodes, both push-based and pull-based strategies can be applied in order to minimize the query latency and the communication overhead. Simulation results attest that NICC outperforms the state-of-the-art cache consistency policy for MANETs.  相似文献   

引入D2D通信的蜂窝网上行资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了引入Device-to-Device (D2D)通信的蜂窝网系统中的上行资源分配问题。首先将该问题建模为一个简洁的二值整数规划问题。然而整数规划仍是NP难问题。该文利用Canonical对偶理论,得到其对偶形式。该对偶问题是一个连续域内的凸问题。证明了在特定的条件下,可以通过求解对偶问题得到原问题的最优解,且对偶间隙为零。提出了一个基于Barrier方法的算法来求解对偶问题。仿真结果表明,该文的算法优于现有算法,且性能接近最优。  相似文献   

与面向源节点的路由算法不同,Core Based多播路由算法在网络中为一个多播组上 的多个多播连接只建立一棵共享树,从而实现了提高了网络资源利用率的目的。本文针对 Core Based多播路由中 core节点的定位问题,提出了一个同时最小化多播时延及目标节点间时延抖动的 core节点定位算法 QOCP。由仿真结果可知,这里提出的方法在优化服务质量性能指标方面明显优 于文中涉及的其他算法。  相似文献   

朱轶  糜正琨  王文鼐 《通信学报》2015,36(12):139-150
缓存隐私泄露是内容中心网络中的重要安全威胁之一,攻击者通过探测缓存可以获取合法用户的隐私信息。针对该安全问题,在隐私与非隐私内容区分的基础上,提出一种基于最近访问信息与回退机制的缓存隐私保护策略(CPPS-RVI&ECP),并与现有典型防御策略-随机k延迟(RFKD)对比,围绕隐私泄露率与网络命中率开展理论性能分析。该策略通过设置隐私标识,实现最近访问者的识别;通过随机缓存位置存入以及移出回退机制,降低了隐私泄露概率,且提升了网络性能。设定实验条件进行数值分析,结果表明,虽然RFKD有理想的隐私保护能力,但是它是以完全牺牲缓存的内容分发能力为代价的,而CPPS-RVI&ECP则通过合理设置回退概率,可以在保持较低隐私泄露率的同时,获得较高的网络命中率。  相似文献   

Network protocols in cellular wireless data networks must update routes as a mobile host moves between cells. These routing updates combined with some associated state changes are called handoffs. Most current handoff schemes in wireless networks result in data loss or large variations in packet delivery times. Unfortunately, many applications, such as real-time multimedia applications and reliable transport protocols, adapt to long term estimates of end-to-end delay and loss. Violations and rapid fluctuations of these estimates caused by handoff processing often result in degraded performance. For example, loss during handoff adversely affects TCP performance [4], and high packet loss and variable delays result in poor real-time multimedia performance. In this paper, we describe a multicast-based protocol that eliminates data loss and incurs negligible delays during a handoff. The basic technique of the algorithm is to anticipate a handoff using wireless network information in the form of received signal strengths and to multicast data destined for the mobile host to nearby base stations in advance. This routing, combined with intelligent buffering techniques at the base stations, enables very rapid routing updates and eliminates data loss without the use of explicit data forwarding. We have implemented this protocol using IP Multicast and Mobile IP-like routing. In our implementation, handoffs typically take between 8 and 15 ms to complete and result in no data loss.  相似文献   

提高蜂窝网络中数据分发效率的D2D协作转发算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Device-to-Device(D2D)通信是一种移动终端在蜂窝通信系统的控制下使用授权频段进行点到点通信的新型技术。通过允许接收终端间的数据转发,D2D通信可以用来提高蜂窝网络中的数据分发效率。现有的终端间转发算法,没有充分考虑D2D链路的差异,很难实现频谱资源的高效利用。为此,该文提出了一种基于多跳中继的D2D协作转发算法,包括多播和单播两个模式。该算法根据D2D链路质量自适应地选择最优的中继、路由及传输跳数,能够充分利用D2D链路的多信道分集增益。仿真结果表明,该文所提出的算法能够显著地提高D2D转发的资源利用率,进而提升数据分发业务的吞吐量。  相似文献   

