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新课程改革带来了新的教学理念和新的学习方式,现代学习方式的一个重要特征就是"问题性",即强调问题在学习过程中的重要性.美国学者鲁巴克说过:"最精湛的教学艺术,遵循的最高准则就是让学生提问题."随着新课改的深入发展,重视课堂教学中问题的"动态生成"(生成问题)又成为一股潮流.在新课程标准的指导下,历史与社会课堂教学要以学生发展为本,提供给他们亲自体验、思考的思维空间,唤起学生思维活力,引发学生主动"生成问题".本文着重以笔者在教学实践中的课堂教学实例出发,谈谈如何引发学生生成问题,以实践新课程理念,建构充满生命活力的历史与社会课堂.  相似文献   

新课程改革中要求教师抓好课堂教学有效性,必须目标明确、结构合理、方法灵活,体现学生的主体地位,要让教学艺术得到充分体现,并实现教学目标评价的多元化.教师要主动尝试让学生进行自主学习,教学中有很多空间可以培养和挖掘学生的这种能力.  相似文献   

从教学目标的角度来看待新课程改革,其所要实现的教学结果,与中学素质素质教育的要求在本质上是一样的,即:着重培养学生各科的综合素养.由此可见,如何在新课程改革的背景下,实现高中语文教学在学生综合素养方面的培养,自然就成为评价高中语文课堂教学是否有效性的标准.构建高中有效课堂教学的同时,不应该忽略目前高中语文教学的客观环境.只有在克服了环境中消极的东西,才能有的放矢的进行变革.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断发展,人们对课程改革的"关注点"逐渐从热闹的形式回归到实在的本质,新课改背景下如何提升提高历史课堂教学的有效性,让高中历史教学回归本色,这是一个值得我们思考的问题.本文首先分析了传统高中历史教学存在的问题,其次,从新课改要求我们建设新型的师生关系;在高中历史课堂教学中要转变观念,突出学生的主体地位;采用多种方式来巩固学生的基础知识等方面就新课改背景下如何提高高中历史课堂教学的有效性进行了深入的探讨,具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

课堂是新课程教学的主阵地,新课程的实施促进了课堂教学的改革.课堂教学从教学内容的呈现方式、新授知识的学生自主探究发现、练习的实践应用与提高、课堂小结的反思以及作业的布置等都必须以学生为主体,体现尊重学生这一原则.数学新教材的最大特点是体现素质教育的要求,以数学源于生活又用于生活为主线,着重培养学生的创新意识和动手能力,培养学生学数学、用数学的意识,使其养成良好的学习习惯.  相似文献   

新课程改革的实施让我们逐渐认识到,高中阶段地理教学不再是以知识教学为主了,而是要加强学生地理素养的培养与提高.文章综合分析了地理课堂教学的实际,并就高中阶段地理教学如何培养学生的地理素养进行了深入的探讨.  相似文献   

开放性是新课程背景下课堂教学的重要特征.实施小学语文开放性课堂教学的途径即通过对课堂教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法、教学评价等因素的一系列的改革.让学生在课堂上不仅获得知识,还获得情感体验和生命感悟,快乐学习,快乐成长,全面发展.  相似文献   

素质教育的关键是实现学生在教学活动中的主体参与。需要教师更新教学观念;改革课堂教学,激发学生兴趣,以发展学生主体参与能力。  相似文献   

传统的信息技术课堂评价方式已不能适应现代课堂教学的需要,不利于促进学生的全面发展,与新课程改革评价要求相差甚远,所以教学评价方式急需改革,需要改进观念,进行多元改革.文章对多种评价方式相结合进行了一些探索与尝试,从教学评价的分类、注意问题及应用等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

关于在课堂教学中进行兴趣教学,激发起学生对学习产生浓厚的情趣,为新课程的教学起到积极的动力作用,已有许多优秀教师、专家以及学者都已撰文谈到。这就突出了兴趣教学在课堂教学中的重要性和必要性。我在此再抛砖引玉,谈谈在课堂教学中如何至始至终贯穿兴趣教学,以激起学生学习的氛围更加热烈,  相似文献   

数学课程改革是高职院校建设和发展的迫切需要,是高职院校教师普遍关注的研究课题.搞好数学课程改革,必须把高职课程体系和教材改革结合起来,制定原则,探索思路,勇于实践,使教师转变教育思想和观念,树立现代教育意识和开放教育理念,培养学生学会学习、学会适应、学会创新,使学生的学习方法由被动接受学习向主动发现学习转变,提高学生的主体意识和学习兴趣,挖掘学生的潜能,科学地创造性地培养生产、管理第一线需要的思想素质高、创新能力强的技术实用型人才.  相似文献   

