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科里奥利颗粒料质量流量计流量公式理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对科里奥利固体颗粒料质量流量计的结构分析,认为该流量计无法获取实时的质量流量,并对公开的瞬时流量计算公式进行了理论分析,说明其理论上的缺陷,给出了详细的推证过程和更为精确的理论计算方法和措施。  相似文献   

For measuring or dosing purposes in gas/solid two-phase flows (non-pressurized and pressurized systems) a mass flux measurement device based on the Coriolis principle has been developed. The Coriolis flowmeter developed is applicable for on-line measurements of the mass flux, showing a fast response time to load variations and measuring accuracies of ±1% of the actual measured value. The Coriolis flowmeter was successfully tested in pilot and industrial plants. Different granular materials, such as coal dust, quartz sand, feldspar, plastic granulates and foodstuffs have been measured already. In practice, the Coriolis flowmeter has shown reliable operation in various applications in process engineering. The integration of the Coriolis flowmeter into advanced control systems for feeding or dosing purposes opens new possibilities for on-line control and exact dosing of gas/solid two-phase flows.  相似文献   

数字信号处理技术在科氏质量流量计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
科氏质量流量计是目前应用范围最广、发展速度最快的流量计之一。数字信号处理技术是科氏质量流量计的核心技术,直接决定其测量精度、测量稳定性等性能指标;而流量传感器输出信号的数学模型是信号处理的依据和基础。国内外学者提出了多种信号处理方法,但是,没有根据不同的信号模型和不同的应用场合对各种信号处理方法进行比较和评价。为此,根据不同数字信号处理方法的特征量提取原理,分析了其具有的优缺点。针对科氏质量流量计单相流、批料流与气液两相流测量这3种典型应用场合中存在的关键技术问题,依据随机游动信号模型、突变信号模型和自回归滑动平均(ARMA)信号模型,分别从计算精度、响应速度、收敛性、抗干扰能力和对参数变化的敏感度等方面,对不同信号处理方法进行考核和对比,确定了3种典型应用场合下,解决关键技术问题,性能最佳的数字信号处理方法。  相似文献   

科里奥利质量流量计原理及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科氏流量计实现了真正意义上的高精度的直接质量流量测量,具有抗磨损、抗腐蚀、可测量多种介质及多个参数等诸多优点,成为目前工业控制、能源计量及节能管理中常用的新型流量仪表,现已在石油化工、制药、食品及其他工业过程中广泛应用。该文叙述了科氏流量计的工作原理、特点及选用,分析了影响其性能的环境因素,讨论了科氏流量计的零点漂移问题。  相似文献   

相比于普通的U型和Δ型科氏质量流量计,微弯型科氏质量流量计具有更高的频率和更小的相位差,测量气-液两相流时误差更大。为了揭示气液两相流测量误差的特性,针对微弯型科氏质量流量传感器输出信号的实验数据,采用数字过零检测方法提取流量序列。用概率密度分析流量序列的分布规律,再通过相关分析得到流量序列的数学模型,并验证模型的准确性。该数学模型由稳定分量和波动分量组成。稳定分量对应于气液两相流下流量实际测量的均值,其与真实值之间的偏差反映了气液两相流的测量误差;波动分量反映了瞬时流量测量的稳定性。  相似文献   

根据U形管科里奥利质量流量计的信号产生特点,提出了一种时间差推算理论.将科氏力的动态响应过程转化为静态力学状态,并创新地运用超静定结构中的变形比较法求解出U形振动管两侧在科氏力的作用下产生的时间差,清晰地建立了灵敏度与振动管关键尺寸之间的关系.首次将振动管的扭转刚度引入时间差的计算,因此,较之传统的简化算法,该方法具有更高的精度和普适性,同时,也为其他管型的科里奥利质量流量计设计提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

双管型科氏质量流量传感器输出信号中存在以倍频信号为主的非线性现象,已从数值分析角度进行溯源,本文借助ANSYS有限元分析软件构建全参数化模型,通过仿真实验进一步验证数值模型的可靠性;并通过分析耦合系统中测量管质量、定距板厚度、激励力大小对非线性振动的影响,证明测量管刚度和约束刚度对非线性的抑制有重要影响;进而采用附加质量法改善耦合系统局部刚度来抑制非线性倍频现象,结果显示改善局部刚度可以有效抑制和消除非线性现象;并且开展非线性抑制实验,结果符合仿真分析,验证了理论研究的正确性。为进一步细化非线性抑制方案、开展非线性抑制实验提供了理论支撑和技术指导,并可结合具体测量环境和测量需求,针对性的抑制或消除非线性现象,作为下一步CMF优化设计依据。  相似文献   

