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The present studies were initiated to explore the basis for the response suppression that occurs in cat superior colliculus (SC) neurons when two spatially disparate stimuli are presented simultaneously or in close temporal proximity to one another. Of specific interest was examining the possibility that suppressive regions border the receptive fields (RFs) of unimodal and multisensory SC neurons and, when activated, degrade the neuron's responses to excitatory stimuli. Both within- and cross-modality effects were examined. An example of the former is when a response to a visual stimulus within its RF is suppressed by a second visual stimulus outside the RF. An example of the latter is when the response to a visual stimulus within the visual RF is suppressed when a stimulus from a different modality (e. g., auditory) is presented outside its (i.e., auditory) RF. Suppressive regions were found bordering visual, auditory, and somatosensory RFs. Despite significant modality-specific differences in the incidence and effectiveness of these regions, they were generally quite potent regardless of the modality. In the vast majority (85%) of cases, responses to the excitatory stimulus were degraded by >/=50% by simultaneously stimulating the suppressive region. Contrary to expectations and previous speculations, the effects of activating these suppressive regions often were quite specific. Thus powerful within-modality suppression could be demonstrated in many multisensory neurons in which cross-modality suppression could not be generated. However, the converse was not true. If an extra-RF stimulus inhibited center responses to stimuli of a different modality, it also would suppress center responses to stimuli of its own modality. Thus when cross-modality suppression was demonstrated, it was always accompanied by within-modality suppression. These observations suggest that separate mechanisms underlie within- and cross-modality suppression in the SC. Because some modality-specific tectopetal structures contain neurons with suppressive regions bordering their RFs, the within-modality suppression observed in the SC simply may reflect interactions taking place at the level of one input channel. However, the presence of modality-specific suppression at the level of one input channel would have no effect on the excitation initiated via another input channel. Given the modality-specificity of tectopetal inputs, it appears that cross-modality interactions require the convergence of two or more modality-specific inputs onto the same SC neuron and that the expression of these interactions depends on the internal circuitry of the SC. This allows a cross-modality suppressive signal to be nonspecific and to degrade any and all of the neuron's excitatory inputs.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the receptive fields (RFs) of neurons in the adult sensory cortex are shaped by the recent history of sensory experience. Sensory experience was altered by a brief period of "whisker pairing": whiskers D2 and either D1 or D3 were left intact, while all other whiskers on the right side of the face were trimmed close to the fur. The animals were anesthetized 64-66 h later and the responses of single neurons in contralateral cortical barrel D2 to stimulation of whisker D2 (the center RF) and the four neighboring whiskers (D1, D3, C2, and E2; the excitatory surround RF) were measured. Data from 79 cells in four rats with whiskers paired were compared to data from 52 cells in four rats with untrimmed whiskers (control cases). During the period of whisker pairing, the RFs of cells in barrel D2 changed in three ways: (i) the response to the center RF, whisker D2, increased by 39%, (ii) the response to the paired surround RF whisker increased by 85-100%, and (iii) the response to all clipped (unpaired) surround RF whiskers decreased by 9-42%. In the control condition, the response of barrel D2 cells to the two neighboring whiskers, D1 and D3, was equal. After whisker pairing, the response to the paired neighbor of D2 was more than twice as large as the response to the cut neighbor of D2. These findings indicate that a brief change in the pattern of sensory activity can alter the configuration of cortical RFs, even in adult animals.  相似文献   

