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In a traditional database system, the result of a query is a set of values (those values that satisfy the query). In other data servers, such as a system with queries based on image content, or many text retrieval systems, the result of a query is a sorted list. For example, in the case of a system with queries based on image content, the query might ask for objects that are a particular shade of red, and the result of the query would be a sorted list of objects in the database, sorted by how well the color of the object matches that given in the query. A multimedia system must somehow synthesize both types of queries (those whose result is a set and those whose result is a sorted list) in a consistent manner. In this paper we discuss the solution adopted by Garlic, a multimedia information system being developed at the IBM Almaden Research Center. This solution is based on “graded” (or “fuzzy”) sets. Issues of efficient query evaluation in a multimedia system are very different from those in a traditional database system. This is because the multimedia system receives answers to subqueries from various subsystems, which can be accessed only in limited ways. For the important class of queries that are conjunctions of atomic queries (where each atomic query might be evaluated by a different subsystem), the naive algorithm must retrieve a number of elements that is linear in the database size. In contrast, in this paper an algorithm is given, which has been implemented in Garlic, such that if the conjuncts are independent, then with arbitrarily high probability, the total number of elements retrieved in evaluating the query is sublinear in the database size (in the case of two conjuncts, it is of the order of the square root of the database size). It is also shown that for such queries, the algorithm is optimal. The matching upper and lower bounds are robust, in the sense that they hold under almost any reasonable rule (including the standard min rule of fuzzy logic) for evaluating the conjunction. Finally, we find a query that is provably hard, in the sense that the naive linear algorithm is essentially optimal.  相似文献   

We present a new text-to-image re-ranking approach for improving the relevancy rate in searches. In particular, we focus on the fundamental semantic gap that exists between the low-level visual features of the image and high-level textual queries by dynamically maintaining a connected hierarchy in the form of a concept database. For each textual query, we take the results from popular search engines as an initial retrieval, followed by a semantic analysis to map the textual query to higher level concepts. In order to do this, we design a two-layer scoring system which can identify the relationship between the query and the concepts automatically. We then calculate the image feature vectors and compare them with the classifier for each related concept. An image is relevant only when it is related to the query both semantically and content-wise. The second feature of this work is that we loosen the requirement for query accuracy from the user, which makes it possible to perform well on users’ queries containing less relevant information. Thirdly, the concept database can be dynamically maintained to satisfy the variations in user queries, which eliminates the need for human labor in building a sophisticated initial concept database. We designed our experiment using complex queries (based on five scenarios) to demonstrate how our retrieval results are a significant improvement over those obtained from current state-of-the-art image search engines.  相似文献   

Retrieving similar images based on its visual content is an important yet difficult problem. We propose in this paper a new method to improve the accuracy of content-based image retrieval systems. Typically, given a query image, existing retrieval methods return a ranked list based on the similarity scores between the query and individual images in the database. Our method goes further by relying on an analysis of the underlying connections among individual images in the database to improve this list. Initially, we consider each image in the database as a query and use an existing baseline method to search for its likely similar images. Then, the database is modeled as a graph where images are nodes and connections among possibly similar images are edges. Next, we introduce an algorithm to split this graph into stronger subgraphs, based on our notion of graph’s strength, so that images in each subgraph are expected to be truly similar to each other. We create for each subgraph a structure called integrated image which contains the visual features of all images in the subgraph. At query time, we compute the similarity scores not only between the query and individual database images but also between the query and the integrated images. The final similarity score of a database image is computed based on both its individual score and the score of the integrated image that it belongs to. This leads effectively to a re-ranking of the retrieved images. We evaluate our method on a common image retrieval benchmark and demonstrate a significant improvement over the traditional bag-of-words retrieval model.  相似文献   

