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At the end of the last century, Cantor generalized the notion of natural integer by considering the order structure of integers. According to the idea of counting more and more, he introduced transfinite numbers over natural numbers. Thus an ordinal may be simply defined as a natural number or a transfinite number, and ordinal arithmetic extends usual one. The ordinals up to 0 can be described in an intuitive way (with 0, 1, and the sum, product and exponentiation operations). In contrast, it cannot be done for ordinals beyond 0. In order to describe greater ordinals, Veblen introduced a normal functions hierarchy (i.e. strictly increasing and continuous) from ordinals into ordinals. This construction allows us to describe ordinals until 0, using ordinals preceding 0. Therefore, 0 and 0 have a similar role if Veblen functions are used for 0 in addition to the previous operations. 相似文献
Based on the stochastic differential equation of quantum mechanical feedback obtained in the first part of this paper, detailed control concepts and applications are discussed for quantum systems interacting with a noncommutative noise source. A feedback system in our framework is purely nonclassical in the sense that feedback control is performed via local operation and quantum communication through a quantum channel. The role of the controller is to alter the quantum dynamic characteristics of the plant through entanglement, shared between the plant and controller by sending quantum states, that is modulated by the Hamiltonian on the controller. The input-output relation of quantum systems provides a natural extension of control theory to the quantum domain. This enables one to present a control theoretical interpretation of some fundamental quantum mechanical notions such as the uncertainty principle, but also to find applications of ideas and tools of control theory. One of the most important applications is the production of squeezed states, which has been an important issue of quantum theory in relation to quantum computation and quantum communication. The method proposed here reduces the application to a conventional noise reduction problem with feedback. The H/sub /spl infin// control then leads to complete squeezing. 相似文献
We use the innovations method to solve some linear estimation problems for stochastic processes described as the solution of high-order linear difference equations driven by colored noise. Such models are often called vector or multivariable auto-regressive-moving average (ARMA) models. We illustrate how the use of ARMA models can provide some simplifications and some new results in the problem of state estimation in colored noise. 相似文献
Matrix interpolation theory has provided a very useful and elegant mathematical tool to analyse the problems which could be translated into some matrix equations. It could also be applied to justify some convenient known results frequently used in many instances. In this paper, a brief review of this theory and some of its applications in control engineering are presented. Solutions of some matrix equations, Pole Placement Problems (PPP) for Multi-Input MultiOutput (MIMO) plants and Model Matching Problem (MMP) are outlined and the results are summarized in step by step algorithms. A new method profiting matrix interpolation is introduced for achieving Diagonal Dominance (DD) or almost decoupling of MIMO control plants. In the presented method we use matrix interpolation to reduce the computation order and to build confidence into some known simulation results obtained from similar methods. It is shown that this method provides considerable advantages compared with other existing methods from the point of computational order, uniqueness of solution and its clarity. Finally, a physical plant is controlled by direct Nyquist procedure using the presented method for achieving DD. Having less complexity than other references, the designed controller strongly satisfies the desired performances. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a generalized approach to retrieve a long-duration movie requested using a network-based video-on-demand service infrastructure employing multiple servers. We design and analyze a play-while-retrieve (PWR) playback strategy for this multiserver environment such that the access time (waiting time for the clients) is minimized. For this strategy, we use both the single-installment and multi-installment retrieval strategies to analyze the performance of the service system. For the above-mentioned retrieval strategies, we explicitly derive closed-form expressions for a minimum access time. For the case of multi-installment retrieval strategy, we conduct asymptotic performance analysis that quantifies the ultimate performance bounds of our strategy. We demonstrate analytically the impact of a large-scale network, as well as the impact of indefinitely increasing the number of installments, on the performance of such a multiserver service system. We then address the problem of buffer management at the client site, which is a closely related issue that has a significant influence on the performance of the strategy, and also serves as a key issue in making the service system attractive for clients. We derive relationships that quantify the minimum amount of buffer expected at the client site to have a smooth presentation with this multiserver service structure. Finally, we perform simulation experiments to verify all our theoretical findings. In the experiments, we compare the performance of PWR strategy with that of play-after-retrieve strategy, and discuss certain important points that are crucial for implementing a real-life working multiserver service system. 相似文献
Navigability in use, defined as the efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction with which a user navigates through the system in order to fulfil her goals under specific conditions, has a definite impact on the overall success of Web applications. This quality attribute can be measured based on the navigational model (NM) provided by Web engineering (WE) methodologies. Most of the measures currently defined for NMs are tightly coupled with particular WE methodologies, however. Furthermore, modifications to the design of the NM, carried out with the aim of improving navigability, are performed manually. Both practices have seriously hampered the reusability and adoption of proposed navigability measures and improvement techniques. In this paper, we present a Model-Driven Engineering approach to solving these problems. On the one hand, we propose a generic approach for the definition of navigability measurement models that can be integrated into any WE methodology. On the other hand, we present a model-driven improvement process for the NM design that incurs no increase in costs or in time-to-market of Web applications. This process is divided into two phases: evaluation (i.e. assessment of the model through objective measures) and evolution (i.e. transformation of the model when the measurement results do not fall inside the boundaries set by certain quality decision criteria that have been defined previously). 相似文献
