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基于简化叶片的传热实验,研究缩尺模化对综合冷却效率的影响,得到缩尺效应随主流雷诺数和流量比的变化情况,以及毕渥数和热障涂层厚度对综合冷效缩尺效应的影响规律。采用一维传热模型,量化分析了缩尺模化对综合冷却效率的影响,并在实验中得到验证。结果表明:缩尺比例为1.5时,缩尺叶片综合冷却效率相对基准叶片增加10%,且增幅随主流雷诺数和流量比增加;基准叶片导热系数由17 W/(m·K)增加至50 W/(m·K),缩尺叶片平均综合冷却效率差异由13.71%降至0.34%;热胀涂层厚度等比例缩尺可减小缩尺效应的影响,使缩尺叶片综合冷却效率差异由13.07%降至2.98%。  相似文献   

为了研究燃气透平叶片前缘气膜冷却的传热特性,建立了叶片可视化测试试验台,对叶片前缘区域的冷却效率进行了试验研究,分析了不同吹风比、不同主流雷诺数对叶片前缘区域冷却效率的影响.结果表明:气膜孔附近的冷却效率随吹风比的增大而提高,气膜孔下游的冷却效率随吹风比的增大而降低;冷却效率最高的区域在吸力面上,最低的气膜冷却效率在压力面上产生;低吹风比时主流雷诺数对叶片冷却效率的影响较小;但在高吹风比时,主流雷诺数对叶片前缘气膜孔附近的冷却效率影响较大.  相似文献   

大型燃气涡轮叶片冷却技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,随着大型燃气轮机性能的不断提高,为进一步减少有效气体的消耗,提出了汽雾两相流冷却方案,即涡轮叶片由空气冷却逐渐转向空气和蒸汽双工质冷却,现已日益成为研究的热点.大量研究表明,汽雾冷却具有冷却快、冷效高、流阻小和结构简单等优点,将在下一代高性能燃气轮机的涡轮叶片冷却中发挥重要作用.通过对带冲击气膜结构冷却的数值模拟,平均冷却效率明显提高,且低温区明显延长.  相似文献   

航空发动机涡轮叶片冷却技术综述   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文综述了当前航空发动机涡轮叶片冷却技术的研究情况,着重介绍了气膜冷却、涡轮叶片内流冷却技术和气膜孔流量系数的研究进展,指出了内流冷却和外部气膜冷却相互影响,在冷却结构设计中应予以考虑。  相似文献   

对全气膜覆盖的涡轮导向叶片的表面进行了详细的传热实验研究,重点研究了不同质流比和不同雷诺数对当地气膜冷却效率和换热系数的影响.实验结果表明:质流比(冷气质量流量和主流质量流量的比值)的变化会显著地影响叶片表面温度场的分布,从而影响叶片表面的换热和冷却效率;在同一质流比下,雷诺数对气膜冷却效率的影响则相对较小.全气膜冷却能够有效地降低叶片的热负荷,该结果可作为在工程实际中的参考.  相似文献   

为获得涡轮导向叶片气膜冷却特性,在叶栅风洞中运用红外热成像技术进行了带前缘对吹孔涡轮导向叶片的气膜冷却特性实验。叶片前缘布置5排复合角气膜孔形成对吹孔结构,其特点是叶片高度方向的上下两部分气膜孔径向角都偏向中截面。吸力面和压力面分别布置5排和16排圆形孔。测试的叶栅入口雷诺数为1.2×105,2.4×105和3.6×105,吹风比为1.0,1.5和2.0。实验结果表明:从前缘对吹孔出流的冷气向吸力面和压力面中截面聚集,导致中截面区域气膜覆盖效果增强;吹风比为1.0时,前缘和压力面中截面换热系数低;随吹风比增加中截面换热增强,压力面和吸力面高换热区域沿流向变长;雷诺数为1.2×105时,压力面气膜覆盖呈发散状;雷诺数为2.4×105和3.6×105时,压力面气膜覆盖宽度沿流向先变窄后变宽。  相似文献   

采用气热耦合数值方法研究了冷却流量对热障涂层气冷涡轮叶片冷却性能的影响,并对结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:热障涂层叶片的综合冷却效率随冷却流量的增加而增大,但增幅则逐渐下降。在吸力面上,附加热障涂层的效果更好。基准工况下,附加热障涂层,叶片表面温度可降低72.6 K,综合冷却效率增幅最大可达6.5%。在尾缘区域,热障涂层会阻碍热量从金属叶片表面向低温的流体传递,导致叶片表面性能下降,因此,只有配合高效的内冷技术,才能达到理想的冷却效果。  相似文献   