We address efficient processing of SPARQL queries over RDF datasets. The proposed techniques, incorporated into the gStore system, handle, in a uniform and scalable manner, SPARQL queries with wildcards and aggregate operators over dynamic RDF datasets. Our approach is graph based. We store RDF data as a large graph and also represent a SPARQL query as a query graph. Thus, the query answering problem is converted into a subgraph matching problem. To achieve efficient and scalable query processing, we develop an index, together with effective pruning rules and efficient search algorithms. We propose techniques that use this infrastructure to answer aggregation queries. We also propose an effective maintenance algorithm to handle online updates over RDF repositories. Extensive experiments confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions.  相似文献   

Fuzzy query translation for relational database systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper presents a new method for fuzzy query translation based on the alpha-cuts operations of fuzzy numbers. This proposed method allows the retrieval conditions of SQL queries to be described by fuzzy terms represented by fuzzy numbers. It emphasizes friendliness and flexibility for inexperienced users. The authors have implemented a fuzzy query translator to translate user's fuzzy queries into precise queries for relational database systems. Because the proposed method allows the user to construct his fuzzy queries intuitively and to choose different retrieval threshold values for fuzzy query translation, the existing relational database systems will be more friendly and more flexible to the users.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a method of image indexing and retrieval which takes into account the relative positions of the regions within the image. Indexing is based on a segmentation of the image into fuzzy regions; we propose an algorithm which produces a fuzzy segmentation. The image retrieval is based on inexact graph matching, taking into account both the similarity between regions and the spatial relation between them. We propose, on one hand a solution to reduce the combinatorial complexity of the graph matching, and on the other hand, a measure of similarity between graphs allowing the result images ranking. A relevance feedback process based on region classifiers allows then a good generalization to a large variety of the regions. The method is adapted to partial queries, aiming for example at retrieving images containing a specific type of object. Applications may be of two types, firstly an on-line search from a partial query, with a relevance feedback aiming at interactively leading the search, and secondly an off-line learning of categories from a set of examples of the object. The name of the system is FReBIR for Fuzzy Region-Based Image Retrieval.  相似文献   

In recent years, the availability of complex data repositories (e.g., multimedia, genomic, semistructured databases) has paved the way to new potentials as to data querying. In this scenario, similarity and fuzzy techniques have proven to be successful principles for effective data retrieval. However, most proposals are domain specific and lack of a general and integrated approach to deal with generalized complex queries, i.e., queries where multiple conditions are expressed, possibly on complex as well as on traditional data. To overcome such limitations, much work has been devoted to the development of middleware systems to support query processing on multiple repositories. On a similar line, We present a formal framework to permeate complex similarity and fuzzy queries within a relational database system. As an example, we focus on multimedia data, which is represented in an integrated view with common database data. We have designed an application layer that relies on an algebraic query language, extended with MM-tailored operators, and that maps complex similarity and fuzzy queries to standard SQL statements that can be processed by a relational database system, exploiting standard facilities of modern extensible RDBMS. To show the applicability of our proposal, we implemented a prototype that provides the user with rich query capabilities, ranging from traditional database queries to complex queries gathering a mixture of Boolean, similarity, and fuzzy predicates on the data.  相似文献   

基于SQL的XML查询的有效实现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
讨论了关系数据库中利用SQL语句实现XML查询的问题,首先提出了一个利用映射信息(映射图)将带正则路径表达式的XML查询重写为一组简单路径查询的算法,该过程中的一个关键问题的Kleene表达式不能直接利用映射图重写,为此,提出了利用路径实例的统计信息来扩展Kleene表达式的算法,然后,进一步描述了将简单路径表达式查询重写为SQL查询的方法,这些算法在XML-关系系统原型VXMLR中实现,初步性能研究表明提出了方法是有效的。  相似文献   