陈昊宇  胡宏林 《电讯技术》2023,63(12):1902-1910
作为5G中的一种重要模型,雾无线接入网络(Fog Radio Access Network, F-RAN)通过设备到设备通信和无线中继等技术获得了显著的性能增益,而边缘设备中合适的缓存则可以让内容缓存用户(Caching Users, CUs)向内容请求用户(Requesting Users, RUs)直接发送缓存内容,有效减小前传链路的负担和下载延迟。考虑一个F-RAN模型下用户发出请求并获得交付的场景,将每个CU的内容请求队列建模为独立的M/D/1模型,分析导出CUs缓存命中率和平均下载延迟关于内容缓存与交付方案的表达式,证明CUs缓存命中率与内容统计分布之间的联系有助于实现前者的近似最优解。针对在一段时间内的期望视角下建立的优化问题,提出了基于统计分布的算法并注意了执行时的交付控制。仿真结果表明,相较于现有缓存策略,优化内容整体统计分布的方案能够最大化CUs缓存命中率,同时减小平均下载延迟。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a clustered multihop cellular network (cMCN) architecture and study its performance using fixed channel assignment (FCA) scheme for uplink transmission. The proposed cMCN using FCA can be applied with some reuse factors. An analytical model based on Markov chain is developed to analyze its performance and validated through computer simulation. And then, we implement direct peer-to-peer communication (DC) in cMCN by considering more reasonable conditions in practice. DC means that two calls communicate directly instead of going through base stations. The results show that cMCN with FCA can reduce the call blocking probability significantly as compared with the traditional single-hop cellular networks with FCA and can be further reduced by using DC.  相似文献   

提出了一种分析光波长路由网络中零差串扰信号影响的改进算法。将已有的高斯和Gram-Char-lier级数近似这种零差串扰拍噪声方法所得到的数据结果与改进算法的数值结果相比较,证明改进的算法是正确的。通过进一步计算分析,获得在单个零差串扰信号情况下,信号消光比的变化对系统零差串扰水平要求的影响呈非线性关系的结论。  相似文献   

It has been proposed to deploy relay nodes for the sake of prolonging Wireless sensor networks (WSN) lifetime, such that sensors transmit the sensed data to them which in turn delivers the data to base stations. For survivability requirements, relay placements which considers fault tolerant ability have been noticed and studied. While related works are limited or most existing works don't take factors such as fault tolerance, or base stations into account comprehensively in two tired WSN. We focus on fault tolerant relay node placement in two-tiered het- erogeneous WSN with base stations. As far as we know, fault tolerance contains two fundamental aspects, for one is multi-coverage and the second is multi-path. It is a NP- hard problem and figure out an approximation, whose approximation ratio is enhanced to be (18+ε). While a sub-problem approximation is also described as supplementary. Experimental results verify that the number of relay nodes deployed by our algorithm is somewhat superior to existed relay node placement solutions.  相似文献   

高效、公平的MAC协议是目前无线多跳Ad hoc网络研究的关键问题之一。该文在给出一种新的无线多跳Ad hoc网络的网络模型前提下,定义了MAC协议公平性、网络容量利用率两个性能参数。给出了一种能在竞争节点间公平共享无线信道并充分利用网络容量的MAC协议(FMAC),仿真比较了FMAC和IEEE 802.11 DCF的公平性和网络容量利用率。结果表明FMAC能在充分利用网络容量的前提下,实现无线信道在竞争节点间的公平共享。  相似文献   

In cellular mobile radio systems, interference is a limiting factor with respect to both system performance and system capacity. Therefore, profound knowledge of the statistics of the carrier-to-interference ratio C/I, given by the received carrier power C and the sum I of received powers associated with various interferers, is essential. In this communication, a general approach allowing the calculation of C/I for both the up- and the downlink of any interference limited mobile radio system is presented. Power control algorithms are explicitly considered. The general approach is used to provide insight into the statistics of C/I of C/TDMA systems applying multi-user detection, which are promising candidates for third generation mobile radio systems. For these C/TDMA systems applying multi-user detection, a representative selection of results is collected from the general approach and presented in this communication. Furthermore, results concerning the composition of the intercell interference are given. These results are of particular interest when plumbing potential benefits of worthwhile future enhanced multi-user detection schemes which explicitly incorporate a given number of intercell interferers.  相似文献   

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