1. Cells were recorded in areas 3b and 1 of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of three monkeys during active arm movements. Successful reconstructions were made of 46 microelectrode penetrations, and 298 cells with tactile receptive fields (RFs) were located as to cytoarchitectonic area, lamina, or both. 2. Area 3b contained a greater proportion of cells with slowly adapting responses to tactile stimuli and fewer cells with deep modality inputs than did area 1. Area 3b also showed a greater level of movement-related modulation in tactile activity than area 1. Other cell properties were equally distributed in the two areas. 3. The distribution of cells with low-threshold tactile RFs that also responded to lateral stretch of the skin or to passive arm movements was skewed toward deeper laminae than for tactile cells that did not respond to those manipulations. 4. The variation of activity of tactile neurons during arm movements in different directions was weaker in the superficial laminae than in deeper cortical laminae. 5. Cells with only increases in activity during arm movements were preferentially but not exclusively located in middle and superficial layers. Cells with reciprocal responses were found mainly in laminae III and V, whereas cells with only decreases in activity were concentrated in lamina V. 6. Overall, active arm movements evoke directionally tuned tactile and "deep" activity in areas 3b and 1, in particular in the deeper cortical laminae that are the source of the descending output pathways from SI.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of studies of the neural representation of tactile spatial form in cortical area 3b of the alert monkey. We previously studied the spatial structure of 330 area 3b neuronal receptive fields (RFs) on the fingerpad with random dot patterns scanned at one velocity (40 mm/sec; ). Here, we analyze the temporal structure of 84 neuronal RFs by studying their spatial structure at three scanning velocities (20, 40, and 80 mm/sec). As in the previous study, most RFs contained a single, central, excitatory region and one or more surrounding or flanking inhibitory regions. The mean time delay between skin stimulation and its excitatory effect was 15.5 msec. Except for differences in mean rate, each neuron's response and the spatial structure of its RF were essentially unaffected by scanning velocity. This is the expected outcome when excitatory and inhibitory effects are brief and synchronous. However, that interpretation is consistent neither with the reported timing of excitation and inhibition in somatosensory cortex nor with the third study in this series, which investigates the effect of scanning direction and shows that one component of inhibition lags behind excitation. We reconcile these observations by showing that overlapping (in-field) inhibition delayed relative to excitation can produce RF spatial structure that is unaffected by changes in scanning velocity. Regardless of the mechanisms, the velocity invariance of area 3b RF structure is consistent with the velocity invariance of tactile spatial perception (e.g., roughness estimation and form recognition).  相似文献   

Extracellular unit recordings were made at various depths within SmI barrel cortex of immobilized, sedated rats, in the presence and absence of titrated amounts of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI). Principal and adjacent whiskers were moved singly, or in paired combination in a condition-test paradigm, to assess excitatory and inhibitory receptive field (RF) characteristics. Neurons were classified as regular- or fast-spike units, and divided into three laminar groups: supragranular, granular (barrel), and infragranular. BMI increased response magnitude and duration, but did not affect response latencies. The excitatory RFs of barrel units, which are the most tightly focused on the principal whisker, were the most greatly defocused by BMI; infragranular units were least affected. All three layers had approximately equal amounts of adjacent whisker-evoked, surround inhibition, but BMI counteracted this inhibition substantially in barrel units and less so in infragranular units. The effects of BMI were most consistent in the barrel; more heterogeneity was found in the non-granular layers. These lamina-dependent effects of BMI are consistent with the idea that between-whisker inhibition is generated mostly within individual layer IV barrels as a result of the rapid engagement of strong, local inhibitory circuitry, and is subsequently embedded in layer IV's output to non-layer IV neurons. The latter's surround inhibition is thus relatively resistant to antagonism by locally applied BMI. The greater heterogeneity of non-granular units in terms of RF properties and the effects of BMI is consistent with other findings demonstrating that neighboring neurons in these layers may participate in different local circuits.  相似文献   