Ying  Dengsheng  Guojun   《Pattern recognition》2008,41(8):2554-2570
Semantic-based image retrieval has attracted great interest in recent years. This paper proposes a region-based image retrieval system with high-level semantic learning. The key features of the system are: (1) it supports both query by keyword and query by region of interest. The system segments an image into different regions and extracts low-level features of each region. From these features, high-level concepts are obtained using a proposed decision tree-based learning algorithm named DT-ST. During retrieval, a set of images whose semantic concept matches the query is returned. Experiments on a standard real-world image database confirm that the proposed system significantly improves the retrieval performance, compared with a conventional content-based image retrieval system. (2) The proposed decision tree induction method DT-ST for image semantic learning is different from other decision tree induction algorithms in that it makes use of the semantic templates to discretize continuous-valued region features and avoids the difficult image feature discretization problem. Furthermore, it introduces a hybrid tree simplification method to handle the noise and tree fragmentation problems, thereby improving the classification performance of the tree. Experimental results indicate that DT-ST outperforms two well-established decision tree induction algorithms ID3 and C4.5 in image semantic learning.  相似文献   

Image retrieval based on regions of interest   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Query-by-example is the most popular query model in recent content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. A typical query image includes relevant objects (e.g., Eiffel Tower), but also irrelevant image areas (including background). The irrelevant areas limit the effectiveness of existing CBIR systems. To overcome this limitation, the system must be able to determine similarity based on relevant regions alone. We call this class of queries region-of-interest (ROI) queries and propose a technique for processing them in a sampling-based matching framework. A new similarity model is presented and an indexing technique for this new environment is proposed. Our experimental results confirm that traditional approaches, such as Local Color Histogram and Correlogram, suffer from the involvement of irrelevant regions. Our method can handle ROI queries and provide significantly better performance. We also assessed the performance of the proposed indexing technique. The results clearly show that our retrieval procedure is effective for large image data sets.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Algorithms for Allocating Data in Distributed Database Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A major cost in executing queries in a distributed database system is the data transfer cost incurred in transferring relations (fragments) accessed by a query from different sites to the site where the query is initiated. The objective of a data allocation algorithm is to determine an assignment of fragments at different sites so as to minimize the total data transfer cost incurred in executing a set of queries. This is equivalent to minimizing the average query execution time, which is of primary importance in a wide class of distributed conventional as well as multimedia database systems. The data allocation problem, however, is NP-complete, and thus requires fast heuristics to generate efficient solutions. Furthermore, the optimal allocation of database objects highly depends on the query execution strategy employed by a distributed database system, and the given query execution strategy usually assumes an allocation of the fragments. We develop a site-independent fragment dependency graph representation to model the dependencies among the fragments accessed by a query, and use it to formulate and tackle data allocation problems for distributed database systems based on query-site and move-small query execution strategies. We have designed and evaluated evolutionary algorithms for data allocation for distributed database systems.  相似文献   

空间数据库中连接运算的处理与优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
空间数据库的性能问题严重制约了它的应用与发展 .由于空间连接运算是空间数据库中最复杂、最耗时的基本操作 ,因此其处理效率在很大程度上决定了空间数据库的整体性能 .尽管目前已经有许多空间连接算法 ,但空间连接运算的代价估计和查询优化仍然有待进一步研究 .众所周知 ,大部分空间连接算法都是基于 R树索引实现的 ,如果参与空间连接运算的关系上没有索引或只有部分索引 ,那么就需要使用特殊的算法来处理 .另外 ,各种算法的代价评估模型需要一个相对统一的计算方法 ,实践证明 ,根据空间数据库的实际情况 ,使用 I/ O代价来估计算法的复杂性较为合理 .在此基础上 ,针对复杂的空间查询中可能出现多个关系参与空间连接运算的情况 ,故还需要合理地应用动态编程算法来找出代价最优的连接顺序 ,以便最终形成一个通用的算法框架 .通过对该算法框架的复杂性分析可以看出 ,在此基础上实现的空间数据库查询优化系统将具有较高的时空效率 ,并且能够处理非常复杂的空间查询  相似文献   

