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Ambiguity resolution is a central problem in language comprehension. Lexical and syntactic ambiguities are standardly assumed to involve different types of knowledge representations and be resolved by different mechanisms. An alternative account is provided in which both types of ambiguity derive from aspects of lexical representation and are resolved by the same processing mechanisms. Reinterpreting syntactic ambiguity resolution as a form of lexical ambiguity resolution obviates the need for special parsing principles to account for syntactic interpretation preferences, reconciles a number of apparently conflicting results concerning the roles of lexical and contextual information in sentence processing, explains differences among ambiguities in terms of ease of resolution, and provides a more unified account of language comprehension than was previously available. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An event-related brain potential experiment was carried out to investigate the temporal relationship between lexical selection and the semantic integration in auditory sentence processing. Participants were presented with spoken sentences that ended with a word that was either semantically congruent or anomalous. Information about the moment in which a sentence-final word could uniquely be identified, its isolation point (IP), was compared with the onset of the elicited N400 congruity effect, reflecting semantic integration processing. The results revealed that the onset of the N400 effect occurred prior to the IP of the sentence-final words. Moreover, the factor early or late IP did not affect the onset of the N400. These findings indicate that lexical selection and semantic integration are cascading processes, in that semantic integration processing can start before the acoustic information allows the selection of a unique candidate and seems to be attempted in parallel for multiple candidates that are still compatible with the bottom-up acoustic input. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The claim that A E. Masson's (1995) model of lexical knowledge provides an account of semantic priming is evaluated in a series of simulations. It was found that although a semantically unrelated prime produces slower simulated naming of the target word than a related prime, the difference reflects interference by the unrelated prime and not facilitation by the related prime, which has little absolute effect. The facilitation reported by Masson was produced by the simulated "neutral" stimulus that intervened between prime and target, not by the semantically related prime. Simulations of a stochastic variant of Masson's model and a "brain-state-in-a-box" model of word naming also failed to produce semantic facilitation, raising the possibility that in fully connected recurrent networks, facilitation does not occur via indirect collateral pathways. Methodological implications for evaluating priming in simulated networks are raised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have developed a set of naming and recognition tests for evaluating the retrieval of lexical and conceptual knowledge for actions. As a first step, normative information about 280 items was collected for the following variables: (1) the naming responses elicited by each item, (2) the degree to which the image of each item agreed with a target name, (3) the familiarity to each depicted action, and (4) the visual complexity of each item. This information was used to develop administration and scoring procedures for a standardized test of action naming. The effectiveness and reliability of these procedures were evaluated in a second experiment. In a third experiment, five tests were developed to probe the retrieval of conceptual knowledge: (1) independently of the production of a naming response, (2) in response to pictorial and nonpictorial stimuli, (3) in terms of the attributes associated with specific actions, and (4) in terms of similarities and differences between various actions.  相似文献   

Effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two questions were addressed: "What are students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge?" and "How do these beliefs affect comprehension?" In Experiment 1, an epistemological questionnaire was administered to undergraduates. Factor analysis of the questionnaire resulted in 4 factors reflecting degrees of belief in innate ability, simple knowledge, quick learning, and certain knowledge. In Experiment 2, students read a passage about either the social sciences or the physical sciences, in which the concluding paragraph was removed. Then they related their confidence in understanding the passage, wrote a conclusion, and completed a mastery test. Belief in quick learning predicted oversimplified conclusions, poor performance on the mastery test, and overconfidence in test performance. Belief in certain knowledge predicted inappropriately absolute conclusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In four experiments we evaluated aspects of the hypothesis that word-fragment completion depends on the results of lexical but not semantic search. Experiment 1 showed that the number of meaningful associates linked to a studied word does not affect its recovery when the test cue consists of letters and spaces for missing letters. Experiments 2 and 3 showed retroactive interference effects in fragment completion when words in a second list were lexically related to words in a first list but not when the words in the second list were meaningfully related. Experiment 4 indicated that for studied words, instructions to search at the word level facilitated completion performance and that instructions to generate letters to fill missing spaces had no effect. Other findings