Retinal fibers approach close to the tectal midline but do not encroach on the other side. Just before the entry of retinal axons into the superior colliculus (SC), a group of radial glia differentiates at the tectal midline; the spatiotemporal deployment of these cells points to their involvement in the unilateral containment of retinotectal axons. To test for such a barrier function of the tectal midline cells, we used two lesion paradigms for disrupting their radial processes in the neonatal hamster: (1) a heat lesion was used to destroy the superficial layers of the right SC, including the midline region, and (2) a horizontally oriented hooked wire was inserted from the lateral edge of the left SC toward the midline and was used to undercut the midline cells, leaving intact the retinorecipient layers in the right SC. In both cases, the left SC was denervated by removing its contralateral retinal input. Animals were killed 12 hr to 2 weeks later, after intraocular injections of anterograde tracers to label the axons from the remaining eye. Both lesions resulted in degeneration of the distal processes of the tectal raphe glia and in an abnormal crossing of the tectal midline by retinal axons, leading to an innervation of the opposite ("wrong") tectum. The crossover occurred only where glial cell attachments were disrupted. These results document that during normal development, the integrity of the midline septum is critical in compartmentalizing retinal axons and in retaining the laterality of the retinotectal projection.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that, in newborn kittens, superficial layers of the extrastriate cortex receive more specific patterns of corticocortical innervation from the striate cortex than deep layers. First, we injected retrogradely transported tract-tracers at a range of depths in area 18 to label area 17. All injections were of similar tangential diameter and were in the same region of rostral area 18, where the visual field 10-20 degrees below the horizontal meridian is represented. Injections that involved only the superficial layers of area 18 labelled cells mainly in the superficial layers (future layers 2-4) of area 17, across a region that was 2-3 mm wider than the diameter of the injection site in the rostrocaudal direction. Injections that involved all layers of area 18 labelled cells in both superficial and deep layers (5 and 6) of area 17, across a region that was 6-9 mm wider than the diameter of the injection site in the rostrocaudal direction. These values demonstrate that, in neonates, the convergence of projections from area 17 to the superficial layers of area 18 is less than that to the deep layers of area 18. The lower values for convergence obtained by injecting only the superficial layers of area 18 in kittens were similar to those obtained by injecting all layers of area 18 in adult cats; the values obtained by injecting all layers of area 18 in kittens were much higher. Second, we injected the full depth of area 17 in newborn kittens with labels that travel anterogradely and retrogradely. Confirming the conclusions from the use of retrograde tracers, these focal injections produced very widespread labelling of the deep layers of area 18, but much more localized and topographically organized labelling of its superficial layers. These results indicate that there is a considerable postnatal improvement in the accuracy with which corticocortical cells in striate visual cortex target appropriate regions in extrastriate cortex, in agreement with previous findings. They also demonstrate that this change occurs mainly among those striate cortical neurons that innervate a wide region of the deep layers of extrastriate cortex at birth. The innervation of the superficial layers of extrastriate cortex is much more accurate from the outset.  相似文献   

Visual responses and eye movement (EM) -related activities were studied in single units of the superior colliculus (SC) of alert cats. Spontaneous EMs were encouraged by training. Throughout the SC (i.e., in intermediate and deep layers as well as in superficial layers), units were found to respond well to visual stimuli. Strong and consistent responses could be elicited by very dim, low-contrast stationary stimuli. Visual responses varied from phasic to tonic; some units responded tonically to stationary stimuli in the center of the receptive field, and phasically to peripheral stimuli. Many cells responded more vigorously to moving than to stationary stimuli, but very few responded exclusively to stimulus movement. The vast majority of cells were directionally selective. A small number of units were sensitive to the absolute, as well as the retinal, position of visual stimuli. These cells were activated by visual stimuli which fell in the receptive field only if the cat's gaze was fixated on one half of the screen. It seems that these cells must receive information about both eye position and the retinal (receptive field) position of the stimulus. It is possible that they reflect coding of target location within a head (or body) frame of reference. EM-related units were of two types: (1) about 20% of the sample responded prior to spontaneous or visually-triggered EMs, and (2) another 10% (or more) responded with, but not before, EMs. Some cells in the second group discharge almost synchronously with EMs and, thus, cannot plausibly be said to respond to the movement of images across the retina. All cells in the first group were directionally selective. The percentage of EM-related cells in the deep layers of SC is lower in cat than in monkey. Possible reasons for such differences are discussed.  相似文献   

