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The utility of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for prospectively predicting physicians' delivery of preventive services was compared. Primary care physicians (N?=?765) completed 2 mail surveys at periods 6 months apart. The addition of perceived behavioral control to the TRA model significantly increased the variance accounted for in behavioral intention and subsequent behavior (p R?=?.52, p R?=?.63, p  相似文献   

Based on the theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behavior (TPB), predictors of condom use intentions were investigated in 949 young people (16–24 years of age) from a national survey conducted in England. Contrary to expectations, the TPB did not perform significantly better than the TRA, even among women. Measures of past behavior were the best predictors of intentions and attenuated the effects of attitude and subjective norm. There was only weak evidence for the multiplicative assumption underlying the TRA and TPB. Although the TRA components were not the strongest predictors, the beliefs on which they are based are potentially amenable to change through information-based intervention programs. A number of practical suggestions for developing intervention strategies are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted a confirmatory test of I. Ajzen and M. Fishbein's (1980) theory of reasoned action as applied to the realm of moral behavior, using structural equation modeling. Ss were 1,056 male and female athletes (aged 10–18 yrs [M?=?14.5]). Ss completed a questionnaire that contained 2 hypothetical situations related to moral behavior in sports. For each situation, Ss completed scales assessing all components of the model. A modified version of the theory provided a significant improvement over the Ajzen and Fishbein model. This model retained the basic relationships postulated by the theory and added correlations between the attitudinal and normative structures and a causal path from normative beliefs to attitudes. This model was very robust, holding for the 2 situations. Implications for the construct validity of the theory of reasoned action and its application for moral behavior are drawn. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychological determinants of AIDS-preventive behaviors were examined from the perspective of the theory of reasoned action in prospective studies of gay men, heterosexual university students, and heterosexual high school students. Across samples, preventive behaviors, and prospective intervals of 1 and 2 months' duration, AIDS-preventive behaviors were predicted by behavioral intentions; behavioral intentions were a function of attitudes and norms; and attitudes and norms were a function of their theorized basic underpinnings. Discussion focuses on the development of AIDS-prevention interventions that modify intentions, attitudes, and norms concerning performance of AIDS-preventive behaviors by targeting the empirically identified underpinnings of attitudes and norms related to specific preventive behaviors in specific populations of interest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We used the theory of reasoned action to build a model of nurse turnover. Based primarily on the theory, a questionnaire was constructed and administered to 1,835 registered nurses. Six months after the questionnaires were completed, we obtained status information (remained or resigned) for those nurses who returned useable questionnaires. For status, differential intention was the only significant predictor. The significant predictors of differential intention were differential attitude, differential subjective norm, and differential moral obligation. For the combination of all predictors, R–2?=?.32 for status, and R–2?=?.68 for differential intention. These findings held up under replication procedures. Additional findings suggested potential modifications of the theory of reasoned action and the methodology used to validate its principles. Overall, the theory demonstrated its usefulness both from conceptual and applied perspectives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychosocial correlates of heterosexual condom use: a meta-analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS, there has been no systematic review of correlates of condom use among heterosexual samples. To rectify this, the present study used meta-analysis to quantify the relationship between psychosocial variables and self-reported condom use. Six hundred sixty correlations distributed across 44 variables were derived from 121 empirical studies. Variables were organized in terms of the labeling, commitment, and enactment stages of the AIDS Risk Reduction Model (Catania, Kegeles, & Coates, 1990). Findings showed that demographic, personality, and labeling stage variables had small average correlations with condom use. Commitment and enactment stage variables fared better, with attitudes toward condoms, behavioral intentions, and communication about condoms being the most important predictors. Overall, findings support a social psychological model of condom use highlighting the importance of behavior-specific cognitions, social interaction, and preparatory behaviors rather than knowledge and beliefs about the threat of infection.  相似文献   

Examined the applicability of M. Fishbein and I. Ajzen's (1980) theory of reasoned action to the prediction and understanding of how primiparous and multiparous mothers intended to feed their infants and how they actually fed them during the 6 wks following delivery. 123 primiparous and 127 multiparous mothers aged 16–40 yrs served as Ss. Measures of attitudes to behavior, subjective norms, and behavioral intentions were taken during the last trimester of pregnancy. Behavior was assessed by self-report 6 wks postpartum. In most respects, findings support the theory. However, attitudes to behavior made an independent and significant contribution to the prediction of infant-feeding behavior, and the previous behavior of multiparous Ss explained a significant proportion of variation in their intentions. The relative importance of the attitudinal and normative components of the model tended to vary according to whether the Ss had direct experience of the criterion behavior. Further analysis revealed that Ss who breast-fed during the 6 wks postpartum differed from those who bottle-fed on a number of behavioral beliefs, outcome evaluations, and normative beliefs and on 1 measure of motivation to comply. