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韩胜国 《河南化工》2020,37(5):49-51
在石油化工工程建设领域,三维工厂设计软件在设计阶段已逐渐应用成熟并得以推广,PDMS等工厂设计软件在现场管道专业施工中也发挥越来越重要的作用。在石油化工静置设备制造与安装项目及金属结构建造项目实施过程中,使用Sketch Up软件(草图大师)进行三维建模及三维动画制作,可以“虚拟”完成项目的全部施工工序,完美展示设备及结构的建成状态、细部构造、施工重难点及成品模拟漫游等诸多功能,直观易懂的三维图(动画)展示模式在项目实施各阶段均可大大提高识图效率,降低项目成本。本文通过三维建模软件的比选、Sketch Up软件操作、工程应用、工程实例等介绍了Sketch Up软件在石化装置安装工程中的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用计算机辅助系统对AutoCAD2010软件进行二次开发,结合盒素库技术和参数化设计,完成管式折叠塑料包装的设计工作,其开发周期短、开发过程简单易行。将塑料包装分为盒盖、盒体和盒底三个模块分别进行设计,能达到提高设计效率,减少设计人员工作量的目的。Auto CAD2010软件对系统硬件要求较低,占用的系统资源较少。同时对该程序设计进行模拟仿真实验,从实验结果可知,Auto CAD2010软件二次开发可以满足管式折叠塑料包装的设计要求。  相似文献   

房地产工程管理不同于大型的政府投资项目。房地产的工程管理是房地产公司的产品实现的重要环节,如同制造行业的产品加工。涵盖产品的设计,制造过程。在这个过程中,设计是针对市场的,工程建设安装是按照设计进行组织生产,这样就完成了产品制造的整个过程。  相似文献   

针对玩具小模数塑料齿轮在工作过程中经常会出现轮齿折断的问题,提出了一种对该种塑料齿轮几何尺寸进行精确设计的新方法(在该方法中考虑到了模塑齿轮收缩率对齿轮型腔参数设计的影响)。同时利用ANSYS Workbench软件对两种分别由传统设计方法和新方法设计得到的齿轮进行了对比,验证了新方法的可行性,从而为玩具小模数塑料齿轮参数化设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   

介绍了计算机辅助设计(CAD)/计算机辅助工程(CAE)一体化技术在塑料制品制造、汽车轻量化设计、光学透镜的制造等领域的应用。使用CAD/CAE一体化技术可以对塑料容器进行受载分析及成型模拟,优化塑料容器的注塑工艺参数;在汽车轻量化过程中,提供使用高分子复合材料为替代的前端框架以降低车身质量的解决方案;在光学透镜的制造中,可以测算充填过程中产生的剪切力并对成型产品进行质量评估,调整参数优化工艺,提升成型产品的光学质量。总之,在实际生产前,通过计算机应用软件对塑料构件的结构进行精确设计和性能分析,可以减少塑料构件的整体生产成本。  相似文献   

米其林沈阳轮胎有限公司向桂林橡胶工业设计研究院新技术开发公司订购的φ150销钉机筒冷喂料挤出机生产线已于1997年11月底顺利完成设备安装、调试,并交付使用,获得业主好评。该项目是该院“质量年”活动中被列为设备开发“质量工作示范”的试点项目,受到院领导及有关部门的高度重视。项目运行的每一个过程均按照《程序文件》规定要求认真进行。从1997年4月份开始,经过项目组全体人员的共同努力,于6月底完成了全部图纸设计,并进行了设计方案评审,得到业主的确认。在设备制造中,严格按照《开发设备制造过程质量监控程序》进行,于去…  相似文献   

基于UG平台的塑料异型材挤出模标准件库的建立   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对塑料异型材挤出模中存在大量标准件这一特点,以UG软件为开发平台,利用VC++6 0面向对象的编程技术,在UG/OpenAPI开发平台上,创建参数化图库、设计用户界面、实现参数化尺寸驱动,总结了系统的主要功能和特点,建立了三维塑料异型材挤出模的标准件库。  相似文献   