A model of lamina III-IV dorsal horn cell receptive fields (RFs) has been developed to visualize the spatial patterns of cells activated by light touch stimuli. Low-threshold mechanoreceptive fields (RFs) of 551 dorsal horn neurons recorded in anesthetized cats were characterized by location of RF center in cylindrical coordinates, area, length/width ratio, and orientation of long axis. Best-fitting ellipses overlapped actual RFs by 90%. Exponentially smoothed mean and variance surfaces were estimated for these five variables, on a grid of 40 points mediolaterally by 20/segment rostrocaudally in dorsal horn segments L4-S1. The variations of model RF location, area, and length/width ratio with map location were all similar to previous observations. When elliptical RFs were simulated at the locations of the original cells, the RFs of real and simulated cells overlapped by 64%. The densities of cell representations of skin points on the hindlimb were represented as pseudocolor contour plots on dorsal view maps, and segmental representations were plotted on the standard views of the leg. Overlap of modeled and real segmental representations was at the 84% level. Simulated and observed RFs had similar relations between area and length/width ratio and location on the hindlimb: r(A) = 0.52; r(L/W) = 0.56. Although the representation of simple stimuli was orderly, and there was clearly only one somatotopic map of the skin, the representation of a single point often was not a single cluster of active neurons. When two-point stimuli were simulated, there usually was no fractionation of response zones or addition of new zones. Variation of stimulus size (area of skin contacted) produced less variation of representation size (number of cells responding) than movement of stimuli from one location to another. We conclude that stimulus features are preserved poorly in their dorsal horn spatial representation and that discrimination mechanisms that depend on detection of such features in the spatial representation would be unreliable.  相似文献   

It has been shown that enhancing or reducing dopaminergic activity in the retina modifies the balance between center and surround responses of retinal neurons such as ganglion cells. We investigated how these changes are reflected in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) by studying the effects of injections of apomorphine, a mixed D1 and D2 agonist of dopamine, on the visual responses of geniculate cells. Experiments were carried out on anesthetized adult pigmented rabbits. A varnished tungsten microelectrode was used to record single-unit activity in the dLGN. The flash electroretinogram was also recorded to monitor retinal changes and to confirm the success of the injections. Apomorphine was injected intravitreally or intravenously. The results can be summarized as follows. Apomorphine decreased the amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram. For most dLGN cells, apomorphine produced a strong reduction in response amplitude evoked by sine-wave grating stimuli, presented at various spatial frequencies. Responses to flashing spots were also reduced but to a much lesser extent than those to gratings. In addition, the balance between the responses to small and large spots changed in favor of large stimuli. Consequently, after injection of apomorphine, the geniculate cells were preferentially activated by large-sized flashing stimuli. These data suggest that apomorphine can reduce the spatial contrast sensitivity of cells in the dLGN. This effect could be mediated by the reduction of the strength of lateral inhibition at the retinal level.  相似文献   