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The theory of reasoned action (TRA) is used to model decisions about substance use among young mothers who became premaritally pregnant at age 17 or younger. The results of structural equation modeling to test the TRA indicated that most relationships specified by the model were significant and in the predicted direction, Attitude was a stronger predictor of intention than norm, but both were significantly related to intention, and intention was related to actual marijuana use 6 months later. Outcome beliefs were bidimensional, and positive outcome beliefs, but not negative beliefs, were significantly related to attitude. Prior marijuana use was only partially mediated by the TRA variables; it also was directly related to intentions to use marijuana and to subsequent use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We explored the limitations of self-reports as substitutes for observation of deviant behavior. Results of a study conducted in The Netherlands indicated negligible correspondence between respondents' self-reports of tax evasion and officially documented behavior. Nonsignificant correlations were obtained despite the fact that all government claims against the respondents had been settled, unprotested, before this study began and despite the respondents' awareness that the accuracy of their self-reports could be checked against their tax records. In addition, the results suggest that different explanatory variables may be correlated with each type of behavioral measure. In this instance, attitude toward the act (Aact) measures and subjective norm measures exhibited significant correlations with the self-report data but not with officially documented behavior, and measures of more broadly focused personal dispositions predicted actual behavior but not self-reports. Such outcomes suggest that the explanatory power of the theory of reasoned action may not extend to the domain of socially proscribed behaviors where self-presentation concerns are likely to prompt both misrepresentations of past behavior and reports of attitudes and perceived norms consistent with those misrepresentations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A meta-analytic integration reviews evidence for deindividuation theory as an explanation of collective and antinormative behavior. Deindividuation theories propose a subjective deindividuated state that causes transgression of general social norms. Deindividuation research classically manipulates anonymity, self-awareness, and group size. Results of 60 independent studies showed little support for (a) the occurrence of deindividuated (antinormative) behaviors or (b) the existence of a deindividuated state. Research results were explained more adequately by situation-specific than by general social norms. Analyses indicated that groups and individuals conform more to situation-specific norms when they are "deindividuated." These findings are inconsistent with deindividuation theory but support a social identity model of deindividuation effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the effectiveness of 2 condom promotion videotapes on self-efficacy, intentions, and behavior. Design: Two hundred twenty college students completed social-cognitive and behavioral measures and were then randomly assigned to receive one of two 30-min condom promotion videotapes (male or female student presenters) or to a wait-list control condition. Participants who watched 1 of the videotapes completed immediate posttest measures, and 85% of participants completed a 4-month follow-up. Main Outcome Measures: Self-efficacy for condom use, intentions to use condoms, use of condom during last sex, and consistent condom use over the last month. Results: Participants who received either video reported greater self-efficacy to refuse to have unprotected sex and intentions than controls at follow-up. Individuals who received either video were more likely than controls to report using a condom during last sex with a regular partner, and those who watched the female presenter were more likely to report consistent condom use. Conclusion: Participants benefited in terms of self-efficacy and intentions from receiving either video, but both men and women benefited more in terms of condom use behavior from receiving the female video. Future research is needed to determine whether opposite-sex speaker videos could be beneficial with a larger (and more sexually active) sample and whether these effects are maintained over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted on the accuracy of predictions of various objective outcomes in the areas of clinical and social psychology from short observations of expressive behavior (under 5 min). The overall effect size for the accuracy of predictions for 38 different results was .39. Studies using longer periods of behavioral observation did not yield greater predictive accuracy; predictions based on observations under 0.5 min in length did not differ significantly from predictions based on 4- and 5-min observations. The type of behavioral channel (such as the face, speech, the body, tone of voice) on which the ratings were based was not related to the accuracy of predictions. Accuracy did not vary significantly between behaviors manipulated in a laboratory and more naturally occurring behavior. Last, effect sizes did not differ significantly for predictions in the areas of clinical psychology, social psychology, and the accuracy of detecting deception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined factors associated with testicular self-examination (TSE) in the context of the theory of reasoned action. 232 male college students completed a questionnaire before receiving instruction in TSE and at 6-mo follow-up. Intention to perform TSE correlated significantly with attitude and subjective norm and consideration of self-efficacy, and TSE knowledge improved the prediction of intention. Significant differences in outcome expectancies and underlying beliefs emerged between Ss who intended to perform TSE and those who did not. Intention was moderately correlated with behavior; this correlation was stronger among Ss who intended to perform the exam and were exposed to posters reminding them to perform the exam. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This meta-analysis integrates the correlations of 77 studies on V. H. Vroom's (1964) original expectancy models and work-related criteria. Correlations referring to predictions with the models and the single components—valence, instrumentality, and expectancy—were included in relation to 5 types of criterion variables: performance, effort, intention, preference, and choice. Within-subjects correlations and between-subjects correlations were included separately. Overall, the average correlations were somewhat lower than reported in previous narrative reviews. In certain categories, moderators pertaining to the measurement of the concepts were analyzed with a hierarchical linear model, but these moderators did not explain heterogeneity. The results show a differentiated overview: the use of the correlational material for the validity of expectancy theory is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examines shifts in sexual experience and condom use among US teenaged males. METHODS: Results from the 1988 and 1995 National Surveys of Adolescent Males were compared. RESULTS: The proportion of never-married 15- to 19-year-old males who had had sex with a female declined from 60% to 55% (P = .06). The share of those sexually active using a condom at last intercourse rose from 57% to 67% (P < .01). Overall, the proportion of males who had sex without condoms last year declined from 37% to 27% (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Although protective behaviors among teenagers have increased, significant proportions of teenagers--especially Black and Hispanic males--remain unprotected.  相似文献   