针对电池盒盖装配过程中塑料卡扣出现折断、寿命不足的问题,运用Pro/E和Ansys Workbench软件对塑料卡扣进行结构仿真设计与可靠性分析,探寻了塑料卡扣结构中的可靠性敏感尺寸参数;通过Response Surface响应面分析读取组合参数来分析各参数对塑料件可靠性的影响程度。塑料卡扣的结构有限元分析(FEM)表明,结构优化及材质选取与提高塑料件卡扣可靠性设计有着密切关系。  相似文献   

模压成型工艺是先进复合材料构件的常用成型方法之一,其产品尺寸精度高、重复性好、表面光洁、无需二次加工等特点,使其广泛应用于非标复合材料构件的生产当中;自顶向下参数化建模是一种符合产品开发流程、适用于新产品开发的设计方法,该方法保存了完整的设计过程,建立参数与模型间的对应关系,可以完成产品或结构整体布局的调整与修改,且每次修改都会自动反馈到相关底层零部件中,从而实现整体设计方案的快速迭代。本文以某复合材料构件为例,基于CAXA系统采用自顶向下参数化建模设计了该构件的模压成型模具,对缩短产品设计周期及提高生产效率具有工程意义。  相似文献   

预制装配式叠合板上预留洞面临各专业结合度差、预埋效率低、尺寸及位置偏差大等问题,本公司结合项目施工从设计、施工等方面进行分析,采用了基于BIM预制叠合板预留洞磁盒定位安装施工技术,解决了叠合板中预留洞的诸多难题,对类似工程的施工具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在分析国内废旧塑料回收现状以及传统塑料回收工艺的基础上,遵循机械设计原理,设计出热风循环熔融废旧塑料回收造粒机,将废旧塑料经热风加热熔融后,再由单螺杆将熔融塑料挤出造粒。其中重点介绍了热风循环熔融塑料系统以及螺杆的几何参数设计。遵循结构设计方案,制造出热风循环熔融塑料回收造粒机的物理样机,并用该样机进行塑料回收试验,试验验证了热风熔融塑料回收的可行性和研究价值,同时针对试验过程中发现的问题提出了一系列解决方法,为后续的改进和进一步研究工作提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

本文利用美国ACT 公司开发的C- MOLD 软件,对蓄电池盒射出成型进行模拟,用以解决该塑件充模不平衡,拔模困难等缺陷。该塑件属单模穴,多点浇口模具,制件有五个隔板、薄壁、深腔,且壁厚是变化的。利用C- MOLD 软件对其进行充模分析,确定出最佳的浇口位置、数目及尺寸,并为用户提供最佳的工艺方案。  相似文献   

基于Pro/E旋转桶热流道注塑模设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖小峰  宋琪  薛琼 《塑料》2012,41(1):101-104
热流道模具非常适合成型薄壁大型塑件,针对洗衣机旋转桶塑件,利用CAE软件进行充型模拟,确定最佳进胶点数量与位置,按照理论模型进行流道尺寸计算。基于Pro/E的模具设计模块,进行三维热流道浇注系统设计,进行动、定模模仁的拼接、镶件设计,利用EMX提供的标准件完成模具全三维装配设计。通过参数化建模技术,实现产品设计、模具设计和模具制造3个环节的并行开发。模具投产后,塑件尺寸、形位符合要求.  相似文献   

以间歇精馏法提纯甲基苯基二乙氧基硅烷合成液,采用化工模拟软件Aspen Plus 7.0建立了工艺流程模型. 结果表明,在常压下先预分离回收氯苯和甲基三乙氧基硅烷,在5 kPa、回流比R=3条件下提纯甲基苯基二乙氧基硅烷,产品纯度为99.67%,单程收率为70.56%,证明了间歇精馏分离甲基苯基二乙氧基硅烷工艺的可行性. 模拟结果与实验结果相对误差小于8%,为甲基苯基二乙氧基硅烷提纯工艺的工业放大提供了必要的基础数据.  相似文献   

The synthesis of powders with controlled shape and narrow particle size distributions is still a major challenge for many industries. A continuous Segmented Flow Tubular Reactor (SFTR) has been developed to overcome homogeneity and scale‐up problems encountered when using batch reactors. Supersaturation is created by mixing the co‐reactants in a micromixer inducing precipitation; the suspension is then segmented into identical micro‐volumes by a non‐miscible fluid and sent through a tube. These micro‐volumes are more homogeneous when compared to large batch reactors leading to narrower size distributions, better particle morphology, polymorph selectivity and stoichiometry. All these features have been demonstrated on single tube SFTR for different chemical systems. To increase productivity for commercial application the SFTR is being “scaled‐out” by multiplying the number of tubes running in parallel instead of scaling‐up by increasing their size. The versatility of the multi‐tube unit will allow changes in type of precipitate with a minimum of new investment as new chemistry can be researched, developed and optimised in a single tube SFTR and then transferred to the multi‐tube unit for powder production.  相似文献   