indicate that completion was affected by the number of words lexically related to the fragment and by the number of letters missing from the fragment. In general, experimental manipulations that focused on lexical characteristics were effective, and those that focused on semantic characteristics were ineffective. The findings support the conclusion that word fragments engender a lexical search process that does not depend on retrieving encoded meaning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines certain constraints on the character of the knowledge claims made by the psychology of the past century, as well as some "in-principle" constraints. A syndrome of "ameaningful thinking" is seen to underlie much of modern scholarship, especially the inquiring practices of the psychological sciences. Ameaningful thought regards knowledge as an almost automatic result of a self-corrective rule structure, a fail-proof heuristic, a methodology—rather than of discovery. In consequence, much of psychological history can be seen as a form of scientistic role playing which, however sophisticated, entails the trivialization, and even evasion, of significant problems. Against a background of such considerations, the author considers whether, after the century-long march of psychology under the banner of "independent, experimental science," the field actually is (a) independent and (b) a science. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Category-related effects in the retrieval of conceptual and lexical knowledge for concrete entities have been well documented in lesion studies, and also with functional imaging and electrophysiological approaches. For example, brain-damaged subjects may be impaired in the ability to recognize or to name animals but not tools, or the opposite pattern may obtain. One reason for these dissociations is that different patterns of defects tend to be caused by distinct lesion profiles, suggesting a relative tendency for certain neural systems to be involved in category-related knowledge. But we and others have also hypothesized that a variety of traits of concrete entities co-determine category-related dissociations. Such traits ('factors') include homomorphy (similarity of form), familiarity, value to perceiver, manipulability, characteristic motion, characteristic sensory modality of transaction (vision, touch, hearing), and typical age of acquisition. It is our view that the mix of factors relative to different conceptual categories plays a key role in the neuroanatomical distribution of records for those different categories, and is thus behind the systematic correlations between certain retrieval defects and damage to certain neural systems [12, 52]. In this study, we operationalized these factors and analyzed their intercorrelations. Stimuli were slides of 215 items from the conceptual categories of animals, fruits/vegetables, tools/utensils, vehicles, and musical instruments. The factors were operationalized on the basis of ratings obtained from 227 normal control subjects and on the basis of computer analyses of the digitized outlines of the stimuli. Principal components analysis revealed that 81% of the variability across items could be accounted for by three components: Component 1 (practically useful, common items): high value to perceiver, tactile mode of transaction, high familiarity, low age of acquisition; Component 2 (homomorphic, non-manipulable items): high homomorphy, low characteristic motion and manipulability; Component 3 (items with characteristic sound): hearing mode of transaction, highly distinctive sounds. In another analysis, we found that the categories of animals versus tools/utensils differed significantly on the factors of homomorphy, familiarity, value, manipulability, characteristic motion, and touch. The factor structure we identified in this study may help explain category-related performance defects in brain-damaged subjects. The results lend support to our proposal that systematic differences in physical characteristics and contextual specification of concrete entities constitute a driving force behind the regionalization of neural systems related to the acquisition and retrieval of conceptual and lexical knowledge.  相似文献   

Context effects on lexical decision were analyzed by manipulating lexical relatedness and syntactic connectedness. Related and unrelated word pairs were embedded in syntactic (e.g., "the author of this book/floor") and in scrambled (e.g., "the author the and book/floor") phrases. The sequences were presented serially and subjects made lexical decisions to the terminal targets. In four experiments, relatedness effects were substantial in syntactic phrases but only marginal in scrambled sequences. This result was unaffected by presentation rate or by blocking manipulations. A fifth experiment showed that the relatedness effect in syntactic phrases involved both facilitation of responses to related words and inhibition of responses to unrelated words. These results argue against a role for intralexical priming in on-line reading. They highlight the role of syntactic connectedness and suggest that contextual facilitation depends on the ease of integration of new words with the current text-level representation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The lexical identification shift is used as a measure of speech processing in the phoneme identification task (W. F. Ganong, 1980). Interactive (bottom-up and top-down) models of word recognition account for the shift by claiming that lexical knowledge feeds back to a prelexical level and aids speech processing. Autonomous models (bottom-up only) maintain that the shift arises by other means and at later stages of processing. The locus of the lexical shift was investigated by using detection theory analysis procedures to measure