We have studied the temporal relationship between visual responses in various visual cortical areas [17, 18, postero medial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS), postero lateral lateral suprasylvian (PLLS), 21a]) and the superficial layers of the cat superior colliculus (SC). To this end, simultaneous recordings were performed in one or several visual cortical areas and the SC of anesthetized paralyzed cats, and visually evoked multiunit responses were subjected to correlation analysis. Significant correlations occurred in 117 (24%) of 489 cortex-SC pairs and were found for all cortical areas recorded. About half of the significant correlograms showed an oscillatory modulation. In these cases, oscillation frequencies covered a broad range, the majority being in the alpha- and beta-band. On average, significant center peaks in cross-correlograms had a modulation amplitude of 0.34. Our analysis revealed a considerable intertrial variability of correlation patterns with respect to both correlation strength and oscillation frequency. Furthermore, cortical areas differed in their corticotectal correlation patterns. The percentage of cells involved a corticotectal correlation, as well as the percentage of significantly modulated correlograms in such cases, was low for areas 17 and PMLS but high for areas 18 and PLLS. Analysis of the cortical layers involved in these interactions showed that consistent temporal relationships between cortical and collicular responses were not restricted to layer V. Our data demonstrate a close relationship between corticotectal interactions and intracortical or intracollicular synchronization. Trial-by-trial analysis from these sites revealed a clear covariance of corticotectal correlations with intracortical synchronization. The probability of observing corticotectal interactions increased with enhanced local cortical and collicular synchronization and, in particular, with interareal cortical correlations. Corticotectal correlation patterns resemble in many ways those described among areas of the visual cortex. However, the correlations observed are weaker than those between nearby cortical sites, exhibit usually broader peaks and for some cortical areas show consistent phase-shifts. Corticotectal correlations represent population phenomena that reflect both the local and global temporal organization of activity in the cortical and collicular network and do not arise from purely monosynaptic interactions. Our findings show that both striate and extrastriate inputs affect the superficial SC in a cooperative manner and, thus, do not support the view that responses in the superficial SC depend exclusively on input from the primary visual areas as implied by the concept of "two corticotectal systems." We conclude that the corticotectal projections convey temporal activation patterns with high reliability, thus allowing the SC evaluation of information encoded in the temporal relations between responses of spatially disseminated cortical neurons. As a consequence, information distributed across multiple cortical areas can affect the SC neurons in a coherent way.  相似文献   

We examined, in neonatal rats, the postinjury response of two different axonal systems that project to a common target area in the visual system. Transections across the rostral part of the left superior colliculus (SC) were made in 2- or 6-day-old rats (P2, P6). Lesioned animals were randomly selected into short- or long-term groups. The short-term group was used to determine the efficacy of the lesion technique; 2-6 days after transections, right (contralateral) eyes were injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Complete deafferentation of the SC was achieved in 73% of P2 (n = 22) and 53% of P6 (n = 10) short-term animals. In the long-term group (examined 2-7 months after transection), retinotectal and corticotectal projections were assessed in each animal by using [3H]proline and wheat germ agglutin-HRP, respectively. Examination of a series of sagittal sections revealed that the cut had extended across the entire SC in 63% of P2 (n = 19) and 55% of P6 (n = 12) long-term rats. Despite this, retinal and cortical axons were seen in appropriate layers in postlesion SC in all P2 lesioned animals. Cortical projections caudal to the cut were seen in all P6 rats; however, in these animals, the retinal projection was sparse and not always present. Differences in lesion geometry led to consistent differences in the pattern and extent of ingrowth of retinal and cortical axons into postlesion SC neuropil. The two axonal populations also followed different paths as they grew between prelesion and postlesion SC. It is likely that a number of factors influenced the patterns of postlesion growth, including the relative maturity of the axons and the neuropil into which they were growing. There was also, however, clear evidence of competitive interactions between retinal and cortical axons in postlesion SC that consistently led to greater than normal segregation of the two populations and hence restricted their terminal distributions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of stimulus speed upon surround antagonism in macaque MT/V5 neurons, using probe stimuli placed at different positions in the surround. Their speed was varied, while the stimulation of the excitatory receptive field (RF) was held at optimal speed. Most Surrounds proved asymmetric, arising from a single region on one side of RF, although bilaterally and circularly symmetric surrounds were occasionally observed. Surround organization was generally retained at faster or slower surround speeds. Speed-dependent changes usually entailed diminished position dependence of surround influence, consequent to reduced surround effect at the position producing maximum inhibition. The effect of a stimulus covering the entire surround was much less dependent upon motion speed. Results show that surround non-uniformity is a robust finding in MT/V5 and endows neurons with multiple mechanisms for extracting surface orientation in depth.  相似文献   