李锦伟  唐跃 《中国塑料》2015,29(1):104-107
通过对挤出理论与能量热平衡的分析,提出了以塑料挤出机单耗为节能指标的计算公式,以直径65 mm单螺杆塑料挤出机为研究对象,并借助Origin数据分析软件,分别讨论了挤出机单耗与螺杆几何参数和加工工艺参数之间的关系。结果表明,各影响因素对单耗值的曲线关系中均存在最佳值,使高产率下挤出机单耗值最小。  相似文献   

Non-linear population balance models (PBMs), which have been recently introduced due to the limitations of the classical linear time-invariant (LTINV) model, account for multi-particle interactions and thus are capable of predicting many types of complex non-first order breakage kinetics during size reduction operations. No attempt has been made in the literature to estimate the non-linear model parameters by fitting the model to experimental data and to discriminate various models based on statistical analysis. In this study, a fully numerical back-calculation method was developed in the Matlab environment to determine the model parameters of the non-linear PBM. Not only does the back-calculation method identify the parameters of complicated non-linear PBMs, but also it gives the goodness of fit and certainty of the parameters. The performance of the back-calculation method was first assessed on computer-generated batch milling data with and without random error. The back-calculation method was then applied to experimental batch milling data exhibiting non-first order effects using both the LTINV model and two separate non-linear models. The back-calculation method was able to correctly determine the model parameters of relatively small sets of batch milling data with random errors. Applied to experimental batch milling data, the back-calculation method with a two-parameter non-linear model yielded parameters with reasonable certainty and accurately predicted the slowing-down phenomenon during dry batch milling. This study encourages experimenters to use advanced non-linear population balance models along with the back-calculation method toward estimating the breakage rate and distribution parameters from dense batch milling data sets.  相似文献   

针对洗衣机双缸薄壁大型塑料件,利用Pro/Plastic Advisor进行充型模拟,确定最佳进胶点数量与位置,按照理论模型进行了流道尺寸计算.基于Pro/E软件,进行三维热流道浇注系统设计,根据塑料件分型与模具加工工艺的要求,进行动、定模模腔的拼接、镶件设计,利用EMX提供的标准件完成模具全三维装配设计.通过Pro/...  相似文献   

Crystallisation is an industrially important unit operation for purifying and separating chemical mixtures. A generic crystallisation modelling framework has been implemented in the general process modelling system (gPROMS) software (of PSE, UK). This framework can be used to model the batch cooling crystallisation of ferrous sulphate heptahydrate (FSH). The parameter estimation and sensitivity of the predicted results with various numerical parameters was studied for batch crystalliser. An Excel “front‐end” to the gPROMS model was developed to facilitate the interactive use of the model. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

In this work, experimental data of different batches was used for estimation of the kinetic parameters for the secondary nucleation framework of Gahn and Mersmann [Gahn, C. and Mersmann, A., 1999. Brittle fracture in crystallization processes. Chem. Eng. Sci. 54, 1273–1292].An empirical experiment design procedure was used to design an informative batch experiment through optimization of the seed quality, size and mass and process conditions at seeding. The parameters estimated using the data of the designed experiment showed smaller magnitudes of the confidence ellipsoids and standard deviations as compared to those obtained by using the data of conventional (un)seeded batch experiments. It was shown that the designed experiment allowed reducing uncertainty in the initial conditions, namely, the mass and crystal size distribution of the initial population of crystals and the initial supersaturation.It was also demonstrated that the main reason for the model/process mismatch was the origin of nuclei. Dynamic experimental data could be described better if the state of the crystals forming the crystallization system corresponded to the assumptions of the used kinetic model. Differences in the crystal surface properties, shape, and strain content could be responsible for a divergent nucleation and growth behavior in batches that were initiated either by primary nucleation, seeding with small ground seeds or seeding with coarse crystals from the product of the previous batch.  相似文献   

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