Although shared team mental models are believed to be important to team functioning, substantial interstudy differences in the manner in which mental models are operationalized has impeded progress in this area. We use meta-analysis to cumulate 23 independent studies that have empirically examined shared mental models (SMMs) in relation to team process and performance and test three aspects of measurement as potential moderators: elicitation method, structure representation, and representation of emergence. Results indicate the way in which SMMs are measured and represented at the team level of analysis reveal meaningful distinctions in observed relationships. Specifically, shared mental model operationalization impacts the observed relationship between SMMs and team process; importantly, only methods that model the structure or organization of knowledge are predictive of process. Conversely, while the magnitude of the relationship differed across measurement method, SMMs were positively related to team performance regardless of the manner of operationalization. In summary, knowledge structure is predictive of team process, and both knowledge content and structure are predictive of team performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Most models of health behavior change applied to condom use behavior have focused on individual differences in theoretical constructs to explain condom use or nonuse, while ignoring the possibility that day-to-day within-person changes in these constructs may contribute to understanding behavior. The goal of the present study was to investigate day-to-day variability in condom use attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions and assess the utility of this variability in predicting the likelihood of condom use each day. Design: A 30-day Web-based structured daily diary was used to collect daily reports of sexual behaviors and data on theoretical predictors of condom use behavior from sexually active college students (N = 116). Main Outcome Measures: The authors investigated whether condom use attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions vary day to day; whether this within-person variability predicts condom use behavior; and whether negative affective states explain this variability. Results and Conclusions: Within-person variability was found for each of the constructs. Within-person day-to-day changes in behavioral intentions and attitudes predicted the instances in which an individual used a condom and daily negative affect partially explained within-person day-to-day changes in behavioral intentions and self-efficacy. Implications for models of health behavior change and for behavior change interventions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Ten Seattle high schools made condoms available through vending machines, baskets in school clinics, or both. This study measured the number of condoms that students obtained and subsequent changes in sexual behavior and condom use. METHODS: Schoolwide surveys were administered in spring 1993 and in spring 1995, before and during the condom availability program. These data were compared with data from nationally representative surveys administered at the same time. RESULTS: Seattle students obtained an average of 4.6 condoms per year, the vast majority from baskets and very few from vending machines. Relative to the national samples, the percentage of Seattle students who had ever had sex remained stable after the program began; current sexual activity decreased significantly; and the percentage of sexually experienced students who used a condom the last time they had sex decreased significantly, particularly in the 5 schools with baskets of condoms in clinics. CONCLUSIONS: Making condoms available in Seattle schools enabled students to obtain relatively large numbers of condoms but did not lead to increases in either sexual activity or condom use.  相似文献   

Inhibition conflict theory predicts that alcohol will decrease condom use only among individuals who are highly conflicted about using a condom, whereas expectancy theory predicts such an effect only among individuals who hold strong beliefs about alcohol's effects on sexual risk taking. In Study 1, the first of these two theories was tested using a newly developed measure of conflict. Data from 308 college students who reported on the first time they had sexual intercourse with their most recent partner (FMRP) supported the utility of this measure and showed that quantity of alcohol consumed was negatively associated with condom use only among high-conflict individuals. In Study 2, 17–25-year-old respondents reported on their first sexual intercourse, FMRP, and last intercourse (ns = 465, 1136, and 984, respectively). In a simultaneous test of both inhibition conflict theory and expectancy theory, amount of alcohol consumed was found to be negatively associated with condom use at first intercourse among individuals high in both conflict and expectancy, at FMRP among high-expectancy individuals, and at last intercourse among high-conflict individuals. These results lend partial support to both theories of alcohol's effects and suggest that an integration of these two perspectives will ultimately be required if researchers are to model adequately alcohol's effects on human social behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a recent review, I. Gati (1991) criticized J. L. Holland's model of vocational interests and concluded that his own hierarchical model was superior. A major problem with Gati's comparison of his and Holland's models was that it was based on an incomplete specification of Holland's model. The relative validity of Holland's order and circumplex models and Gati's 3-group partition model as they fit 104 published (1965–1989) correlation matrices is evaluated. Using 3 separate structural meta-analytic techniques (L. Hubert & P. Arabie's, 1987, randomization test of hypothesized order relations, confirmatory factor analysis, and individual-differences cluster analysis), the fit of Holland's and Gati's models to the data were compared. Holland's order and circumplex models were found to be adequate representations of the structure of vocational personalities and work environments, and were found to be superior to Gati's model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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