对某型燃气轮机高压涡轮动叶进行气热耦合数值模拟,分析了该叶片的温度场情况。叶片表面最高温度为1 210 K左右,平均冷却效果为0.425。为了解决该叶片前缘温度较高且存在较大的温度梯度,以及顶部叶冠的冷却需要消耗大量冷却空气的问题,对该叶片进行了去掉顶部叶冠、增加前缘气膜的改型设计。通过对改型叶片进行数值模拟,并根据结果进行优化,最终得到一个满足设计要求的冷却结构。优化后的涡轮叶片前缘温度降到1 150 K以下,平均冷却效果达到0.45,满足设计要求。  相似文献   

以燃气轮机叶片为研究对象,设置主流风速为10 m/s,采用热膜风速仪作为测量工具,对气膜冷却叶片压力面和吸力面下游指定位置的二维速度进行了测量.结果表明:当射流比增大时,压力面和吸力面主射流掺混中心上移,在叶片型面曲率梯度较大处会出现回流现象,混合流体贴壁性变差.吸力面速度u梯度明显增加,吸力面流体贴壁性好于压力面.随着χ/d的增加,压力面一侧速度u逐渐变得不规则,在叶片曲率较大处的近壁区出现了明显的二次流,吹风比对吸力面一侧速度v的影响比对压力面一侧的影响小.  相似文献   

《ASME Journal of Turbomachinery》2010年4月号介绍了对高压涡轮叶片内部冷却通路进行设计和优化的CHT(共轭传热)方法。  相似文献   

采用三维数值模拟方法,研究了GE E3发动机第一级透平动叶叶顶间隙内的气膜流动与换热特性,评估了气膜吹风比M分别为0.5、1.0和1.5时,对叶顶换热系数以及冷却效率的影响.计算结果表明:叶顶气膜冷却空气改变了叶顶泄漏流动特性,随着吹风比的增加,叶顶间隙内的泄漏流动区域不断缩小,从而导致叶顶间隙泄漏量不断减小;随着气膜冷却吹风比的增大,叶顶平均换热系数逐步降低;在M=1时,冷却效果最佳.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates a three-dimensional simulation of film cooling on a C3X turbine blade with a single hole at a suction surface. The Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes approach with kε realizable turbulence model and enhanced wall function are used for the numerical simulation. To simulate the jet flows, the length of the jet input approximately 4.5 times the diameter of the hole is added to the geometry so that the jet outlet flow is closer to the actual condition. The density ratio of the cooling flow to the mainstream flow is assumed about 2. The numerical results in four blowing ratios of 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.4, and at the low turbulence intensity (0.02%), and high turbulence intensity (12%) are extracted and compared for the turbine blade with a single hole. The results show that the turbulence intensity has a dual effect on the film cooling effectiveness and a higher blowing ratio increases the strength of the jet against the cross-flow. Moreover, it is illustrated that the distribution of the film cooling effectiveness in higher blowing ratios and high turbulence intensity is more uniform than the low blowing ratios and low turbulence intensity.  相似文献   

涡轮冷却技术被广泛应用于航空发动机及燃气轮机涡轮研发中,冷却空气的引气量成为影响整机效率的重要因素之一。本文基于现代燃气轮机及航空发动机涡轮叶片采用外部冷却与内部冷却结合的复合冷却的技术发展背景,综述了国内外在冷却空气量对涡轮叶片冷却性能影响方面的研究进展,分析并总结了冷却空气量对气膜冷却、交错肋冷却以及对综合冷却效率的影响规律,并对未来的研究方向给出了一定的建议。分析表明:对气膜孔形状的探索是未来气膜冷却技术研究的重点;交错肋研究主要处于定性研究阶段,对定量研究方法的探索是目前的发展趋势;对综合冷却效率的研究还处于起步阶段,未来可以从外部冷却和内部冷却之间的相互作用关系方面对综合冷却效率开展进一步的研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes the numerical study on film cooling effectiveness and aerodynamic loss due to coolant and main stream mixing for a turbine guide vane. The effects of blowing ratio, mainstream Mach number, surface curvature on the cooling effectiveness and mixing loss were studied and discussed. The numerical results show that the distributions of film cooling effectiveness on the suction surface and pressure surface at the same blowing ratio (BR) are different due to local surface curvature and pressure gradient. The aerodynamic loss features for film holes on the pressure surface are also different from film holes on the suction surface.  相似文献   