The scalability feature of cloud computing attracts application service providers (ASPs) to use cloud application hosting. In cloud environments, resources can be dynamically provisioned on demand for ASPs. Autonomic resource provisioning for the purpose of preventing resources over-provisioning or under-provisioning is a widely investigated topic in cloud environments. There has been proposed a lot of resource-aware and/or service-level agreement (SLA)-aware solutions to handle this problem. However, intelligence solutions such as exploring the hidden knowledge on the Web users’ behavior are more effective in cost efficiency. Most importantly, with considering cloud service diversity, solutions should be flexible and customizable to fulfill ASPs’ requirements. Therefore, lack of a flexible resource provisioning mechanism is strongly felt. In this paper, we proposed an autonomic resource provisioning mechanism with resource-aware, SLA-aware, and user behavior-aware features, which is called three-dimensional mechanism. The proposed mechanism used radial basis function neural network in order to provide providence and flexibility features. The experimental results showed that the proposed mechanism reduces the cost while guarantees the quality of service. 相似文献
Abstract This paper presents a logic programming language of novel conception, called Reflective Prolog, which allows declarative metaknowledge representation and metareasoning. The language is defined by augmenting pure Prolog (Horn clauses) with capabilities of self-reference and logical reflection. Self-reference is designed as a quotation device (a carefully defined naming relation) which allows the construction of metalevel terms that refer to object-level terms and atoms. Logical reflection is designed as an unquotation mechanism (a distinguished truth predicate) which relates names to what is named, thus extending the meaning of domain predicates. The reflection mechanism is embodied in an extended resolution procedure which automatically switches the context between levels. This implicit reflection relieves the programmer from having to explicitly deal with control aspects of the inference process. The declarative semantics of a Reflective Prolog definite program P is provided in terms of the least reflective Herbrand model of P, characterized by means of a suitable mapping defined over the Herbrand interpretations of P. The extended resolution is proved sound and complete with respect to the least reflective Herbrand model. By illustrating Reflective Prolog solutions to an organic set of problems, and by discussing the main differences with respect to other approaches to logic metaprogramming, we show that the proposed language deploys, within its field of action, greater expressive and inferential power than those available till now. The interpreter of the language has been fully implemented. Because of its enhanced power, logic semantics and working interpreter, Reflective Prolog is offered as a contribution toward making the declarative approach of logic programming applicable to the development of increasingly sophisticated knowledge-based systems. 相似文献
The primary application of a continuous system simulation language involves simulation of dynamic systems described by a set of coupled nonlinear differential (or difference) equations. The built in integration capability in addition to a predefined library of macro operators makes them particularly attractive for a wide range of computationally intensive applications independent of dynamic systems analysis. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of a block oriented continuous simulation language to implement solutions of problems in the field of applied math. 相似文献
Migrating legacy applications toward service-oriented systems is a hard task complicated by the lack of appropriate approaches and tools. In this paper, a stepwise approach is proposed to migrate a Java application into an equivalent application composed of a set of Web services invoked by an orchestrator. In each migration step, a portion of the target application is identified and migrated into a Web service. In this approach, the role of testing is central since after each migration step the new service-oriented application is tested with the aim of checking “its equivalence” with the original version. An experiment based on four Java applications has been conducted to tune the approach and evaluate applicability and effort involved in the migration process. The obtained results confirm the viability of the proposed approach and highlight some encountered SOA migration difficulties. 相似文献
Baaed on TOC (Task Operating Characteristic) and ROC (Resource Operating Characteristic) curves (Braswell 1971), P(t) and R(t), a family of feasible curves are experimentally selected with parameter specifications for a and S. Additional models are developed for activity progress and resource utilization monitoring and control. A resource allocation method is developed and a Best 1'ath (JJP) strategy is presented to reprogramme progress of assignments and rates of resource expending. Task Progress (TP) and Rosource Depletion (RD) models are developed. Examples, and figures illustrate applications. 相似文献
Soft computing techniques proved to be successful in many application areas. In this paper we investigate the application in psychopathological field of two well known soft computing techniques, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms (GAs). The investigation started from a practical need: the creation of a tool for a quick and correct classification of mental retardation level, which is needed to choose the right treatment for rehabilitation and to assure a quality of life that is suitable for the specific patient condition. In order to meet this need we researched an adaptive data mining technique that allows us to build interpretable models for automatic and reliable diagnosis. Our work concerned a genetic fuzzy system (GFS), which integrates a classical GA and the fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm. This GFS, called genetic fuzzy C-means (GFCM), is able to select the best subset of features to generate an efficient classifier for diagnostic purposes from a database of examples. Additionally, thanks to an extension of the FCM algorithm, the proposed technique could also handle databases with missing values. The results obtained in a practical application on a real database of patients and comparisons with established techniques showed the efficiency of the integrated algorithm, both in data mining and completion. 相似文献