perceptual changes in phoneme processing. Lexical status (word–nonword) of the utterance was varied in Exps 1 and 3 and was found to influence phoneme processing. In Exp 2 the effects of a postperceptual manipulation, monetary payoff, did not show up in the detection theory analysis. Implications of the results for both classes of models are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the effect of the frequency of orthographic "neighbors" on the identification of a printed word, two sets of words were constructed (equated on the number of neighbors, word frequency, and number of letters); in one set, the words had no higher frequency neighbors and in the other set, they had at least one higher frequency neighbor. Identification was slower for the latter set. In Experiment 1, this was indexed by longer response times in a lexical decision task. In Experiment 2, the target words were embedded in sentences, and slower identification was indexed by disruptions in reading: more regressions back to the words with higher frequency neighbors and longer fixations on the text immediately following these words. The latter results indicate that a higher frequency neighbor affects relatively late stages of lexical access, an interpretation consistent with both activation-verification and interactive activation models.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to determine whether surface representations of spoken words are mapped onto underlying, abstract representations. In particular, they tested the hypothesis that flaps--neutralized allophones of intervocalic /t/s and /d/s--are mapped onto their underlying phonemic counterparts. In 6 repetition priming experiments, participants responded to stimuli in 2 blocks of trials. Stimuli in the 1st block served as primes and those in the 2nd as targets. Primes and targets consisted of English words containing intervocalic /t/s and /d/s that, when produced casually, were flapped. In all 6 experiments, reaction times to target items were measured as a function of prime type. The results provide evidence for both surface and underlying form-based representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Critics of clinical ethicists sometimes claim that if there were expertise in ethics, then there would have to be objective moral knowledge. They also assume that there would be only one kind of ethics expertise, and that it would be a kind of professional specialization. All three assumptions are mistaken.  相似文献   

Compared 3 alternative structural models of the nature of love, assessed the validity of each of these models for a variety of close relationships, and predicted success of close relationships on the basis of instruments used to assess love and other personal characteristics. The present study investigated whether love is better characterized as C. Spearman's (1927) unifactorial entity that is unitary and nondecomposable into underlying constituents; (2) G. H. Thomson's (1939) entity comprising a large number of affective, cognitive, and motivational bonds that, in the experience of love, are jointly sampled; or (3) L. L. Thurstone's (1938) entity comprising a small number of correlated primary factors of roughly equal importance and salience in the experience of love. 35 male and 50 female 18–70 yr olds completed psychometric instruments measuring their demographic backgrounds, personality characteristics, love history, and feelings of love in close relationships with mothers, fathers, siblings, same-sex best friends, and spouses or lovers. Factor analysis of the love scales suggested that love is best characterized in terms of the Thomsonian "bonds" model and that the structure of love is quite similar across the various close relationships in which one engages. It is concluded that success of close relationships can be predicted from a set of measures that includes a love scale and measures of personal attributes. (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hydrometallurgical extraction of metals is an important widely practiced technology in the metallurgical industry for treating both primary and secondary resources of valuable metals. Successful hydrometallurgical approaches to metal extraction require a full understanding of a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering principles in many disciplines. These include solution chemistry, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, transport processes, and, frequently, biology. In this article, intricate relationships among various disciplines influencing hydrometallurgical extraction are reviewed and analyzed with pertinent examples. The effect of operating parameters on the overall extraction strategy are examined and discussed. The Extraction and Processing Lecturer Award honors an outstanding scientific leader in the field of nonferrous extractive metallurgy with an invitation to present a comprehensive lecture at the TMS Annual Meeting. Kenneth N. Han is the Regents Distinguished Professor and Douglas W. Fuerstenau Professor in the Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T). He obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University (SNU), an M.S. from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He was with the Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) from 1971 to 1980. In 1981, he joined SDSM&T. He was head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering from 1987 to 1994 and dean of the College of Materials Science and Engineering from 1994 to 1999. His research interests include hydrometallurgy, interfacial phenomena, metallurgical kinetics, solution chemistry, fine particle recovery, and electrometallurgy. He has directed over 70 graduate students and postdoctorate researchers, published more than 150 papers in national and international journals, and presented more