An information retrieval system can help users to retrieve documents relevant to the users’ queries. In recent years, some researchers used averaging operators (i.e., Infinite–One operators, Waller–Kraft operators, P-Norm operators and GMA operators) to handle “AND” and “OR” operations of users’ fuzzy queries for fuzzy information retrieval, but they still have some drawbacks, e.g., sometimes query results do not coincide with the intuition of the human being. In this paper, we present new averaging operators, called weighted power-mean averaging (WPMA) operators, based on the weighted power mean for dealing with fuzzy information retrieval to overcome the drawbacks of the existing methods. Furthermore, we also extend the proposed WPMA operators into the extended WPMA operators to handle weighted fuzzy queries for fuzzy information retrieval. The proposed WPMA operators are more flexible and more intelligent than the existing averaging operators to handle users’ fuzzy queries for fuzzy information retrieval.  相似文献   

半结构化数据库没有固定的库模式,用户对其结构难以产生清晰的认识,从而无法有效地查询所需的内容.提出了一种基于本体的柔性查询,用户通过了解数据库本体语义信息而发出的查询不必遵循严格的数据库模式也能得出结果.由于在半结构化数据库上直接查找效率很低,故在其上生成描述结构模式的概念本体库.查询模块先在本体库上评估能否得出查询结果,再在数据库上执行查询.然而由于本体库可能是图的形式,其查询代价仍然很高,本质上是NP问题,进一步研究了将图转化为树的方法,并给出了相应的算法.  相似文献   

K.  Wen-Syan  M.   《Data & Knowledge Engineering》2000,35(3):259-298
Since media-based evaluation yields similarity values, results to a multimedia database query, Q(Y1,…,Yn), is defined as an ordered list SQ of n-tuples of the form X1,…,Xn. The query Q itself is composed of a set of fuzzy and crisp predicates, constants, variables, and conjunction, disjunction, and negation operators. Since many multimedia applications require partial matches, SQ includes results which do not satisfy all predicates. Due to the ranking and partial match requirements, traditional query processing techniques do not apply to multimedia databases. In this paper, we first focus on the problem of “given a multimedia query which consists of multiple fuzzy and crisp predicates, providing the user with a meaningful final ranking”. More specifically, we study the problem of merging similarity values in queries with multiple fuzzy predicates. We describe the essential multimedia retrieval semantics, compare these with the known approaches, and propose a semantics which captures the requirements of multimedia retrieval problem. We then build on these results in answering the related problem of “given a multimedia query which consists of multiple fuzzy and crisp predicates, finding an efficient way to process the query.” We develop an algorithm to efficiently process queries with unordered fuzzy predicates (sub-queries). Although this algorithm can work with different fuzzy semantics, it benefits from the statistical properties of the semantics proposed in this paper. We also present experimental results for evaluating the proposed algorithm in terms of quality of results and search space reduction.  相似文献   

Searching for relevant images given a query term is an important task in nowadays large-scale community databases. The image ranking approach presented in this work represents an image collection as a graph that is built using a multimodal similarity measure based on visual features and user tags. We perform a random walk on this graph to find the most common images. Further we discuss several scalability issues of the proposed approach and show how in this framework queries can be answered fast. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the presented algorithm.  相似文献   

Image databases are widely exploited in a number of different contexts, ranging from history of art, through medicine, to education. Existing querying paradigms are based either on the usage of textual strings, for high-level semantic queries or on 2D visual examples for the expression of perceptual queries. Semantic queries require manual annotation of the database images. Instead, perceptual queries only require that image analysis is performed on the database images in order to extract salient perceptual features that are matched with those of the example. However, usage of 2D examples is generally inadequate as effective authoring of query images, attaining a realistic reproduction of complex scenes, needs manual editing and sketching ability. Investigation of new querying paradigms is therefore an important-yet still marginally investigated-factor for the success of content-based image retrieval. In this paper, a novel querying paradigm is presented which is based on usage of 3D interfaces exploiting navigation and editing of 3D virtual environments. Query images are obtained by taking a snapshot of the framed environment and by using the snapshot as an example to retrieve similar database images. A comparative analysis is carried out between the usage of 3D and 2D interfaces and their related query paradigms. This analysis develops on a user test on retrieval efficiency and effectiveness, as well as on an evaluation of users' satisfaction  相似文献   

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