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OBJECTIVES: (1) To examine the prevalence and extent of intramural metastasis in squamous cell carcinomas of the oesophagus so as to delineate the resection margins for these tumours; (2) to devise an appropriate method for measurement of these lesions which takes into account of the contraction of the specimens after resection. METHODS: Oesophagectomy specimens were prospectively collected from 96 patients (87 males, nine females) with primary oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma over a two year period. The sizes of the tumours were measured in situ, after resection and after application of muscle relaxant (to regain their in situ length). The specimens were then serially sectioned for histological examination. RESULTS: The sizes of the tumours measured after application of muscle relaxant roughly corresponded to those measured in situ. Intramural metastasis was observed in 26% of the cases. Sixty four per cent (16 cases) of these were on the oral side, 72% (18 cases) on the gastric side, and 25% (nine cases) on both sides of the tumours. The most distant extent of intramural metastasis from the primary tumour was from 0.5 cm to 7.7 cm (mean = 3.4 cm) on the oral side, and 0.5 to 9.5 cm (mean 4 cm) on the gastric aspect of the tumour. Intramural metastasis was seen only in patients in whom the primary cancer had deep muscle infiltration. Multiple neoplastic lesions could be detected in 33% of the patients. Both intramural metastasis and multiple neoplastic lesions were associated with extensive lymph node infiltration. However, they had different histological features and extent of infiltration. CONCLUSIONS: Intramural metastasis was frequently observed in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. This implies that excision with wide margins should be considered for local control of the disease.  相似文献   

Detailed investigation of the ultrastructure of the enterochromaffine cells of the duodenal mucous membrane was conducted by electron microscopy. These cells were studied 7, 14, 28, and 56 days after bilateral subphrenic vagotomy. Vagotomy resulted in the alteration of the ultrastructural orgainzation of the enterochromaffine cells. These changes were due to disturbances of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonine) secretion. The changes in the ultrastructure of the enterochromaffine cells were most expressed 7 and 56 days after the operation. Temporary and relative normalization of the ultrastructure was observed in 28 days.  相似文献   

The effects of xanthomegnin and O-methylxanthomegnin on the oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria were compared. The n-octanol/water partition coefficient of xanthomegnin was markedly enhanced by O-methylation, but O-methylation of xanthomegnin reduced the uncoupling effect on the respiratory system of mitochondria. Analogous results were obtained in the uncoupling action of 5-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone (juglone) and 5-methoxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone (O-methyljuglone) on the oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria. These data indicate that the phenolic hydroxyl groups of xanthomegnin might contribute to its uncoupling action on the oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) improved the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria which were uncoupled by xanthomegnin. Spectroscopic observations revealed that xanthomegnin interacted with BSA by means of hydrophobic and ionic forces but O-methylxanthomegnin showed only hydrophobic interaction. Analogous interactions between mitochondria and xanthomegnin or O-methylxanthomegnin were observed. These results indicate that the uncoupling action of xanthomegnin on the respiratory system in mitochondria might involve ionic interaction of xanthomegnin with cationic residues in the hydrophobic region of mitochondrial membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The development of structural components of the posterior hypopysis lobe of rats, the development of the neurosecretory activity of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal nervous system and the establishment of its function as a single system within the first three weeks after birth (1, 7, 14 and 21 days) as well as embryos of the 20th and 21st days of development were studied electron-microscopically. It has been established that the pituicytes of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis of newborn rats are represented by a single type of cells and are completely differentiated. On the 21st day they are in different morpho-functional states and consist of dark and light cells. By the 14th day of development a considerably increased amount of the neurosecretion is observed. By the 21st day the density of neurosecretion granules per a preparation unit does not change. The basal layer of the capillaries is formed not definitely by the birth time; on the 14th day the organization of the vessel wall is almost similar to that of mature animals. The Herring bodies make their appearance on the 21st day after birth. The hypothalamus and neurohypophysis of rats are functionally active before birth. After birth their neurosecretion activity is well pronounced while the hypothalamo-hypophyseal nervous system is not mature yet. By the time of getting sight this system is almost formed and sufficiently active.  相似文献   

