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抗震结构变形能力可靠度的时程分析方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用可靠指标β来度量抗震结构可靠度.取结构失效准则为:地震作用下结构层间位移响应超越结构层间位移能力限值.将时程分析方法与JC方法结合,建立了计算抗震结构变形能力可靠指标β的时程分析方法.  相似文献   

丁光莹  李杰 《工程力学》1999,3(A03):510-516
本文研究了复杂钢筋混土框架结构的抗可靠度分析问题。利用反应谱分析思想,建议了一类简化抗震可靠度分析方法。通过对一九层复钢筋混凝土框架结构的分析,计算给出了结构在不同地震烈度下的失效概率。  相似文献   

庄一舟  谢狄敏 《工程力学》1999,3(A03):920-925
本文在理论分析的基础上探讨了多层砌体房屋抗震度的计算方法,并结合底框架多层组合 砌体墙的试验资料,作了实例分析。  相似文献   

张新培  曹策慧 《工程力学》1996,(A02):413-417
本文将Wilson~θ法与JC方法相结合,建立了“小震”作用下索网结构各单元承载能力可靠指标与索系正常使用可靠指标的计算方法,本文方法考虑了索网结构的几何非线性特性以及静载的影响,利用本文方法可求出索网结构在“小震”过程中任意时刻单元承载能力可靠指标与索系正常使用可靠指标,本文方法尚可推广和于分析“大震”作用下考虑索系材料非线性时索网结构的可靠度。  相似文献   

我国抗震设计规范的抗震设计方法并不是真正意义上的概率极限状态设计,结构可靠度的应用也没有体现出结构的体系可靠度设计水平,因此该文提出了基于变形可靠度验算的二阶段抗震设计方法.该方法采用结构可靠度的数值模拟方法,通过验算小震作用下结构构件承载能力极限状态下的抗震可靠度,验算结构小震作用下正常使用极限状态下和大震作用下侧向...  相似文献   

基于三维弹塑性随机有限元的结构体系可靠度计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘宁 《工程力学》1995,(A01):443-448
本文在给出基于增量理论的三维弹塑性随机有限元法的基础上,以“条件可靠指标”作为判断依据,利用逐步等效线性化模型,给出了三维弹塑性结构最大可能失效模式的寻求方法和体系可靠度的计算方法,并提出了设计验算点表征法和随机变量表征法表征失效单元的初始塑性状态。  相似文献   

小震作用下抗震结构时程可靠度计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张新培  陈颖 《工程力学》2003,20(1):153-156
采用杆系-层模型,将计算结构静力可靠度的改进虚拟变量法与常规有限元法及时程分析法相结合,建立了小震作用下结构时程可靠度分析方法.本文方法可考虑地震作用及结构参数的随机性以及地震作用与静载的共同影响,可确定小震全过程任一时刻结构各单元承载能力及结构侧向变形能力可靠指标)β(t).采用本文方法及Monte Carlo算法分析了一榀受小震作用的三层框架的时程可靠度.结果表明了本文方法的合理性与有效性.  相似文献   

混凝土多孔砖砌体房屋抗震可靠度分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨伟军  林立  杨春侠 《工程力学》2007,24(10):100-104,99
通过对混凝土多孔砖砌体房屋结构的抗震可靠性研究,提出了基于概率地震烈度所对应的地面运动加速度峰值分布的可靠度计算公式和采用将各烈度地震对应的峰值加速度概率进行离散化处理的方法,基于作者早期的混凝土多孔砖墙片试验的结果推导出该结构水平最大位移和累积能量耗损的双参数破坏准则,分析了混凝土多孔砖砌体房屋结构在不同地震设防区的抗震安全性能及其影响因素。  相似文献   

李正农  孟吉复 《工程力学》1998,(A03):310-313
本文对提出一种渡槽结构和抗震可靠度分析方法,该方法以挠度为控制参数,并且应用该方法对南水北调工程河北段的某渡槽进行了抗震可靠度分析,得出了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

吴强  艾军  陈少林  董欣 《振动与冲击》2007,26(11):95-98
罕遇地震作用下,板柱节点主要有弯曲破坏和冲切破坏两种破坏形态,而板柱节点发生冲切破坏后,板传递弯矩的能力迅速降低。模拟板柱节点冲切破坏的滞回曲线,在IDARC程序的基础上增加了考虑冲切破坏的恢复力模型,从而采用了弹塑性时程分析方法对板柱-剪力墙结构进行抗震性能分析。对比分析了板柱-剪力墙结构顶层有梁和顶层无梁两种情况下抗震性能的差异,前者相对于后者而言,并没有显示出很大的优势。  相似文献   

正常使用极限状态对应于结构或结构构件达到正常使用或耐久性的某项规定极限值,控制结构的外观。本文分别从最大裂缝宽度和挠度两方面分析了钢筋混凝土桥梁构件正常使用极限状态的可靠度,正常使用极限状态下桥梁可靠度的分布范围。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional elasto-plastic finite-element study is made of a double edgecracked plate subjected to boundary loading comparable to the yield load of the material. The development and spread of the plastic zone ahead of the crack tips was examined for different magnitudes of the boundary load. The spread was then compared with existing models, and was used for the determination of modified stress-intensity factors. As a result of subsequent unloading, the cracked surfaces are subjected to a nonuniform residual stress profile normal to the plane of potential crack growth in the uncracked part of the body. The corresponding residual stress-intensity factors were then calculated and superimposed upon an applied stress intensity. The resulting effective stress-intensity factors and their influence on fatigue, together with the limitations of the current approach and relative advantages and disadvantages for use in engineering design, are discussed.  相似文献   