than 100 papers at international conferences. He is an author of ten monographs and holds eight patents in the area of extractive metallurgy. In 1987, he received the Presidential Professor Award from SDSM&T. In 1994, he received the Ernest L. Buckley Award, a South Dakota State Governor’s Award, for his industrial research efforts. He received the Milton E. Wadsworth Award and the Arthur F. Taggart Award from the Society of Mining, Metallurgical and Exploration in 1995. In 1997, he received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Engineering of SNU. He became an SME Distinguished Member in 1998. In 1998, he was awarded the Excellence in Research by the SD Board of Regents. In 2000, he received the AIME Mineral Industry Education Award, and, in 2002, the Robert H. Richards Award from AIME. In 2003, he received the 2003 Extraction and Processing Distinguished Lecturer Award at the 132 TMS annual meeting in San Diego. He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in 1996. He is a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea since 1998 and was inducted into the Korea Academy of Science and Technology in 1999.  相似文献   

Infant monkeys were reared with the aid of a laboratory constructed mother-substitute. "We produced a perfectly proportioned streamlined body stripped of unnecessary bulges and appendices. Redundancy in the surrogate mother's system was avoided by reducing the number of breasts from two to one and placing this unibreast in an upper-thoracic, sagittal position, thus maximizing the natural and known perceptual-motor capabilities of the infant operator. The surrogate was made from a block of wood, covered with sponge rubber, and sheathed in tan cotton terry cloth. A light bulb behind her radiated heat. The result was a mother, soft, warm, and tender, a mother with infinite patience, a mother available twenty-four hours a day, a mother that never scolded her infant and never struck or bit her baby in anger." The data obtained "make it obvious that contact comfort is a variable of overwhelming importance in the development of affectional responses, whereas lactation is a variable of negligible importance." It is suggested that the primary function of nursing "is that of insuring frequent and intimate body contact of infant with mother." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A model of speech segmentation in a stress language is proposed, according to which the occurrence of a strong syllable triggers segmentation of the speech signal, whereas occurrence of a weak syllable does not trigger segmentation. We report experiments in which listeners detected words embedded in nonsense bisyllables more slowly when the bisyllable had two strong syllables than when it had a strong and a weak syllable; mint was detected more slowly in mintayve than in mintesh. According to our proposed model, this result is an effect of segmentation: When the second syllable is strong, it is segmented from the first syllable, and successful detection of the embedded word therefore requires assembly of speech material across a segmentation position. Speech recognition models involving phonemic or syllabic recoding, or based on strictly left-to-right processes, do not predict this result. It is argued that segmentation at strong syllables in continuous speech recognition serves the purpose of detecting the most efficient locations at which to initiate lexical access. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In northern blots, cDNA probes prepared to soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) RNA-1 and RNA-2 hybridized to RNA-1 and RNA-2, respectively, from a UK isolate of oat golden stripe virus (OGSV), as well as to their homologous RNAs. RT-PCR was used to amplify, clone and sequence a region of about 750 nucleotides spanning the capsid protein gene and part of the readthrough protein on RNA-2 from OGSV, a French isolate of SBWMV and two stable deletion mutants (Lab1 and Okl-7) of SBWMV isolates from Nebraska and Oklahoma respectively. There was very high (96.7-99.1%) nucleotide homology between all these sequences and the wild-type SBWMV sequences from Nebraska and Oklahoma. OGSV was more similar to SBWMV from France and Nebraska than were any of the isolates to SBWMV from Oklahoma. Of the few differences in the deduced amino acid sequences of the capsid proteins from the different isolates, OGSV differed from all SBWMV isolates only in one amino acid (isoleucine for valine at position 88). The high degree of similarity suggests that OGSV may best be classified as an oat strain of SBWMV.  相似文献   

To eliminate potential "backward" priming effects, S. Glucksberg et al (see record 1986-29080-001) introduced a variant of the cross-modal lexical priming task in which subjects made lexical decisions to nonword targets that were modeled on a word related to either the contextually biased or unbiased sense of an ambiguous word. Lexical decisions to nonwords were longer than controls only when the nonword was related to the contextually biased sense of the ambiguous word, leading Glucksberg et al to conclude that context does constrain lexical access and that the multiple access pattern observed in previous studies was probably an artifact of backward priming. We did not find nonword interference when the nonword targets used by Glucksberg et al were preceded by semantically related ambiguous or unambiguous word primes. However, we did replicate their sentence context results when the ambiguous words were removed from the sentences. We conclude that the interference obtained by Glucksberg et al is due to postlexical judgments of the congruence of the sentence context and the target, not to context constraining lexical access. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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