Converging with psycho-social research findings, animal and human laboratory studies indicate that behavioral alternatives are important determinants of drug-taking. To investigate associations between how early adolescents spend their time, i.e. their behavioral repertoire and drug use (use of marijuana, crack/cocaine or inhalants), we analyzed data from an epidemiological sample of 1516 urban middle-school students who had completed private interviews in spring 1993. The interview included a 36-item questionnaire to assess how frequently the youth engaged in different activities; history of drug-taking was assessed separately. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate associations between drug use and each of seven behavioral domains as well as sex, age and racial-ethnic status. Youths spending a great deal of time working for pay and assuming other adult-like roles were more likely to have initiated drug use (estimated odds ratio, OR = 3.49; p = 0.002). Those who spent much time in religious activities were less likely (OR = 0.2, p <0.001). An exploratory search for interactions disclosed other associations that merit attention in future research. These results corroborate evidence on the potential etiological significance of behavioral repertoire in relation to risk of drug use.  相似文献   

Changes in the average secondary structures of three different linear DNAs over the premelting region from 5 to 60 degrees C were investigated by measuring their CD spectra and also their torsion elastic constants () by time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy. For one of these DNAs, the Haell fragment of pBR322, the apparent diffusion coefficients [Dapp(k)] at small and large scattering vectors (k) were also measured by dynamic light scattering. With increasing temperature, all three DNAs exhibited typical premelting changes in their CD spectra, and these were accompanied by 1.4- to 1.7-fold decreases in . Also for the 1876 base pair fragment, Dapp(k) at large scattering vectors, which is sensitive to the dynamic bending rigidity, decreased by 17%, even though there was no change at small scattering vectors, where Dapp(k) = D0 is the translational diffusion coefficient of the center-of-mass. These observations demonstrate conclusively that the premelting CD changes of these DNAs are associated with a significant change in average secondary structure and mechanical properties, though not in persistence length. In the presence of 0.5 M tetramethylammonium chloride (TMA-Cl) the premelting change in CD is largely suppressed, and the corresponding changes in and Dapp(k) at large scattering vectors are substantially diminished. These observations suggest that TMA-Cl, which binds preferentially to A.T-rich regions and stabilizes those regions (relative to G.C-rich regions) against melting, effectively stabilizes the prevailing low-temperature secondary structure sufficiently that the DNA is effectively trapped in that state over the temperature range observed.  相似文献   

Projection neurons of the basolateral (BL) amygdaloid complex are regulated by an intrinsic inhibitory network. To improve our understanding of this inhibitory circuit, we studied the synaptology of parvalbumin-immunopositive (PV+) elements as this calcium-binding protein is localized in a subpopulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic interneurons. Two populations of PV+ cells were identified on the basis of soma shape (ovoid, type A vs. polygonal, type B). In the lateral and BL nuclei, the majority of boutons in contact with PV+ cells formed asymmetric synapses (types 1-3; 94%), whereas a minority (type 4, 6%) established symmetric synaptic contacts and resembled GABAergic terminals. In both nuclei, type B PV+ perikarya were more densely innervated than were type A neurons. However, the pattern of synaptic innervation of type B PV+ neurons differed in the two nuclei: in the lateral nucleus, they were almost exclusively innervated by a population of small, presumed excitatory terminals (type 1), whereas the four categories of terminals contributed more equally to their innervation in the BL nucleus. PV+ boutons belonged to a single category of terminals that was enriched with GABA and formed symmetric synapses mostly with the proximal part of PV neurons. The proportion of axosomatic synapses was significantly higher in the lateral nucleus than in the BL nucleus (33% vs. 18%). The reverse was true for the contacts with proximal dendrites (33% in the lateral nucleus vs. 46% in the BL nucleus). The remaining terminals formed synapses with distal dendrites (23-28%) and spines (8-12%). These results indicate that PV+ interneurons receive massive excitatory inputs and that PV+ terminals are strategically located to exert a powerful inhibitory control of amygdala neurons.  相似文献   

Analysis of the organization of nucleotide sequences in mouse genome is carried out on total DNA at different fragment size, reannealed to intermediate value of Cot, by Ag+--Cs2SO4 density gradient centrifugation.--According to nuclease S-1 resistance and kinetic renaturation curves mouse genome appears to be made up of non-repetitive DNA (76% of total DNA), middle repetitive DNA (average repetition frequency 2X10(4) copies, 15% of total DNA), highly repetitive DNA (8% of total DNA) and fold-back DNA (renatured density 1.701 g/ml, 1% of total DNA).--Non-repetitive sequences are intercalated with short middle repetitive sequences. One third of non-repetitive sequences is longer than 4500 nucleotides, another third is long between 1800 and 4500 nucleotides, and the remainder is shorter than 1800 nucleotides.--Middle repetitive sequences are transcribed in vivo. The majority of the transcribed repeated sequences appears to be not linked to the bulk of non-repeated sequences at a DNA size of 1800 nucleotides.--The organization of mouse genome analyzed by Ag+--Cs2SO4 density gradient of reannealed DNA appears to be substantially different than that previously observed in human genome using the same technique.  相似文献   