As a result of a growing awareness that the traditional undergraduate curriculum for dental students was overloaded with facts to the detriment of producing dentists skilled in problem-solving and critical thinking, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Pretoria was prompted to review the curriculum, teaching methodology and the evaluation of students performance. After much deliberation and planning, it was decided to construct a new curriculum which could support problem-oriented learning, with all its many advantages. The themes of this new curriculum are derived from an analysis of the so-called "clinical reasoning process" and its relationship to the spectrum of relevant diseases. Finally, an example of a clinical problem, which the dental students are expected to solve, is described to illustrate how the educational and training needs are determined.  相似文献   

文章阐述了初等教育专业体育教学在新课改中的发展方向和思路。在教学过程中始终贯彻“健康第一”为体育教学的指导思想,努力培养学生学习体育运动知识的兴趣和能力,注重学生体育教学能力培养。  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate issues related to the creation of a curriculum to teach spirituality to family practice residents; specifically, (1) to determine whether there was support among family practice residents and faculty to include such teaching in the residency curriculum, and (2) to determine specifically what should be taught and how it should be taught. The hypothesis was that residents and faculty would support such a curriculum and that specific educational methodologies could be identified to implement it. This was accomplished by conducting one-on-one interviews and focus groups and by administering a written curriculum needs assessment to family practice residents and faculty, compiling and interpreting the results, and subsequently writing an integrated curriculum.  相似文献   

Ophthalmologists play a relatively peripheral role in medical student and resident education. A review of the evolution, funding, and administration of medical education in the United States lends insight into why this is so. The author reviews the current status of education in ophthalmology for medical students and residents; the development of an ophthalmology curriculum; alternatives to the traditional medical school curriculum and how these have been incorporated into ophthalmic education; and the effect of new trends in medical education and pressures created by health care reform on the education of medical students and residents. The role of ophthalmologists in the general practice of medicine and in teaching doctors about the eye is discussed. Finally, the opportunity that the current climate presents for ophthalmologists to define their role in health care through education is considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes why case studies deserve a place in the centre of the bioscience curriculum, and how they have been used as a vehicle to improve care and save lives. A knowledge of drugs, their side-effects and interactions is becoming increasingly important to nurses. One powerful way to convey this information is the case study, which, despite its limitations, has the potential to endow difficult topics in therapeutics with the power of the narrative. The author suggests that case study projects encourage students to forge theory-practice links, related to their own specialist areas. When shared with their colleagues, these encourage the class by illustrating 'bioscience in action' and endowing the subject with the 'reality factor'. They also provide rich qualitative data for evaluating and delineating the curriculum. These case studies demonstrate the value of evidence-based practice; although case data is part of the evidence, it can never substitute for evidence-based practice. This paper builds on the findings of the author's PhD in postregistration nurse education; the examples described here are typical of 151 such cases in the research project.  相似文献   

This article places a magnifying glass on psychology's current training realities in the context of global health developments, particularly those of the Canadian health-care system. The authors argue that curriculum review and revision is needed to solidify psychology as a true health care profession; such a review should be proactive and must consider the likely changes in our overall health-care system. In preparing for anticipated changes in health care, it is proposed that curricula modifications be made to better reflect how psychology can contribute (in a broad fashion) to the health of Canadians. Two particular models for psychology's future role are offered for discussion: a) a modified, comprehensive parallel/vertical model that sees psychologists similar to other health-care providers; versus, b) a more innovative horizontal/cross-cutting model in which psychologists provide a unique blend of education, innovation, teaching, system consultation, prevention, as well as direct service provision, to patients with physical and mental health problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Since 1989, the American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Council on Forensic Engineering has conducted two surveys to gauge the need for teaching failure analysis topics in the civil engineering curriculum. Although the surveys addressed different topics, the limited availability of instructional materials in failure analysis was a recurring theme. The purpose of this paper is to respond to each of the questionnaires by reporting on the ongoing development of a preliminary Internet web site whereby consultants can contribute failure case studies. These case studies will then be readily available for professors and instructors to use in stand-alone failure analysis courses. The case studies can also be used as supplemental material and can be integrated into existing general civil engineering curriculum courses as well.  相似文献   

从机械CAD/CAM课程开发与教学改革的背景分析入手,讨论了该课程开发的原则、模式与内容,采用集群模块式的课程开发模式,形成了各课程文件,按模块式结构体系编写了教材,进行了课堂教学改革。  相似文献   

分析了印后加工材料课程的教学现状,提出了从师资、教材、教学和考核等多方面构建课程教学体系的思路,并规划了今后课程建设的目标和方向。  相似文献   

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