微弯型科氏质量流量计测量气-液两相流研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与普通U形和Δ形科氏质量流量计相比,微弯型科氏质量流量计固有频率更高、相位差更小,测量气-液两相流时误差更大。为此,设计气-液两相流实验方案,采用课题组研制的科氏质量流量变送器进行气-液两相流实验,采用BP人工神经网络对测量误差进行建模,得到误差模型,实现对气-液两相流测量误差的在线实时修正。实验结果表明,当密度降在0%~30%范围内变化时,通过在线修正,气-液两相流测量误差从原来的最大为-50%减小到-5%~3%以内,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

A piezoelectric element is provided for a Coriolis flowmeter having a flow tube adapted to vibrate at a predetermined resonance frequency to determine mass flowrate of a fluid passing there through. The driver includes a strain element, such as an elongated piezoelectric element fastened axially along the wall of the tube. The piezoelectric element is adapted to oscillate in the axial direction along the wall of the tube to generate and/or sense vibration of the tube in response to. The piezoelectric element may be utilized as a driver or, alternately, as a sensor wherein the piezoelectric element is oscillated along with oscillation of tube wall in the axial direction to generate an output signal responsive thereto. The piezoelectric material PZT is placed at different locations for actuation and sensing and for various lengths like .35 m, .45 m, .55 m, .6 m. The different locations of actuation are centre actuation, side actuation, actuation near fixture.  相似文献   

A simple analytical method is introduced to calculate the sensitivity of Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF). The definition of the sensitivity is further developed based on the reciprocity principle, through employing two approaches: selecting the moment when the displacement of drive point is zero as the calculation moment; reducing the degree of high-order static indeterminacy by taking a half of the structure due to symmetry in structure and anti-symmetry in load. With these approaches, the method can be used to calculate sensitivities for the flowmeters with any shaped tubes and anywhere detected positions; thus, provides theory basis for tube shape design and detected positions determination. Detail analytical calculations for typical Straight-Circle-joint-shaped CMFs are illustrated. The method is validated on a published U-CMF and then, is further illustrated and experimentally validated through predicting the most sensitive detected point for a narrowed-U-CMF.  相似文献   

Batch flow is a typical method for calibrating Coriolis flowmeters. It is also an important application for Coriolis flowmeters in the process industry. Batch processes of short duration or from empty have been identified as an important development for Coriolis flowmeters. The measurement of total mass by a commercially available single-straight tube Coriolis flowmeter compared with a weigh scale is presented in this paper. A theoretical understanding for short batch is also provided by numerical simulations of both deterministic and probabilistic parameters. The simulation results agree with the batch tests and may, at least partially, explain the experimental findings.  相似文献   

黏性流体和被测流体中的固相颗粒对科里奥利质量流量计(以下简称科氏质量流量计)振动管内壁均存在磨损作用,振动管的磨损状态对流量计离线标定、故障诊断和基于振动的流体黏度的测量存在一定的影响.基于固相颗粒对管道的磨损机理,讨论了影响固相颗粒对流量计振动管磨损的几种因素.提出了减小振动管磨损速度和延长流量计使用寿命的措施建议.  相似文献   

Single straight-tube Coriolis mass flowmeter   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The single straight-tube Coriolis mass flowmeter is modelled using the theory of vibrating beams, taking into account the effects of the added masses of the electromagnetic drive and detectors. Many experiments are conducted to assess the performance of an experimental flowmeter. Additionally, the influences of fluid temperature and external vibrations on the sensitivity of the flowmeter are identified.  相似文献   

An indirect measurement method based on recording the phase difference of resonance vibrations of two symmetrical halves of the flow-carrying tube is used to quantify the mass flow rate of the current fluid in Coriolis mass flowmeters (CMFs). A variant of modeling the CMF vibration system is analyzed, which allows taking into account the influence of the dissipation of oscillations of a measuring tube with fluid flowing through it on the dependence between the mass flow rate of the fluid and the phase difference recorded by the sensor. The steady-state CMF vibration mode is considered as the result of the superposition of two principal vibrations of the measuring tube. The first principal coordinate corresponds to the deformation of the measuring tube along the lowest natural mode excited by an external driving force in the resonance mode. Vibrations of the other principal coordinate correspond to deformation in a natural mode corresponding to a higher natural frequency than the frequency of the exciting force. The relationship of the amplitudes of the principal coordinates is established on the basis of the gyroscopic coupling of the principal vibrations that occurs when a fluid flows through a tube. The coefficients of gyroscopic coupling are determined as a result of 3D finite-element simulation of the steady-state vibration mode of the measuring tube with a flowing fluid. The simulation is performed for five variants of the shape of the axis of the measuring tube, taking into account the distribution of the gyroscopic forces of the flowing fluid. Quantitative estimates of the influence of dissipative forces on the flowmeter readings are obtained on the example of dissipative forces of linear viscous friction. A comparison of the CMF simulation results for different tube axis shapes demonstrates how the phase shift arising in the vibration system is affected by the dissipation level and the proximity of the natural frequencies of the flowmeter measuring tube at a fixed mass flow rate of the fluid.  相似文献   