Effect of univalent cations (Li+, K+, Na+ and Cs+) on the activity and some kinetic properties of the constitutive and the inducible glutamate dehydrogenases (GDH) of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Pringsheim 82T has been studied. All the cations used activate the inducible GDH and produced no such effect on the constitutive GDH. From the analysis of the kinetic behaviour in the presence of K+ the conclusion was made that K+ promotes and stabilyzes a catalitically advantagenous conformation of the inducible GDH. This phenomenon appears to have a physiological meaning, because of a higher K+ concentration in Chlorella cells (about 0.1 M) and its important role in metabolism.  相似文献   

Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Long-range power-law correlations have been reported recently for DNA sequences containing noncoding regions. We address the question of whether such correlations may be a trivial consequence of the known mosaic structure ("patchiness") of DNA. We analyze two classes of controls consisting of patchy nucleotide sequences generated by different algorithms--one without and one with long-range power-law correlations. Although both types of sequences are highly heterogenous, they are quantitatively distinguishable by an alternative fluctuation analysis method that differentiates local patchiness from long-range correlations. Application of this analysis to selected DNA sequences demonstrates that patchiness is not sufficient to account for long-range correlation properties.  相似文献   

We describe a practical method for the analysis of multiple analytes in a single sample. The vehicle for each separate measurement consists of a set of microspheres identifiable by characteristic fluorophores embedded in the particles. The use of robust, bench-top flow cytometers (flow microfluorimeters) for the analysis of the multiple sets of microspheres is facilitated by hardware and software, which acquire the data from the cytometer, classify the microspheres according to sets, and collate measurement information from each microsphere set in real time. This measurement system can analyze up to 64 analytes in a single sample. The advantages of multiplexed assays using flow cytometry include robust measurements, because each microsphere set is measured repeatedly. The advantage of the assay's is consistent with simultaneous measurement of many parameters as well as the speed with which the flow microfluorimeter (cytometer) makes measurements (many hundreds per second). Here, we describe the properties of the microspheres, the calibration of the cytometer, and the influence of the properties of the microspheres on the sensitivity of measurements.  相似文献   

Injury to the hippocamp disturbs learning processes and short-term memory in 20-, 50- and 110-day rats. In 50-day rats, hippocampectomy results in lesser changes in learning and memory than in 20- and 110-day animals. Anatomo-physiological characteristics of the hippocamp in 20-day rats presumably indicate a particular importance of this structure at early stages of ontogenesis, when the brain cortex is not yet sufficiently mature and its connections with other structures are not completely formed. Non-linear dependence of learning disturbance in rats of varying age after hippocampectomy suggests that in rat hippocampal function undergoes changes during individual development of animals.  相似文献   

We previously reported that liposomes composed of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and fatty acid exhibited pH-dependent leakage, aggregation and fusion (N. Hazemoto, M. Harada, N. Komatubara, M. Haga and Y. Kato, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 38, 748 (1990)). In this study, we have examined the effects of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and cholesterol (Chol) on the pH-sensitivity of liposomes. Contents-leakage from liposomes was always accompanied by a change in light-scattering, suggesting that aggregation or fusion of liposomes causes the leakage. The pH-sensitivity was observed only when liposomes contained less than 32 mol% of PC. The leakage vs. pH curves shifted to the more acidic regions as the PC content of the liposomes increased, but the maximum leakage (%) did not change. The effect of cholesterol on the pH-sensitivity depended on the PC/PE ratio of the liposomes. Addition of cholesterol to PC/PE/oleic acid (OA) liposomes system induced two effects, that is, aggregation of liposomes via the reduction in PC content and the stabilization of the liposomal membrane. It was shown that pH-sensitivity can be controlled by addition of the appropriate amount of PC and/or Chol to liposomal lipids.  相似文献   