王楠  吕东 《热科学与技术》2023,22(2):165-173
先进航空发动机中高耐温能力涡轮叶片通常要以增加冷却系统的流动阻力来提高冷却效果,但由此导致的二次流系统损失增大可能会引起整机性能的下降。为解决该问题,研究了先进涡轮叶片中典型层板冷却结构的内部流动损失产生机理,并针对性地提出两种(进/出气孔平行式和交叉式)低流动阻力的类蜂巢式冷却结构。基于三维数值仿真方法研究了其流动特点和损失特性,并揭示了该结构可以显著减小通道内气流转折角度、抑制旋涡产生和避免多股气流对撞的减阻强化机理。通过与典型层板结构的对比分析,初步验证了在相同的结构无量纲参数和流量下,两类蜂巢式冷却结构的总压损失分别可降低65~66%和67~69%,在高推重比航空发动机涡轮叶片冷却设计上具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Based on the variable characteristics of the actual operating conditions of the turbine shroud and the purpose of improving the cooling effect of the turbine shroud,this paper builds a test system of the impingement-film cooling shroud with two gas inlet angles(90°,167°).The effects of film cooling hole arrangement,gas inlet angle,blowing ratio(0.7,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0)and temperature ratio(1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6)on the cooling characteristics of the impingement-film cooling shroud were experimentally studied by infrared temperature measurement technology,especially the effects of gas inlet angle and temperature ratio.The results showed that the film covering effect of the film cooling hole vertical or the same direction of the high-temperature gas incoming flow is better than the film covering effect of the reverse direction with the incoming flow,and the optimal arrangement of film cooling holes can improve the cooling effectiveness of the shroud.Compared with 90°intake gas,the film coverage area on the shroud surface of the 167°intake gas is expanded,and the surface average overall cooling effectiveness is increased by 1.03%to 12.6%.The overall cooling effectiveness of turbine shroud increases with the increase of blowing ratio,which increases the flow rate and pressure of cooling gas,and the corresponding increase rate is between 1.04%and 9.96%.However,the increase in the temperature ratio increases the mainstream heating capacity,resulting in a decrease in the cooling effectiveness of the shroud,with a maximum reduction rate of 11.04%.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations were conducted to study the film cooling performance in a low speed annular cascades using Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) technique. The test blade was placed in the second stage, where 18 blades were installed with chord length of 124.3 mm and height of 99 mm. A film hole with diameter of 4 mm, angled 28° to the tangential of the pressure surface in streamwise, was set in the middle span of the blade. The Reynolds number based on the outlet mainstream velocity and the blade ...  相似文献   

As one of the most important developments in air cooling technology for hot parts of the aero-engine,film cooling technology has been widely used.Film cooling hole structure exists mainly in areas that have high temperature,uneven cooling effectiveness issues when in actual use.The first stage turbine vanes of the aero-engine consume the largest portion of cooling air,thereby the research on reducing the amount of cooling air has the greatest potential.A new stepped slot film cooling vane with a high cooling effectiveness and a high cooling uniformity was researched initially.Through numerical methods,the affecting factors of the cooling effectiveness of a vane with the stepped slot film cooling structure were researched.This paper focuses on the cooling effectiveness and the pressure loss in different blowing ratio conditions,then the most reasonable and scientific structure parameter can be obtained by analyzing the results.The results show that 1.0 mm is the optimum slot width and 10.0 is the most reasonable blowing ratio.Under this condition,the vane achieved the best cooling result and the highest cooling effectiveness,and also retained a low pressure loss.  相似文献   

In this study, three dimensional computational predictions on the film cooling performance of single row and simple cylinder on the convex surface have been studied and compared with corresponding experimental data reported in the literature to validate the model. This computational prediction serves as the baseline for future studies of optimization in determining the film cooling effectiveness. Realizable κ? turbulent model has been employed and energy equation has been solved. Grid independence study has been fulfilled using two kinds of meshing approach for the plenum and the cooling holes. Results of grid independence study showed that fine meshed plenum and cylinders of tetrahedral grids case have provide a good agreement with the related experimental data. Study of temperature ratio between the coolant and mainstream hot gas Tc/Tg has been performed using four values of temperature ratios that are 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8. In all of these tests the mainstream duct of the models was generated with multigrid hexahedral mesh. Based on the heat-mass transfer analogy, results of this study showed good agreement of the film cooling effectiveness and temperature distribution in comparison to the related experimental data. The case in which combination of both plenum and cylinders in one volume with tetrahedral fine mesh generation and temperature ratio of Tc/Tg = 0.6 was found to be in good agreement with the experimental data among all of the other models. Computational prediction results have found an agreement with the experimental data, thus the approach is verified.  相似文献   

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