地震可靠度是桥梁抗震研究中的重要问题。基于随机分析的响应面理论和规范反应谱法,提出了一种分析具有随机结构参数的桥梁地震可靠度的方法,研究了复式钢箱提篮拱桥在地震激励下,结构设计基准期内的可靠度。分析时考虑了结构参数和场地土的随机性,分别计算了钢箱提篮拱桥主、副拱肋在多遇地震、设防地震和罕遇地震作用下的失效概率,得到了主、副拱肋在设计基准期内,按规范“三水准设防标准”条件下的地震可靠度。计算结果表明,该桥设计满足抗震规范要求。  相似文献   

无失效数据情形可靠性参数的置信限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩明 《工程数学学报》2004,21(2):245-248,148
推广了陈家鼎等的结果,对指数分布无失效数据情形,给出了可靠性参数的经典置信限和Bayes置信限,最后,结合实际问题进行了计算。  相似文献   

The stochastic fatigue crack growth model (termed the Tsurui-Ishikawa model) based upon the Markov approximation method introducing the notion of death point has been proposed, and a great deal of its practical usefulness in the reliability assessment of structures has been demonstrated for those cases where the fatigue crack propagation process plays a crucial role toward their failure. By performing the reliability analysis, based upon the model, in consideration of uncertainties of both initial crack length and their number, the effect of such uncertainties has been clarified on the reliability degradation of a structural component. This result is of much interest from a practical viewpoint because it gives a guideline to determine the safe life (design life or inspection interval) to assure the prescribed level of reliability for random loadings with a variety of correlation times. Further, studies have been made on which parameter is the most significant according to the problem through parameter sensitivity study. With the aid of the proposed model, reliability assurance or reliability-based design can be performed properly against fatigue failure of structures subjected to random loading.  相似文献   

Herein, the compressive strength and reliability of a prime cubic (PC) lattice structure are studied. The PC lattice structure is treated as a 3D consecutive k-out-of-n(F) system to study the compressive strength and the reliability of lattice structures. To do this, a reliability analysis model for compressive strength is proposed to predict the strength and dispersion of the whole structure based on the strength and dispersion of PC unit cells. Compressive strength tests on four kinds of PC lattice structures printed by selective laser melting (SLM) process have been accomplished and analyzed. The main failure modes of PC lattice structures have been analyzed afterward to simplify the strength model. Specifically, the unit cell compressive strength of lattice structures can be calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and can use this to calculate the compressive strength of the whole lattice structure. The predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which shows the rationality of the model. The results indicate that as the diameter of the strut increases, the strength dispersion of the lattice structure also increases. This model offers an approach for studying the reliability of lattice structures.  相似文献   

Abstract: During usual data gathering, the statistical analysis efficiency strongly depends on the noise level superimposed on the signal. It has been found that some well known statistical tests, commonly utilised in data acquisition in order to detect the presence of drift, can fail under some conditions. Thus, a statistical procedure for the predictive reliability estimation of the utilised statistical method could be useful in the design of experimental analysis. This paper reports the results of a simulation study carried out to evaluate the performance in drift detection of non-parametric tests such as the Wald-Wolfowitz run test, in comparison with the Mann-Whitney, reverse arrangement test. In order to detect the sensitivity of the tests to evaluate a monotonous drift, a simulation program was developed. In the program a Gaussian raw data sequence with a linear pattern of variable slope and with variable variance was simulated and given as the input to the tests. The capability to detect the presence of drift as a function of angular coefficient and variance of the noise superimposed on the signal was verified. The obtained data were synthesised in graphs so that the experimentalist could determine preliminarily the effectiveness of each of the considered statistical methods in terms of percentage of success in detecting the presence of drift phenomena as a function of drift relevance and the noise amplitude. Finally, the graphs permitted the elucidation of the causes of contradictory failing results observed in long term experimental analysis.  相似文献   

基于多项式模型的半球谐振陀螺温度漂移建模   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在半球谐振陀螺工作过程中,环境温度的变化是不可避免的.温度的变化影响陀螺的结构和谐振频率,导致陀螺产生漂移,为了提高半球谐振陀螺的精度,根据温度漂移和温度变化的相关性,本文利用回归理论对温度漂移数据进行分析,建立了半球谐振陀螺温度偏置漂移的多项式数学模型,实验表明,多项式模型能够有效的补偿半球谐振陀螺的温度偏置漂移.  相似文献   

外套增层协同减震在旧房增层改造中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了使用耗能元件对既有建筑物进行加固与改造的外套增层方法 ,这种外套增层方法能使新旧结构共同工作而构成协同减震结构 ,它能有效地增强外套结构底层柱的稳定性及抗侧能力 ;同时能有效地降低主结构在地震作用下的动力响应 ,减震效果明显。是增层与抗震加固的有效结合 ,为旧房的增层改造提出了一种新的结构设计方法。  相似文献   

针对基于确定性激励的被动控制装置参数设计不具有普遍性的问题,提出了粘滞阻尼被动控制结构在一般非平稳随机地震动作用下抗震可靠度分析的局部平稳法。首先基于非平稳随机过程的局部平稳小波模型,提出了适用于临界阻尼比较大的粘滞阻尼被动控制结构的非平稳地震动输入-多自由度(受控)结构位移响应输出的功率谱关系。其次,根据超越过程的Markov过程假定及各阶响应谱矩,得到了受控结构层间位移的动力可靠度。数值分析结果表明:粘滞阻尼器在不同层间的配置,对受控结构的层间动力可靠度有显著影响。最后,以一个6层剪切型多自由度结构为例,对比了Monte Carlo模拟估计与本文所提方法计算的结构动力可靠度,验证了该方法的可靠性与高效性。  相似文献   

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