Spontaneous formation of giant unilamellar liposomes in a gentle hydration process, as well as the adhesion energy between liposomal membranes, has been found to be dependent on the concentration of divalent alkali cations, Ca2+ or Mg2+, in the medium. With electrically neutral phosphatidylcholine (PC), Ca2+ or Mg2+ at 1-30 mM greatly promoted liposome formation compared to low yields in nonelectrolyte or potassium chloride solutions. When negatively charged phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was mixed at 10%, the yield was high in nonelectrolytes but liposomes did not form at 3-10 mM CaCl2. In the adhesion test with micropipette manipulation, liposomal membranes adhered to each other only in a certain range of CaCl2 concentrations, which agreed with the range where liposome did not form. The adhesion range shifted to higher Ca2+ concentrations as the amount of PG was increased. These results indicate that the divalent cations bind to and add positive charges to the lipids, and that membranes are separated and stabilized in the form of unilamellar liposomes when net charges on the membranes produce large enough electrostatic repulsion. Under the assumption that the maximum of adhesion energy within an adhesive range corresponds to exact charge neutralization by added Ca2+, association constants of PC and PG for Ca2+ were estimated at 7.3 M(-1) and 86 M(-1), respectively, in good agreement with literature values.  相似文献   

Carbothermic reduction of zinc sulfide in the presence of calcium carbonate was investigated by employing an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a carbon and sulfur determinator, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), an energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), and a surface area analyzer. Experimental results revealed that calcium carbonate was completely decomposed to CaO in the initial stage and CaO was then involved in the carbothermic reduction of zinc sulfide to scavenge sulfur content as CaS remained in the solid. Only carbothermic reduction of zinc sulfide occurred after the initial stage. Most β-ZnS transformed to α-ZnS in the initial stage. Sintering became severe after long reaction time or at high reaction temperature. The surface area of a sample decreased drastically in the initial stage and then increased with the reaction time; the pore volume of the solid sample was also reduced more quickly initially and then kept constant; the average pore diameter, however, reduced slightly in the initial stage and then leveled off. The effect of temperature on the changes of pore surface area, pore volume, and average pore diameter was found to be similar to that of time, except in the initial stage. A reaction mechanism and a reaction model were proposed to interpret the overall reaction.  相似文献   


The vapour pressures over the reactants olivine - calcium-carbide and olivine - silicon - calcium oxide have been measured over the temperature ranges 1115 to 1190°C and 1045 to 1165°C, respectively. The equilibrium reactions do not involve olivine since this material readily decomposes in the presence of CaC2 or CaO. In the calcium carbide reduction, the reaction mechanism depends on the ratio of olivine to calcium carbide in the charge. In the silicon reduction, the equilibrium-pressures are essentially the same as those for the corresponding reduction of dolomite. The possible role of an intermediate calcium-silicon alloy in the latter case is discussed.


Les auteurs ont mesuré les tensions de vapeur au-dessus des réactifs olivine - carbure de calcium et olivine - silicium - oxyde de calcium à des intervalles de température de 1115 à 1190°C et de 1045 a 1165°C respectivement. Les réactions de'équilibre n'impliquent pas l'olivine car ce composé se décompose en présence du CaC2 ou du CaO. Dans le cas de la réduction du carbure de calcium, les mécanismes de réaction dépendent de la proportion d'olivine et du carbure de calcium dans la charge. Pour la réduction du silicium, les pressions à l'equilibre sont essentiellement les mêmes que celles pour la réaction équivalente avec la dolomite. Le rôle possible d'un composé intermédiaire calcium - silicium dans le dernier cas est discuté.  相似文献   

Kinetic measurements have been made on the hydrogen reduction of solid cobalt sulfide in the presence of calcium oxide. The cobalt metal yield was compared with that of the direct reduction reaction over the temperature range 600 to 800°C at various hydrogen flow rates, and calcium oxde to cobalt sulfide mixing ratios. It was found that the presence of calcium oxide caused a sharp increase in the reaction rate—for example a 15 fold increase in conversion was achieved at 700°C after 24 min of reaction. Low hydrogen flow rates were found to be desirable, and an optimum mixing ratio of 3.0 established.  相似文献   

Studies of DNA complexes with cationic liposomes are prompted by the search for nonviral DNA carriers for gene therapy. Recent experiments have identified a stable multilamellar phase in which ordered smectic layers of DNA alternate with cationic bilayers. In this paper we identify the forces governing DNA adsorption on cationic lamellae, including a membrane-induced attraction between the adsorbed DNA. Calculating the DNA interhelical spacing as a function of system composition, the model successfully explains recent surprising observations.  相似文献   

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