The basic functional organization of the cat primary auditory cortex is discussed as it is revealed by electrophysiological studies of the distribution of elementary receptive field (RF) parameters. RFs of cortical neurons have been shown to vary considerably from neuron to neuron; additionally, specific RF properties vary independently. Furthermore, some of the RF properties are nonhomogeneously distributed across the auditory cortex and can be interpreted as forming "maps" that represent specific stimulus information in a topographic way. Accordingly, the functional organization of the primary auditory cortex is interpreted as a series of superimposed independent parameter maps. The consequences of such a layout for the spatial and temporal coding of pure tones and speech sounds is illustrated and ramifications for the interpretation of far-field event-related potentials are discussed.  相似文献   

The reorganization of neural activity that takes place after stroke is of paramount importance in producing functional recovery. Experimental stroke models have suggested that this reorganization may have two phases, but physiology alone cannot fully resolve what causes each phase. Computer modeling suggests that these phases might involve an initial change in dynamics occurring immediately, followed by synaptic plasticity. We combined physiological recording from macaque middle temporal cortex (area MT) with a neural network computer model to examine this first phase of altered cortical function after a small, experimentally induced cortical lesion. Major receptive field (RF) changes seen in the first few days postlesion included both expansion and contraction of receptive fields. Although only expansion could be reproduced in an initial model, addition of inhibitory interneuron loss in a ring around the primary ablation, suggested by immunohistochemical examination, permitted contraction to be replicated as well. We therefore predict that this immunochemical observation reflects an immediate extension of the lesion rather than a late response. Additionally our model successfully predicted a correlation between increased firing rate and RF size. Our model suggests that activation dynamics alone, without anatomic remodeling, can cause the large receptive field changes that allow the rapid behavioral recovery seen after middle temporal lesions.  相似文献   

Rabbits and rats received horseradish peroxidase injections in the medial prefrontal cortex. and retrograde labeling was examined in the hippocampus (HC) and subicular complex (SC). Labeled cells were observed in HC and SC in the rat, but only in the SC of the rabbit. In a second experiment, separate groups of rabbits with sham, SC, or cortical control lesions were subjected to differential classical heart rate conditioning, in which 4-s, 75-db tones served as conditioned stimuli and a 3-mA paraorbital shock was the unconditioned stimulus. Although conditioned bradycardia was obtained in animals with SC lesions, it was slower to develop and was much shorter in duration than in the cortical and sham control groups. In the animals with SC lesions, the bradycardiac response was quickly replaced with tachycardia, suggesting a sympathetic bias in these animals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neuronal properties and topographic organization of the middle suprasylvian gyrus (cortical cytoarchitectonic field 7) were studied in three behaving cats with painlessly fixed heads. Two main neuronal types were found within this field. Type 1 neurons occupied the lateral part of the field and bordered representation of directionally selective neurons of the lateral suprasylvian visual area by vertical retinal meridian. Type 1 neurons had elongated and radially oriented receptive fields located in the lower part of contralateral visual field. Type 1 neurons preferred stimuli moving out or to the centre of gaze at a low or moderate speed, and many of them were depth selective. The responses were enhanced by attention, oriented to the presented stimulus. Medial part of the field 7 along the border with the area V3 was occupied by neurons with not elongated receptive fields (type 2). These neurons preferred moderate and high speeds of motion, and gratings of proper spatial frequency and orientation were effective stimuli for them. Border between representations of type 2 and type 1 neurons coincided with projection of horizontal retinal meridian. At the rostral and caudal borders of the field 7 abrupt changes of neuronal properties took place. Neurons which abutted field 7 anteriorly and posteriorly resembled hypercomplex cells and their small receptive fields were located in the central part of the visual field. Topographical considerations and receptive field properties allowed us to conclude that the medial part of the field 7 (included type 2 neurons) is functionally equivalent to the area V4 in the cortex of primates, while the lateral part (type 1 neurons) may correspond to the area V4T.  相似文献   