This paper deals with the performance of delay-sensitive applications running over a network that offers multiple classes of service, where the adaption of application rates in response to network feedback is the primary mechanism available for controlling quality of service. We first evaluate the gain in utilisation allowed by the introduction of several classes of service. To this end we compare the pairs of achievable rates, or schedulable regions, for two types of applications with two distinct delay requirements that make use of a single resource, with either no differentiation, simple priority-based differentiation, or earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling-based differentiation. The main observations are that the gain achieved by differentiation is essentially affected by traffic burstiness, and that the two differentiation schemes yield very similar performance. We then consider what feedback information should be sent to traffic sources from different classes, casting the problem in the framework of optimisation-based congestion control. We establish a connection between the sample-path shadow price rationale for feedback synthesis and the rare perturbation analysis technique for gradient estimation in discrete event systems theory. Based on this connection, we propose several marking schemes, for simple priority-based differentiation with a measure of cost based on loss or delay, and also for EDF-based differentiation with loss-based cost. The interaction of these marking algorithms with simple congestion control algorithms is studied via simulations. 相似文献
As the dependence on mobile devices increases, the need for supporting a wider range of users and devices becomes crucial.
Elders and people with disabilities adopt new technologies reluctantly, a tendency caused by the lack of adaptation of these
technologies to their needs. To address this challenge, this paper describes a framework, Imhotep, whose aim is to aid developers
in the accessible application creation process, making the creation of user-centered applications easier and faster. Our framework
allows to easily adapt the applications to the constraints imposed by the user capabilities (sensorial, cognitive, and physical
capabilities) and device capabilities by providing a repository that will manage the compilation and deployment of applications
that include a set of preprocessor directives in the source code. These directives are enhanced with concepts that are automatically
adjusted to the current trends of mobile devices by using a Fuzzy Knowledge-Eliciting Reasoner. Our final goal is to increase
the number of applications targeted to elders and people with disabilities providing tools that facilitate their development.
The paper also describes the evaluation of both the accuracy of the fuzzy terms generated for mobile devices and the usability
of the proposed platform. 相似文献
The Journal of Supercomputing - The Internet, having a sea of Web applications, is one of the largest data stores for big data analysis. To explore and retrieve the states (pages) from Web... 相似文献
In this paper, we present two versions of a hardware processing architecture for modeling large networks of leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons; the second version provides performance enhancing features relative to the first. Both versions of the architecture use fixed-point arithmetic and have been implemented using a single field-programmable gate array (FPGA). They have successfully simulated networks of over 1000 neurons configured using biologically plausible models of mammalian neural systems. The neuroprocessor has been designed to be employed primarily for use on mobile robotic vehicles, allowing bio-inspired neural processing models to be integrated directly into real-world control environments. When a neuroprocessor has been designed to act as part of the closed-loop system of a feedback controller, it is imperative to maintain strict real-time performance at all times, in order to maintain integrity of the control system. This resulted in the reevaluation of some of the architectural features of existing hardware for biologically plausible neural networks (NNs). In addition, we describe a development system for rapidly porting an underlying model (based on floating-point arithmetic) to the fixed-point representation of the FPGA-based neuroprocessor, thereby allowing validation of the hardware architecture. The developmental system environment facilitates the cooperation of computational neuroscientists and engineers working on embodied (robotic) systems with neural controllers, as demonstrated by our own experience on the Whiskerbot project, in which we developed models of the rodent whisker sensory system. 相似文献
The purpose of the paper is to consider some special types of Petri nets, introduced by Lien (1976), and to propose a complete and unified approach for the study of their structural properties by using techniques of linear algebra of matrices. We distinguish four subclasses: forward-conflict-free, backward-conflict-free, forward-concurrent-free, and backward-concurrent-free Petri nets. A modification of the classical incidence matrix results in a square matrix, called a modified incidence matrix, with nonpositive (nonnegative) off-diagonal elements when backward-(forward-) conflict-free or concurrent-free Petri nets are considered. The modified incidence matrix eigenvalues are computed and theorems on matrices of this type are used to prove several sufficient and/or necessary conditions for structural boundedness, liveness, repetitiveness, conservativeness, and consistency of these four subclasses of Petri nets 相似文献
This paper is devoted to some mathematical models of the complexity of orgraph construction in effectively processed databases. It shows the significance of the algorithms and software tools that have been developed by the author for the effective analysis of the complexity of orgraphs using information on the location of directed linked fragments. These tools are used for knowledge discovery from text collections. 相似文献