The current status of available work regarding the pressure effect on Coriolis mass flowmeters is reviewed, which shows significant improvement in the latest generation of Coriolis flowmeters. A theoretical method using the linear damping model is proposed to understand the pressure effect. This new method applied to Coriolis flow sensors provides intuitive insight into the flow-generated signal by studying undamped natural frequencies and mode shapes. Most importantly this method can be used to model virtually any shape and configuration of flow sensors as found in the practical design. It is found that when the pressure changes it alters the superimposed contribution and the mass flow measurement can deviate from the reference condition. Experimental results from both low and high pressure flow tests are reported, which are in general agreement with the theoretical prediction. Further specific work is finally suggested which may advance our understanding and improve the Coriolis mass flow measurement technology.  相似文献   

科氏流量计相位差估计方法存在计算量较大、计算复杂、实时性和计算精度较差等问题,已不能满足复杂环境高精度流量测量领域的需求。为此,提出一种基于相关和Hilbert变换的科氏流量计相位差估计方法。首先,采用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)对传感器信号进行频率预估计,对信号是否整周期进行判断,对非整周期的信号进行数据延拓处理;然后,对任一路传感器信号进行自相关运算得到一路同频参考信号;对3路同频信号进行Hilbert变换,将3路变换后的信号与变换前信号进行相关运算,再利用三角函数公式即可求出相位差。与原有方法相比,所提方法克服了非整周期采样的影响,实时性、动态性更强,相位差估计精度更高,仿真分析与实测结果均证实了所提方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

测量管振动的稳定性、可靠性是科氏质量流量计实现精确计量的基础。针对科氏质量流量计振动幅值控制问题,设计了一种仿人智能控制方法,将科氏质量流量计测量管振动分为起振稳幅和干扰抑制两个阶段,根据幅值偏差及偏差变化率分别划分出5种和3种不同的特征状态,构建特征状态集;对于不同的特征状态,分别设计相应控制模态,构建控制模态集,同时设计启发式搜索和直觉推理规则集。控制过程中,先根据偏差及偏差变化率辨识出当前振动状态,依据推理规则集选择相应的控制模态进行振动控制。实验结果表明,所提方法可以实现科氏质量流量计快速起振,且振幅稳定,验证了方法优越性和工程实用性。  相似文献   

变传感器设定值的科氏质量流量管控制方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在科氏质量流量计中,流量管的稳幅振动是准确测量的前提。当两相流发生时,科氏质量流量管无法维持在最佳幅值下振动,导致传感器输出信号幅值波动大。针对两相流下流量管幅值控制面临的问题,分析影响流量管振动幅值大小和稳定性的因素,提出跟踪传感器信号幅值、变传感器信号设定值的控制方法,在研制的数字式科氏质量流量变送器上实时实现,并在气-液两相流实验装置上进行2种设定值方法的对比实验。实验结果表明,在不同含气量和控制及时性的情况下,变传感器设定值的控制方法均具有良好的信号跟踪和幅值控制的性能,流量管振动较平稳,传感器信号幅值波动范围小,极大地减小了两相流测量过程中的波动性。  相似文献   

科里奥利质量流量计以其直接测量质量流量的特点,成为近年来发展最为迅速的流量仪表之一,已经成为贸易结算的首选计量器具。虽然科里奥利质量流量计的测量精度很高,但是其存在零点漂移的缺陷,降低了仪表的长期稳定性。本文以典型的U型振动管传感器为例,基于振动管的幅频和相频特性,分析了传感器的各阶模态对于工作频率的响应,以此建立了传感器的初始相位模型。通过样机实验证明,该理论模型在应用于薄壁振动管时具有较高的计算精度和适用性,并将科里奥利质量流量计在低温介质测量中的测量误差降低到±0.3%以内,也为抑制科里奥利质量流量计零点漂移提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The compressibility of fluids in a Coriolis mass flowmeter can cause errors in the meter’s measurements of density and mass flow rate. These errors may be better described as errors due to the finite speed of sound in the fluid being metered, or due to the finite wavelength of sound at the operating frequency of the meter. In this paper, they are investigated theoretically and calculated to a first approximation (small degree of compressibility). The investigation is limited to straight beam-type (and does not consider shell-type) Coriolis meters. A lumped-parameter (coupled oscillator) model is used to explain the process causing the errors, and a simple 2-D continuum mechanics model is used to derive expressions for the magnitudes of the errors. Applications might be to Coriolis metering of gases, or to two-phase mixtures in the form of aerated liquids.  相似文献   

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