We have examined whether the superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) provide the source of visual signals that guide the development of the auditory space map in the deeper layers. Anatomical tracing experiments with fluorescent microspheres revealed that a retinotopic map is present in the newborn ferret SC. Aspiration of the caudal region of the superficial layers of the right SC on postnatal day 0 did not cause a reorganization of this projection. Consequently, recordings made when the animals were mature showed that visual units in the remaining superficial layers in rostral SC had receptive fields that spanned a restricted region of anterior space. Auditory units recorded beneath the remaining superficial layers were tuned to corresponding anterior locations. Both the superficial layer visual map and the deeper layer auditory map were normal in the left, unoperated SC. The majority of auditory units recorded throughout the deeper layers ventral to the superficial layer lesion were also tuned to single sound directions. In this region of the SC, however, we observed much greater scatter in the distribution of preferred sound directions and a significant increase in the proportion of units with spatially ambiguous responses. The auditory representation was degraded, although many of these units were also visually responsive. Equivalent lesions of the superficial layers made in adult ferrets did not alter the topographic order in the auditory representation, suggesting that visual activity in these layers may be involved in aligning the different sensory maps in the developing SC.  相似文献   

This study assessed pH gradient changes in relation to stratum corneum (SC) depth and possible differences between white caucasian and black African-American skin. Ten white and eight black people entered the study. SC was progressively removed by cellophane tape stripping on the volar forearm and weighed with a microbalance. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and SC pH were measured every three tape strippings. Significantly increased TEWL and decreased pH values were found with increasing SC depth in both races. Significantly increased TEWL in black people was found after three and six tape strippings (P < 0.05 and 0.03, respectively); pH was significantly decreased in black people after three tape strippings (P < 0.005). No differences were found between the races after nine, 12 and 15 strippings, i.e. in the deeper SC layers. The data confirm that pH in the superficial SC layers decreases with SC depth; only total SC removal results in increased pH values. In the superficial layers, there are significant differences in both water evaporation and skin pH, possibly explaining the contradictory literature.  相似文献   

1. The response characteristics of visual, somatosensory, and auditory neurones in the golden hamster's superior colliculus were investigated.2. As has been noted for other mammalian species, a distinct difference between the functional organizations of the superficial and deeper layers of the superior colliculus was observed.3. Neurones in the superficial layers were exclusively visual, with small receptive-fields, and generally did not show response decrements with repeated stimulation. The sizes of the receptive-fields did not vary appreciably as a function of retinal eccentricity.4. In the deeper layers, visual receptive-fields were large, or could not be accurately delimited, and response habituation was often evident. In addition, many cells in the deeper layers of the colliculus responded only to somatosensory stimuli. Far fewer cells, which appeared to be confined to the caudal portions of the colliculus, responded to auditory stimuli. Polymodal cells were also encountered.5. Selectivity to opposing directions of movement was tested for ninety-four visual cells. Using a ;null' criterion, 27.7% of these cells were judged to be directionally selective. A distribution of the preferred directions of these cells showed a significant preference for movement with an upper-nasal component. With a statistical criterion, 60.6% of these cells were considered to show a significant asymmetry in responding to movement in opposing directions.6. Directional selectivity was also tested for ninety-two cells following acute, unilateral, lesions of the visual cortex. For the eighty cells recorded, homolateral to the ablated cortex, 27.5% were judged as directionally selective using the statistical criterion, while 12.5% were selective with the ;null' criterion. Of the twelve cells isolated in the colliculus, contralateral to the lesions, seven were judged as directionally selective with the statistical, and three with the ;null' criterion.7. The effects of visual cortical lesions upon directional selectivity appeared to be confined to cells in the superficial layers of the colliculus. It was suggested that directional selectivity of many cells in the superficial layers of the tectum of the hamster is organized cortically.8. A clear spatial correspondence was observed for the receptive-fields of visual, somatosensory, and auditory neurones.9. As has been suggested for other species, the hamster's superior colliculus appears to play an important role in orienting the animal toward visual, somatosensory, and auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

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